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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Having listened to 3 hours of Sportsound,

I feel it's time this thread got serious. Plenty post which are.

I do enjoy the fun but wonder if I am a bit twisted.

It's not just Rangers, it is Scottish football that is at stake.

The time is now.

I hope my chairman is squirming over his comments on Tuesday, but I do think the media hijack him a bit.

It is now time for every club to declare their stance, it's more than season ticket sales.

Bottom line for me, is if the game in Scotland is so rotten, just let it die as did Woolworths, that great institution who couldn't find their arse when the time came.

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Goram: "Other clubs in worse position than Rangers in SPL for their size...." Aye, because the rest of the SPL are in administration, verge of liquidation, outstanding tax and dual-contracts.

Vintage Old Firm style Whataboutery from Goram. He probably posts on Rangers Media, just sounds thick and oh-so-arrogant.

"Put us to division 3 and watch them squeal" -- he'd probably love other clubs to go bust as a result, all the while telling everyone else we need to be nice to Rangers. He's a cock.

As for Chick, his claim that he has a "feeling" there's much more to come out.... he's probably been reading that comment on RTC overnight. So when it does come out in 1 month he'll say "I did say back at the end of May there might be much more to come out". Very good Chick. How about you go work as a circus clown after you lose your job, you Old-Firm-loving tit.

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Just came in an caught this bit from Goram, who was he quoting when he said - " Aye gawn put us in the 3rd and watch the rest of the SPL squeal".??

That was himself. He said that when all this started, he was so bitter that he thought "f**k you well then, send us doon to the third etc etc".

Absolute slavering c**t of a man.

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With all this crap about how the rest of the SPL needs the cash from games against Rangers to survive, why don't we get our teams to organise a pre-season tournament?

Something to give each team a minimum of one home game each - we could call it the Integrity cup or (or the cockwomble trophy). It would get a good enough attendence to make up for the 'loss' from having to play say Dundee instead of Rangers over the season (one decent sized additional game really). That way, the impact would be minimal and we could have a quick tournament - played over the course of a week or something pre-season that shows both the fans commitment to upholding values of integrity and put chic and all his doom mongering mates down.

say 16 teams enter for a home and away game, and at the end, the four teams with the highest goals scored go through for semis and a final - or anything else - frankly the format doesn't matter, but if we all committed to attend an extra pres-season game or two it would surely give some element of resolve to the wavering chairmen and accountants out there?

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I've got a strong feeling that the support they had from Chairmen has vanished after they decided to throw the dummy out the pram and took the SFA to court. Risking the bread and butter of the whole of Scottish football is one step too far. Mushroom Cloud on its way.

The tide is turning and Im pretty sure there's more and more evidence going to come out over the next week.

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And he is a dyed in the wool arab biggrin.gif

Well I think he does well to overcome that disadvantage...he's the guy that should getting the airtime/money that Traynor, Young and all that tainted mob get.

I actually felt sorry for Young, he should listen back to this afternoon and announce his retirement

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Celtic, deep down, do want Rangers in the SPL. Neil Doncaster wants Rangers in the SPL, the media knobjockeys want Rangers in the SPL, God knows, the other SPL chairmen want Rangers in the SPL badly.... that's fine, we can accept that. The problem of course is that events have transcended what any of those people want. The Rangers that they want in the SPL is no more. Any veneer of respectability, dignity, integrity, that Rangers the 'institution' may have had, has been burned back so much that the scabs and weeping sores of a deeply corrupt and distasteful organisation have been revealed for all to see. Even the media knobjockeys are slowly realising that Rangers (as they knew it) are dying in front of their eyes, and they simply cannot sweep all of this under the carpet and pretend it didn't happen.

From my own POV - at the start, I never wanted to actually see Rangers die. I'd have been happy enough if they'd found a Rangers-minded benefactor who took them on, paid their debts, took it on the chin and they tried to bounce back. I never, ever wished a 'Third Lanark' on them.... that is, until.... (not in chronological order!)

1. Haudit & Daudit so blatantly ripped the pish with ZERO compulsory redundancies at an organisation bleeding cash.

2. When Ally McCoist made his 'who are these people' speech - when he knew fine well who they were, and that his club had signed up to an 'anonymous panel' scheme.

3. When threats were made to the 'outed' panel.

4. When Sandy Jardine opened his mouth and the hordes marched on Hampden.

5. When Rangers appealed the original SFA sanctions.

6. When Rangers took court action.

7. When they attempted to sign Daniel Cousin.

8. When their fighting fund had so many fcuking typo' errors on their roll-up bannerstand. Cnuts giving graphic designers a bad name.

9. When Sandy Jardine announced that Rangers, and their supporters, wouldn't forget those clubs who were seen to be against them.

There's a ton more, but there's no need to go through all of the stuff that has happened since Feb 14 which has made me change my mind, and makes me want to see the fcukers nuked.

Tick tock.

