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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sooo - Rangers have pissed off FIFA and they are threatening to kick Scotland out of qualifiers and other qualifications.

Send Rangers to the 3rd Division, or kill them out or they accept the punishment.

Can;t wait for Friday's new deadline...

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Everything you say is true, but none of it is insurmountable. It all boils down to one thing:

Would SFA suspension mean SPL suspension or expulsion?

If Rangers are suspended by the SFA for one season, what happens in a year's time? The SPL cannot just promote a Division 1 team to replace them for 2012-13 if Rangers are to resume SPL duties in a year's time. The league will therefore have to run with 11 anyway - unless you want to go down a very convoluted route of having 2 relegation places to still allow for the 2012-13 Div 1 winners and Rangers to come in. You could even argue for Dunfermline to stay up, but that still means 13 teams for 2012-13. Somewhere a league will be a team down, be it SPL, or SFL 1-3.

So there's the scenario of Rangers sitting out 2012-13, and all 11 SPL sides being 3 or 4 games down (as I don't believe they'll promote anyone else unless Rangers have their SPL membership terminated), with the possibility of the club folding in the meantime... loss of TV deal etc...

OR the SFA do their best to help everyone by allowing Rangers back in after a period of time to fulfill all their fixtures. 2 additional midweek games is surely better than none because of Rangers not being there at all? Sky would stay on board, everyone gets their cash, everyone's happyish. Rangers would have had a 6 month ban from playing any football and would be faced with a massive task of getting their games out the way or face further penalties.

I'd love the SFA to expel Rangers, or suspend them for a year or two but I really can't see that happening. And as I've already asked - do they have the power to void matches under suspension? Would that not be the SPL's job?

You'd be talking about the delay in revenue for 2 fixtures, one of which will be at home. Of course Dundee wouldn't be brought in for half a season. Have you considered it'll be an 11 team league anyway? No one's going to be brought in, unless the SPL kick Rangers out.

But once again you have failed to answer why the other club's should have to accomodate Rangers' suspension. Rangers are the ones being punished, not the other clubs.

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I like the tone of this article :lol: Hearts are the bad guys for wanting to be paid the money we are due. Rangers knew full well they were heading for the shitter when they signed him off us, why else were they trying to structure every deal into various repayments.

As someone pointed out earlier, Craig Moore returned to Rangers after Crystal Palace couldnt afford the payments.

I don't see why Hearts can't demand Lee Wallace be returned, or if Rangers sell him during the window they receive every penny owned.

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As someone pointed out earlier, Craig Moore returned to Rangers after Crystal Palace couldnt afford the payments.

I don't see why Hearts can't demand Lee Wallace be returned, or if Rangers sell him during the window they receive every penny owned.

Thought the SPL or SFA were giving hearts the prize money that Rangers were due.

Rangers paid back the money that crystal Palace had already paid us, can't see Heearts being ale to do the same.

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Let's play a little game, based on what little we do know, which is basically everything's a mess. What percentage would you put on the following, my answers in brackets (keeping in mind I have not a scooby about law or financial legality);

Rangers no longer existing as a professional entity in any form next season; ( 5%)

Rangers being in division three; (10%)

Rangers being in the SPL with a team of third rate kids and struggling to avoid relegation (75%)

Green being the genuine saviour and Rangers rising like a phoenix from the flames and taking the SPL by storm next year (0%)

The SPL/SFA copping out and letting them away with minor punishment, thus ensuring second place in the SPL next season (10%)

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As someone pointed out earlier, Craig Moore returned to Rangers after Crystal Palace couldnt afford the payments.

I don't see why Hearts can't demand Lee Wallace be returned, or if Rangers sell him during the window they receive every penny owned.

The article makes an assumption on the p in the £.

When does the repayment become due?

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Let's play a little game, based on what little we do know, which is basically everything's a mess. What percentage would you put on the following, my answers in brackets (keeping in mind I have not a scooby about law or financial legality);

Rangers no longer existing as a professional entity in any form next season; ( 5%)

Rangers being in division three; (10%)

Rangers being in the SPL with a team of third rate kids and struggling to avoid relegation (75%)

Green being the genuine saviour and Rangers rising like a phoenix from the flames and taking the SPL by storm next year (0%)

The SPL/SFA copping out and letting them away with minor punishment, thus ensuring second place in the SPL next season (10%)

Rangers being totally fvcked (100%)

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As someone pointed out earlier, Craig Moore returned to Rangers after Crystal Palace couldnt afford the payments.

I don't see why Hearts can't demand Lee Wallace be returned, or if Rangers sell him during the window they receive every penny owned.

I'm no expert here - but would the player not need to agree to this? ie would Hearts be able to meet his new salary?

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If the SPL really want to keep everyone happy they should make Rangers play the first half of the seasons home game behind closed doors. Impose the six months transfer embargo and suspend Rangers from the SC for 5 years.

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Let's play a little game, based on what little we do know, which is basically everything's a mess. What percentage would you put on the following, my answers in brackets (keeping in mind I have not a scooby about law or financial legality);

Rangers no longer existing as a professional entity in any form next season; ( 5%)

Rangers being in division three; (10%)

Rangers being in the SPL with a team of third rate kids and struggling to avoid relegation (75%)

Green being the genuine saviour and Rangers rising like a phoenix from the flames and taking the SPL by storm next year (0%)

The SPL/SFA copping out and letting them away with minor punishment, thus ensuring second place in the SPL next season (10%)

1, 1%

2, 5%

3, 60%

4, 5%

5, 29%

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If the SPL really want to keep everyone happy they should make Rangers play the first half of the seasons home game behind closed doors. Impose the six months transfer embargo and suspend Rangers from the SC for 5 years.

