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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seen it on the Steelmen site ,well fans raging and rightly so , how can these directors types ignore the wishes of thier fans and expect it to turn out ok?


Stop moaning.

That is an excellent statement that lays out the facts for every club outside of Celtic.

Dire times ahead no matter what happens re newco.

Yes, I am against a newco waltzing into the top flight as if nothing happened. But maybe you can see just how bad it is, if a financially secure club takes to time to fully explain the situation, maybe it's time we took notice.

Gloating over the corpse is fine, I enjoy it very much, but things in Scottish Football are rapidly going Greece, be prepared.

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This is where i sacrifice those Greenies...

Most of my mates are Hibs, Hearts, Dundee Utd supporters, so I've spent countless hours in the last decade failing miserably to defend my club's advantages in the current SPL structure. So that's entire nights in pubs spent saying Yes, we need to change the league set-up to make it more competitive; We need a fairer distribution of TV money; Yes, you're right, the game as it stands is dying, and the voting system needs to be changed and so on, forever and a day.

This is all correct, as far as I'm concerned. On the other hand, this is the big chance, right now, to do something about it.

If the rest of the SPL votes to let Zombie Rangers back into the league, it won't be Celtic's fault that the game is slanted and uncompetitive any more, and I won't be getting my ear bent about it. It'll be "Well, you had your chance to get rid of 11-1, and didn't take it".

Hopefully it won't come to that, though.

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Once again we're seeing the negativity seep out, the naysayers naysaying and, not surprisingly, the piss-poor trolls trolling.

The decision on the dual contract issue today, coupled with david Longmuir's statement yesterday, has convinced me more than ever that Rangers newco will start next season in division three.

Clubs will get over any short-term problems this may cause, they will not get over the problems of ignoring their fans who have made their position quite clear.

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Once again we're seeing the negativity seep out, the naysayers naysaying and, not surprisingly, the piss-poor trolls trolling.

The decision on the dual contract issue today, coupled with david Longmuir's statement yesterday, has convinced me more than ever that Rangers newco will start next season in division three.

Clubs will get over any short-term problems this may cause, they will not get over the problems of ignoring their fans who have made their position quite clear.

This has been my position for a while but bawless blazers still worry me.

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Might The SPL Chairmen come up with something like this, since it looks like Oldco have been Buster Keaton.

Oldco finished with 73 points as punishment for EBT/dual contracts. That league share/oldco is penalised 73 points, thus making them bottom of the league and relegated. They could then go in to the 1st without having to push through the amalgamation. Dunfermline stay up as they weren't last. Dundee don't get in 'cos they're nearly as bad as Oldco.

I've suggested that as the simplest solution from the start. Newco(rpse) apologise and say they'll accept any punishment set without appeal. Allow them into the SPL, take their points away from last season and demote them in place of Dunfermline. The SFL demote them to Div 3. Job done.

Edited by welshbairn
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Stop moaning.

That is an excellent statement that lays out the facts for every club outside of Celtic.

Dire times ahead no matter what happens re newco.

Yes, I am against a newco waltzing into the top flight as if nothing happened. But maybe you can see just how bad it is, if a financially secure club takes to time to fully explain the situation, maybe it's time we took notice.

Gloating over the corpse is fine, I enjoy it very much, but things in Scottish Football are rapidly going Greece, be prepared.

The orcs have said they are going to boycott the away games so losing money there, TV deal staying the same for the moment so not losing money there, when it gets renegotiated fairer slice for everyone so more money for 10 out the 11 there, the clubs will not lose massive amounts by newco getting refused admission but may make some and over time with increased competition may start to increase the money as the fans come back to a level playing field with something to play for

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I've suggested that as the simplest solution from the start. Newco(rpse) apologise and say they'll accept any punishment set without appeal. Allow them into the SPL, take their points away from last season and demote them in place of Dunfermline. The SFL demote them to Div 3. Job done.

Being honest i think most people could live with that.

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What nonsense. If Scottish football lets rangers back into the SPL and we carry on the same way we have it's even worse. We may need to experience some tough times but we desperately need change and breaking the dominance of these two clubs is just the start.

totally agree with you there, short term pain for long term gainwink.gif

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I understand that in a country with two disproportionally large clubs, losing one of them causes a financial hole that needs plugged. I get that, I accept that, I understand it.

I also understand that on Feb 14, and in the initial period following Feb 14, there was a will within the boardrooms of all SPL clubs to fervently hope that Rangers would come through their problems and that they could emerge under new ownership with debts re-structured.

What I cannot understand is that those chairmen can possibly even contemplate voting to accept Sevco XI in the SPL - not after the initial period following Feb 14 has receeded from memory. Not after Jardine marching to Hampden. Not after Sally's plea for transparency. Not after taking the SFA to court. Not after one asset stripper after another came out the woodwork. Not after being liquidated and Sir Walter of Cardigan appearing in a puff of smoke. Not after their new owner talked about making signings while creditors are owed millions. Not while some SPL member clubs are owed money. Finally... not after the SPL announced they have found that Rangers have a prima facie case to answer in respect of illegal double contracts....

Seriously, if the other SPL chairmen vote to allow this Sevco XI into the SPL - they should hang their heads in shame. Complete and utter shame.

