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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Its a feckin impossibility from anyone or anything to do with Rankers Football Club.....It was all Whytey's (the owner) fault, nothing to do with us......Doh!!!!

You forgot the bit where they said,we didn't really want him anyway...it was just he offered us some cookies from the dark side.

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It is possible to drastically cut the wage bill and stay competitive and it should have been done years ago.

Its also far too little, far too late.

If you get rid of these players they cant seriously be looking at bringing in someone else on 12lk per week (regardless of how much is being saved losing current players)

You own dozens (if not hundreds) of companies/parties a HELL of a lot of money. Bringing in any player and paying them 12k per week is an absolutely outrageous suggestion.

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Absolute fucking bullshit, you CHOSE to support a club built on bigotry a club which at the time you started supporting them practiced and espoused sectarianism.

The bigots were there long before you joined and will remain there till the day the club dies.

It begs a form of the Mrs Merton question, "Tell me No8 what exactly was it that attracted you to the vile, bigoted, sectarian football club you chose to support?"

In his defence though kids don't understand all the 'politics' of certain football teams when they begin watching football.

Its just sad that these 'politics' dictate their beliefs in later life, rather than them forming their own opinion (not aimed at you No8)

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Its also far too little, far too late.

If you get rid of these players they cant seriously be looking at bringing in someone else on 12lk per week (regardless of how much is being saved losing current players)

You own dozens (if not hundreds) of companies/parties a HELL of a lot of money. Bringing in any player and paying them 12k per week is an absolutely outrageous suggestion.

Do you think Green is spouting this nonsense in the hope that the CVA fails?

Or is it a case that these people are so deranged that they have lost all sense of reality and just continue on as normal with fingers in their ears?

Edited by huckleberry
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A derelict build can be knocked down whether its alisted building or not. If its in a state of decay and a danger to the publicthen its a gonner.

Ibrox is a danger to the public no matter what state it's in.

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Ticketus have bought the rights from Div to sell tickets to post on page 1690. £2million per post, with all proceeds to be divided between the Stand Up guy, and RFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

I'm in. I'll have 3 of those posts.

Have I mentioned I'm in administration?

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Do you think Green is spouting this nonsense in the hope that the CVA fails?

Or is it a case that these people are so deranged that they have lost all sense of reality and just continue on as normal with fingers in their ears?

I honestly don't have a clue.

Some of the Rangers fans I know have been absolutely lucid with regards to the amount of issues Rangers have. They are genuinely worried and admit they are at fault and should be punished.

Others just seem to kick about with their fingers in their ears making loud 'laa laa laa, I dont want know, laa laa laa' noises and want their club to buy their way out of it. Its absolutely bonkers.

They actually believe that their club is being hard done to. Its beyond baffling.

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£12,000 a week? That's supposed to be cheap???

And we can't afford to pay Tokely £1,200 a week!

When will any of you join the real world?

And this is what they believe is fighting for the very survival of their club?

Paying money they dont have to an ex player. Bonkers.

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From a poster on RTC:

What’s the point of HMRC refusing the CVA yet allowing the assets to be sold for a song to someone who has openly stated that he’ll be using them to set up a successor, and most importantly, DEBT-FREE Rangers? Would this just not be essentially rewarding tax cheating? Where’s the deterrent factor, this ‘head on a pike’ stance that we’ve been hearing if this is allowed to happen? They’d be cutting their own throat if they helped facilitate the setting-up of an openly ‘successor’ club to the one which has just cheated them for a decade and which has walked away scot-free from around £70 million of debt – “Don’t worry tax cheats – we’ll close you down ‘cos the law says we have to, but we’ll then allow the assets to be sold for a fraction of their true value so you can start again debt-free”

A New Club may arise if the assets were sold in an open market anyway, but at least it wouldn’t be with, essentially, HMRC’s blessing

If this scenario were to happen then all of us here have simply wasted their time for the past year or so. Meet the New Rangers. Same as the Old Rangers, brought to you courtesy of HMRC…

This has been bugging me too. Could the CVA getting rejected be the best thing for them? Will the newco get away with debt from the BTC? At least if RFC 1873 remains there will be no escaping the result from the BTC and any possible future scandals that we are yet to break.

This is precisely why HMRC have taken steps to appoint liquidators. Greens plans will not succeed despite his " i will own rangers by Thursday" bravado.

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Absolute fucking bullshit, you CHOSE to support a club built on bigotry a club which at the time you started supporting them practiced and espoused sectarianism.

Yep. I was quite advanced for a 3 year old and understood the complexities of this issue.

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£12,000 a week? That's supposed to be cheap???

And we can't afford to pay Tokely £1,200 a week!

When will any of you join the real world?

Agreed....with all the money they owe they should be ordered to cap wages at £500 pw until every penny they owe is repaid. £12,000 a week would probably cover most of MY TEAMS wages for the week, yet this club, that could owe up to £150,000,000 want to pay this to a washed up Italian thug!!!! No wonder most people want this club to disappear for good!!

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This is precisely why HMRC have taken steps to appoint liquidators. Greens plans will not succeed despite his " i will own rangers by Thursday" bravado.

Well we'll see on Thursday.

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??? WTF man what's your problem matey ?........ If you actually read all the posts on here like I do then you would know I do a google search in the images option with different wordings in each search with the word "GIFS" at the end then you maybe could find something funny as well.I have never claimed to make them and I'm am passing on the makers works for everyone to enjoy ..... and thank f**k some people actually take the time to make these GIF's that I enjoy as much as anyone.

GOOGLE is my source for GIF's ? so now everybody knows WHOOPEE and BIG DEAL and MEGA THANKS to those who make funny GIF's I share on here !!!!! well done guys and put your name on them 8).

AND FYI I've never been on KDS although I did wander onto TALK CELTIC a couple of times ! although I've been on RAGERS MEDIA umpteen times through addiction to it coz of the bigotry and makes me laff like fook ha ha :lol:.

Thank you for taking the time to respond, however it might be a good idea to give the Class A's a rest. You sound like Stewie Griffin on speed. If I have offended your sensibilities / pride / tribal allegiances in any way, please accept my deepest heartfelt apologies. No offence was intended. As you say, many of the H*n gifs presently doing the rounds are very clever and very funny.

Any eejit can copy and paste. Myself for example. :rolleyes:

I just happen to think it's courtesy to namecheck the creators. Hopefully this post will not cause you any blood pressure problems.

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