All of the above, I was just enjoying the larffs at their pain.

Now I want them dead, I don't want a Clone Ranger anywhere near Scottish football.

If, as Chic The p***k states, they have so many fans they could set up their own league, all the glory hunting masses in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh etc can have their own version of the clan, playing each other week in week out with the thousands all turning out.

They could call it it the Rangers Only Football League :D

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With all this crap about how the rest of the SPL needs the cash from games against Rangers to survive, why don't we get our teams to organise a pre-season tournament?

Something to give each team a minimum of one home game each - we could call it the Integrity cup or (or the cockwomble trophy). It would get a good enough attendence to make up for the 'loss' from having to play say Dundee instead of Rangers over the season (one decent sized additional game really). That way, the impact would be minimal and we could have a quick tournament - played over the course of a week or something pre-season that shows both the fans commitment to upholding values of integrity and put chic and all his doom mongering mates down.

say 16 teams enter for a home and away game, and at the end, the four teams with the highest goals scored go through for semis and a final - or anything else - frankly the format doesn't matter, but if we all committed to attend an extra pres-season game or two it would surely give some element of resolve to the wavering chairmen and accountants out there?

Good idea, the PL Championship is tainted for the past 25 years.

That's why the SCLC 2012 win was pure and immensely joyful.

It was pure diddy success.

Edited by DuntoiRab
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I've got a strong feeling that the support they had from Chairmen has vanished after they decided to throw the dummy out the pram and took the SFA to court. Risking the bread and butter of the whole of Scottish football is one step too far. Mushroom Cloud on its way.

The tide is turning and Im pretty sure there's more and more evidence going to come out over the next week.

I agree. Yesterday was the watershed moment. Any feeling that something could probably be sorted out has gone. The tone of the Beeb this afternoon tells you what is happening in reality.

Time's up, Buns.

I will not mourn you.

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"I did say back at the end of May there might be much more to come out".

I'm pretty sure he knows of other wrong doing at Ibrox, wish he'd grow some balls and maybe behave like the journalist name he calls himself

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Having listened to 3 hours of Sportsound,

I feel it's time this thread got serious. Plenty post which are.

I do enjoy the fun but wonder if I am a bit twisted.

It's not just Rangers, it is Scottish football that is at stake.

The time is now.

I hope my chairman is squirming over his comments on Tuesday, but I do think the media hijack him a bit.

It is now time for every club to declare their stance, it's more than season ticket sales.

Bottom line for me, is if the game in Scotland is so rotten, just let it die as did Woolworths, that great institution who couldn't find their arse when the time came.

Chic Young said many times that "Rangers fans are a majority of Scottish football fans" and by association, if you kill Rangers you will kill Scottish football 'cos those same fans "won't turn up to see St. Mirren or Clydebank".

I (and hopefully the fans of every other Scottish senior club) disagree.

*edited for pishy spelling

Edited by Hipster Dufus
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After chicks comments about the numbers of Rangers fans in Scotland (I doubt its 40% of all the football fans) does make it clear that the other 40 non old firm clubs need to go on the PR attack against both sides of the old firm.

The bigots who follow both sides give lots of ammunition, every time they sing about the IRA, the pope etc, commit domestic abuse and in general act as the scum in society this needs to be highlighted so that parents are ashamed to allow their children to be associated with either of these organisations. The BBC etc will still continue to put out the we need the old firm statement but in time they will head off to some European set up and we need to be ready for this.

That along with working in the local community should allow the other teams to grow their supports and rid this country of the cancer that is the old firm.

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I have to say, although i was disappointed they weren't flushed down the toilet earlier in the process, I am thoroughly enjoying this death by a thousand cuts they seems to be suffering now.

Watching (and listening) to wankers like Chick Young, Jim Traynor, Andy Goram and a host of other ex ***s and/or bigot apologists slowly transform from smug "we're too big to die" to the current and highly amusing series of tear-stained tantrums as they watch their club slowly die, is nothing short of magnificent.

The continual line of "The SPL will die without Rangers" is becoming puppy-kickingly annoying however. It's a bit like that episode of the Simpsons where most of the town is brainwashed by a religious cult. The fact that fat buffoons feature heavily in both is entirely coincidental. Scottish football will be absolutely fine without these c***s. Chick Young tells us that 40% of scottish football fans will be lost to the game. Surely however, if Rangers aren't in existence to lose football matches, then less wives will be given shoeings.

Society wins.

Goodbye, you c***s.

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Celtic, deep down, do want Rangers in the SPL. Neil Doncaster wants Rangers in the SPL, the media knobjockeys want Rangers in the SPL, God knows, the other SPL chairmen want Rangers in the SPL badly.... that's fine, we can accept that. The problem of course is that events have transcended what any of those people want. The Rangers that they want in the SPL is no more. Any veneer of respectability, dignity, integrity, that Rangers the 'institution' may have had, has been burned back so much that the scabs and weeping sores of a deeply corrupt and distasteful organisation have been revealed for all to see. Even the media knobjockeys are slowly realising that Rangers (as they knew it) are dying in front of their eyes, and they simply cannot sweep all of this under the carpet and pretend it didn't happen.