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The thought of a club that is evidenced to have cheated over a decade being allowed back in after liquidation is a slap in the face to the thousands of punters who pay and have paid thousands/millions to watch a game of football in good faith.

It's reprehensible.

Edited by Fife Saint
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What nonsense. If Scottish football lets rangers back into the SPL and we carry on the same way we have it's even worse. We may need to experience some tough times but we desperately need change and breaking the dominance of these two clubs is just the start.

I am saying whatever happens our clubs will suffer, through no fault of our own.

KS wants to sign a couple of strikers to support Heffernan and SCLC 2012 hero DVT.

If KFC loose even £60,000, through no Orcs or fans staying away then no strikers and they'll have to soldgier on through injuries like last season.

I ain't arguing the morality or integrity of it.

I'm saying be prepared for adverse consequences because those cheating bastrard have Fcuked it up for us all. :(

Edited by DuntoiRab
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I understand that in a country with two disproportionally large clubs, losing one of them causes a financial hole that needs plugged. I get that, I accept that, I understand it.

I also understand that on Feb 14, and in the initial period following Feb 14, there was a will within the boardrooms of all SPL clubs to fervently hope that Rangers would come through their problems and that they could emerge under new ownership with debts re-structured.

What I cannot understand is that those chairmen can possibly even contemplate voting to accept Sevco XI in the SPL - not after the initial period following Feb 14 has receeded from memory. Not after Jardine marching to Hampden. Not after Sally's plea for transparency. Not after taking the SFA to court. Not after one asset stripper after another came out the woodwork. Not after being liquidated and Sir Walter of Cardigan appearing in a puff of smoke. Not after their new owner talked about making signings while creditors are owed millions. Not while some SPL member clubs are owed money. Finally... not after the SPL announced they have found that Rangers have a prima facie case to answer in respect of illegal double contracts....

Seriously, if the other SPL chairmen vote to allow this Sevco XI into the SPL - they should hang their heads in shame. Complete and utter shame.

Think its about time that Div increased the amount of greenies for peeps was gonna give you one(a greenie) but iv ran out sad.gif

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Guest Kincardine

Lol wut? Did you actually read the Motherwell statement?

I'm pretty sure he did. I'm also pretty sure it said nothing about ignoring fans' wishes. It did talk about being, "currently faced with trying to decide on which is the least worst option."

This is a very reasonable point of view. Directors have to balance what the fans want; what the balance sheet needs and what the long-term interests of the club are. I'd say the Motherwell's statement summarises that pretty well.

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I understand that in a country with two disproportionally large clubs, losing one of them causes a financial hole that needs plugged. I get that, I accept that, I understand it.

I also understand that on Feb 14, and in the initial period following Feb 14, there was a will within the boardrooms of all SPL clubs to fervently hope that Rangers would come through their problems and that they could emerge under new ownership with debts re-structured.

What I cannot understand is that those chairmen can possibly even contemplate voting to accept Sevco XI in the SPL - not after the initial period following Feb 14 has receeded from memory. Not after Jardine marching to Hampden. Not after Sally's plea for transparency. Not after taking the SFA to court. Not after one asset stripper after another came out the woodwork. Not after being liquidated and Sir Walter of Cardigan appearing in a puff of smoke. Not after their new owner talked about making signings while creditors are owed millions. Not while some SPL member clubs are owed money. Finally... not after the SPL announced they have found that Rangers have a prima facie case to answer in respect of illegal double contracts....

Seriously, if the other SPL chairmen vote to allow this Sevco XI into the SPL - they should hang their heads in shame. Complete and utter shame.

Professional sport lacks integrity. The chairmen will be terrified to see their income streams drop and the SPL itself is set up to maximise revenue, All boils down to money.

If the newco does get back in, I'm finished with football, full stop.

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Motherwell statement

''Whatever the outcome of the vote on'Newco' it will be more important than ever that our fans stayloyal to the club, as we look forward to our debut in the Champions League, and that our efforts to grow the fanbase continue to be successful.

On the pitch, these are very good times at Motherwell FC and it is vital that we continue to work together as a club toenable us to emerge from the current SPL difficulties with our integrityand optimism intact."

Hopefully the Board will note exactly why they are about to make their probable once only appearance in said Champions League and have a long hard think about how things could be if they grow a set.

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This is laughable, you've managed to survive when your budget has been cut before. Promote some youth players.

We are in a good position in that matter.

Several of the youth are ready to step up, but they can't sustain a full season at 17 and 18 years old.

And, wake the feck up. It's too late to cut player budgets. They are under contract that has to be honoured. Every team in the SPL/SFL is in the same boat.

Every team budgets for the season ahead while the previous season is still ongoing.

RFC has cause carnage for the finances of every team, with maybe the exception of Celtic.

BUT, if all teams can sustain a level of whatever quality, then the competition with out the cheats should be good.

Do me a favour and read all I say and don't just pick things out. Think about how it will pan out with or without them.

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It's reasonable for them to want transparency from Sky and sponsors before making the decision. It would be irresponsible of them not to. At least then they can plan their budget. But they better fucking vote no..

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Can someone explain this to me? Ok so they've been found to have been guilty of cheating within Scottish football, surely that means they also had an unfair advantage in any European games too?

Wouldn't that make UEFA or FIFA step in and the sanctions would be "nuclear"?

Just wondered?

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