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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Celtic, deep down, do want Rangers in the SPL. Neil Doncaster wants Rangers in the SPL, the media knobjockeys want Rangers in the SPL, God knows, the other SPL chairmen want Rangers in the SPL badly.... that's fine, we can accept that. The problem of course is that events have transcended what any of those people want. The Rangers that they want in the SPL is no more. Any veneer of respectability, dignity, integrity, that Rangers the 'institution' may have had, has been burned back so much that the scabs and weeping sores of a deeply corrupt and distasteful organisation have been revealed for all to see. Even the media knobjockeys are slowly realising that Rangers (as they knew it) are dying in front of their eyes, and they simply cannot sweep all of this under the carpet and pretend it didn't happen.

From my own POV - at the start, I never wanted to actually see Rangers die. I'd have been happy enough if they'd found a Rangers-minded benefactor who took them on, paid their debts, took it on the chin and they tried to bounce back. I never, ever wished a 'Third Lanark' on them.... that is, until.... (not in chronological order!)

1. Haudit & Daudit so blatantly ripped the pish with ZERO compulsory redundancies at an organisation bleeding cash.

2. When Ally McCoist made his 'who are these people' speech - when he knew fine well who they were, and that his club had signed up to an 'anonymous panel' scheme.

3. When threats were made to the 'outed' panel.

4. When Sandy Jardine opened his mouth and the hordes marched on Hampden.

5. When Rangers appealed the original SFA sanctions.

6. When Rangers took court action.

7. When they attempted to sign Daniel Cousin.

8. When their fighting fund had so many fcuking typo' errors on their roll-up bannerstand. Cnuts giving graphic designers a bad name.

9. When Sandy Jardine announced that Rangers, and their supporters, wouldn't forget those clubs who were seen to be against them.

There's a ton more, but there's no need to go through all of the stuff that has happened since Feb 14 which has made me change my mind, and makes me want to see the fcukers nuked.

Tick tock.

thats an excellent post mate.

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Every time I hear this total bawsack bile about "Rankgers being an institution, too big to die, will come back stronger" etc etc etc. I think of when Woolworths went to the wall. It was a real institution but ultimately it was a business and when there's nae money left, its time to close down.

Bye Bye Orcs and Orcland.

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Interestingly wee Chico hinted on SS today that maybe only 10% of the whole rangers wrongdoing has came out , something which has been echoed by some knowledgeable users on KDS and RM, some posts in recent days hinting that what's to come out of ibrox will make the last 6 months look like a storm in a tea cup?

did you see the post by barcabhoy on rangerstaxcase.com, which you could dismiss as speculation til rangerstaxcase himself gave it the stamp of approval

barcabhoy said

Barcabhoy says:

26/05/2012 at 2:19 am

Adam doesn’t bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i’m concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven’t been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam’s efforts to put forward the alternative view.It’s not my story so i can’t control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don’t walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

and rangerstaxcase himself said

rangerstaxcase says:

26/05/2012 at 11:20 am

For those of you excited by Barcabhoy’s post, I know what he is talking about, and his post is correct. There is a lot of leg in this story yet.

a lot of chatter that its connected with

Celtic Underground ‏@celticrumours

Gavin Masterton - 18 years later I suppose you'd have been entitled to think you'd got away with it.

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Even the Pars fans aren't depressed as we've been ejected from the asylum and can now get on with our lives. :D

I wasn't depressed. We played some good stuff, McGowan came onto a game, Thompson is a bit if quality, and a Saints fan to boot. We stopped shipping so many stupid last-minute goals, the games against Motherwell were excellent entertainment, and we finished higher up the league than usual. We also beat FC Govan Athletic 2013 on Christmas Eve, and drew with them at their midden. Darren McGregor made a successful comeback from injury, and we gave Shuggie Murray a fond farewell.

Depressing season? My arse.

Cheer up Chick FFS. :)

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It seems their is no chance of Rangers surviving this and yet still Dundee continue to sign 1st division class players and sell season tickets at 1st division prices also they will be negotiating with players on 1st division wages (New signings and re-signed players)

When is the madness going to stop?


You've seen how much our season ticket is, right?

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You might be right, but I find it strange that Vlad has kept so quiet, with not even a "Mowgli knew, Mowgli told you the monkeys were cheating, but you didn't listen, called Mowgli mad..". Maybe he's just had enough, or he's too busy shredding documents at UKIO bank to comment on Rangers' problems.

Vlad's mental, but I still reckon he's clever mental. He has had the luxury of international scope for all his jiggery, and indeed pokery. I see his continuing silence as a sign that he's waiting to kick the currants right in the stones just when they think there's a ray of light on the horizon. At that point, Hearts may well become my "wee team".

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It seems their is no chance of Rangers surviving this and yet still Dundee continue to sign 1st division class players and sell season tickets at 1st division prices also they will be negotiating with players on 1st division wages (New signings and re-signed players)

When is the madness going to stop?

have you seen Dundee's gate prices next year? They think they're going to the Premiership by the looks of it :lol:

I think in situations like these it's important to pull relevant quotes from historical figures

here's a paraphrased quote from Violent J from Insane Clown Posse


"...and they wanted to know if I would trade 10 diddy fans for a 100 OF fans and I said I wouldn't trade 10 diddy fans for a 100,000 OF fans; 10 diddy fans is

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But I hear u robbing gits are charging £20 next season.

I assumed when I heard that you'd already been promoted.

Indeed. Fucking ridiculous and much disquiet about both that and the season tickets on the official site.

