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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think you may have missed my point. What I'm saying is that I believe (and I'm just putting 2 and 2 together - it may make 7 !) that the vast majority of West Coast (and some East Coast) sports journos pretty much knew what was going on at Ibrox but their desire to stay in the loop ensured that no-one broke the omerta. Think about it, someone like Chick Faeces might join Richard Gordon for lunch in the BBC canteen and they chat about this and that......you get the picture.

I didn't miss your point. I'm saying that I doubt anyone knew, because I doubt anyone looked, and even if anyone had looked I don't think they'd have understood.

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That would require the approval of the FA, the SFA, the league they'd be joining (I haven't a clue where Banstead play btw), of UEFA, and of FIFA. It'd also set a precedent, for say Benfica moving into the Spanish system, and hence chaos. It'd also see them spending years and years just to get to League 2.

I perceive certain flaws, therefore.

I'd never heard of Banstead Athletic until Wednesday night, and I've lived in Banstead for three years!

They play in the Premier Division of the Combined Counties League, which is level NINE of English football. That should make relegation to SFL3 a more attractive proposition for the ****.

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This is why The RTC Blogger should get the Nobel Prize for Service to Humanity. :rolleyes: He / she has succeeded in bringing down an organisation that The Vatican, the SFA and the Scottish Govt. couldn't touch.

(Ooh, rambling now.........)

How did the RTC logger bring Rangers down?

Rangers would be in exactly the same position today regardless of whether this blogger had begun his blog or not!

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Billy Dodds must have given a big sigh of relief knowing the football season is over and he wont have to explain his EBT live on air

Fantastic stuff in the Record today as someone collars Marvin Andrews - a decent geezer, in my view, and the one player I'd expect to put his hands up on the tax issue - and asks him about the EBT debacle.


Notice - Marvin (BBC EBT figure - £316,025) denies everything, but only talks about tax paid on his "wages". His "wages" are separate from his EBT of course, and either nobody asked him about it or his answer was so incoherent that it wasn't worth printing. To be fair to him, they jumped him at one of these Show Racism The Red Card things, so maybe they didn't want to beat him up too badly.

My favourite quote - "I can’t deny or hide the fact that I played for the club during the time in question but I got my salary like everybody else and I paid my taxes as normal".

I wonder whether he would like to deny or hide the fact that he played for Rangers. He does have to answer to a higher power, after all, and I don't mean Neil the Cockwomble...

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<br />Billy Dodds must have given a big sigh of relief knowing the football season is over and he wont have to explain his EBT live on air<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Ah, but, Sportsound is on at 2pm on Saturday. I guess he won't be there...... (sore throat?)

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Fantastic stuff in the Record today as someone collars Marvin Andrews - a decent geezer, in my view, and the one player I'd expect to put his hands up on the tax issue - and asks him about the EBT debacle.


Notice - Marvin (BBC EBT figure - £316,025) denies everything, but only talks about tax paid on his "wages". His "wages" are separate from his EBT of course, and either nobody asked him about it or his answer was so incoherent that it wasn't worth printing. To be fair to him, they jumped him at one of these Show Racism The Red Card things, so maybe they didn't want to beat him up too badly.

My favourite quote - "I can't deny or hide the fact that I played for the club during the time in question but I got my salary like everybody else and I paid my taxes as normal".

I wonder whether he would like to deny or hide the fact that he played for Rangers. He does have to answer to a higher power, after all, and I don't mean Neil the Cockwomble...

i wonder what his wage slip said ?

weekly, ni / tax (arf)

aapearance fee .... etc

it may not allude to the EBT on wage slip and quite possibly the blame lies more at an agents door than the players for not explaining the payment structure to the player ? wonder if mckay is heavily involved? seems to pop up in the big cases

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quote name='flyingrodent' timestamp='1337979352' post='6272500']

Fantastic stuff in the Record today as someone collars Marvin Andrews - a decent geezer, in my view, and the one player I'd expect to put his hands up on the tax issue - and asks him about the EBT debacle.


