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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That Ally Quits headline in the record is different to the edition we've got up here-ours is sky to axe tv deal. looks completely invented to me.

I heard that if Rangers go tits-up, seriously fcuked in either a Third Lanark fashion, or papped to the 3rd Div - Sky TV will NOT 'axe' or 'walk away' from Scottish top flight football. Reason? Rangers (especially since Feb 14) have become increasingly toxic, dirty, something you'd rather scrape off your shoe than protect and save.... and Sky do not need the terrible publicity that would come from them turning their backs on a home nation's well-established top flight, and seemingly supporting a disgraced and deeply corrupt 'institution'.

It's just like a politician involved in some scandal - the PM will issue soundbites of support, and say they fully support their colleague.... then as more skeletons come out the closet, and it is clear as day that their colleague is a complete cnut - they'll distance themselves completely from the mess and leave the cnut to their own devices.

A reduced TV deal if 'Rangers' aren't on the scene? Probably, almost certainly... but no deal? 'Walking away' in fact? Not what I heard. Time will tell.

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I am glad to see McCoist walk away. You can all think what you like about McCoist but to all Rangers supporters he was..is..and always will be a true Rangers legend. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in all honesty he should have listened to Walter Smith and walked away.. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and i am sure he will say he couldn't turn down the chance to manage The Rangers.

I would hate to see McCoist struggling to put a team on the park in the lower league. Loyalty to your club can only go so far and it is time for us all (Rangers supporters) to get real and realise the 'glory days' are gone for a few years. We have to get rid of the established players and start building a team to get us through the lower leagues. I do hope we hang onto a couple of youngsters and manage to loan out the likes of Jamie Ness, Rhys McCabe, Kyle Hutton and 1 or 2 others who we can bring back to the club when/if we get back up the league. Not seeing these young lads careers progress is 1 of the hardest things to take out of all this. I always said in the past that John Fleck would be a first team regular..Now we are destined for the SFL 3 i might finally be proved correct :D

I know McCoist has upset many in recent months but considering the pressure he was under and having to sit and watch the club he loves being destroyed from the inside i can forgive him. In my opinion he can walk out that Main Door with his head held high.

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61 members logged on before 8.00 am. :lol:

If the story is true about McCoist walking and if the players are allowed to leave, Green will end up getting exactly what he wants. He's an asset stripper and, regardless what anyone says about 'valuations' the physical assets of rangers for £5.5m is a bargain.

He will make money for himself and his real backers. That's all he ever wanted.

We already know CVA is dead, but today's relevation should be Green telling us who his investors are - he promised to do it today.

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I am glad to see McCoist walk away. You can all think what you like about McCoist but to all Rangers supporters he was..is..and always will be a true Rangers legend. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in all honesty he should have listened to Walter Smith and walked away.. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and i am sure he will say he couldn't turn down the chance to manage The Rangers.

I would hate to see McCoist struggling to put a team on the park in the lower league. Loyalty to your club can only go so far and it is time for us all (Rangers supporters) to get real and realise the 'glory days' are gone for a few years. We have to get rid of the established players and start building a team to get us through the lower leagues. I do hope we hang onto a couple of youngsters and manage to loan out the likes of Jamie Ness, Rhys McCabe, Kyle Hutton and 1 or 2 others who we can bring back to the club when/if we get back up the league. Not seeing these young lads careers progress is 1 of the hardest things to take out of all this. I always said in the past that John Fleck would be a first team regular..Now we are destined for the SFL 3 i might finally be proved correct :D

I know McCoist has upset many in recent months but considering the pressure he was under and having to sit and watch the club he loves being destroyed from the inside i can forgive him. In my opinion he can walk out that Main Door with his head held high.

... and he would have in my book too, if it weren't for his 'who are these people?' pish. Like Jardine issuing 'we will remember our enemies' threats, and Green gibbering about signing players while creditors were owed millions, and like bringing the courts into it - Ally's call for 'transparency' when he knew damn fine who the people were, and that his club agreed to the way it was done.... he seriously added to the 'anti-Rangers' sentiment that has brewed amongst the very people Rangers needed to keep onside.

As I keep saying... silly, silly buns. Needed to show a bit of humilty and to basically keep their gobs zipped and quietly crack on with saving their club and courting support... couldn't do it.

