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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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  • Globally -- In N.A alone, There are +50 RSCs. There are only a few places in the world, where you cannot find a RSC. ManU? Yer having a laugh. WATP!

North Ayrshire? Not surprised <_<

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Yet you quote someone who said, "they remember the early 80's when only 10 or 12 thousands were attending games".

This wasn't posted by a Rangers fan and it's surprising that such a smart-arse as you is so gullible.

The average league attendance at Ibrox in the season before Souness was more than 25,000.

Surely you're not suggesting that someone with the username "stuloyal" isn't a paid-up bear? Not a rangers fan? On a rangers forum? The world's gone mad! Read my post, fuckwit!

Oh, and BTW.... If you packed out Snake Mountain to play the green trogs, you would need some lower gates to achieve an AVERAGE of 20000+. That's basic arithmetic. You'll learn this in S2, when you get there. Or you would have, if you'd stayed on that long.....

To Mods: sorry for abusing the currants, but they really do bring out the worst in me at times.

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It was covered on this very thread about 40 pages ago. Or you can try RTC or Google. I'm not going waste my time trying to explain to a *** apologist who refuses to see.


facts who needs facts!

it says in the cva document (13.4 and 13.7) that whoever takes over after a cva will be liable for any tax bill from this period. it then says any costs incurred by the supervisors calculating these liabilities will be included in the cva expenses.

Edited by T_S_A_R
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Rangers must be saved for the sake of our children and our children's children;

Look, you're only saying what many of us are thinking. If the Rangers fall, the Union may be next.
The Union will never fall,

I'd say more than 50% of Scotland are either Rangers fans or loyalists, today was another sign that we are the dominant people in this country.

You cannot make either statement with any true conviction. The union is under threat and we are being outnumbered in all walks of life by others.
Well they've failed big time then, I don't know anyone who is a Rangers fan and ashamed of it. I also think they hate us because we're the best team and We Are The People.

I would suggest that people here spend as little time as possible on RM as it will eventually get to you and you may start to believe the things that you read. WATP! :lol:

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Sigh........... :rolleyes:, in order to get an average of 25,000, you would have had some gates over 25,000, and some gates under........

So you are now saying there was no home gates of 12,000 at all in the 80's??????

I remember watching highlights of a Rangers game on STV against Dundee around '85 when they were pumped at home, I think during the glorious Wallace era. The crowd was single figures to begin with and there was a great shot of the shiny Govan Stand near the end with only a handful of Dundee wee boys left in it , all understandably going apeshit :D

Can we bring back the early 80s please ...

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facts who needs facts!

it says in the cva document (13.4 and 13.7) that whoever takes over after a cva will be liable for any tax bill from this period. it then says any costs incurred by the supervisors calculating these liabilities will be included in the cva expenses.

Well, it appears to be "facts" that you used in your brilliant dissection of the Sion situation (P&B Passim), and are currently using to defend your "big team" in their final hours. The "fact" that you have been regularly proved to be aiming at 180 degrees from the "facts" has never deterred you. Sir, I salute your indefategability.(spelling?) :lol: :lol: :lol:

ETA: Sorry again, mods. Currants are bad, but currants in denial.... don't get me started.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Well, it appears to be "facts" that you used in your brilliant dissection of the Sion situation (P&B Passim), and are currently using to defend your "big team" in their final hours. The "fact" that you have been regularly proved to be aiming at 180 degrees from the "facts" has never deterred you. Sir, I salute your indefategability.(spelling?) :lol: :lol: :lol:

ETA: Sorry again, mods. Currants are bad, but currants in denial.... don't get me started.

sion never lost in a swiss court :P

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I've seen some, in support of the present format of the spl, argue that the crowds have never been higher than they are at this time. I've spent a wee bit time tonight looking into this, and they were much higher in the late nineties and early part of the 2000's.

The general trend is downwards, which is what I've always thought, but was swayed by the simple statements made by 'experts'.

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Having been in London the past few days and had my fill of union jacks, bunting, portraits of the queen and "the national anthem" playing I was glad to get back this side of the border.

That was until I had to pass through Ibrox today. :(

Bunting? Check

Union Jacks? Check

Queen? Check

National anthem? Check

XXXXL rankers tops? Check

2 month old babies in full kit? Check

Really ugly wimmin? Check

No surrender flags? Check

Full repertoire of "songs"? Check

It was that nauseating that even my workmate Blue muttered "fucking knuckledraggers" in the car. laugh.gif

laugh.giflaugh.gifpmsl have a greenie my man laugh.giflaugh.gif

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And they came out of the whole situation victorious and smelling of roses, as you predicted.....:lol: :lol: :lol:

the thrust of my argument was that the swiss legal system would protect a swiss company against fifa/uefa.

we never got to discover if that was true or not.

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I must say its been awfy quiet on the Neil Doncater is a Cockwomble front.

Does this mean Neil Doncater is no longer a Cockwomble?

Or has it been confirmed that Neil Doncater is a Cockwomble?

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