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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You know what, the worst case scenario has happened already. Rangers have been liquidated. And all that looks like is going to happen is that there will now be another tedious 'you've got no history/we've got history' argument that can be had a squibillion times all around the country and we'll play in the first division for a year. The people that think The Rangers are suddenly going to be minnows of Scottish football are going to be very disappointed I reckon.

Worst case scenario is ZombieRangers get parachuted straight into the top section of the reformed leagues, sanction free and more importantly debt free. So no, it hasn't happened, yet.

It's funny as well that apart from Lee McCulloch, you don't know who is going to be in the team for next season, or what league you'll be in, yet you still assume ZombieGers will get placed in the first and get straight out of it.

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TalkSport just interviewed some Scottish guys at the Euros in Poland. Asked who they were supporting, one remarked 'ABI - anyone but Ireland', with four of the other five stating 'England', the vox pop ending with a rousing 'Come on England' from the Scotsmen.

Guess which disgraced and now defunct football club they supported?

Right, I am for once in my life wishing england to do well,only because they have Roy Hodgson in charge and I really rate him,

however I wanted Ireland to do well also.

But this behaviour from the orcs is unbelievable quite believable just what you would expect from the idiot fringe mad.gif

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Ok a couple of almost serious questions.

Rainjurs/Club 12 fans claiming they have been punished enough, so far the only punishment as such is the fines from the SFA!

*The 10 point deduction /not playing in Europe are standard rules and failure to meet the relevant criteria to do so)

Do the fines from the SFA apply to Rangers the company or Rangers the football club ? If it;s the former is there any chance of them being paid, if it's the latter then do the fines carry over to Club 12 when the football club passes over to them?

Since they won't be paying the fines anyway it doesn't make much difference. ;)

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Worst case scenario is ZombieRangers get parachuted straight into the top section of the reformed leagues, sanction free and more importantly debt free. So no, it hasn't happened, yet.

It's funny as well that apart from Lee McCulloch, you don't know who is going to be in the team for next season, or what league you'll be in, yet you still assume ZombieGers will get placed in the first and get straight out of it.

They'll all be Lee McCulloch!

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I was doon in the FK distict last week-end. The Plough in Stenny has definately gone to seed,eh?

I haven't been in The Plough for years. I can't imagine it getting any worse than it was then! :D

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Worst case scenario is ZombieRangers get parachuted straight into the top section of the reformed leagues, sanction free and more importantly debt free. So no, it hasn't happened, yet.

It's funny as well that apart from Lee McCulloch, you don't know who is going to be in the team for next season, or what league you'll be in, yet you still assume ZombieGers will get placed in the first and get straight out of it.

Everyone is being presumptuous about our situation, none more so than the folk in this thread. Going by what Sky are saying, I'd say a compromise with Rangers playing in the 1st division next season looks like the most likely outcome.

As for the other people who replied to me, you're all very funny - well done.

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TalkSport just interviewed some Scottish guys at the Euros in Poland. Asked who they were supporting, one remarked 'ABI - anyone but Ireland', with four of the other five stating 'England', the vox pop ending with a rousing 'Come on England' from the Scotsmen.

Guess which disgraced and now defunct football club they supported?

Anyone know anyone in Poland that does cheap lobotomies? Actually scrub that. They've obviously already had them done.

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You know what, the worst case scenario has happened already. Rangers have been liquidated. And all that looks like is going to happen is that there will now be another tedious 'you've got no history/we've got history' argument that can be had a squibillion times all around the country and we'll play in the first division for a year. The people that think The Rangers are suddenly going to be minnows of Scottish football are going to be very disappointed I reckon.

Maybe true, but things have changed.

If Rangers fans think they'll ever see the likes of De Boer again then they will be disappointed.

Remember the bearcott talk that when on when Cuellar was sold without instantly replacing him?

Get used to it.

Green will run the club as a money maker and keep the profit.

