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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But there won't be. Because this isn't a typical 'in-house' scandal whereby the SFA could apply tricky sanctions like the registration ban, without actually getting rid of the club. And then the SPL could hum and haw before accepting thirty pieces of silver to put a Newco back in, relatively unscathed. The SFA now has to act under the scrutiny of FIFA, and the SFA's punishments will trump any act of self-preservation the Cockwomble can dream up.

I fail to see how FIFA would regard a Scottish Cup ban for a single year as being suitable punishment for a club who have taken their national association to a civil court, and have dragged the game into disrepute for their actions of the past decade. The SFA would have their balls collectively booted for it, and Regan knows this. The SFA will have to either suspend or expel Rangers from its membership. I'd say there's a much stronger chance of Charles Green showing he does do walking away in the near future, than Rangers getting out of this tightening noose.

Taking the SFA to the CoS was the suicidal move, which makes the Rangers fans' collective hubris at their 'victory' in court absolutely fucking delicious.


Green dot from me. Reading between the lines of Regan's tweeting tonight I certainly think this is where it's headed.

Please... please... please...

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I believe originating in the shipyards, "Haudit" meaning hold it and "Daudit" meaning hit it, possibly from a riveting team.

Glaswegian it is then. Cheers.

No wonder I didn't know it...being a Saints supporter I know nothing about a riveting team...boom boom.

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See the BBC site saying Whittaker can go for £850,000: what formula was employed to arrive at that figure? biggrin.gif

1, less than what was willing to be paid for him last summer and he didnt have a great season

2, im sure duffman will sue the bbc for suggesting anyone could leave the rangers

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no8 ignored my female players theory , funny thatwink.gif

its ok, he said that all other clubs would get paid in full from the prize money due to them, when i pointed out a £1.2M deficit there was no reply, same how he was bringing up the 8 diddy rule (sorry 3 foreigner rule) that was abolished due to EU rules, and i mentioned that a certain club had around 100 years of discriminating players due their religion

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An interesting series of dialogues from Mr Regan, some of which have been quoted already

You know that bit in "2001:A Space Odyssey" near the end when Jupiter goes nuclear, and Dave Bowman (easy, Arabs, not that Dave Bowman) asks Hal "What's going to happen?", and Hal replies "Something Wonderful"? Well, pals, I think we're almost there.

There will be a new star in the sky, and a new world order. Jupiter, the old bloated planet, the largest of the original ten (see the analogy there?) will be no more, and the world will be a brighter place. I have a dream, if dreams come true, then Bonnie Scotland, you'll be berr-free once more.

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I find it funny how this whole Ranjurs farce just keeps on bringing-up funny titles /names for things to keep the smile on yer face :D

We have the brilliant sarcasm of things like Haudit & Daudit, The Baron Knights, Agent Whyte, Lieutenant Green & the Mysterons. BUT then reality starts biting back at sarcasm for it's ability to bring up funnies:

"Operation William" - the name for Whyte's plan to take Ranjurs in and oot Administration for £500,000.

"Sevco" - no it's not the new discount supermarket due to be opening in Govan to rival Aldi n Lidl, but turns out to be the 'hidden' Ranjurs newco.

Whatever next Ranjurs? Will you sign a player called Celik? No, wait, you already gave us that funny.

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OK, so this is my first post, not only on this thread, but on the site as a whole. Great work folks. Keep going because you are making a difference.

Anyway, it looks like the guy with the nails is standing over the coffin with a hammer in his hand. The worrying thing for me is what happens next. If Rangers suffer a suspension or exclusion can you imagine the hell that is going to be unleashed, particularly in and around Glasgow? The riots in England will look like an old folks outing by comparison. If, after the axe falls, you can remember ever having looked at a Rangers fan kinda funny then get the hell outta Dodge.

Seriously though, this decision may have serious public order implications and I just wonder if any pressure is being applied to the SFA to ensure that they don't light the blue touchpaper.

