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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Has anyone asked ESPN what they plan on doing?

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but the standard of Print Media journalism over the past couple of days especially has been rotten.

"Sky will rip up the deal" says the Record, without wondering if they might renegotiate it (which in all liklihood they will).

The Express and other rags interviewing scores of ex Rangers players to give what looks like a consensus view that the SPL needs them.


Why has nobody said 'It will cost clubs, but they'll be able to renegotiate the distribution of any TV income more fairly since the 11-1 vote will be scrapped'. A bigger slice of a smaller pie.

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Just to be sure your voice is heard email the supporters' trust donald@caleythistleonline.com and copy in Kenny.cameron@ictfc.co.uk.

That ST email is one which was used to confirm my ST online account, I cannot find any others except the contact page here http://www.ictsuppor...t.co.uk/contact

Cracking and useful post - well done

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Le Guen? Really??????? :o

Who is Chairman now? :unsure:

Supporters trust email


Cheers, can you edit your post to remove Dons CTO address please? Don't want him to think I'm being malicious.

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At the risk of repeating myself, I can't understand Green's logic regarding TUPE. Either he expected the players' contracts to transfer over to the newco, in which case £5.5M is a criminal undervauation of the company's assets, or he didn't, in which case, why is bleating now?

I wish one of the papers or TV reporters would ask him exactly that question.

At the risk of repeating MYSELF, it's been obvious from day one of the Green Era that he wanted to get his hands on the transfer money from the players, they were de facto the most valuable part of the RFC set-up. Ibrox usable only as a football park in Glasgow (obviously) MP (similar problem) but players worth £20-30m and portable, so gives a nice profit, spend £10m on players capable of getting 2nd or 3rd in SPL minus £6m outlay = minimum £4m profit in the first few weeks. RESULT. That's why they had to overturn the transfer embargo. If he gets to call the shots and the TUPE thing goes his way, (which I think won't happen) he'll clear them out within a week.

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Oops, just copied my email from yesterday to Don. :(

Don't worry it's on CTO anyway but just to keep the hoards from bombarding him.

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How do I write to Ross County's Chairman to pretend to be an avid fan and disappointed he's made no negative statements of the prospect of Govan FC in SPL?????????

Bluddy 'ell your club fought their way up there but let cheating nobodies in (I'd phrase it a bit more politely!)

Edited by Claymores
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Succulent Leggo of Lamb in full-on permarage mode today. Go get 'em, Davy !!!!!!!

Thursday, 14 June 2012


ALLY McCOIST is set to go public and reveal just how Charles Green planned to stab him in the back.

McCoist will face the media within the next 24 hours and confirm that he is resigning as Rangers manager.

And he will underline that he is only taking this massive step away from the club he loves as a matter of principle and...

Because he cannot trust Charles Green.

Because proven liar Charles Green is not a man to be trusted.

And Charles Green is most certainly not a man to be trusted with control of Rangers.

Today's bombshell exclusive in the Daily Record will be confirmed by McCoist who will then lift the lid on just how Charles Green intends to run Rangers ragged.

It will be, I believe, the most sensational press conference ever held by any Old Firm manager.

And it could rally Rangers troops and activists in a last ditch campaign to stop Charles Green and his increasingly dodgy looking gang of backers from getting their hands on Rangers.

McCoist has been uneasy at how Charles Green works, at who Charles Green keeps company with and at what Charles Green's asset stripping plans are for Rangers.

But he has kept his counsel until now, all the time working in the background and becoming more and more aware of the clear and present danger Charles Green is to Rangers.

Now he is ready to go public in what promises to be a series of revelations which could spell the beginning of the end for Charles Green.

For McCoist may be just the first Rangers legend to take to the public stage to lend his iconic voice to the campaign to stop Green and his dodgy backers. :lol: :lol: :lol:



THE Sky may well just be about to fall in on Scottish football.

And crush all the hate filled bigots and fools who want to kick Rangers out of not just the Scottish Premier League, but out of the Scottish Football Association too.

The ultimate and vindictive punishment being urged by these bile filled bigots is to see Rangers booted out of football completely.

And the club killed off.

The truth is that as this ground swell of bigotry begins to roll, sanity could well be crushed by it and these people may just be handed what they wish on a plate.

