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If and its a big if Rangers were to die I think we could see a new type of Celtic fan emerge. The bigots would disappear into the background...

I'd love to think this would happen, but I think they'll just start on Hearts instead. These fuds are a minority in the support, but Being Fuds is all they're about, unfortunately.

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Sucking up? You are mistaken, sir. I, for one, hope your next jobby's a hedgehog.

A lot of daydreaming going on here, isn't there.

I'd love it if someone ran a book on this - twenty quid on Celtic to be just fine, please.

You're probably right, but you wouldn't grudge an old man his dreams would you?

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So Rangers are going to die.

I'd just like to point out that Thistle have an "under 16s go free to league matches" policy in operation. Here's hoping we manage to save a few young souls in the Glasgow area from a lifetime of needless hatred and bigotry yet (provided they or their parents aren't too post-19852-0-34487300-1338044313_thumb.g of course)

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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The 40% is meaningless drivel; there isn't a club in Scotland outside of the OF who reach anywhere near their potential simply because of the OF - fans don't turn out for The Rest because no one is interested in the chase for 3rd. Find a way to change that and you might see 17,000 - 18,000 at Pittodrie, Tynecastle, Easter Road or 10,000 - 12,000 at Tannadice, Fir Park, Rugby Park for the odd game not involving the OF (and not involving the local rival).

The single reason that we don't see these grounds full(ish) now and again is solely because there are never the Big Games to bring out the occasional, lapsed or glory hunting fans and that is due entirely to the OF hegemony.

Well said. Here's a way to assess how many fans you have: ask yourself what your average crowd would be if you finished, say, 4th in the league, and admission was fixed at £20. What would Rangers have? 30,000 at a push? Now do the same for all the other teams in Scotland as a whole -- the whole of senior football, and juniors too. Rangers would have nearer 15% I think and I'm not joking.

The problem is the media report so much on the Old Firm because they are winning all the time, and so the non-OF clubs don't feature in the media much, and therefore the non-OF fans don't bother with the radio phone-ins, and so the thick, sycophantic element amongst the media - of which Chick is chief offender - start to genuinely believe there is no life beyond the Old Firm, and so the viscous cycle continues.

It staggers me that Chick is allowed to fabricate stats like this out of thin air and no one on air challenges him. He lives in the west of Scotland for a start, he has a skewed view of football fans. I sometimes wish there was a websites with various myth-busting articles on it that we can point Chick et al to when they spout such utter shameless garbage. If Chick said in 1985 that 40% of the population were Rangers fans you'd laugh in his face. He's a dangerous, lying idiot.

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The 40% is meaningless drivel; there isn't a club in Scotland outside of the OF who reach anywhere near their potential simply because of the OF - fans don't turn out for The Rest because no one is interested in the chase for 3rd. Find a way to change that and you might see 17,000 - 18,000 at Pittodrie, Tynecastle, Easter Road or 10,000 - 12,000 at Tannadice, Fir Park, Rugby Park for the odd game not involving the OF (and not involving the local rival).

The single reason that we don't see these grounds full(ish) now and again is solely because there are never the Big Games to bring out the occasional, lapsed or glory hunting fans and that is due entirely to the OF hegemony.

But these teams tend to get big cup games fairly regularly and to be fair they do get the numbers for those occasions.

The way i think it could go is like this - in the vein of for every 5 pounds celtic had to spend, rangers spent 10... probably during that period the nearest to celtic were paying £1.50. Yet despite the disparity between rangers of celtic of 2:1 celtic got a fair distrubution of titles and what not, but the only thing that caused them to spend that level of 5 was in order to keep pegged to rangers. With rangers gone, that context of arms race driving up the wages of scottish football will disapate and celtic will not need to spend taht much to be just that wee bit better than the rest... Also, given the fact that the rivarly will cease to be, celtic crowds will dwindle, probably still dwarfiing the rest mind you.

Nevertheless, this gives the other clubs opportunity to compete with celtic, they only need to win one or two trophies here and there, and/or get into european football which doesn't require even finishing first.

another factor leading to more competativness could be that there is chance for the diddy clubs to change the balance of power in the football setup and could maybe from that push for a greater share of teh resources of whatever comes up in terms of tv money.

who knows though, but interesting times ahead.. :)

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I've not heard any of this, but it seems Chick Young is having a breakdown going by posts on here.

I haven't been following much since the Documentary and H&D saying they will sue the BBC. What has changed in the last few days that's got everyone on here on the verge of total ecstasy? Are things about to get worse? I know the contracts are back up to normal levels on 1st June, so whats happening with that? Where do we stand with the whole appealing the appeal thing? And where has Charles Green gone in all of this.

Sorry for so many questions, I've fallen behind a bit. Gonna sit out in the sun and toast the demise of the currants. :D

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Just out of interest, what issues would face any Rangers newco from joining the senior leagues in Scotland be it SPL or SFL? Are there any deadlines that they would be required to meet? How would they manage the transfer of assets such as Ibrox over to Rangers newco from the old company? Sadly, I can't help but have the feeling that in some way the SPL chairmen will let them slip back in, or that they'll scam their way out in some form. Such is the nature of Rangers.