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Every time I hear this total bawsack bile about "Rankgers being an institution, too big to die, will come back stronger" etc etc etc. I think of when Woolworths went to the wall. It was a real institution but ultimately it was a business and when there's nae money left, its time to close down.

Bye Bye Orcs and Orcland.

I cant remember Poundland, Poundstretcher, Aldi etc coming out trying to save Woolies saying they were a High Street institution and too big too die. They thought 'Ya beauty, more opportunity for us*' as one of their biggest competitors went to the wall.

Mind you, they were real businessmen that could see the benefit a bigger market share would have on their own companies. They weren't small minded hangers on who couldn't see an opportunity if it kicked them in the teeth.

Yet again football hides behind the word 'business' when it suits them.

*FACT. I've seen the minutes.

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did you see the post by barcabhoy on rangerstaxcase.com, which you could dismiss as speculation til rangerstaxcase himself gave it the stamp of approval

barcabhoy said

Barcabhoy says:

26/05/2012 at 2:19 am

Adam doesn't bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i'm concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven't been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam's efforts to put forward the alternative view.It's not my story so i can't control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don't walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

and rangerstaxcase himself said

rangerstaxcase says:

26/05/2012 at 11:20 am

For those of you excited by Barcabhoy's post, I know what he is talking about, and his post is correct. There is a lot of leg in this story yet.

a lot of chatter that its connected with

Celtic Underground ‏@celticrumours

Gavin Masterton - 18 years later I suppose you'd have been entitled to think you'd got away with it.

as much as i love that post, its not really saying anything substantive. just that there are far worse things in the pipeline.

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So four out of five fans in the country are either trogs, orcs or have a secret "big team"? Well, here's a thought, an opinion really:

Any ONE of those Killie fans who I've known getting on buses from the Kadikoi, from the Bickering Bush, from Bellfield, Irvine and beyond, travelling up and down the leagues with the expectation of maybe getting a point or two at Methil, or a good humping at Cappielow, is worth ten of some gloryhunting knuckledragger who couldn't have found ibrox before Murray's Millions arrived, or any green bigot who has spent celtic's so-called "wilderness years" dressed as a green seat.

The same applies to fans of all other teams outside the Glasgow Cartel - I am proud of each and every one of you. What we are seeing now is not just piss funny for all sorts of reasons (hiya Chic! Hiya Andy (and Andy)!), but is possibly the moment when Scottish Football can start dragging itself out of the bigotry-driven mess it has managed to create in the last few decades. We should be deluging our clubs with communication from supporters' associations, trusts and individuals to explain to the custodians of OUR teams what we expect, what we hope for, and the support they can expect if a fresh wind of integrity can be encouraged in the game. If Killie can add 1500 to our home gate, that means around 30000 extra fans per season. Or, to put it simply, the equivalent of SIX home games against the Ugly Sisters. We don't need EITHER of them sucking the life out of our game.

The future may well be bright. What it most certainly isn't is orange.

agreed. looks like the diddy revolution is afoot :)

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Interestingly wee Chico hinted on SS today that maybe only 10% of the whole rangers wrongdoing has came out , something which has been echoed by some knowledgeable users on KDS and RM, some posts in recent days hinting that what's to come out of ibrox will make the last 6 months look like a storm in a tea cup?

Several pages ago, around 1265, a link was posted to an article lifted from RangersTaxCase, posted on The Celtic Underground site, concerning David Murray's dealings with the Bank of Scotland, going all the way back to his takeover in 1988. It's a long read but it suggested favourable treatment from the bank that was not afforded to other clubs. A director of Dunfermline Athletic, who was a high heid yin with the bank, may have some questions to answer. The heavy hint on the RTC site this morning, backed up by the author of the blog themselves, was that there is a lot more to come out and it could well be this story.

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Calling No8.

Lets hear from a Rangers fan just exactly what you think is a suitable punishment for your club?

You've made it clear that everyone here is deluded etc so tell us all what you believe is appropriate?

You're not usually so quiet!

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Regarding Vlad; its a bit like wrestling. We're waiting to see if he'll become a fan favourite, or take a brutal heel turn. My money is on hero (if it even comes to the SPL member clubs having to make a decision; Rangers going full-retard and going to court over the embargo might well have forced the SFA's hand to expel them or face the wrath of FIFA/UEFA)

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I wasn't depressed. We played some good stuff, McGowan came onto a game, Thompson is a bit if quality, and a Saints fan to boot. We stopped shipping so many stupid last-minute goals, the games against Motherwell were excellent entertainment, and we finished higher up the league than usual. We also beat FC Govan Athletic 2013 on Christmas Eve, and drew with them at their midden. Darren McGregor made a successful comeback from injury, and we gave Shuggie Murray a fond farewell.

Depressing season? My arse.

Cheer up Chick FFS. :)

A greenie to you, sir. Down at TTOP, we've had the obvious highlights of home and away victories in our last ever games against the currants, the LC win, and a decent league position. On top of that, KS has got us playing attractive football (just not on our tattie patch ;)), is bringing through some promising young'uns, and doesn't give a feck who he offends when there's a microphone in front of him. Happy days!

Now, if Johnston could just shut the feck up for a bit....

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Every time I hear this total bawsack bile about "Rankgers being an institution, too big to die, will come back stronger" etc etc etc. I think of when Woolworths went to the wall. It was a real institution but ultimately it was a business and when there's nae money left, its time to close down.

Bye Bye Orcs and Orcland.

You stole that from me ya chunt, look back 3 pages.

Pic and Mix, hmmm, can Govan Town AFC get a team out of that?

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