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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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1339920884[/url]' post='6344488']

I'm not wasting an afternoon on A poxy protest like some kind of moron.

I've written to my club's chairman and told him my thoughts, as have hundreds of other Saints fans. I'm big enough and ugly enough to decide whether I want to watch a rigged competition or not.

Most people have also done that and funnily enough still not seen any of that in the press. It's low key and the chairmen can write it off as the rumblings of the few, but they and the press can't ignore a visible protest as well. That's why I said the protest would give them "extra thought" and not be the only means.

Edit - and lithgierose has a good point, did you get a reply from your chairman?

Edited by hudster1969
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The only way these club chairmen/directors will sit up and take notice is if a significant number of fans delay buying season tickets until it's known whether this proposed Rangers 'franchise' will be parachuted into the SPL or not.

Cold hard ££££ - it's the only language they understand.

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It's all being delayed time after time in an attempt to let the anger of the supporters of other clubs to subside whilst, behind the scenes, compromises are being dreamt up, rules and the very infrastructure of the game are set to change to accommodate the newco Rangers as high up the league structure as they think they can get away with without causing the member clubs supporters revolting and refusing to buy season tickets. Time, however, is not on their side.

Rangers newco SHOULD be relegated to the lowest division in the football league, expelled from ALL cups and suffer points deductions each season to ensure they can't gain promotion for at least a period of time equal to the number of years the OldCo cheated via the use of EBTs. That's what should happen.

Broadcasting rights with SKY shouldn't enter the equation at all, they've either cheated or they haven't, SKY would renegotiate a deal without Old Firm games and clubs will need to adjust their budgets accordingly. What nobody has mentioned is the other SPL clubs would actually receive a larger slice of the money, the club chairmen could vote themselves a larger share with no Celtic /Rangers pact there to stop it happening. Far too much is being made of the SKY money, far too much is definitely being made of the financial benefit of Rangers being in the SPL, their away support isn't fantastic and their replacement in the league would actually bring supporters to games, all the figures I'be seen banded about haven't taken that into consideration either.

The Press, the media, Rangers representatives past and present, Rangers fans, SPL, SFA have all been unbelievable all the way through this nonsense, the country is being shown up to be a corrupt nation, certainly more so in footballing terms.

We should just disband all the regulatory bodies, shut down every club and forget football in this country, we are a disgrace.

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Leggy has his fangs out today.


Just a couple of points.

Against the probity of billionaire McColl

A couple of days ago he was being reported as worth £800m. Must have a high return account.

multi millionaire Douglas Park,

Multi-millionaire. Isn't that somewhere between 1M and 1000M? We get the picture but "millionaire" would have sufficed.

led by the nation's only billionaire, Jim McColl.

I think Craig Whyte would have something to say about that false and scurrilous statement. But if it is true what the fvck does a few million quid matter to him if it is to save the national institution newcomer which is Rangers FC The Rangers FC,

Perhaps such a fine old Scottish firm will decide it would be happier in the company of Scotland's only billionaire, Jim McColl, multi-millionaire, Douglas Park and all the other eminent and respectable Scottish businessmen being led by the highly respected Walter Smith.

Jelly and Ice Cream come in many flavours but licking a*se has only one and it becomes a bit boring after a while.

Or, as Clint Eastwood once memorably remarked….

A man must know his limitations.

And as WeeHectorPar is now memorably remarking on P&B

"A wise man takes heed of his own words." :D

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Sunday, 17 June 2012


IT is no co-incidence that it was Charles Green’s closest pal and business associate, Michael McDonald, who broke cover to lead the attack on Walter Smith.

In talks with someone close to the nine-in-a-row manager, just an hour after the news of the Smith fronted consortium broke, I predicted scrap metal dealer McDonald would be Green’s chosen attack dog.

And so it came to pass!

With the Daily Mail the paper Michael McDonald used as his vehicle for a snarling attack on Walter Smith and his consortium of extremely wealthy and just as extremely highly respectable Scottish business leaders, led by the nation’s only billionaire, Jim McColl.

Against the probity of billionaire McColl and multi millionaire Douglas Park, Michael McDonald’s wealth, background and character does not stand comparison. Indeed, it is not fame which is attached to Michael McDonald. It is notoriety.

He has long been said to be the leader of Manchester's notorious and feared Quality Street Gang.

And despite his claims to the contrary I have information that Michael McDonald is still closely associated with his long time pal and business partner, Charles Green, in the scheme to rape Rangers.

