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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I just don't see any downside to the SFL 3 route. Rangers need time to recover from this mess. Money will be spread around the lower leagues and they will get unprecedented media coverage. The footballing authorities will have been seen to take strong action against the club and set a strong precedence. Other clubs in the SPL will have a route to European competition and hopefully supporters of other clubs who have grown bored will start to go back to the games as they challenge further up the league.

As for fishing trips...I have read nearly 1600 pages of my team being slated and kicked around by all and sundry. Taking that into consideration i think i have been pretty restrained ;)

Just to add the obvious downside is loss of TV revenue in the SPL but i am sure they will get a deal at some level and we might even see a wee deal for the lower league clubs who are hosting Rangers.

I actually agree with all of this. Again, the only potential problem for Rangers is that the SFA might suspend/terminate their membership which will obviously completely kill the club, or the HMRC (and the other creditors) might be successful in taking all of Rangers sellable assets and any newco Rangers would be homeless.

To be honest, I can understand any Rangers fans going on a fishing trip in here - it has been a diddy love in/Rangers hate fest from the start. After years of getting it rubbed in our faces how great Rangers are though, I'm sure you can understand why that might be the case.

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This is the one scenario i would struggle with. I understand why people are talking about Airdrie but the thought of putting another club out the game is just so unpalatable i don't think i could support the Newco. I would be totally sickened if this was to happen

but airdrie are fair game

they only exist because they did that

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RFC arent gonna buy airdrie or any other club when they cant afford to pay for the facepainting ffs. Green is only offering a loan and we dont know what the conditions or indeed interest on it would be. If they end up as newco...green isnt gonna carry the several millions of pounds pa required to operate mp and ibrox so he will charge that to newco...and crowds in sfl3 wont sustain that for very long...meanwhile green would have pocketed money from outgoing players and maybe left a few quid for newco to hire players of sfl3 standard. there will be no credit for a gretna style romp up theleagues paying money they didnt have for spl players. if cva is rejected then a newco outside of spl leads inevitbaly to death of rfc. i doubt they could live sustainably in spl once fans realise they can afford to buy any more silverware.

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Mind boggling, Im sure I read something when the guy from the SFA (or was it SFL) said he would take Rangers on their merits along with other clubs who wanted to apply.

I guess that would be the genuine newco option.

As far as I can see there are four scenarios, if they go newco

1) SPL and SFA both agree to transfer the membership/share and the newco plays in the SPL.

2) SPL refuse to transfer share but SFA agree to transfer membership.

3) SPL agrees to transfer share but SFA refuse to transfer membership

4) Both SPL and SFA refuse transfer

scenario 1) is obviously what Rangers want and is the most straightforward to get your head round

scenarios 3) and 4) have the same effect - theyre fucked. In these scenarios the newco would have to apply for SFA membership and then once granted, apply to join the SFL in the 3rd division. This, I think, is where the 3 years accounts would come in to play

scenario 2) is a more confusing. I think, that the SPL refusing to transfer the share would, effectively, be the same as the Rangers being relegated. Therefore, as they are still the same club in the eyes of the SFA, they would go into the first division.

On the face of it, scenario 2) looks like an easy option for Rangers. But, actually, it might be the best one all round. The club is punished, by not being in the SPL, but there is the chance that they will be back after 1 season. Crucially, though, as the same footballing entity, they would still be open to punishment, from the SFA, for dual contracts etc

Of course, that wouldnt please anyone who wants to see them killed off for good!

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To be honest, I can understand any Rangers fans going on a fishing trip in here - it has been a diddy love in/Rangers hate fest from the start. After years of getting it rubbed in our faces how great Rangers are though, I'm sure you can understand why that might be the case.

Of course i do...I do have a sense of humour and have laughed along most of the time. I just take exception to some of the aliases who claim to support 'Diddy' clubs when it is patently obvious they don't. ;)

Can you imagine how insufferable i am going to be IF the CVA is accepted? We win the BTC...I am laughing right now thinking about it ;)

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Fair enough. What about the possibility of buying out Airdrie (which has been mentioned) and effectively starting in Div 1.

I would hope that loop hole was closed after Airdrie's buyout of Clydebank. Anyone know?

Rules were put in place in England after Wimbledon became the MK Dons but I don't think anything was done in Scotland

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Hellboy is taking these clips from KDS. He could at least acknowledge the creators. Plagiarism is not cool. :D

Well if you're going to plagiarise something it may as well be something funny, and that's one of the funniest things i've seen here :D .

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King is continuing to stir!

Rangers director Dave King wants Charles Green's bid to buy the club to fail, unless he demonstrates an ability to provide long-term funding.

In an exclusive, in-depth interview with BBC Scotland King predicted Green "would not last a season" at Ibrox.

He says the Blue Knights group is the only viable bidder for Rangers.

The club's administrator Duff & Phelps and Green dismissed misgivings expressed by King on Thursday, questioning his motives.

Green also pointed out that, even if his company voluntary arrangement proposal fails, the terms of his agreement mean he would acquire the club as a 'newco'.

King believes that, either way, liquidation remains the likely outcome.

"Whether the CVA goes through or doesn't go through, it may delay the inevitable," said King.

"I think I was public in saying that [current majority shareholder] Craig Whyte wouldn't see the season out and I would predict Charles Green wouldn't see a season out either."

The South Africa-based Scot previously called for fans not to buy season tickets and to join his opposition to the CVA.

And he does not believe Green's acquisition of the club is a fait accompli.