With the first folk to cash in with an £80M windfall being the accountants at Sky Sports.

For then there would be no chance of the unsigned new £80M contract, due to give Scottish football clubs a jackpot from next season, ever being inked.

And that would see plenty of clubs being pushed towards the edge of meltdown.

Someone, from the always dwindling ranks of the Aberdeen support, even went so far as to insist that all that was needed for Aberdeen to make up for the cash lost through the loss of Rangers and the Sky dough was for 1000 extra Aberdeen supporters to turn up for every match at Pittodrie.

What? Even when their team is rubbish? Even when a top six place is beyond them?

I don’t think so!

But that is the level to which the argument has descended as hate blinds the bigots to the reality of just how this Rangers crisis can and will impact on Scottish football if vile vindictive people are allowed to influence events.

Of course Rangers must be punished for the dirty deeds carried out in their name by Craig Whyte, despite warnings to David Murray not to sell out to the conman from such a good Rangers man as Alastair Johnston.

But to exile them to Siberia?

Stalin, himself, were he still around, would be proud of some of the hate filled rantings of the bigoted fools.

On which subject. I note the usually impeccably well informed Celtic Quick News site is warning that there is danger coming to Rangers in the shape of the Appeals Tribunal, chairman Lord Carloway.

Despite the fact that Lord Carloway’s view on how Rangers should be punished was overturned and deemed to be unlawful by Lord Glennie, sitting in judgment amidst the Majesty of the Court of Session in Edinburgh and applying the ancient precepts of one of the oldest and most respected legal systems in the world, Scots Law.

I do hope the man behind the Celtic Quick News site, has not been tipped off by Scottish Football Association board member Peter Lawwell, a source many reporters believe is behind many of the Celtic Quick News stories.

After all, Lord Carloway sits at the head of a Tribunal which, as SFA chief executive Stuart Regan, Lawwell’s Hampden boardroom pal, insists, is independent of the SFA.

On top of which, the idea that a Judge such as Lord Carloway, whatever his social or soccer inclinations may be, could be influenced by such as Peter Lawwell or Stewart Regan, is utterly preposterous.

Isn’t it?

For if anybody believed such nonsense, then it is more than the Sky which would fall in on them.

posted by leggoland @ 08:35

Edit:- I am seriously surprised that Plod hasn't felt this guys collar. Some of his rants are incitement to riot. :angry:

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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The only links that your H*n colleague knows about are probably the ones holding his hands behind his back.

If anyone is seriously suggesting that McMoist has the experience and ability to manage Spurs, then you should be locked up in the same facility as Teebear.

No doubt there will be the conspiracy theorists trying to do the Six Degrees of Separation due to the ENIC / Daniel Levy / Joe Lewis connection.

(Is it also true that Levy used to be a director of the organisation formerly known as RFC(IL) ?)

I like Pozbaird's theory that Sally will end up on Jeff Stelling's show spouting pish and screaming like a wee lassie every time Celtic score. :blink:

Edit:- Chapeau to the Dons fans for telling Wiggy which way the wind blows.

Dont you know the ways of Ra Peepul ?

No, its more ridiculous than that .He actually thinks "Arrry " might be coming to manage the Newco :lol: :lol:

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I must admit, this announcement that Aberdeen will vote "No to Newco" coupled with Hibs' recently strong stance is starting to increase my confidence that we can rid ourselves of this vile club once and for all (or at least have them punted to the bottom of the SFL). Today is already a good day.

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This may have been covered already, apologies if so. The thing that springs to mind more than anything is the pressure that may come from the creditors of the clubs voting. I have no doubt there will have been phone calls made by the major creditors of these clubs. A very dangerous precedent will be set if a newco is allowed back into the SPL. This will send out the signal for all clubs with major debt to follow the same route as Rangers. The banks/major creditors will be well aware of this, and I would be surprised if they don't take steps to safeguard outstanding monies owed to them.

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I must admit, this announcement that Aberdeen will vote "No to Newco" coupled with Hibs' recently strong stance is starting to increase my confidence that we can rid ourselves of this vile club once and for all (or at least have them punted to the bottom of the SFL). Today is already a good day.

