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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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D&P would have done well to have had some of the CVA money (if it exists) on the horses yesterday:

Carlise 1.55 winner - Lady Ibrox

Redcar 2.15 winner - Lucky Lodge

Towcester 2.20 winner - True Blue

An accumulator would have had odds of over 160-1

Personally I'm glad they didn't as I suspect they'd have diverted it to a war chest and not the creditors as is their remit ????

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"Rangers do not want to be punished for the actions of men who are no longer at their club. Does that also mean that every piece of silverware they have won and no longer have members of the winning team within their club should also be ignored?"

Hm I wonder if Hess, Himmler and Goering thought of this defence at Nuremberg ( Our team Captain and leader Mr Hitler is no longer with us ) !

Himmler wasnt tried at nuremburg. although i am certain this is where the 'only obeying orders' defence fell flat. In other words the Orcs should never try to use that as an excuse. Not that that would stop them, most are fairly brainless.

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Boxing match. Cosgrove vs Traynor.

Square go!

winner takes on Leggo ?

is it just me or does anyone else think that Leggo is kept in a cell akin to Dr Lector in Silence of the Lambs ? (no pun intended)

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Bad news for the Rangers Supporters Club Inverness True Blues.


Portland Club Inverness - out of business My link

Quote from the P&J - 'A member of the club said yesterday the supporters were "livid" that Mr McLean had "effectively blocked " the buyout as they now had nowhere to hold functions and meetings.'

Strange Parallels with Rangers FC as well here, this is truly the end for the evil empire and its armies of darkness.:D

Edited by CityDave
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1338906188[/url]' post='6304791']

It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

They would still crave to watch a winning team and go and support Celtic.

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Cheers......remember it now.

Odious pedantic twat springs to mind regarding Traynor however would have more than settled for a double KO.

Most of these guys are cockswabs, it's just taken me a while to realise how bad they actually are. You just wonder that once this whole debacle has passed if there is going to be a journalistic clearout by various organisations.

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It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

To be honest, I think I'd welcome any local ones along to Fir Park.

I think that only the percentage of actual football fans in the Rangers support would be likely to defect to another club, the knuckle-draggers would more than likely be lost to the game.. Good riddance to them too. Let them sit in their lodges and spew their bile out of the public eye, and maybe the next generation will be less inclined to follow in their footsteps.

Anyone who enjoys the game of football, without the need to resort to bigotry and sectarianism is welcome at the 'Ark.

Edited by HanoMaSano
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It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

They won't die, however much some people may wish they would. Even if they lost half their active support (and that won't happen either) they would still be the second largest supported side in Scotland.

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Himmler wasnt tried at nuremburg. although i am certain this is where the 'only obeying orders' defence fell flat. In other words the Orcs should never try to use that as an excuse. Not that that would stop them, most are fairly brainless.

quite correct.....Himmler committed suicide by cyanide shortly after his capture by the Allied Forces.

In fairness, Nuremburg descended into a bit of a farce as although the Defendants were guilty of genocide on an industrial scale, the Plaintiff's had been guilty of vaporizing over 500,000 civilians in the Worlds first Atomic bomb attack.

I know...........offtopic.gif

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Most of these guys are cockswabs, it's just taken me a while to realise how bad they actually are. You just wonder that once this whole debacle has passed if there is going to be a journalistic clearout by various organisations.

I'm pretty sure its been said on here previously that the circulation numbers of our National papers was on a downward spiral PRIOR to them being outed for their lack of Journalistic integrity.........any other job their positions would be untenable.

My fear is that much like Rangers 2012 FC being in the SPL next season it'll be "as you were" with the Succulent Lamb Brigade as well ! mad.gif

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Dear Mr Green.

Greetings from Nigeria. I hope you are well. I am a very prominent businessman in Nigeria, but due to oppression from the ruling political party here, I have had to suspend my business dealings in this country. I have managed to secure $400 million US in a secret bank account and wish to invest it in a prominent business in The United Kingdom. I would be willing to forego a substantial part of the secret fund to ensure my continued prominent business dealings in The United Kingdom as an investment fee with a prominent UK businessman. I understand you are looking for investors in your football business.

