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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Pinched from RTC, here is Paul McConville's latest... Sharp as ever, his comments on individual points in The Document are brilliant.


Again a lot of that just isn't true. The McLeish document has been implemented on many levels and other proposals related to it have been tabled and failed.

Things that happened

Mark Wotte has been brought in as Performance Director

Vincent Lunny has been appointed as Compliance Officer

The rules and regulations of the SFA were changed last year with the agreement of all clubs

A new board structure was developed with a professional board and non-professional board to meet the needs of broader football

Things that failed

The suggested 10 team SPL was put to a vote by the members, they rejected it.

There was a proposal at the same time for a merger of the SFL/SPL to bring about a single league body

Things not tried

There has been little to no movement on the proposed pyramid system, regional leagues

£500M of govt spending facilities was a pipe dream

Reserve teams in lower leagues

The current SPL/SFL proposal brings about one league body and a pyramid so that leaves a 10 team top flight and £500M missing. While the announced plan has been rushed the consultation has been done on most of the proposals and they have been set as targets to achieve by independent review that has mostly been achieved. The good parts of the McLeish report have been distilled and the bad parts left out.

If anything the whole post is a bit hypocritical, framed around self interest of the SFL. I don't think that is what the McLeish report set out to achieve.

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Any other tartan army members get an email yesterday selling a 5 game season ticket for the coming qualification campaign ? Tickets go on sale today at 10 am with the incentive of a ticket for the England game next year ...... Could the SFA be trying to make sure Hampden has some supporters there for the qualifiers before Sevco get punted up the leagues ??? Just a thought

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Its amazing what can happen in TWELVE DAYS!!!!

David longmuir 17/06 There would be no provision for any newco Rangers to go into the First Division rather than the Third Division

David Longmuir 28/06: The SFL is trying to address the question of whether we can accommodate a solution to the Rangers FC scenario.

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Its amazing what can happen in TWELVE DAYS!!!!

David longmuir 17/06 There would be no provision for any newco Rangers to go into the First Division rather than the Third Division

David Longmuir 28/06: The SFL is trying to address the question of whether we can accommodate a solution to the Rangers FC scenario.

Technically he is correct, the best kind of correct. There IS no provision for Rangers to enter the First Division rather than the Third until they make one.

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In 25 words:

* details of proposed compromise released


* SFL confirms consultation on document


* actual document released


* claims - as yet unsubstantiated - of threat of SPL2 being formed by willing clubs, if others oppose compromise


Don't think any clubs have released statements containing any views one way or other since the various developments.

(e.g. Hamilton Advertiser article was earlier).

Longmuir has released a statement:



I was doing other stuff after I left work and come back in this morning to this! (Nice summary btw) The document from the SFL is absolutely unbelievable. I was going to post my thoughts on it, but this ...

It looks like something cobbled together in a hurry, the kind of thing posted on this board as a spoof.

It's full of typos and logical or grammatical errors:

1. "Rangers have no where to go". It's 'nowhere', you clots. And there is no 'Rangers' any more, because the did have somewhere to go - the grave.

2. "Takes approximately £16 million out of the game". But that £16M was mostly going to Rangers so the majority of teams aren't much worse off - especially not the SFL clubs that this missive is aimed at.

3. "Commercial partners walk away and seek compensation". Proof? Scare-mongering tactics.

4. "The settlement agreement becomes a major risk", What 'settlement agreement'? What is this?

5. "The sporting opportunity is quashed for other clubs". Not enough info in that bullet point to work out what they mean. If they mean that no Rangers means no chance to beat or be beaten by Rangers, I'd propose that honour would transfer to whichever club takes their place.

6. Section 3, "Rangers to SFL1", is crazy. For example, the first bullet says "Reduces SPL income by approximately 30%" but that applies to every option other than 'Rangers voted into SPL' so why only state it here. It's also nothing to do with the SFL clubs being addressed.

7. More of the same...

Ach, I've lost the will to go any further. The whole document is unstructured and illogical, full of non sequitors and doesn't properly address its target audience. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say that it might have been written by someone who wasn't actually part of the SFL set-up. But that couldn't be the case. Could it?

... and this ...

Pinched from RTC, here is Paul McConville's latest... Sharp as ever, his comments on individual points in The Document are brilliant.


... have done it much better than I could.

