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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Dear Sirs,

With regards to the comments in todays press regarding a newco being parachuted into the SFL1 I find myself shocked and horrified that this could happen, please could you clarify the situation in regards to the rules that are readily available for all the public?

This almost constitutes league fixing and is surely as frowned upon as match fixing, how does this carry with UEFA and FIFA stance on fair play?

If this were to go ahead, by saving 1 club you run the real scenario of killing dozens with the fans turning their backs on the game in this country, myself and my family included, not one SFL or non Rangers SPL fan I have talked to can believe we are even entertaining this idea. They are a Newco and hence have to apply like any other club to the 3rd division by the rules.

Precedence has been set previously with Airdrieonians who after liquidation were refused entry to the league, so what is the difference this time?

Remember by taking preferencial treatment to one club you are jeopordizing many more with fans stopping attending games, and they won't be back to their club games or to their countrys games.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards

The Nolly

Partick Thistle Fan

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Email Sent To SFA/SFL

Dear Sirs,

I understand from today's media broadcasts and websites that a deal has been struck to parachute a brand new club with no history , no accounts, three players and no proof to show they have funds enough to fulfil a season's fixtures straight into the second tier of Scottish football .

If the above is not true as I'm sure it is not (as league fixing is surely as frowned apron as match fixing) then can you please explain why the above is being discussed as fact on our National TV, radio and press without a denial from this country's footballing governing bodies ?

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards

Dear Pele 1922,

We have no intention of letting Stoneybridge "parachute" into the league set up.It is a shit hole that puts cowdenbeath to shame ,

yours indudibilitily,

C. Ockwomble

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I smell shite ! and what is your source there cap'n ?.

Your theory is based on a small hard core group of sectarian bigots who need ra gers themselves and the rest of us normal fans just need a league of teams to play against.Celtics business model is based upon results on the park and not just vile bigotry against a dead team 4 times a season.Possibly some fans will not go to games coz the other ugly sister has committed suicide but there is a queue to buy season tickets if these bigots give up their tickets.Part of Celtics business model and is probably the most important is European football and acquiring a good run if at all possible because this creates more money than winning a backwater SPL league as it is.Next year we will have no rangers in the SPL and if one or two teams put up a good fight till the bitter end then ALL THE BETTER I say.Yes some die hard fannies will be at Parkhead next season with banners celebrating the death of rangers but that will soon dissipate into obscurity.Rangers demise has possibly given Celtic a short time of domination but I fully expect one team to take the plunge and go for it as there is only Celtic to beat if they can attain a decent squad of players and get results against all the other teams and get results against Celtic then they could win the league,because Celtic will surely cut some cloth to suit because they do not need to spend as much because the OF is not there any more and the newco certainly won't have any spending power for many a year.

Try and enjoy the moment instead of being a chicken little FFS.

There we go with the fecking negative reps again for posting a little bit of truth :blink: yes I'm a Celtic fan but I'm NOT A FECKING BIGOT OK.Why do people not see the opportunity for some other team to have a crack at the title instead of greetin that Celtic will dominate for all time.Rangers have capitulated and the SPL are about to kick their hopes of parachuting into the SPL ! there are another 30 teams who now have the opportunity to vote the newco into non existence and ensure there will never be again the OF dominance in the Scottish leagues.

The silence from Celtic over the past 4 months has been absolutely deafening.I think it's time we heard from them. Don't you?

Edited by fozzie
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I have season ticket money sitting here for Firhill. I wont be able to travel to see the games, but after all the optimism at the end of the season I wanted to invest something in the club. BUT if this proposal goes through I WILL buy a season ticket, but at a championship club, where what I spend wouldve got me 2 tickets at Thistle.:angry: :angry:

Watch for the post I have stirring in my loins!

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Jusr sent this to the appropiate people in the SFA and SPL:

All Having seen the proposals for restructuring Scottish professional football on the BBC and STV websites, I an wholeheartedly behind them. Football needs a shake-up every so often and this might just improve competitiveness. The fact that 2 places in the SPL are now in the relegation danger zone will increase excitement and might just cause teams to think twice about their spending. This may help keep Scottish football 'honest'. Remember that word. I said I was wholeheartedly behind these proposals. Well, I am. Mostly. There's one small fly in the ointment - the part where Rangers Newco are parachuted into the SFL1. This is a travesty and stinks of corruption. This involves changing the rules at short notice for the benefit of a new company with no proof that it has either a ground, a business plan or a squad. I would not be surprised if these organizational contortions drew the attention of UEFA and/or FIFA. If these proposed structural changes are being mooted as 'good for Scottish football', then they will still be good for Scottish football without the Rangers Newco part. Please show some moral fibre and reconsider this proposal. It's not about the money: it's about sport, competition and the love of the game. I really fear for what this would do to the international reputation of Scottish football. If football isn't about integrity and fair competition then it's just a business and not one that I want to pay my money to. Regards

It won't make a toss worth of difference but it makes me feel better.

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This is last week's story, containing sloppy journalism like Rangers being 'relegated'. Liked the bit about 'pervious' club though.

The SFL clubs will all have a vote on this, and The Rangers will have to start in Div 3 once their hopes are dashed for Div 1.