My proposal is to use of my country's prominent footballers who has played in the World Cup of Football and give him to you to use in your Glasgow Rangers. This would be of immense benefit to the whole of Scottish Football, which I have heard is of prominent importance to you. On meeting with you at your home park, my cousin, the footballer, would be pleased to explain to you how we can transfer our $400million US to your Football Club. It is my proposal to transfer to you bank account the sum of $10 million US which will cover one year of my cousins football wages. My research shows that this is a standard amount for Rangers of Glasgow This will be added to by the $10million cash which he will carry with him which will help him to avoid much tax, which I also believe is standard practice for Glasgow Rangers. I look forward to establishing a close working relationship with your prominent team, and we can use my funds to profit from the transfer of young poor Nigerian footballers help them to become prominent footballers with Glasgow Rangers. In the first instance, it is important that you supply details of your bank account to allow me to transfer the first $10miilion US to your account. Unfortunately, I will require you to arrange the small sum of $1 million US to facilitate the release of funds from my secret account. Please do keep my identity secret as there are those within my country who would make trouble for me if they knew of my plans. I had planned to use a firm of accountants called Duff and Phelps to facilitate this transfer but they are feckin hopless and the theivin ba$tards seem to have conned me out of $5million US .

Best regards, Sir David Ngarti (Dr)

(sorry, it's a really slow day here)

Edited by Happy Buddie
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It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

My personal opinion is that they would be lost to the Scottish game - despite cheating their way to all those titles and cups in the recent years they will still feel hard done by, so I can't see them continuing to spend their money on the Scottish game which a) has been going downhill for years b) they will blame for the demise of RFC , c) they will see as a far weaker league and d) would mean they had to sit and watch their former rivals Celtic win the league at an absolute canter by Christmas

I'd guess that some of the ones down here in Ayrshire would maybe start following the local junior team, some others may start to follow the Chelsea team that they seem to connect with a bit more, but most will simply head to the pub on a Saturday and watch Premiership games which, lets face it, a lot of fans have started to do now that Scottish football is pretty awful and you can watch a decent standard of game and have a few pints for a fraction of the price of sitting in an empty stadium watching unfit players howf the ball up the park all afternoon (however thats a discussion for another time). So yeah I think they mostly wouldn't give a toss about Scottish football

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It's a slow news day so I thought I'd throw this out here....

If (and when) Rangers DO die, what do you think the fans will do in the future? Will they simply be lost to the game, or do you see them perhaps starting to follow other teams. Maybe lower level teams nearby them?

I was thinking this the other night. I could see a few Edinburgh based Rangers fans probably coming along to Tynie in the future (for obvious reasons*) but wondered if the Gers demise would see an increase in gates for teams like Clyde, Partick etc.

*i for one would prefer these bigots stay away from Tynie, we've already got enough of their 'type' as it is.

Anyway, as I said, slow news day an all that...

Most of them will stay at home and follow the EPL on Sky Sports, perhaps saving their money for a once a year trip to a stadium down south or something. Picking an English team (especially a successful one) is a much more attractive prospect to gloryhunters than watching another local team.

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My personal opinion is that they would be lost to the Scottish game - despite cheating their way to all those titles and cups in the recent years they will still feel hard done by, so I can't see them continuing to spend their money on the Scottish game which a) has been going downhill for years b) they will blame for the demise of RFC , c) they will see as a far weaker league and d) would mean they had to sit and watch their former rivals Celtic win the league at an absolute canter by Christmas

I'd guess that some of the ones down here in Ayrshire would maybe start following the local junior team, some others may start to follow the Chelsea team that they seem to connect with a bit more, but most will simply head to the pub on a Saturday and watch Premiership games which, lets face it, a lot of fans have started to do now that Scottish football is pretty awful and you can watch a decent standard of game and have a few pints for a fraction of the price of sitting in an empty stadium watching unfit players howf the ball up the park all afternoon (however thats a discussion for another time). So yeah I think they mostly wouldn't give a toss about Scottish football

While I dont disagree with you I reckon it will be simply a generation thing and in about 12 years the Weans of Orc may start going along to their local club which would benefit every club in Scotland but particularly those in the West. Their Fat Faithers may stiil go along to watch the Ranjurs in the Juniors but the Weans will want glory and head for the SPL clubs.

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It's very theoretical since Rangers will not die completely - current entity quite possibly but even if the 'worst' happens, they'll reform and will be back in the league system.

Anyway, if they did vanish the current generation of Rangers fans will not go elsewhere other than perhaps their local junior team. Senior football is too expensive to make going along to random games appealing to anything other than a handful of folk - yes there are good, even great, ST deals available but no passing football fan will commit to that, especially if there is a sense of bitterness at having been kicked out.

As for future generations, no doubt some would be dragged along by uncles, friends etc and will end up supporting local teams but it would take a while.

