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Decent article on WSC by a Rangers* supporter


All this as the long-awaited season ticket renewal forms hit doormats across Scotland. The covering letter, from Green, was sickening in its attempts to blackmail Rangers fans with their own history. Worse still was the inclusion of a ballot paper on re-naming the (Sir David) Murray Park training facility. The late great Davie Cooper's name was prostituted for PR designed to obtain first instalment payments for who-knows-who for god-knows-what before the end of this month.

Now if he is a Rangers supporter..and if he got his season ticket re-newal through the post he would surely have known you didn't have to re-new to vote. I have voted and the re-newal envelopes are in the cupboard unopened.

I would also have thought..if he was a Rangers supporter..he would have known that this was decided at a meeting with the representatives of the fans groups and it was their idea for the re-naming and their idea which names to use. I very much doubt Charles Green even knew who Moses McNeil was never mind the place he has in the clubs history.

I seriously doubt this guy is a Rangers supporter but it doesn't change the fact it is a decent and well written article.

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You shouldn't believe everything the failed Social Worker or Disgraced Lawyer tells you :rolleyes:

Maybe David Murray should've taken the same view regarding the EBTs, from the disgraced tax expert, turned porn producer :P

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Delighted that Aberdeen will vote no. I thought we would be strongly in the yes camp as well! Smashing! :D

I can't read the copies of the article that have been posted. Does it say that Milne is definitely going to vote against the Newco going into the SPL?

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At least this proves that some Rangers fans are not stupid;

"Sink us and we'll sink"

The best bit about this is they were bumpin their gums about how "boaring" scottish football is and that they wanted to go to england, so...... what are they moanin about now for? here's your chance. If you think english football is sooo great on you go, you won't be missed. Your going to go bust in less than 2 years anyway!

Edited by The Wee Scot
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I remember being one of those who picked one or other side when the bigot derby was on, even remember liking Rangers more in the early Souness days.

Once I realised they were ruining Scottish football I came to hate them and chose to prefer Celtic in the derby games.

Eventually realised the pair of them were squeezing the life out of our game, and moved both well above Killie in the hope they get stuffed list.

Remember the smug feeling I had walking into Mossblown bookies after Auxerre pumped them and realising all the Rangers tops were in the washing.

Being an Ayr fan used to be a lot easier, you just turned up, watched the game, went home.

If the SPL don't get their act together sharpish the lot of them will be going on the hate list.

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I don't know him personally, but, as I stated in another post, I've just found out he stays round the corner from me. From what I am led to believe, he enjoys spending his days, and his DLA, in one of the local turf accountants.;)

Thinking about it naming him may not be a good idea but you have confirmed what I thought.

I wonder if he spends every afternoon in a Rangers top at the said turf accountants.

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Let's look at it as something simpler. I'm selling a BMW 750, on the back seat is Catriona Shearer wearing nothing but a smile. How much would you pay for the package? The steering is dodgy, there's a rattle from the rear, the engine is making a funny noise, and the exhaust is farting like The Big Hoose Guy after a vindaloo and sixteen pints of Carling. OK, you offer me £50k, until you discover that Cat disnae need to go home with you, in fact she's wearing an engagement ring. Now what's the deal worth? The problems might be minor, but would you take the chance? It could cost £50k to fix. See the analogy?

As was said on a previous post - this post useless without photograph smiley required!!

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According to "another" site, the former trading name of the H*ns was "The Rangers Football Club PLC".

It is being suggested that the new name proposed by Hughie is almost identical to the old name and will therefore be rejected by Companies House and HMRC.

Yet another fvck-up by Captain Green and the Mysterons ?

if this is the case then this calls for a new dictionary entry

Charlieism- making a major cock up,due to the inability to read the rule booklaugh.gif

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The best bit about this is they were bumpin their gums about how "boaring" scottish football is and that they wanted to go to england, so...... when they moanin about now for? here's your chance. If you think english football is sooo great on you go, you won't be missed. Your going to go bust in less than 2 years anyway!

english fa already on record stating they dont accept foreign asylum seekers.

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No, anyone could have bought it as a football club for £5.5 million and closed it down. Then been left with the fixed assets. (Ok, you wouldn't live long, not near Govan anyway) Which they would have done what? with. MP's land is owned by the Cooncil, I believe, and a good bit of Ibrox is listed, so developing it as something else would be a raisky punt at making a profit.

Let's look at it as something simpler. I'm selling a BMW 750, on the back seat is Catriona Shearer wearing nothing but a smile. How much would you pay for the package? The steering is dodgy, there's a rattle from the rear, the engine is making a funny noise, and the exhaust is farting like The Big Hoose Guy after a vindaloo and sixteen pints of Carling. OK, you offer me £50k, until you discover that Cat disnae need to go home with you, in fact she's wearing an engagement ring. Now what's the deal worth? The problems might be minor, but would you take the chance? It could cost £50k to fix. See the analogy?

Yes they could have bought it as a football club but you explained why they wouldn't yourself.

Duff & Phelps have nothing to fear by putting the assets up for auction other than it may make it difficult for a football club to continue to play football at Ibrox. That, however, is irrelevant. They should try to secure the maximum value, if they fail then they have the fallback option of selling the entire package to Green, etc.

The limitations on the use of the ground at Murray Park are an enormous red herring thrown in by Rangers' apologists. Scotland is littered with developments on ground previously zoned for alternative purposes. For a developer it is not difficult to get a change of use passed, most councils see it as an opportunity to get something for nothing and start bargaining.

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As was said on a previous post - this post useless without photograph smiley required!!

Sorry, i'm a relative virgin on this stuff (and I'm no' gettin' into the Teebear paedo thing again), what's the photograph smiley thing?

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