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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh look, arrogant fvckwit NoB is back. You've got more faces than the town clock.

Oh look things are lookign a little rosier for Rangers and the personal insults start to fly. :P

I think you will find i have been consistent in my mocking of all bloggers throughout this whole saga

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A question for any of the financial gurus on here. My reading of the situation between H+D and Chuckie was that there existed a binding, exclusive contract to sell the assets to Green for 5.5m.

If H+D / Green now try and sell assets to Vulture Consortium, should BDO not step in to stop the sale and then carry out the asset sale themselves as liquidators ?

Was just going to post this - surely BDO would see that they could make more for the creditors by selling to Smith&Co rather than Green.

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http://www.sportyou. ...ece-416012.html


This Spanish site already has the Rangers in the 3rd division next season. Hope they are ahead of our media.

Don't speak Spanish :( but I got the gist.....

Btw is it an advert to the right hand side????? Where the orange is getting pressed? Ie squeezed of all its worth :D

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So, if Dumb and Dumber have just sold the assets to Charlie when there was a better offer on the table from Walter surely this means that they have not acted in the best interests of the creditors? Am I missing something here?

That leaves Charlie to make a nice tidy buck when he sells to Waltco with money that should have gone to creditors.

Yes, you're missing the fact that the deal to sell the assets was agreed several weeks ago.

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That's the beautiful thing with Watty's last minute bid, the contract to sell the assets to Green was signed and sealed and now it's delivered. Walter will stir up Rangers fans into a hysteria demanding the club are sold to him. Long court battles between Walter and Green over the Duff and Phelps rights to sell the club. Deadlines for paperwork for the club to be handed over to footballing authorities will be missed. Players will walk away not knowing who they are working for. It's perfect.

it's pretty obvious that green and whyte were both hired hands to take the heat of going into admin and liquidation. he'll sell to this new consortium because that has been the plan all along.

smith, mccoll, park and the rest of the blue knights get a debt free club without doing any of the dirty work.

Edited by T_S_A_R
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King Craigy by Edwin Morgan

Grey over Govan the clouds piled up,

dragged their debts with their blood stained knees.

The gates shut closed. Wind rose flaring the hissing bears,

Gers fans hung, heavy, from the lamps.

Gravestones huddled in Celtic park stands,

flickering streetlight scanned broxi bears park,

a name and an urn, a bike, a taxman picked out, lost, a club gone.

What is this bigoted wreath, blown from its grave red, whyte, blue and greene

'To Our Murray of Twenty years Ago'

Braehead bares, in dark suits, with flutes and drums,

they brought him here, Craig Whyte, in procession seriously,

King Craigy of Motherwell, alive, from Motherwell Cross:

a memory of evasion, brooding days of succulent lamb,

tax dodging and a sour grape,

wealth off the radar, famous sherrickings, the PAYE, the scuffle,

the flash, the tax, total crumpling in the copland,

bricks for papish windows, get the Admins next time,

the Admins ambush the Billy Boys, the Billy Boys the Admins

till Craigy scuffs the shares down the stank -

No, but it isn't the cheating and dodging they remember

but the legend of for every fiver they put down…..,

leader in the EBT times of payouts and bonuses,

lost in better days, a drink driver in a legless club,

a quiet man at last, hiding alone in Edinburgh in a shitey office.

So a thousand people stopped traffic for the hearse of a dead club,

and the flutes threw 'Onward Proddy Soldiers' to the winds

from unironic lips, the gallant bears kept in step, and there were some who wept

Give back our Bricks. The orange flutes are silent, the order dispersed.

Deplore what is to be deplored, and then Hector will find out the rest.

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it's pretty obvious that green and whyte were both hired hands to take the heat of going into admin and liquidation. he'll sell to this new consortium because that has been the plan all along.

smith, mccoll, park and the rest of the blue knights get a debt free club without doing any of the dirty work.

Who hired them?

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1339690114[/url]' post='6335878']

Was just going to post this - surely BDO would see that they could make more for the creditors by selling to Smith&Co rather than Green.

New flash BDO don't give a f**k about the asset sales. There will be no money after they investigate thoroughly. This will be a long and forensic investigation into how Rangers avoided taxation. If they can prove it was deliberate and if there is any recourse legally against directors etc.

If all HMRC wanted was a few more pence in its pocket they would have got it in a CVA. this is now about getting people not money. D&P estimated £1m for liquidation, expect all available funds to be used to find the dirt on Whyte, Murray et al.

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He was saying on Radio 5 live that he wants to have the club called Rangers football club,when asked how he could do this he replied by dropping the plc from its name just now.

Really. I suppose he doesn't want to get too technical.

In any event, he's right. You can't call a newco exactly the same name as the oldco (and, in any event, you can't call a company a plc if it's not a plc) but you can use a very similar name if you've just bought it from administrators and you properly publicise the new name and it's relationship to the old company etc.

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Have you not got an email to send away? A phone call to make? Someone to pester? someone to say look at me. Look at me. I want Rangers to die please listen to me :rolleyes:

They ARE dead - for god's sake get out of the Egyptian river and move on.

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New flash BDO don't give a f**k about the asset sales. There will be no money after they investigate thoroughly. This will be a long and forensic investigation into how Rangers avoided taxation. If they can prove it was deliberate and if there is any recourse legally against directors etc.

If all HMRC wanted was a few more pence in its pocket they would have got it in a CVA. this is now about getting people not money. D&P estimated £1m for liquidation, expect all available funds to be used to find the dirt on Whyte, Murray et al.

Really. I suppose he doesn't want to get too technical.

In any event, he's right. You can't call a newco exactly the same name as the oldco (and, in any event, you can't call a company a plc if it's not a plc) but you can use a very similar name if you've just bought it from administrators and you properly publicise the new name and it's relationship to the old company etc.

mccoll, park and whoever else is involved in this new group.

Careful lads, that's a lot of negativity and cynicism for some posters liking...

Edited by HibeeJibee
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mccoll, park and whoever else is involved in this new group.

Please explain how this conspiracy works for me, at my worst I totally fried my brains on weed and legal highs, my thought processes were all over the place and I had to seek medical intervention but I was never as wired out as you seem to be now.

So from the beginning, let's say from when Murray owned the club and the hostile takeover pact was conceived, the floor is yours my man.....

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