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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just having a look at the creditors report just now. Anyone know who Alan Duncan is? The man's a hero

Who are all the other individuals listed. Are these debenture holders or shareholders or both?

I can't see Rapid Vienna (?) in there either - thought they were still owed for Jelavic?

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Failure to accept the reality of what your club did. Check

No sense of guilt about creditors being screwed over by your clubs financial misdealing: Check

Slightly aggressive 'look pal' tone: Check

Complete lack of humility. Check

Delusions of grandeur. Check

You are a Rangers fan. Surely :ph34r:

No response to Baird theft. Check

No response to threat of you going bust. Check

I agree with all your points above, apart from the last one.

Only one I feel guilty about is the creditors, but come on, get real. Fans are obsessed with their clubs, and we were so worried about our future, I doubt if many of our fans gave creditors a second thought. Happy to consider all their woes now, though.

As for the Thistle fan, words fail me...

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Look, pal. We were hit with a world record -25 points deduction. The fact we overcame it is irrelevant. That was the (excessive) punishment for our crime and we got on with it. End of story.

Can see you being upset about us turning a disaster into a triumph but that's football. As for signing your players, that's the way it goes too. If they're any good, they'll move up another level. We all have our natural place in the pecking order. You're about right, and we should be in the SPL, top half.

Have you been getting pointers on your jokes from Jimmy Carr?

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Didnt he have an encylopedic knowledge of newcorpse history? I mean his explaination of who davie cooper was was stuff of legend, 'err umm err was he a... actually i dont know.' the mans a fanny.

That really cracked me up,he bleats on about saving Rangers,yet fails to know one of the best footballers Scotland,never mind Rangers has ever had.

Club Rep-We are thinking of changing the name of Murray park to commerorate Cooper.

Greenback-Who? Tommy? Gary? Henry? Jilly?

Club Rep-No Charles,were going to name it after the one who rocked on Saturdays

Greenback-Ah...you mean we will call it the Alice Cooper training ground.

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Bury Fans are a sad bunch... They whinge that they don't get enough attention so they invent a story to get themselves into the Newspapers and Sky.

The Bury Director on Sky has just said first he's heard of it, so must be?

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If my chairman votes to allow this lot into the SPHell 2 thats me finished with the club I have followed for 50 years. Are you listening Mr Beattie??

All those wonderful changes can take place with The Rangers in the 3rd division.

Can the diddies not even wait 2 years to get their slice of The Rangers.

Time for the diddies to mobilise and get those threatening letters fired in to all the member clubs.

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John Barnes@JohnBarnes01Kilmarnock report the number of season tickets sold is currently 5% higher than last season and the value of income received is up by 8%.

Sad to hear my fellow killie supporters don't care. sad.gif

I'm not sure any of us actually believe this - I for one do not know a single person who has renewed yet. MJ at it again. mad.gif

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Just having my first caffeine fix of the morning and have picked up these 'Rangers to England' titbits... Ah, smell that? That bullshit smell? I love the smell of bullshit in the morning. Smells like.... Sevco.

So, aye. Coffee in hand, chunky Kit Kat at the ready. What's in store for us today my fellow diddies? Shit. St Mirren's community buy-out is finally decided today.

Gulp. Gie's a shout when the Blue Knights make their dramatic entry with a last, last, last, final, final, final, best and final offer....

And Walter smith will probably be the frontman for that as well :lol:

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What i find fascinating is the real huge gap between the rest of Scottish football fans and the mainstream /media

Basically the no compromise/ let’s take our chances with the consequences majority are at a point that there should be no turning back, this is our moment to prise football back

Unless there is some real public stripping or even humiliation, the majority of fans won’t accept the comprimise deal


When a beaten up wife is told that her husband is allowed to come back to the family home and things will be alright, will be back to as before “ happy families”

She says NO I will no longer take this – So you think that sleeping in the spare room for a short period of time will be acceptable. I don’t want you back at all. I need a new life

Unless you get your knob cut off, or become a priest or show lots of humility on how you can change

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If my chairman votes to allow this lot into the SPHell 2 thats me finished with the club I have followed for 50 years. Are you listening Mr Beattie??

What a condescending p***k of an article "minnow clubs will have to cobble together"


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John Barnes@JohnBarnes01Kilmarnock report the number of season tickets sold is currently 5% higher than last season and the value of income received is up by 8%.

Sad to hear my fellow killie supporters don't care. sad.gif

So the most outspoken club against Newco season ticket sales are way down.

The club who have been the most positive towards Newco season ticket sales are up.

Seems the boycott is holding fast lads...Well done :lol:

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From Bury FC website

"With reference to various reports within the media over the last 24 hours, the board of directors would like to issue the following statement.

"Whilst investment into Bury Football Club is always welcome, any offer of investment will only be viewed at taking the club forward in its only one guise possible -based in the town of Bury, and as Bury Football Club.

Bury FC is a proud historical club, and as such proudly represents the town, community, people, and above all supporters of Bury. The directors of Bury FC place the integrity and morality of the club, and football as a whole, way above and beyond any possible financial gain, and as such wish to reassure all Shakers fans of this fact."


Kick in the Balls!!!

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