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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Great post.

For anyone who can be bothered, you can download the Off The Ball podcast from 6th May with Graham Spiers being ripped a new one by Stuart Cosgrove, however at around 15m20secs in, Britney describes the whole meeting scenario with Murray. The whole show is 30mins. but the interesting stuff is from 7 mins. in.


Everyone interested in football should listen to this.

Irish League pffft !

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Wee bit on Good Morning Scotland earlier about RFC(IA). Starts with Billy Dodds being a tit and goes on to talk to Andrew Smith from SoS. Thoroughly enjoyed the "...it would not be the disastrious scenario drama queens like Billy Dodds and Chick Young and the ilk paint it to be..." line :)

Good Morning Scotland link 2hr 16m in.

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Rangers do not want to be punished for the actions of men who are no longer at their club. Does that also mean that every piece of silverware they have won and no longer have members of the winning team within their club should also be ignored?

Speaking of silverware, after seeing some of the jubilee yesterday i was wondering, who do you think sports the most dubiously awarded medals?

The royals or the rangers players during the ebt years :P .

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Think this it

It was the infamous .. nod of the head.

Not the infamous nod Hughie Green got from the HMRC mind :lol:

Cheers......remember it now.

Odious pedantic twat springs to mind regarding Traynor however would have more than settled for a double KO.

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Agree but in the Traynor v Chic incident; Chic simply reported honestly as to what occurred at the press conference with integrity. Traynor was simply a bully and tried to twist Chics words. I guess if Chic was 6 foot plus and built like a brick shithouse then Traynor would not have been so cocky ... arrogant deluded twat ..

Yeah just listened to it there.... Jim really comes across as the pantomime villian and I don't think Chick did much wrong.

I don't think Chick is a nasty person (whereas Jim is) but Chick is just incompetent in general as a pundit.

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I think Chic's ok. Harmless and often entertaining, even when he's spouting p***. Doesn't have a lot of clout.

On the dark side, keep-Rangers-in-the-SPL-at-all-costs God-maybe-they-ARE-in-deep-shit Traynor says very little of note, is extremely patronising, irritating and has a (not so well) hidden agenda.

He seems to think he can influence what's going on. In the old days, maybe he could. but as someone else pointed out, the internet-fuelled fans are not standing for that sort of sh** any more.

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Speaking of silverware, after seeing some of the jubilee yesterday i was wondering, who do you think sports the most dubiously awarded medals?

The royals or the rangers players during the ebt years :P .

Oh, The Royals without a doubt. I hear Edward got one for putting his socks on correctly, and Harry has one for turning up for breakfast on time.

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"Rangers do not want to be punished for the actions of men who are no longer at their club. Does that also mean that every piece of silverware they have won and no longer have members of the winning team within their club should also be ignored?"

Hm I wonder if Hess, Himmler and Goering thought of this defence at Nuremberg ( Our team Captain and leader Mr Hitler is no longer with us ) !

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Think this it

It was the infamous .. nod of the head.

Not the infamous nod Hughie Green got from the HMRC mind :lol:

That's just embarrassing, for all involved other than Richard Gordon who tries to keep things on an even keel.

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Speaking of silverware, after seeing some of the jubilee yesterday i was wondering, who do you think sports the most dubiously awarded medals?

The royals or the rangers players during the ebt years :P .

Dick Dastardly was always dishing out medals to Muttley, so I'd say him.

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I hope people on here aren't questioning Leggo and his journalistic ability, integrity, credibility or indeed his sanity!

You had better hope he doesn't read this or after a bit of digging he'll be full naming you on his blog and revealing some feint links you have to Celtic or the Catholic church!



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It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

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It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

When I was a real regular at SMP, and Fergie was manager, before undersoil heating, for some strange reasons our games would be on even if that at Ibrox was called off. Ten past three, there would be another 800-1000 bodies piling in just to watch a game. I don't know the demographics of these guys, I suspect a good number would be there for the football, but I've always felt (and felt only, cos I never stood near them) that a lot would be NI Loyal, who wanted to watch a game as they had travelled so far. IMO, I think that there would be a good number who'd stay and watch locally (mibbe not in Aberdeen though), but I think the Big Tel factor would work for ICT (in addition to the number of times they've upset CFC).

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It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

The obvious reason being they are neanderthal fuckwits never happy unless they're trying to tar other teams with their mental sickness in a futile attempt to justify it - even though Hearts were the ones that campaigned (and won) to get Hibernian accepted into the Scottish Football Association certain others blocked because they were the team from a Roman Catholic church.

Linfield are welcome to them.

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Follow, follow(ing) on from the argument in the past of "Scottish Football needs Rainjurs", what would be the financial impact to the ferry companies out of Belfast / Larne come game / weekend time?

I genuinely have no idea how many people travel from Norn Irn to see RFC play, but I for one haven't heard that argument yet.

Even if they were in Div III, presumably not as many of them would travel to see them give a hiding to the likes of East Stirling at Ibrox their home ground.

Just curious.

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Oh, The Royals without a doubt. I hear Edward got one for putting his socks on correctly, and Harry has one for turning up for breakfast on time.

To be fair to the guy he does have 8 toes.

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The Daily Record is a privately owned newspaper and we can choose to buy it or not. The BBC, however, is a publicly funded broadcaster. At the risk of sounding like a Daily Mail reader that means we're paying Traynor's and Chic Young's wages whilst they are abusing their power spouting this pish.

Not only is it pish, it is self-serving pish. Whatever form RFC survives in Traynor and Young know they will have done enough to continue to get their 'exclusives'' from the blue bigots without actually having to do any work as journalists. They've also managed to go through this whole affair without asking any difficult questions to those they have easy access to.

No talent, no analytical ability, no journalistic integrity. Traynor and Young are c***s.

Imagine if this was happening to an English club side, say Liverpool, Man U or Chelsea. I don't think Traynor and Young's equivalents down there (Five Live?) would dare be so partisan.

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