Disgraceful behaviour by the football authorities nevertheless. What are Livingston thinking about this?

Let's get back to the John Brown videos. By far the most hilarious thing about this shambles. Comments on here have been brilliant.

Can someone bring out a DVD of Brown addressing the masses from the steps of Ibrox please? With subtitles.

I was half expecting Stanley Baxter to step up afterwards to explain, à la Parliamo Glasgow, what had been going on.

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Rather think the suits have shot themselves on face here by misjudgmen of mod of fans and many clubs. Don't see any way newco will get voted into first ...and having opened the Pandora's box of reconstruction ...will be very hard to shut it! Btw have sponsors of sfl and spl been consulted??

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I think this is true. However, the placing of "The Rangers" in Division 1 is farcical and will only inflame the supporters of all Scottish clubs. I'm with Welsh Bairn's suggestion of 3 x14 leagues this would be a much more acceptable compromise IMO . Cutting down time to get to top flight to two years rather than three. I reckon all fans including "The Rangers" fans would buy that proposal.

I don't! Well, at least not the bit about Motherwell going into admin.

Just think about it for a second. How does a club get into administration?

i) It has to get into debt

ii) then it has to reach a point of insolvency whereby it can't pay its bills

iii) then an administrator has to be appointed to protect the business pending the proposal of a CVA.

For a start, Motherwell don't really have any big debts at the moment, they posted a huge profit this season and have some champions league football to look forward to next season. Secondly, its running costs over the coming season, even with wages wouldn't evn push it near the point of insolvency (Think Kilmarnock, Aberdeen etc. We'd still only be talking about a fraction of their debts!) Thirdly, even in a worst-case scenario, their biggest cost by a mile is wages which can be renegotiated without any need for a CVA (Think Clyde, Stranraer etc.) Finally, the potential losses outlined by their board for the loss of income are no more than they could potentially lose in terms of prize money by finishing a few places lower in the table, which they will certainly have budgeted for.

No. The whole Motherwell in admin thing is a nonsense I'm afraid.

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The silence from Celtic over the past 4 months has been absolutely deafening.I think it's time we heard from them. Don't you?

Yeh I'm kinda wondering why they haven't made something public about this fiasco.What are they waiting for ? are they scared to go public ? are they worried about something ? would be nice to hear the boards stance on the subject or are they leaving the gers carcase for all the other clubs to finish off completely before making a statement ?.Or just plain simple keep the ginger heids mouth shut totally so as not to offend anyone ?.

Who knows :blink:

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Folk are looking the wrong way here.

Its not Doncaster, Regan, the SPL, the SFL nor the SFA that is attempting to come up with a solution to keep Rangers in Scottish football.

Its Celtic.

Celtic are the driving force.

Fans need to wake up and realise that Celtic are absolutely desperate to keep the Old Firm alive. Their business model depends on a sectarian rivalry with Rangers. They can't survive as they are in the long term - or even the medium term - without Rangers.

Supporters need to keep the pressure on their clubs to ensure that the Old Firm do not win the day here.

This nonesense 'solution' that has been leaked today STINKS to high-heaven of Liewell - I reckon a forensic examination of his laptop will find where it was first scripted.

He is stuck between a rock and a hard place.........half of the representations he receives are from timaloys saying they won't renew their season tix if zombie-co is allowed to survive in SPL BUT the other 50% are those saying they won't unless they can have their OF bigotfests 4 times a season.

It has been of little surprise that the other Big Hoose in the East End of Glasgow (who have a wealth of PR resources) have been strangely silent in terms of press releases whilst diddy SPL Clubs with few resources can manage to consult and convey where they are at each new twist in the saga.

Liewell must have sat-up for nights on end wondering how he can appease the 2 sides of his supporter crew. This fudge which would mean only 1 year missing the other half of the dastardly duo is the best he can invent. GRRRRRR

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That particular assertion is often debunked by your own fans - have there been any half-season book offers recently? I'd reckon the absence of your former business partners would be decreasing demand anyhow

If by some miracle one other team pushes Celtic to the wall on the title race till the end of the season then maybe the death of ra gers will mean nowt in the end.Yeh it was always nice to look forward to the OF games but if at least one other team stands up to the challenge we will have a rival again.

Who was Third Lanark's rival and did they lose fans as a result ?.

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Looks like Green is desperate for cash, reinstating cancelled season ticket DD's.......dodgy as feck, why are the authorities pandering to him????

I cancelled my DD on Monday. I've just called FastPay and it had been reinstated! The guy said he'd give me a number to call. I told him he'll give me f**k all. He'll reverse his actions or face legal action.

He then asked me my Rangers No!!!!!!!! AND said he'll sort it out !!!!!!!!

This surely proves that Rangers (Green) is very clear about what he's doing here.

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Media backlash my arse. Lawell knows that without Rangers, he's Green dynasty will crumble away over time. It has f**k all to do with the media. The worst bit is, the Celtic fans will happily forget all of this trotting out the line that this will benefit everyone in the long term and it'll be a punishment for RFC. How many of there fans will seriously boycott the club akin to teams of diddy fans who for years have seen little success and been shafted by the old firm?

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