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But there won't be. Because this isn't a typical 'in-house' scandal whereby the SFA could apply tricky sanctions like the registration ban, without actually getting rid of the club. And then the SPL could hum and haw before accepting thirty pieces of silver to put a Newco back in, relatively unscathed. The SFA now has to act under the scrutiny of FIFA, and the SFA's punishments will trump any act of self-preservation the Cockwomble can dream up.

I fail to see how FIFA would regard a Scottish Cup ban for a single year as being suitable punishment for a club who have taken their national association to a civil court, and have dragged the game into disrepute for their actions of the past decade. The SFA would have their balls collectively booted for it, and Regan knows this. The SFA will have to either suspend or expel Rangers from its membership. I'd say there's a much stronger chance of Charles Green showing he does do walking away in the near future, than Rangers getting out of this tightening noose.

Taking the SFA to the CoS was the suicidal move, which makes the Rangers fans' collective hubris at their 'victory' in court absolutely fucking delicious.

i still don't think fifa will be keen on anyone challenging their right to punish clubs for going to civil courts. it looks like a clear contradiction of article 47 of the eu charter of fundamental rights.

Everyone whose rights and freedoms guaranteed by the law of the Union are violated has the right to an effective remedy before a tribunal in compliance with the conditions laid down in this Article.

Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law. Everyone shall have the possibility of being advised, defended and represented.

Legal aid shall be made available to those who lack sufficient resources in so far as such aid is necessary to ensure effective access to justice.

also fifa don't seem that bothered about all the shit going on in italy and turkey so i doubt they are tripping balls about this nonsense.

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You know that bit in "2001:A Space Odyssey" near the end when Jupiter goes nuclear, and Dave Bowman (easy, Arabs, not that Dave Bowman) asks Hal "What's going to happen?", and Hal replies "Something Wonderful"? Well, pals, I think we're almost there.

Hopefully as Don McLean sang so beautifully...

"Something touched me deep inside,

The day the Rangers died."

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i still don't think fifa will be keen on anyone challenging their right to punish clubs for going to civil courts. it looks like a clear contradiction of article 47 of the eu charter of fundamental rights.

Of course you don't. Meanwhile, back in the land of reality...

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no8 ignored my female players theory , funny thatwink.gif

Were you the naughty RanjursMedia member who had the thread suggesting the mighty Gers could get round any SFA Transfer Embargo as it probably wouldn't cover female signings?! :D

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its ok, he said that all other clubs would get paid in full from the prize money due to them, when i pointed out a £1.2M deficit there was no reply, same how he was bringing up the 8 diddy rule (sorry 3 foreigner rule) that was abolished due to EU rules, and i mentioned that a certain club had around 100 years of discriminating players due their religion

I think he might just have been looking for bites, this is an excellent thread to troll given the emotions involved but if everyone would just sit back and realise that Rangers are fvcked regardless of any outcome in the very near future. Any credibility they had in the footballing world, not a lot given their history I know, is long gone. Their fans can never look down at anyone again and regardless of what they think they are lucky to be still going at this point. Every shady businessman going has taken their share of the dirty money on offer and now they are about to be plugged into a life support machine (love that phrase after my old Caley days) which is being set up as nothing more than a method of more shady businessmen to wring the last drops of cash from the loyal fans that they possibly can.

It probably will be very soon but if not it wont be that long at all before the cash cow keels over.

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Reading between the lines of Regan's Twitter comments and BBC reports it's clear SFA and FIFA are in close dialogue. Coupled with the SFA 'legal eagles' employed on their Judicial Panel, nobody will want to make a wrong move in light of the CoS verdict. I'd expect cautious progress to be made by all parties before hitting Rangers with a suspension and Cup ban - at minimum. Maximum is termination of membership. With FIFA in the room and watching closely I can't see Rangers getting off lightly. As for the SPL, what an irrelevance they have become. The Donkeymaster and his cronies are a side show to all of this.

Edited by GunnerBairn
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