From my own POV - at the start, I never wanted to actually see Rangers die. I'd have been happy enough if they'd found a Rangers-minded benefactor who took them on, paid their debts, took it on the chin and they tried to bounce back. I never, ever wished a 'Third Lanark' on them.... that is, until.... (not in chronological order!)

1. Haudit & Daudit so blatantly ripped the pish with ZERO compulsory redundancies at an organisation bleeding cash.

2. When Ally McCoist made his 'who are these people' speech - when he knew fine well who they were, and that his club had signed up to an 'anonymous panel' scheme.

3. When threats were made to the 'outed' panel.

4. When Sandy Jardine opened his mouth and the hordes marched on Hampden.

5. When Rangers appealed the original SFA sanctions.

6. When Rangers took court action.

7. When they attempted to sign Daniel Cousin.

8. When their fighting fund had so many fcuking typo' errors on their roll-up bannerstand. Cnuts giving graphic designers a bad name.

9. When Sandy Jardine announced that Rangers, and their supporters, wouldn't forget those clubs who were seen to be against them.

There's a ton more, but there's no need to go through all of the stuff that has happened since Feb 14 which has made me change my mind, and makes me want to see the fcukers nuked.

Tick tock.

Good post , but I strongly disagree about one of your points . That one about not wanting them to die .

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Chic Young said many times that "Rangers fans are a majority of Scottish football fans" and by association, if you kill Rangers you will kill Scottish football 'cos those same fans "won't turn up to see St. Mirren or Clydebank".

I (and hopefully the fans of every other Scottish senior club) disagree.

*edited for pishy spelling

I think it has been established, it is certainly true for Killie, our home gate drops for the OF.

We had nearly 8000 for Motherwell after the final, best crowd of the season, ( I do not include the OF), but thanks for the new pitch Smellic!

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Chic Young said many times that "Rangers fans are a majority of Scottish football fans" and by association, if you kill Rangers you will kill Scottish football 'cos those same fans "won't turn up to see St. Mirren or Clydebank".

I (and hopefully the fans of every other Scottish senior club) disagree.

*edited for pishy spelling

I think to be fair 40% wouldnt be that off an assesment for percentafe of populace who are into football who lean to rangers. id say probably for celtic likewise.

I also think though once rangers go bust then the market for new loyalties to be created will become far more open and therefore there will for the first time since the 80s be something to play for all the other teams in existence.

for me the final nail in the coffin for attending football was the henry mcleish report which was all about further accentuating all that is wrong in scottish football. Ive maybe been to 2 or 3 games in the last two seasons or so.

In the event of rangers going proper bust then i would seriously consider attending regularly again because there would be some point to football again.. Im sure lots of people who no longer go to the football feel similiar and are watching this unfolding of events as much as i am.

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After chicks comments about the numbers of Rangers fans in Scotland (I doubt its 40% of all the football fans) does make it clear that the other 40 non old firm clubs need to go on the PR attack against both sides of the old firm.

The bigots who follow both sides give lots of ammunition, every time they sing about the IRA, the pope etc, commit domestic abuse and in general act as the scum in society this needs to be highlighted so that parents are ashamed to allow their children to be associated with either of these organisations. The BBC etc will still continue to put out the we need the old firm statement but in time they will head off to some European set up and we need to be ready for this.

That along with working in the local community should allow the other teams to grow their supports and rid this country of the cancer that is the old firm.

Fuxache. Every time some damning piece of evidence emerges to demonstrate that Rangers are a criminal enterprise of fraud and theft, some joker starts arsing on endlessly about how Celtic have to go.

We may have many walloper fans and suck up whacking great chunks of TV money. We might be smug and belligerent and paranoid, but last time I looked it wasn't Celtic who were trying to suicide bomb the entire Scottish game to cinders and ash after cheating and doping the league for a decade.

Sense of proportion, eh?

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I think to be fair 40% wouldnt be that off an assesment for percentafe of populace who are into football who lean to rangers. id say probably for celtic likewise.

The 40% is meaningless drivel; there isn't a club in Scotland outside of the OF who reach anywhere near their potential simply because of the OF - fans don't turn out for The Rest because no one is interested in the chase for 3rd. Find a way to change that and you might see 17,000 - 18,000 at Pittodrie, Tynecastle, Easter Road or 10,000 - 12,000 at Tannadice, Fir Park, Rugby Park for the odd game not involving the OF (and not involving the local rival).

The single reason that we don't see these grounds full(ish) now and again is solely because there are never the Big Games to bring out the occasional, lapsed or glory hunting fans and that is due entirely to the OF hegemony.

Edited by EdTheDuck
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