Do the SPL/SFL honestly believe that the chairmen of the SFL clubs - all experienced business men - are going to read this and not see through it for the illiterate piece of blatant propaganda that it is? Theres no like for like comparison (FFS they even mix measures between one scenario and the next - "lose £16m" here "take 30% out" there. 30% of how much, is this more or less than £16m) and its so full of deliberate mis-direction and assumption that its an absolute disgrace.

Who prepared this? Was it someone within the SFL, or was it the SPL? If the SPL prepared it, who within the SFL allowed it to be circulated?

Having had another look at the document I'd like to highlight a couple of things about the SPL2 Option:

They don't really sell themselves on the SPL2 option very well. It almost suggests that should they vote against putting Sevco in SFL1, then the SPL's position isn't very strong at all. It more likely forces the bigwigs into a corner. It's perhaps more of an empty threat more than anything else. Yet another "We did all we could to save Rangers, but nobody would accept our solutions".

The two points I've highlighted in red especially highlight the problem that they are suggesting, whereby if the clubs vote no to Sevco in SFL1, then there is little the SPL & SFL Chairmen and Boards can do to "fix" it. Perhaps the SFA aren't as complicit in all of this as we thought, and could well still ride in to uphold the banner of sporting integrity. (Am I being to hopefull here?)

Anyway, aren't we all forgetting something here? If Sevco fails to apply (and with all conditions met) for transfer of SFA membership today, then the games a bogey anyway, is it not?

ETA: My apologies for a poorly structured post there, which was essentially literacy diarrhea, with thoughts just thrown out as they came into my head!

I believe the SFA asked them to provide the relevant information to them by today. I dont think they are submitting an actual application by today. Presumably, if they dont there isnt actually the SFA can do about it

Like many other I have been angry about some of the shenanigans that has accompanied the whole Rangers/newco fiasco, but I've never been so baffled as I have by yesterday's events.

Do the people behind this think we're mugs and that, after fan power being so obviously exercised over the No to newco in the SPL, that we're just going to sit back and accept this? Maybe not everyone who is threatening to turn their backs on the game will do so but sufficient numbers of us will; not just for next season but for the seasons beyond that.

Do the SPL/SFL/SFA think that their integrity as organisations can not be damaged further, because yesterday's actions have taken it to a new low. What do the SFA think the response will be to support for the national team who rely largely on the backing of the 'diddy' fans.

Signs are emerging that the whole thing will be kicked into touch. If and when it is it will expose those responsible for drafting such rubbish as not only incompetent but completely out of touch with the realities of Scottish football at this time.

The one, glaring, omission from that abomination of a document was the mention of the fans, other than the worry that Rangers fans will walk away (surely not!) and the, unbelievably patronising invitation for us all to "engage in the bigger picture" <_< More than slightly ironic, in a document hastily thrown together to try and blackmail the SFL clubs in voting through league reconstruction, at short notice, with the prime motivation of making sure Rangers are only out of the SPL for one year.

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more and more it looks like a stitch up

spl - we did our bit we got rid of the rangers. the decision was then with the sfl who decided to put them in sfl1

look at the end of hibs statement today;

At an informal meeting of SPL clubs held at Hampden Park yesterday, the views of Hibernian FC were represented by Chairman Rod Petrie. The Chairman articulated very clearly that the Club is ready and willing to cast its vote on the transfer of the Rangers share in the SPL at the formal meeting of clubs on 4 July.

The Chairman made the point that the vote should proceed without any further delay and that Hibernian FC will vote against the share transfer. The resolution will fail if four other clubs vote against it or abstain. If as a result of the vote on 4 July the Rangers newco is not voted into the SPL then it will be for other bodies to decide if and at what level Rangers might be accommodated within Scottish football.

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Its amazing what can happen in TWELVE DAYS!!!!

David longmuir 17/06 There would be no provision for any newco Rangers to go into the First Division rather than the Third Division

David Longmuir 28/06: The SFL is trying to address the question of whether we can accommodate a solution to the Rangers FC scenario.

Such a Parcel O' Rogues!! <_<

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Bomber Brown being a dribbling madman again,

He's like some drunk battering on about inconsequential things such as owning the title deeds.

I GENUINELY dont think he has any investors now whatsoever as he keeps going on about fan investment now since his two other investors were linked to Celtic.

the daily rager going on about season ticket money "going to Sevco"

well new rangers dont have a name yet, who else is the season ticket cash going to go to?

the mind boggles

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Its amazing what can happen in TWELVE DAYS!!!!

David longmuir 17/06 There would be no provision for any newco Rangers to go into the First Division rather than the Third Division

David Longmuir 28/06: The SFL is trying to address the question of whether we can accommodate a solution to the Rangers FC scenario.