We know McDonald talks to Green every day. And now we know what they are talking about. They are talking about which players Rangers should sign.

We know this because Michael McDonald says so.

And who do we think Michael McDonald is getting help and advice in identifying these players from?

That is obvious.

None other than controversial one-time banned agent Paul Stretford. Someone else to whom the words notorious and infamous fit.

Stretford also has a long time business relationship with Celtic legend and now out of work former Liverpool manager, Kenny Dalglish, who once identified the players Stretford should sign up to his agency.

We also know that part of the Charles Green-Michael McDonald-Paul Stretford get-rich-quick-scheme, involves Stretford choosing which players Rangers should sign, Michael McDonald paying the transfer fee, Rangers paying their wages, before Stretford steps in again to line up a club to buy the players at a profit.

And that profit will be trousered by Michael McDonald, with a cut also going to agent Stretford and new Rangers chief executive, Charles Green.

By the way, as the new Rangers chief executive, just how much has proven liar Charles Green decided to pay himself? A cool £1M? Or more than £1M?

These are the sort of people new chairman Malcolm Murray has got into bed with. Does he know them well? Does he have any idea of what their game is?

They are also the sort of people a sound, solid Scottish company such as Glenmuir, has invested in. Has this low key and old fashioned company been conned, just so Charles Green could cite their respectability as proof of his own?

But as more and more facts emerge, Glenmuir give every indication of not wanting to continue with any financial commitment to such a parcel of rogues as Charles Green, Michael McDonald and Paul Stretford.

Perhaps such a fine old Scottish firm will decide it would be happier in the company of Scotland’s only billionaire, Jim McColl, multi millionaire, Douglas Park and all the other eminent and respectable Scottish businessmen being led by the highly respected Walter Smith.

No wonder Charles Green reacted with anguished horror that such a mighty, powerful, respected and respectable group, led by such an iconic name, were mustering to stop his plans to rape Rangers.

No wonder he let loose his attack dog Michael McDonald to snap and snarl at Walter Smith.

But I have got some news for Charles Green and some news for Michael McDonald too.

Bad news for them.

Nobody in the Rangers family is in the least scared by Michael McDonald and what some may see, given his unsavoury reputation, as veiled threats.

He would do well to remember what has always happened to the greatest light heavyweight world champions when they climbed through the ropes to try and rip the ultimate crown from even mediocre heavyweight champs.

Or, as Clint Eastwood once memorably remarked….

A man must know his limitations. posted by leggoland @ <a href="http://leggoland2.blogspot.fr/2012/06/greens-attack-dog-mcdonald-and-veiled.html" title="permanent link">08:18 icon18_edit_allbkg.gif

Sorry I couldn't include this in the previous post but I keep getting back that ridiculous "you must enter a post" message. :D

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IT is no co-incidence that it was Charles Green’s closest pal and business associate, Michael McDonald, who broke cover to lead the attack on Walter Smith

If this is the same Michael MacDonald that was in the Doobie Brothers we are in trouble folks. He later went on to record ' Ya mo be there', he doesnt do walking away !

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So the SFA are now becoming anxious about the prospect of the SPL chairmen growing sets and hunting the newco after all. Thus leaving them (SFA) with a tricky decision. Hence the 11th hour attempt to take the SPL out of the equation.

This new structure would pave the way for Sevco2012 to enter the 2nd tier, with it being billed as a radical restructuring of the game for the benefit of all.

Oh dear....

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So the SFA are now becoming anxious about the prospect of the SPL chairmen growing sets and hunting the newco after all. Thus leaving them (SFA) with a tricky decision. Hence the 11th hour attempt to take the SPL out of the equation.

This new structure would pave the way for Sevco2012 to enter the 2nd tier, with it being billed as a radical restructuring of the game for the benefit of all.

Oh dear....

That's one way to look at it. The other is that the SFA is genuinely pissed off enough with the SPL to take them out the picture altogether.

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So the SFA are now becoming anxious about the prospect of the SPL chairmen growing sets and hunting the newco after all. Thus leaving them (SFA) with a tricky decision. Hence the 11th hour attempt to take the SPL out of the equation.

This new structure would pave the way for Sevco2012 to enter the 2nd tier, with it being billed as a radical restructuring of the game for the benefit of all.

Oh dear....

I am getting confuddled (see score in GN 'Hearing Test' for confirmation).

It is going to be a summer of Sevco, Seb Coe and Serco (just got Northern ferries contract) Any chance of Serpico to come in and rid us of this corruption?

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