Fcuk um'.

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Looks like the night owls had fun last night on here whilst we were all tucked up in bed. I was wondering why I could see quotes from Teebear but no actual posts, now I can understand why.

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Many moons ago in the saga, I expressed the opinion that Paul 'naemunney' Murray's objective was to plant himself as the preference of the Orcs to be the head of a pheonix club - when 2 or 3 or 4 pheonix Glasgow Rangers Utd try to establish then the RST will give their blessing (sic) to the Murray version.

Nae doubt that the Blue Knights will use follow fool-o to muster the bears and say they must have control of the newco. Brian Kennedy will issue a statement whilst wearing a miami vice suit and shades in an 80s style chrome decor cocktail bar declaring.- "At this dark time we need to get a quantum going forward so could you carefully pack in bubble wrap all ginger bottles and post to The Big Hoose, Heartbreak Street. Govan.

I think they're the obvious choice, but I also think they'd be a disaster given they supposedly want to put folk like Mark Dingwall in high places at the club. It would be like walking away from a car crash and sitting down on a train line while you wait for help to turn up.

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I am glad to see McCoist walk away. You can all think what you like about McCoist but to all Rangers supporters he was..is..and always will be a true Rangers legend. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in all honesty he should have listened to Walter Smith and walked away.. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and i am sure he will say he couldn't turn down the chance to manage The Rangers.

I would hate to see McCoist struggling to put a team on the park in the lower league. Loyalty to your club can only go so far and it is time for us all (Rangers supporters) to get real and realise the 'glory days' are gone for a few years. We have to get rid of the established players and start building a team to get us through the lower leagues. I do hope we hang onto a couple of youngsters and manage to loan out the likes of Jamie Ness, Rhys McCabe, Kyle Hutton and 1 or 2 others who we can bring back to the club when/if we get back up the league. Not seeing these young lads careers progress is 1 of the hardest things to take out of all this. I always said in the past that John Fleck would be a first team regular..Now we are destined for the SFL 3 i might finally be proved correct :D

I know McCoist has upset many in recent months but considering the pressure he was under and having to sit and watch the club he loves being destroyed from the inside i can forgive him. In my opinion he can walk out that Main Door with his head held high.

I'm sorry No8. - he was a rallying focus for Orcs in trouble but a completely crap manager.He was only of any use to you as Watty's tea-boy - he couldn't step-up to the plate.

The day at Tannadice you were struggling to put out a side yet Sally left Aluko on the bench should have confirmed it to even you with blue-tinted shades on.

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I would hate to see McCoist struggling to put a team on the park in the lower league.

But why? Wouldn't it be a *real* achievement for him to bring a newco Rangers back into the SPL where they "belonged".

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I'm sorry No8. - he was a rallying focus for Orcs in trouble but a completely crap manager.He was only of any use to you as Watty's tea-boy - he couldn't step-up to the plate.

The day at Tannadice you were struggling to put out a side yet Sally left Aluko on the bench should have confirmed it to even you with blue-tinted shades on.

I don't think he ever had a chance to be fair. We were doing OK until it went tits up so we will never know how he would have done given a level playing field...Yes i know we have cheated for years..i don't need reminded at this time in the morning. ;)

That day at Tannadice was just unbelievable. He dropped Aluko and threw on that young lad Mitchell. It was almost as bad as Mervan against United in the Cup game. I'll never understand that decision..He did throw Aluko on and he scored a wonder goal..if he meant it. ;) .and was outstanding. Yep a poor managerial decision..But then again signing Aluko in the first place was a great decision. Mnay on here laughed about it but he certainly proved everyone of them wrong with some outstanding performances in the run in

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I was always predicting in my head that Aberdeen would vote no. I think Seltik would have voted no to appease some fans but only in the certainty that Govan FC would be voted in by others. Now that's less certain, I think they will vote yes.


I think NO votes will actually be:



Ross Co (they are loaded)

Dundee United



St Mirren


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Ok here's my guess at the yes or no game.





Ross County







Dundee Hibernian

St. Mhirren

Saint Jhonstone

The ICT one depends a lot on what the fans say, I'd put them in the no camp atm.

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