Yup Longmuir was unequivocal there was no way for SPL to offload their dirty laundry to Div 1 as the rules were clear that anyone has to apply to Div 3 when there is a vacancy - what has changed?????? A cushy job/salary offered perhaps in the SPFL set-up?!?!

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more and more it looks like a stitch up

spl - we did our bit we got rid of the rangers. the decision was then with the sfl who decided to put them in sfl1

look at the end of hibs statement today;

At an informal meeting of SPL clubs held at Hampden Park yesterday, the views of Hibernian FC were represented by Chairman Rod Petrie. The Chairman articulated very clearly that the Club is ready and willing to cast its vote on the transfer of the Rangers share in the SPL at the formal meeting of clubs on 4 July.

The Chairman made the point that the vote should proceed without any further delay and that Hibernian FC will vote against the share transfer. The resolution will fail if four other clubs vote against it or abstain. If as a result of the vote on 4 July the Rangers newco is not voted into the SPL then it will be for other bodies to decide if and at what level Rangers might be accommodated within Scottish football.

Too fucking late for 2012-13.

Or not?


Edited by Borys
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more and more it looks like a stitch u

spl - we did our bit we got rid of the rangers. the decision was then with the sfl who decided to put them in sfl1

look at the end of hibs statement today;

At an informal meeting of SPL clubs held at Hampden Park yesterday, the views of Hibernian FC were represented by Chairman Rod Petrie. The Chairman articulated very clearly that the Club is ready and willing to cast its vote on the transfer of the Rangers share in the SPL at the formal meeting of clubs on 4 July.

The Chairman made the point that the vote should proceed without any further delay and that Hibernian FC will vote against the share transfer. The resolution will fail if four other clubs vote against it or abstain. If as a result of the vote on 4 July the Rangers newco is not voted into the SPL then it will be for other bodies to decide if and at what level Rangers might be accommodated within Scottish football.

Not reading that the same way you are. What was being suggested yesterday was that somehow newco would be 'relegated' into Divsion 1. The Hibs statement seems to suggest that cannot happen.

Rod Petrie is then correct in stating that it will be for other bodies, namely the SFL, to decide what happens to newco. I would not want Petrie or any other SPL chairman to tell the SFL what to do. Once the SPL chairmen decided newco would not into the SPL it was always then going to be the SFL that would then decide whether or not to accept an application for SFL admission. Let's just hope that if they admit them it is to the lowest point.

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morning all, first post after a long time lurking.

as a regular visitor to kerrydale street, and occasional lurker on rangers media.

i use this site as a comfort blanket, the unity against the newclub being shoehorned into the spl was tremendous.

but that was only the first battle in the war to uphold sporting integrity, the real battle comes now,

the same unity and application of pressure must intensify against anything more than division 3.

and division 3 should only be an option if the criteria for addmission are met.

morton,falkirk, and the rest of the clubs speaking out deserve great credit,

and likewise turnbull hutton of the rovers.

the time for celtic to speak out, is now, i approved of the silence over how they will vote,

the msm were just waiting to turn it into a celtic/ rangers war.

however all clubs mines included, need to unite and ensure that sporting integrity is the only consideration.

as of yet my season ticket has not been renewed, and should the newclub be placed anywhere above division 3 it wont be.

scottish football could be dead in the next few weeks, but we all have a chance to prevent it.

lets show we wont be pushed around to suit a dead club.


ps peter lawell get your fucking finger out NOW

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The Chairman made the point that the vote should proceed without any further delay and that Hibernian FC will vote against the share transfer. The resolution will fail if four other clubs vote against it or abstain. If as a result of the vote on 4 July the Rangers newco is not voted into the SPL then it will be for other bodies to decide if and at what level Rangers might be accommodated within Scottish football.

And technically Rod Petrie is correct.

That's not to say that behind the scenes that Lawell, Petrie, Thomson, Milne et al have not all been furiously lobbying with Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan for this half baked fudge to come to life.

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Its amazing what can happen in TWELVE DAYS!!!!

David longmuir 17/06 There would be no provision for any newco Rangers to go into the First Division rather than the Third Division

David Longmuir 28/06: The SFL is trying to address the question of whether we can accommodate a solution to the Rangers FC scenario.

Well done for pointing that out. Now if we just had a Scottish sports journalist with a bit of gumption and integrity to put those satements to Mr Longmuir..........

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