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My personal opinion is that they would be lost to the Scottish game - despite cheating their way to all those titles and cups in the recent years they will still feel hard done by, so I can't see them continuing to spend their money on the Scottish game which a) has been going downhill for years b) they will blame for the demise of RFC , c) they will see as a far weaker league and d) would mean they had to sit and watch their former rivals Celtic win the league at an absolute canter by Christmas

I'd guess that some of the ones down here in Ayrshire would maybe start following the local junior team, some others may start to follow the Chelsea team that they seem to connect with a bit more, but most will simply head to the pub on a Saturday and watch Premiership games which, lets face it, a lot of fans have started to do now that Scottish football is pretty awful and you can watch a decent standard of game and have a few pints for a fraction of the price of sitting in an empty stadium watching unfit players howf the ball up the park all afternoon (however thats a discussion for another time). So yeah I think they mostly wouldn't give a toss about Scottish football

which indeed is excellent news :)

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Excuse me just a second. Unless I have missed something incredibly obvious somewhere, Green does not yet own Rangers. In fact, he owns absolutly hee haw to do with that club. He probably doesn't even have one of them pishy new replica tops hanging in the cupboard. Granted, he has bunged D&P a few quid but thats worth approx f**k all at the present time, no?

So why then is he making decisions about what Rangers do next? As far as I can tell I have about as much authority as Green in the say so of Rangers. Why is he being invited to Hampden, SPL meetings and presumably various lodge meetings?

He can still walk away can't he? Why is he getting any sort of say so in any decisions anywhere?

I think it may be because he has bought Craig Whyte's shares for an outstanding amount of 2 quid which makes him the majority share holder in Rangers.

I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong ! as usual ha ha.

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Caught up yesterday with someone who is quite closely involved with the Scottish Government. Not for me any succulent lamb washed down Chateau Sir David, more a cup of coffee.

Discussed the Rangers situation. And the response was not a million miles away from the majority of P&B posters.

1. The behaviour of Rangers as a business, and a high profile Scottish one, it totally unacceptable. The risk of a perception being created that Scottish business are incompetent, or downright devious is not an image the Government wants to see given any mileage.

So on a business level Rangers must be hit hard. And the Sco Gov can make its views known to police forces where they want to see a positive outcome where there has been illegal and fraudulent behaviour.

2. On the footballing front, the same. Football is important to the Government on a number of counts. The Sco Gov has earmarked football as the 'national' sport with all that that means.

They have had initiatives such as 'Citizenship through football', using football to engage with those who can't read, educate punters about socially acceptable behaviour, and eliminate bigotry, and many more aims. A lot (an awful lot) of public money has gone into such projects, some going to the charities setup by the SPL and their member clubs.

It is essential to have a clean sport, so they can work with it in the future through these and other programmes. So again essential the SFA and SPL deal with the many issues that have surfaced. The accept it is too late to clean up Rangers but they want a shot fired across the bows of every other club to sort themselves out. If not, they will make sure their money and funding from others such as the Lottery will not go in their direction.

So in essence whatever it takes to get a clean sport, and if it means clubs dying that is a price worth paying.

3. They are not happy about the past behaviour of the people who ran Rangers. They are even less impressed with some the characters trying to get hold of the club. They do not want 'people like that' being involved in any club in Scotland. So work is going on to create something enforceable with teeth.

4. The doomsday scenario if (or when) Rangers are closed down, even just for one year. They have looked at potential social unrest consequences, and ready to deal with it. On the streets and online. This was just a very general discussion. They have also looked at the implications of a walk away by supporters if a Rangers Newco gets waved into the SPL. They see that as a bigger threat than Rangers being closed down for a number of reasons (which I didn't get detail of).

5. Supporter involvement in running clubs. Yes they want to see more of this, but in a meaningful way. The assets of the clubs are important (grounds etc) as if these are sold for short term gain then clubs very often struggle afterwards, and very often the driving force for dodgy characters getting involved with clubs. So they are looking at something that protects the assets from fly boys and asset strippers. Clubs must be run in a sustainable manner.

6. While they cannot get involved directly in football decisions, they will act to communicate positively the views of the vast majority of the population of Scotland directly to the decision makers. Football decisions these days are about more than football.

So in summary,

1. We (the the Scottish Government) all need to know the full story about Rangers and what went wrong, when and who was responsible.

2. Punishments must be severe and public, to send out a positive message to Scotland, the UK and beyond.

3. We (Scottish Government) must make sure it never happens again.

While I agree with the majority of the above, I have tried to avoid putting my spin on it. Time will tell whether they see it through. But one comment was that if this is not dealt with properly and cleanly, then Scottish football will be a meaningless, corrupt irrelevance.

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