So you are then punishing other clubs by not allowing their fans in to watch their team play at Ibrox. Seems a double edged punishment. huh.gif

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If the SPL really want to keep everyone happy they should make Rangers play the first half of the seasons home game behind closed doors. Impose the six months transfer embargo and suspend Rangers from the SC for 5 years.

You mean close the big house? :blink:

don't think that would go down well with the people,


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Can Green not just liquidate Rangers and start a newco and then avoid ANY punishment..? Ma heid is hurting with all the possible scenarios..!!..I want their membership terminated..nothing less.

EDIT: Forgot about having to reapply to the SPL.

Edited by Well Well
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Or why not


Soon, brothers, soon. :D

Edit; Can we now start to work out a system of funny handshakes so we can recognise each other as the men who brought down the mighty Gers? :lol:

We'll recognise each other by being in a fitba' ground at 3pm on a Saturday, watching our teams whether they win, lose or draw. Something OF fans are unable to comprehend.

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It would be interesting to see their summons. Could it possibly not mention the punishment? What would they say? "Er, he just owes us it, OK? We're not telling you why"?

Here's the relevant section from the original JP case:

The Tribunal ordered that the fines totalling £200,000 be paid within thirty days of the determinations and be subject to interest provisions, both being standard fine arrangements.

In addition, however, the Tribunal ordered that the Tribunal determinations against Mr Craig Whyte be registered in the Books of Council and Session for preservation and execution. An extract from the Books of Council and Session has the force of a decree of the court and will be utilised by the Scottish FA as such should recovery procedures against Mr Craig Whyte prove necessary.

You may have missed it originally as it's down near the end of the document. The SFA determinations have the full force of a decree of the court.

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Let's play a little game, based on what little we do know, which is basically everything's a mess. What percentage would you put on the following, my answers in brackets (keeping in mind I have not a scooby about law or financial legality);

Rangers no longer existing as a professional entity in any form next season; ( 5%)

Rangers being in division three; (10%)

Rangers being in the SPL with a team of third rate kids and struggling to avoid relegation (75%)

Green being the genuine saviour and Rangers rising like a phoenix from the flames and taking the SPL by storm next year (0%)

The SPL/SFA copping out and letting them away with minor punishment, thus ensuring second place in the SPL next season (10%)






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But once again you have failed to answer why the other club's should have to accomodate Rangers' suspension. Rangers are the ones being punished, not the other clubs.

Because it's potentially to their benefit, and that's at the heart of the SPL's philosophy.

If Rangers get a one year suspension, then what happens to their current SPL place? Is that suspended or terminated? If the SFA were to expel them, then the SPL would have to follow suit as you have to be in the SFA to play in any of the Pro/Semi Pro leagues, but suspension is not the same.

(If their SPL membership is terminated then I'd envisage the scenario I'd outlined being irrelevant as another team i.e. Dundee could be promoted to make up the numbers, or Dunfermline would be spared relegation. It'd be as normal, 38 games, split etc.)

However, if the SPL are to take Rangers back for 2013-14 after serving a suspension of SFA membership (and therefore being non-playing members of the SPL for 2012-13), then the SPL place cannot be filled without disrupting other leagues - unless you think they can take Dundee for example, leaving Div 1 a team down, then relegate two teams in the summer? That isn't a likely scenario and I don't think the SFL would be too thrilled at having to carry the empty slot for a year when the sinners are an SPL side.

What I'm outlining is a potential 'out' for the SFA to avoid delivering a KO blow to Rangers. That's what they wanted when they conjured up the transfer embargo, with Regan talking this week of the lack of 'pragmatic' options left to them.

Of the tough options remaining:

1. Expel Rangers from SFA (which must lead to SPL membership being terminated).

2. Suspend Rangers from SFA for a period of time (be it a week, a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, whatever).

It's all about what (2) means for the SPL place.

I would suggest that 'suspension for a season' means an 11 team SPL. The clubs will lose much more money in that scenario than they would if they come back in after serving a six month suspension. Therefore, because it's potentially to their benefit (and self-interest is at the heart of the SPL's philosophy) I would suggest the SPL chairmen would rather only lose them for 6 months, and would quickly forget of the inconvenience of a few extra midweek games.

The SFA can suspend Rangers from its Membership, but I don't see how they can then void/award all their scheduled league matches during that period of time as that's not a punishment on the list, so that would have to be additional SPL punishment - is that in their rulebook? And on what grounds could they award wins for the opposition?

Could the litigious bears take the SPL to court if they either voided their fixtures while suspended or if they terminated their SPL membership?

A 6 month ban from all competitions with the backlog left for them to fulfill does punish them and it allows the cash-greedy chairmen to keep their current income streams flowing, for now. I'd imagine the SFA don't want rid of them either.

Edited by Jim Leighton
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Just read in the Sunday Mail that the SFA are going to take Craig White to court regarding the non payment of his fine;what happened to keeping it in house;i think Rangers should get in touch with Fifa and see what happens or maybe they will be to busy looking into whats going on in Italy regarding match fixing and coruption within that assocation

Whyte is no longer in football and a civil action is the only way to recover the money he was fined.

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