Yup, hopefully other clubs will be heartened by this and will go the same way.


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Actually according to Supermac

THE first decision St Mirren supporters might have to make should their proposed takeover of the club become a reality could also turn out to be the most significant.

A Community Interest Company (CIC) hoping to buy out the 52% shareholding put up for sale by a consortium of directors will know by midnight tomorrow whether their bid has succeeded. The proposal requires significant financial contributions from its members who in return they will be given the opportunity to vote on all major matters affecting the club. And then some.

First on the agenda could be the trifling matter of whether to permit a newco Rangers direct entry to the Scottish Premier League. Should the CIC takeover go through they will assume ownership of the club on July 4 and, with the SPL vote on the newco issue not likely to take place before June 29 at the earliest, there is every chance the change of ownership at St Mirren could occur just in time for the new fans' co-operative to have a major say in the biggest story to impact on Scottish football for decades.

With any newco needing to secure an 8-4 majority to gain admission to the top flight, every one of the dozen votes could be crucial. St Mirren's input, therefore, could well be the greatest example of fan empowerment Scottish football has ever seen. The CIC are, understandably, using this as a carrot with which to entice more fans to support them, but with it comes a warning straight from a Spiderman movie: with great power comes great responsibility.

Supporters of the other 11 SPL clubs have been fairly forthright in their opposition to the prospect of a newco being allowed entry to the league. It is an emotive issue and fans, in general, can act without any real consideration of the consequences of their actions. They will not be the ones who have to balance the books and keep their club running.

The situation at St Mirren, therefore, could see two worlds collide. Supporters, who nearly always act with their hearts and not their heads, will become accountable for what happens as a result of their decisions. The natural reaction of the fans instructing the new CIC board, who in turn will guide the interim football board, will be a desire to punish Rangers, and to ensure the concept of sporting integrity is maintained.

Such is their right in a one member, one vote arrangement. But, as the CIC have warned, if the fans choose to vote no to newco, then they must be aware that their actions could impinge greatly on St Mirren's financial health.

"It would be the obligation of the board to clearly explain the financial implications that a yes or no vote would have on the club," reads the CIC's manifesto on the newco issue. "For example, a no vote may affect our income by up to £500,000 a year. The board would have to provide definitive options as to how that could be handled to allow the club to stay solvent.

"A yes vote could be on the condition that club voting reform happens thus enabling the expansion of the SPL without the blocking vote of only two clubs. Hopefully this demonstrates to all our members and SMISA [st Mirren Independent Supporters Association] the CIC is governed by its members' voice and that the power of that voice is much greater than a single fan representative on the board that has let down many other clubs over the years. The club will be owned by the community and governed by the fans."

With the Rangers story evolving on a daily basis and St Mirren still in a state of flux, there are alternative scenarios that could play out. The CIC are still short of reaching the level of financial support they need to demonstrate they can meet the selling consortium's £1.5m asking price and Stewart Gilmour, the club chairman, told Herald Sport last week that there are other bidders waiting in the wings.

Gilmour's response to the Rangers question yesterday – "it's very early days, there are still a lot of balls to land" – could well have been referring to his own club. The two other parties thought to be interested in buying St Mirren are based overseas and may have little interest in the moral argument of the Rangers issue and be more concerned over what it means from a business sense. If there is no change of ownership by the time the SPL vote comes around, then it would surely be in Gilmour's best interest to act in a manner that makes the club more attractive to potential investors.

A third scenario could see the CIC takeover go through but the SPL board meeting called before they assume ownership on July 4. Gilmour would likely still cast the St Mirren vote as one of his last acts as chairman but could well be influenced by the CIC's interim board – Gordon Scott, Tony Fitzpatrick, Richard Atkinson, Chris Stewart and Brian Caldwell – who may advise him of the likely wishes of their members. It is them, after all, who will have to live with the consequences.


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"And if Sky leave, Then expect Tennants to go as well, Track side advertising next?"

oh no rangers and celtics sponsor ohmy.gif


one topic they are slating the "daily rebel" & in another from the same day praising them laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

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Succulent Leggo of Lamb in full-on permarage mode today. Go get 'em, Davy !!!!!!!