Notice - Marvin (BBC EBT figure - £316,025) denies everything, but only talks about tax paid on his "wages". His "wages" are separate from his EBT of course, and either nobody asked him about it or his answer was so incoherent that it wasn't worth printing. To be fair to him, they jumped him at one of these Show Racism The Red Card things, so maybe they didn't want to beat him up too badly.

My favourite quote - "I can’t deny or hide the fact that I played for the club during the time in question but I got my salary like everybody else and I paid my taxes as normal".

I wonder whether he would like to deny or hide the fact that he played for Rangers. He does have to answer to a higher power, after all, and I don't mean Neil the Cockwomble...

I did wonder about Marvs comments as he's a stand up guy. Given the number of financial improprieties Rangers are already guilty of I wondered if its possible that some of the recipients of EBT's didn't know they were recipients of EBT's - and it was used as a mechanism to syphon monies out of the club and onto er....a mystery benefactor,

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I think you may have missed my point. What I'm saying is that I believe (and I'm just putting 2 and 2 together - it may make 7 !) that the vast majority of West Coast (and some East Coast) sports journos pretty much knew what was going on at Ibrox but their desire to stay in the loop ensured that no-one broke the omerta. Think about it, someone like Chick Faeces might join Richard Gordon for lunch in the BBC canteen and they chat about this and that......you get the picture.

This is why The RTC Blogger should get the Nobel Prize for Service to Humanity. :rolleyes: He / she has succeeded in bringing down an organisation that The Vatican, the SFA and the Scottish Govt. couldn't touch.

(Ooh, rambling now.........)

I think you are reading it right. However to be fair, few of them are bright enough to add the 2 + 2. We have all heard them floundering when terms like CVA, administration, liquidation came along. They had no comprehension whatsoever, but ok they have caught up a bit since February.

Even if they knew about the EBTs they would have been ok about it all as it wouldn't mean much to them. Yes people talk in canteens and pubs. And yes nuggets are exchanged.

But to sniff out dodgy dealings in a business you don't have to see the books. You can smell it in a company. Murray's management style would have been a first warning. And if you are overpaying key staff to do their job this is a standard method used by dodgy business owners to control those staff and ensure they will carry out whatever dodgy transactions are needed. This applied to Rangers from the SFA tribunal evidence but would be interesting to know what the salaries were of those who setup and administered the EBTs at Murray Holdings.

I had no direct involvement with the journos mentioned, but I did know from others there was a smell around Rangers and this was going back about 5 years. But there are other senior clubs in Scotland who should be looking closely at their governance and methods. Some extremely iffy.

But worst of all the SFA knew. Or at least key individuals employed there.

Even if Gordon Smith in his time at the SFA had been formally told what was happening at Rangers, what would have done? We all know the answer to that. But the SFA I think have played this well. The only current nigger in their woodpile is the continuing presence of £95K Ogilvie

Edited by thelegendthatis
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I did wonder about Marvs comments as he's a stand up guy. Given the number of financial improprieties Rangers are already guilty of I wondered if its possible that some of the recipients of EBT's didn't know they were recipients of EBT's - and it was used as a mechanism to syphon monies out of the club and onto er....a mystery benefactor,

I really doubt that many of the players realised how dodgy the EBT situation was. I barely pay attention to my payslips, and I'm 34 and far older than most of these guys were, and think about yourself at that age - if someone offered you £200,000, would you say no?

Now, the agents - they're seasoned professionals, and cynical professionals at that. They should've known something smelt fishy. Look at the BBC list...


I'm no tax expert, but I'm guessing that every player who has a "Yes" under "Side letter seen by BBC?" had a shit-hot agent who knew his stuff, and all the ones that didn't had crappy agents who didn't question it, because they didn't know how to tie their own shoelaces.

Like I say, I'm no expert. It just seems likely that's how it was.

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Interesting development with Darlington today. The club couldnt agree a cva and all assets were moved to a 'newco', the football league werent happy that they looked to be avoiding their debts and had them dropped four divisions. Admittedly Darlington were serial administrators but still.....

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