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You know what, the worst case scenario has happened already. Rangers have been liquidated. And all that looks like is going to happen is that there will now be another tedious 'you've got no history/we've got history' argument that can be had a squibillion times all around the country and we'll play in the first division for a year. The people that think The Rangers are suddenly going to be minnows of Scottish football are going to be very disappointed I reckon.

Heh, heh. If you think this is as bad as it gets, you'd better buckle yourself in, 'cos it's gonna be a bumpy ride now. HMRC have sent the dogs in, and I really don't think you've got this TUPE lark sussed either - McCloggough is gonna be taking zombie FC for more than half of the rest of the third division pay out in total, and he won't be the only one squeezing the last pips out of the orange.

The only person who could run ibrox and Murray Park on the kind of income your new best chums can expect was last seen sending a bunch of hobbits into Mordor. The only effect of putting the cardie on the front of the challenging bid was to remind everybody (including those HMRC rotties) that his name wasn't on the BBC's list, and prompt the question "I wonder why that is".

Meanwhile at the SFA, anything other than expulsion or a serious suspension will bring UEFA down on them, given the status of Campbell "95k" Ogilvie.

Any players signed by the Green Brigade will belong to them, not the club, so no profit from selling on. Meanwhile, your "representatives" are urging the fans not to buy STs until St Wattie is back - where else is the money coming from, then, the RFFFFFFFFFFFF?

Oh, and the 'leccy and gas bills will want paying, ibrox is in dire need of maintenance, and no business from newsagent to buiders to printers is going to extend any kind of credit. HMRC have also got a habit of asking for payment up front when a company, or newco with links to a previous company, have a history of non-payment.

Oh, yes, there is some good news. Money can be saved by no-one at ibrox having to renew their passport for the next four seasons minimum.

But then, no Europe helped you into this position in the first place - although that was through being crap on the pitch, not a set of criminal thieving b*****ds in the boardroom.

Oh, by the way, when we find out how much SKY are paying for the SPL, we'll be sure to check if they're planning to cover the Ramsden's cup....

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Heh, heh. If you think this is as bad as it gets, you'd better buckle yourself in, 'cos it's gonna be a bumpy ride now. HMRC have sent the dogs in, and I really don't think you've got this TUPE lark sussed either - McCloggough is gonna be taking zombie FC for more than half of the rest of the third division pay out in total, and he won't be the only one squeezing the last pips out of the orange.

Fair point, and looking to the future, never mind audited a/c's, whats the deal with financial fair play + wages to turnover???? The 4 years out of Europe might be even longer if the players go to newcorpse...

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I'm sick to death of hearing they should be put in the 3rd Division, admittedly the SFL clubs will benefit from an increased revenue from playing the newco however we are surviving at the moment without them. As a supporter of a SFL club I do not want their vile, hate filled, bigoted supporters polluting our leagues. Scottish society would be much better without this club so lets take the opportunity to get rid of them forever (no chance I know but we can live in hope).

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You know what, the worst case scenario has happened already. Rangers have been liquidated. And all that looks like is going to happen is that there will now be another tedious 'you've got no history/we've got history' argument that can be had a squibillion times all around the country and we'll play in the first division for a year. The people that think The Rangers are suddenly going to be minnows of Scottish football are going to be very disappointed I reckon.

...whatever, but you will be forever be remembered as cheats, and your new clubs nickname now appears to be 'The Zombies'.

If it were my club I'd be ashamed, but then again, you used to be Rangers, the biggest club in the universe.

No one liked you, you didn't care - now you really know how true that was.

You'd better get used to 'The Zombies', no nickname could be more appropriate.

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Heh, heh. If you think this is as bad as it gets, you'd better buckle yourself in, 'cos it's gonna be a bumpy ride now. HMRC have sent the dogs in, and I really don't think you've got this TUPE lark sussed either - McCloggough is gonna be taking zombie FC for more than half of the rest of the third division pay out in total, and he won't be the only one squeezing the last pips out of the orange.