He said: "All you need is the fans to say 'we've seen this before, we want to support the club, we want to buy season tickets but we're insisting the season-ticket money is put into escrow with a major legal firm and it won't be touched until the beginning of the season so we know it's there'.

"I think you'll then see that Charles Green will run a mile because he doesn't have the money to run the club and he's relying on the season ticket money to fund the acquisition."

Green's statement on Thursday noted that King himself was not in a position to bid for the club himself, but King told BBC Scotland his battle with the South African taxman, worth hundreds of millions of pounds, does not preclude him from being involved in a bid.

Green's group agreed a deal to buy Rangers in May</SPAN>

He is adamant Green should reveal at least some of the details of his plans to allow fans to judge them.

"If there isn't any demonstrated capability [of future funding by Green] I think it should fail, and fail quickly," he added.

"Then at least Duff & Phelps are in a position to negotiate with the only real answer at this point, which is the Blue Knights consortium [led by Paul Murray and Brian Kennedy] and accept they might not get as much up front, in terms of what has been promised by Green.

"I have a sense from discussions I've had that there are a number of people who would get involved but only if the club can be acquired in a sensible manner by like-minded people and will be properly funded going forward.

"I respect that Duff & Phelps' job is not really to worry about the future of the club. They've just got to say 'we've got do the best for creditors and if we get another £500,000 from this transaction but they haven't got the money going forward, it's our obligation to take that'.

"My concern with the Charles Green transaction is just the complete lack of transparency. If Charles Green had said 'I'm going to put £8.5m into the club and I've got these investors available with credibility who've also agreed to put in the £30-35m the club needs over the next three years', I certainly would have supported it.

"It's not difficult to put together a deal to acquire the club under existing circumstances, but the question is, how can you fund it going forward? If Mr Green does have funding, he's being very shy about revealing who they [his backers] are.

"My understanding is that he doesn't have funding and all we're into is the same situation we had with Craig Whyte last year where the funding will come out of the season ticket sales, and that will run dry round about August or September and you just have a [situation like] Portsmouth. We'll be back in the same situation a year down the road."


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This is the one scenario i would struggle with. I understand why people are talking about Airdrie but the thought of putting another club out the game is just so unpalatable i don't think i could support the Newco. I would be totally sickened if this was to happen


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but airdrie are fair game

they only exist because they did that

I know the whole Clydebank/Airdrie United carry on but still would not want to see another club suffering due to our clubs gross mismanagement

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Fair play for having doubts about following a club which had killed another. Though I agree Airdrie United are at least more fair game than the rest.

At least it would settle the squabbling about honours, I'm sure Rangers fans would treasure that Second Division championship from 1976 and pair of Stirlingshire Cups :D.

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I just don't see any downside to the SFL 3 route. Rangers need time to recover from this mess. Money will be spread around the lower leagues and they will get unprecedented media coverage. The footballing authorities will have been seen to take strong action against the club and set a strong precedence. Other clubs in the SPL will have a route to European competition and hopefully supporters of other clubs who have grown bored will start to go back to the games as they challenge further up the league.

As for fishing trips...I have read nearly 1600 pages of my team being slated and kicked around by all and sundry. Taking that into consideration i think i have been pretty restrained ;)

The only downside I see to the SFL 3 route is that any other new club would have to make an application to the SFL to gain access to SFL 3 why should the club you are looking to change your allegiances and take up support with be any different?

As for your point on fishing trips, do you not think that your present club have brought it all upon you and your fellow supporters?

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Of course i do...I do have a sense of humour and have laughed along most of the time. I just take exception to some of the aliases who claim to support 'Diddy' clubs when it is patently obvious they don't. ;)

Can you imagine how insufferable i am going to be IF the CVA is accepted? We win the BTC...I am laughing right now thinking about it ;)

How would we notice , because I am not sure you could be more insufferable :ph34r:

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scenario 2) is a more confusing. I think, that the SPL refusing to transfer the share would, effectively, be the same as the Rangers being relegated. Therefore, as they are still the same club in the eyes of the SFA, they would go into the first division.

On the face of it, scenario 2) looks like an easy option for Rangers. But, actually, it might be the best one all round. The club is punished, by not being in the SPL, but there is the chance that they will be back after 1 season. Crucially, though, as the same footballing entity, they would still be open to punishment, from the SFA, for dual contracts etc

Of course, that wouldnt please anyone who wants to see them killed off for good!

I was under the impression that the SFL rules forbade the transfer of a license, so wouldn't that cause a problem?

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Fair enough. What about the possibility of buying out Airdrie (which has been mentioned) and effectively starting in Div 1.

I would hope that loop hole was closed after Airdrie's buyout of Clydebank. Anyone know?

If this happened the happiest man would be Traynor - no need to pretend he supports Airdrie, he can openly support his team.

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I know the whole Clydebank/Airdrie United carry on but still would not want to see another club suffering due to our clubs gross mismanagement

What about all the other clubs who've already suffered due to your clubs cheating?

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I was under the impression that the SFL rules forbade the transfer of a license, so wouldn't that cause a problem?

Possibly. The SFL rules were quoted on here a few pages back (probably lots of pages back now!) and the wording is relatively vague. It does allow transfer under certain conditions and it has to go to the SFL board

I was working under the assumption that if "relegated" from the SPL they would automatically become members of the SFL. Thats how normal relegation works. Whether or not that would be the case, I dont know!

Edited by Mr X
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