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It is a disgrace that scum such as Goram asre given air time by the BBC.

I take it that if there was a piece from him speaking as pro Rangers there was also a piece from an anti Rangers supporter given that the BBC are the self proclaimed global leader in balanced reporting?

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Well said. Here's a way to assess how many fans you have: ask yourself what your average crowd would be if you finished, say, 4th in the league, and admission was fixed at £20. What would Rangers have? 30,000 at a push? Now do the same for all the other teams in Scotland as a whole -- the whole of senior football, and juniors too. Rangers would have nearer 15% I think and I'm not joking.

The problem is the media report so much on the Old Firm because they are winning all the time, and so the non-OF clubs don't feature in the media much, and therefore the non-OF fans don't bother with the radio phone-ins, and so the thick, sycophantic element amongst the media - of which Chick is chief offender - start to genuinely believe there is no life beyond the Old Firm, and so the viscous cycle continues.

It staggers me that Chick is allowed to fabricate stats like this out of thin air and no one on air challenges him. He lives in the west of Scotland for a start, he has a skewed view of football fans. I sometimes wish there was a websites with various myth-busting articles on it that we can point Chick et al to when they spout such utter shameless garbage. If Chick said in 1985 that 40% of the population were Rangers fans you'd laugh in his face. He's a dangerous, lying idiot.

it all depends on how you define fan. if it is in terms of someone who goes to the football match then that argument makes sense. if its in terms of a more loose sense of someone who claims affinity to support a club, watches them on the tv, buys their merchandise etc, then i think one could probably justify that 40% ish figure easier....

what is interseting though if one goes by that definition is that celtic and rangers market has been penetrated a helluva lot over the years by the priemiership teams bara etc. the biggest drop in celtics income cited in last annual report was their merchandising sales - a huge proporition of their overall income. now imagine how much more that is goign to dwindle in teh context of your avergage punter no longer having teh rangers 'other' to define themselves by? especially in the context of havign high wages tied to long contracts :)

Edited by makepeace
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No, we're trying to address the bad image that RANGERS have. By helping kill them off.

But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies

Edited by No8.
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It is a disgrace that scum such as Goram asre given air time by the BBC.

I take it that if there was a piece from him speaking as pro Rangers there was also a piece from an anti Rangers supporter given that the BBC are the self proclaimed global leader in balanced reporting?

Yes...His name is Richard Gordon :rolleyes:

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Has there been any rumblings from the various Rangers supporters groups about setting up a 'continuity' club at amateur/junior/non league senior level should the seemingly inevitable happen in the next few weeks?

I'd have thought if no moves towards that are in place already it would be very tight time wise for a such a club to be playing next season. And that's assuming any supporters groups has enough of a clue and can stop the infighting long enough to successfully carry it all out.

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People frequently mention the attempted signing of Cousin as a disgrace. In its own right it is of course. However, even allowing for my impartiality, I find the biggest disgrace of the lot was Rangers trying to buy Sandaza from Saints as late as the end of the January window. They obviously wouldn't have intended paying a penny of any transfer fee for him so even right at the end they were trying to screw a fellow SPL club over.

As a side effect it also clouds my judgement of Steve Brown and Steve Lomas given their public utterings a few weeks after this.

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But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies


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Has there been any rumblings from the various Rangers supporters groups about setting up a 'continuity' club at amateur/junior/non league senior level should the seemingly inevitable happen in the next few weeks?

I'd have thought if no moves towards that are in place already it would be very tight time wise for a such a club to be playing next season. And that's assuming any supporters groups has enough of a clue and can stop the infighting long enough to successfully carry it all out.

I always had the impression that's where Nae Munny Murray & The Baron Knights were trying to place themselves all along............winning hearts & minds within the RST so as to ensure they would become the preferred 'pheonix' Ranjurs should 2 or 3 try to establish.

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Just out of interest, what issues would face any Rangers newco from joining the senior leagues in Scotland be it SPL or SFL? Are there any deadlines that they would be required to meet? How would they manage the transfer of assets such as Ibrox over to Rangers newco from the old company? Sadly, I can't help but have the feeling that in some way the SPL chairmen will let them slip back in, or that they'll scam their way out in some form. Such is the nature of Rangers.

I honestly dont think a newco will be an option any longer. They've cut off their nose to spite their face when they took the SFA to court. The SFA will have only one option left for the Orcs now and in a sane world that would be expulsion from Scottish football altogether. The factor that might just bring in the sanity is the fact that the chairmen from every single club in the country will now be severely pissed at them! They are risking killing Scottish football by taking the SFA to court and i've a feeling that the people who matter have run out of' patience. All these "Rangers are too big to die" comments are just desperate nonsense from lazy journalist and deluded fan(ny)s. Rangers are toast. - Its just not been buttered yet.

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