The only person who could run ibrox and Murray Park on the kind of income your new best chums can expect was last seen sending a bunch of hobbits into Mordor. The only effect of putting the cardie on the front of the challenging bid was to remind everybody (including those HMRC rotties) that his name wasn't on the BBC's list, and prompt the question "I wonder why that is".

Meanwhile at the SFA, anything other than expulsion or a serious suspension will bring UEFA down on them, given the status of Campbell "95k" Ogilvie.

Any players signed by the Green Brigade will belong to them, not the club, so no profit from selling on. Meanwhile, your "representatives" are urging the fans not to buy STs until St Wattie is back - where else is the money coming from, then, the RFFFFFFFFFFFF?

Oh, and the 'leccy and gas bills will want paying, ibrox is in dire need of maintenance, and no business from newsagent to buiders to printers is going to extend any kind of credit. HMRC have also got a habit of asking for payment up front when a company, or newco with links to a previous company, have a history of non-payment.

Oh, yes, there is some good news. Money can be saved by no-one at ibrox having to renew their passport for the next four seasons minimum.

But then, no Europe helped you into this position in the first place - although that was through being crap on the pitch, not a set of criminal thieving b*****ds in the boardroom.

Oh, by the way, when we find out how much SKY are paying for the SPL, we'll be sure to check if they're planning to cover the Ramsden's cup....

If I care more, I'd split that post up into quotes, but on every point you made the same question applies: How do you know this?

Or are you just being presumptuous? Ibrox is in 'dire' need of maintenance is it? Who have HMRC sent the dogs in for? As far as I knew Rangers were liquidated.

You know as much about this as I do, which is exactly what I've read in the media. Going by all the different articles I've read, 1st division seems like the most likely outcome.

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I am surprised none of the more clued up orcs have had a little word in the ears of those who run RM in making it a members only reading site . Embarrasingly - for them- there are those saying that this has all been an orchestrated campaign against the good protestants of this country by a ' *****' media and politicians . Even more worrying , is that there are plenty agreeing and one nutter wanting to take the fight to the streets . Obviously , nothing at all to do with their team cheating on a grand scale for years

It's really disgraceful that the authorities haven't closed it down yet. They are quick enough to invoke the appropriate laws when some pissed student racially abuses a celebrity but such an open cesspit of bigotry goes unchecked.

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Everyone is being presumptuous about our situation, none more so than the folk in this thread. Going by what Sky are saying, I'd say a compromise with Rangers playing in the 1st division next season looks like the most likely outcome.

As for the other people who replied to me, you're all very funny - well done.

I dont actually think people are being presumptious, more trying to predict or somehow look at what will happen. The general concensus is that you dont deserve to exist at all, never mind in a lower division. The thing about it is, if as you predict, Sevco end up in the 1st division next season, there is a lot less chance you'll spend only one season in it as its the most competitive league in our country and it'll be a bit of a culture shock (as will the 2nd or 3rd) division to your players (whoever they may be). It wont be the walk in the park your general support think it will.

Anyhow, there are a few hurdles to overcome before you even get a shot at any league. The Liquidators will be going over the asset sale with a fine toothcomb and ANY sign of misplay and its game over before you even start. Winding up order and cheerio forever. Plus there is the matter of the old co sanction that they havent been given yet, but as they technically still own the footballing side of your newco, if expulsion or suspension is given as punishment, then Sevco will have to grin and bear it (forgive the pun), because if the licence is revoked, then it cant be transferred till its valid. I may be wrong and if I am then fair enough, but I dont think its as cut and dried as Sevco just taking up where Rangers left off.

There is still a very realistic chance you wont have a team to support after July. All this about the newco being a company and nothing to do with the footballing side is complete nonsense. Without the company you dont have a team, without the team you dont have a company. They are one and the same whether you argue till you are blue in the face. The other stumbling block is that I'd imagine there is not a club in the land will sell you players without cash up front .

The tide has turned and its perhaps time your fans get used to it.

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