Thursday, 14 June 2012


ALLY McCOIST is set to go public and reveal just how Charles Green planned to stab him in the back.

McCoist will face the media within the next 24 hours and confirm that he is resigning as Rangers manager.

And he will underline that he is only taking this massive step away from the club he loves as a matter of principle and...

Because he cannot trust Charles Green.

Because proven liar Charles Green is not a man to be trusted.

And Charles Green is most certainly not a man to be trusted with control of Rangers.

Today's bombshell exclusive in the Daily Record will be confirmed by McCoist who will then lift the lid on just how Charles Green intends to run Rangers ragged.

It will be, I believe, the most sensational press conference ever held by any Old Firm manager.

And it could rally Rangers troops and activists in a last ditch campaign to stop Charles Green and his increasingly dodgy looking gang of backers from getting their hands on Rangers.

McCoist has been uneasy at how Charles Green works, at who Charles Green keeps company with and at what Charles Green's asset stripping plans are for Rangers.

But he has kept his counsel until now, all the time working in the background and becoming more and more aware of the clear and present danger Charles Green is to Rangers.

Now he is ready to go public in what promises to be a series of revelations which could spell the beginning of the end for Charles Green.

For McCoist may be just the first Rangers legend to take to the public stage to lend his iconic voice to the campaign to stop Green and his dodgy backers.



THE Sky may well just be about to fall in on Scottish football.

And crush all the hate filled bigots and fools who want to kick Rangers out of not just the Scottish Premier League, but out of the Scottish Football Association too.

The ultimate and vindictive punishment being urged by these bile filled bigots is to see Rangers booted out of football completely.

And the club killed off.

The truth is that as this ground swell of bigotry begins to roll, sanity could well be crushed by it and these people may just be handed what they wish on a plate.

With the first folk to cash in with an £80M windfall being the accountants at Sky Sports.

For then there would be no chance of the unsigned new £80M contract, due to give Scottish football clubs a jackpot from next season, ever being inked.

And that would see plenty of clubs being pushed towards the edge of meltdown.

Someone, from the always dwindling ranks of the Aberdeen support, even went so far as to insist that all that was needed for Aberdeen to make up for the cash lost through the loss of Rangers and the Sky dough was for 1000 extra Aberdeen supporters to turn up for every match at Pittodrie.

What? Even when their team is rubbish? Even when a top six place is beyond them?

I don’t think so!

But that is the level to which the argument has descended as hate blinds the bigots to the reality of just how this Rangers crisis can and will impact on Scottish football if vile vindictive people are allowed to influence events.

Of course Rangers must be punished for the dirty deeds carried out in their name by Craig Whyte, despite warnings to David Murray not to sell out to the conman from such a good Rangers man as Alastair Johnston.

But to exile them to Siberia?

Stalin, himself, were he still around, would be proud of some of the hate filled rantings of the bigoted fools.

On which subject. I note the usually impeccably well informed Celtic Quick News site is warning that there is danger coming to Rangers in the shape of the Appeals Tribunal, chairman Lord Carloway.

Despite the fact that Lord Carloway’s view on how Rangers should be punished was overturned and deemed to be unlawful by Lord Glennie, sitting in judgment amidst the Majesty of the Court of Session in Edinburgh and applying the ancient precepts of one of the oldest and most respected legal systems in the world, Scots Law.

I do hope the man behind the Celtic Quick News site, has not been tipped off by Scottish Football Association board member Peter Lawwell, a source many reporters believe is behind many of the Celtic Quick News stories.

After all, Lord Carloway sits at the head of a Tribunal which, as SFA chief executive Stuart Regan, Lawwell’s Hampden boardroom pal, insists, is independent of the SFA.

On top of which, the idea that a Judge such as Lord Carloway, whatever his social or soccer inclinations may be, could be influenced by such as Peter Lawwell or Stewart Regan, is utterly preposterous.

Isn’t it?

For if anybody believed such nonsense, then it is more than the Sky which would fall in on them.

posted by leggoland @ 08:35

Edit:- I am seriously surprised that Plod hasn't felt this guys collar. Some of his rants are incitement to riot. :angry:

I wouldn't even read drivel from someone who classes the hang 'em highs as bigots.

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