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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Every SPL club losing £500,000 pa and celtic double that every year for the next 3 years. Is this the price we are willing to pay for sporting integrity?

It's a very small sum to pay to cleanse Scotland of the vile, cheating, bully, bigoted organisation that was Rangers and that will be replicated by the Newco Rangers and the low life that support them. It's worth every single penny and more.

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It's a nice time to remind people of exactly who they've stiffed. The only ones missing are their own fans.

Great graphic, Aberdeen done out of 5 titles , the **** forget that Celtic had to suffer almost a decade of mid tableness due to thier financial plight ,,guess that's what happens when you don't cheat though?

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Bet this happens. Everyone bar Killie votes No to Newco. Throughout the season, everyone boos Killie and their chairman. As expected, Celtic win the league, with the clinching game coming at Rugby Park, with a near 16,000 sell-out. In one game, Killie make up for the missing Orc gate money. Basturts. Boo, Killie, Boo!

"They'll be dancing in the streets of raith" if that happened laugh.gif

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Guest Kincardine

Everyone, mainly the WoS press, are just forgetting what they've been caught doing.

1. Avoiding, even as far as evading, paying tax via an offshore trust system.

2. In doing so, not registering ALL player contracts with the SFA (which, quid pro quo, would lead HMRC to think that this was taxable income).

Explain when we've been caught doing either of those.

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The SPL chairmen should be aware that any vote to keep Club 12 in the top tier is a bit like buying a sofa from DFS.

On the face of it it might seem like a reasonable financial decision, but a year later when it's falling apart again, you still have three years payments to make, the realisation hits home that you've over estimated its worth and it's too late to have a good look around at the options available

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Businesses have to run on facts, not FACTs or guesstimates or projections on what could happen IF the voting system was to be changed.

The more I think about the mfc statement the more I appreciate the reality of it. Here are the consequences of a no vote. If you're still up forthat then fine. But its not going to be pretty no matter how much fans letting their hearts rule their heads imagine it'll be some utopian land of milk and honey without Rangers.

Losing all TV money is not FACT, hasn't stopped all and sundry using it to justify why The Rangers should be in the SPL.

If someone can show me where £10m or so a year is disappearing then I'll look on their plight less harshly.

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don't know how this thread is going, it has grown about 15 pages since i was on yesterday.

just a couple of points

fans of what used to be Rangers, lets call them Club12 for the moment, trying desperately to separate the club and the business in order to hold on to the history of the dead club. they are one in the same, and for me this is why. Rangers (the club, RIP) were successful on the pitch due solely to the dealings of the business, the business generated the money to out spend the rest of us, it also actively cheated in order to advance the position of the club. The people in charge of the newco are in a great position, they don't even need to create a new brand because they have a pre assembled support that collectively is made up of some of the most simple people that our society has shat out. what other fans would see their club die and claim that the history continues?

Rangers fans are like my weans, want the good stuff for their tea but don't want to eat the veg.

what i am trying to say is your fucking illustrious history was won through debt that will go unpaid, if the debt can't be transferred neither can the history, it dies with any honour your manky club had . now you all support a team that has no history, won no titles and cups. my ex-rangers friends you are now all proud supporters of a diddy club and not even a good diddy club.

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Em, yes. The integrity of the league underpins all commercial aspects. What a ridiculous statement.

The SPL was founded to deny money to the other clubs in the lower leagues. Integrity was the furthest thing from any SPL chairmans mind when they dreamed up the SPL.

Other clubs have cheated their creditors and repaid a fraction of what they owed. Some have actually done this and escaped with NO punishment whatsoever.

At the end of the day The Rangers will come out of this the other side in reasonably good health...The SFL clubs will benefit from the money that The Rangers generate. Celtic will be able to cut their costs and still saunter to the title..The biggest losers financially will be the other SPL clubs.

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Losing all TV money is not FACT, hasn't stopped all and sundry using it to justify why The Rangers should be in the SPL.

If someone can show me where £10m or so a year is disappearing then I'll look on their plight less harshly.

Who said all TV money would be lost?

We didn't sell one of our prized assets for a measley 200k this season so have had to cut our budget by 4k a week. These are the kind of margins we're talking about

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Great graphic, Aberdeen done out of 5 titles , the **** forget that Celtic had to suffer almost a decade of mid tableness due to thier financial plight ,,guess that's what happens when you don't cheat though?

Join the club, we've had 128 years of it. We've won f**k all. f**k all.

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I know this was hours ago, but I've been out and haven't caught up:

David Murray, Craig Whyte, Chick Young, Blue Knights,

Double Contracts, Billy Dodds did he do nothing wrong?

Haudit Daudit, Big Hoose Guy, Cockwomble, full of lies,

Big Tax Case, Little Tax Case, Jean Alain Boumsong,

RFFF, New Pitch, Daily Record, Rangers' Bitch,

HMRC, Liquidation, history goodbye

Porno Maker, Chuck Green, FTP, God Save The Queen

Fat Sally won't go, Joanna Lumley said no!

We didn't vote for newco

Club 12 sounds much better

Send your teams a letter

We didn't vote for newco

We'd have chased them faster

But for Donkeymaster

Out of greens but this deserves praise!!!!


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Rangers will sell out their allocations at away games. The talk of boycotts is nonsense and that can be sorted out with little fuss.

I am sure if the right men were in charge at Ibrox the season tickets will be bought in record time.

Sky are not interested in a competitive league. They want Rangers and Celtic for their fan base throughout the UK. Rangers supporters will tune in regardless.

Other clubs have entered Administration...some more than once. They cheated their creditors and their opponents by spending money they didn't have. Did you demand these clubs were punished in the same way? I have said right from my first post on here that i think my club should start again in division 3. I cant remember many supporters of other clubs in Administration saying the same bout their clubs

If Rangers are playing with a limited team (which would seem likely) and are mid-table thanks to a 20 point deduction there is no chance - none at all - Rangers will sell out away ends at a minimum of £25 to watch meaningless games which are on telly.

The first difference between Rangers and other clubs - rightly or wrongly - is others negotiated a legal deal with their creditors while you guys were forced to shut down. I've repeated this (stolen) line before because I love it so much but if you were a joiners you'd be on Watchdog. The other difference (and you can question whether it's a valid sporting theme or not) is no other club has brought the game into disrepute by systematically defrauding the public purse.

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Sevco will sell out their allocations at away games.

Sorted it for you. ;)

Might not at Hampden, but I'm pretty sure most of the major Town & City clubs in the Scottish Game could do likewise in the 3rd division. The biggest capacity is about 2½k (no disrespect meant to those clubs in the 3rd division).

Edited by kiddy
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The SPL was founded to deny money to the other clubs in the lower leagues. Integrity was the furthest thing from any SPL chairmans mind when they dreamed up the SPL.

Other clubs have cheated their creditors and repaid a fraction of what they owed. Some have actually done this and escaped with NO punishment whatsoever.

At the end of the day The Rangers will come out of this the other side in reasonably good health...The SFL clubs will benefit from the money that The Rangers generate. Celtic will be able to cut their costs and still saunter to the title..The biggest losers financially will be the other SPL clubs.

Maybe so, but we'll have a bit of dignity. More than can be said for some.

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