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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not really. The term SevcoFC or Sevco or Sevco 5088 is really only known to those who hang around on football message boards. The rest of the world have a life.

Both of my nephews (aged 17 and 21) are enthusiastic Celtic fans and wouldn't have a clue what it means.

A life of denial and somehow buying into the mythical Rangers continuity bollocks. It obviously riles Rangers apologists like Spiers, so that is good enough for me.Rangers are gone along with their dubious history.

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Dear Keith Jackson, (for it is he) and Ewing Grahame (for it is also he),

Demoted means the same as relegated. As Rangers do not exist, they cannot therefore be relegated to the first division.

Elected is the word you are looking for.


Oxford Dictionaries.


You tell 'em Alice.

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There is a fundamental dishonesty being exposed as a result of the latest SPL/SFL/SFA plans.

One of the proposals is for an additional play-off place between the SPL and Division 1 to be introduced in the coming season. What's stopping SPL chairmen stating publicly whether or not they support this plan. Steven Thomson and others were fighting their way to the microphones following their 'No to newco in the SPL announcements' but they've all gone pretty quiet now; even Vlad!

Surely the fans of these clubs deserve to know if their chairmen are complicit in this matter. Stewart Milne seems to have made his position clear, it's about time the others do to.

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So....is this thread gonna be a bit boring over the weekend, everyone now waiting for tuesdays vote ?

Maybe i should go over to RM and wind them up a bit. :rolleyes:

I suspect so. Nothing much happening (other than redtop "exclusives" which are nothing of the kind) until the SFL meeting and then the SPL vote (which should be a formality).

Then a fortnight's worth of severe pressure and doom-mongering in the media ahead of the SFL EGM, whenever that is in the middle of the month.

*Hopefully*, if the fight to prevent Rangers joining Div 1 is won, that'll finally be the end of this story- with a couple of years' worth of legal wrangling over the liabilities of OldCo and potential prosecutions lying ahead.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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I see that Leggat is arguing that Glenmuir can no longer be considered a Scottish brand as it transferred to a new English company some years back and, therefore, lost all of its history. Presumably, using his own logic, he is admitting that Sevco 5088 is no longer 'the Ranjurs'. :o Somehow I don't think he will be. It's called hypocrisy. :angry:

The hypocrisy of his nonsense is laughable. Depending on the prevailing mood of the day, the Daily Record sports team are either Celtic fans set to destroy Rangers, or the only Scottish media group to get a handle on the story.

A life of denial and somehow buying into the mythical Rangers continuity bollocks. It obviously riles Rangers apologists like Spiers, so that is good enough for me.Rangers are gone along with their dubious history.

To be fair, Spiers is almost universally hated at Ibrox for daring not to apologise for many of his favoured club's actions.

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I don't know the sales figures, but at a guess, I would say 80% of Daily Retard sales must be to Glaswegians looking for Old Firm "news". There are at least 500 posts in this thread which could easily surpass the Record's entire output on the story for facts, details and insight. Jim Traynor has been shown up for being perhaps the worst of a talentless bunch, and the Record is constantly behind the eight ball, or in many, many cases, completely wrong.

I'm not a journalist but I am a cynic. My take on what happens with some (not all) of the sports writers is that they play a game where the rules are never discussed but are clearly understood with the clubs and, in particular, the OF (as was). It's really just a case of, "You print a good story about my club and I'll give you more access to our people and I'll feed you exclusives."

It boils down to basic survival and self-interest for both parties. If these sports writers were to start digging and print a truly balanced view then they won't get anything more from the club and there sources will dry up.

What we're seeing now with Facebook, Twitter, blogs and forums like P&B is that it provides a platform for information to circulate far quicker and, more importantly, before it's gone through some sort of 'cleansing' or filtering process. The down side is that there can be a fair amount of rubbish posted but, as this forum proves, us 'non-journalistic' types are perfectly capable of separating fact from fiction and forming sensible, well-thought through opinions about what's best for Scottish Football.

The sports writers who have allowed themselves to be part of the charade that passes for journalism now find the rules have suddenly changed. They are not experts; they are simply paid punters with an opinion. An opinion that is increasingly being shown to be ill informed, out of touch and in some cases, simply acting a mouth piece for the powers that be.

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On the subject of sharing gate receipts, I am against it. Celtic spend far more on marketing, and spent to build such a massive stadium, why should they be forced to give away all the money they have earned? Where is the incentive to attract fans, if it doesn't profit them? Different clubs make different efforts to generate revenue, and in my view, sharing the cash does not really reward entrepeneurship

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This clearly is starting to sound Partick thistle board have actually got a YES vote already lodged and are using stalling tactics to then hide behind the mass of the voting structure on tuesday.

Can i ask all thistle fans, and other Div 1 teams, if it transpires any team votes YES. Will there be a mass BOYCOTT of that team and return of season tickets?

I returned my season ticket unopened yesterday and will speak to Aberdeen on monday, NOT because Aberdeen have said yes or any stance, but the entire FARCE this has become i am now like thousands of other ordinary fans that have attended games (for me my first game was going to a game in 1983 when i was only 10 years old with the family) over their course of a life time.

Scottish football at senior level is simply this

Sectarian teams = CASH COW

Other normal teams = No history

That is why in Scotland the press LOVE it, its the drama the "excitment" of calling and singing songs that people really should be shot for.. but alas until the day comes when the people of Scotland stand up and say NO to these 2 teams the better.

Remember this, once this has settled down in 2 or 3 years, they WILL still harp on about leaving our diddy league they so crave to corrupt to move to England. HERE is a golden chance, the whole of the Scottish teams right now could get together and KICK both celtic and sevco(i will still steal your DD)5088 out of our league.

They want now to be apart of Scotland ???

They DEMAND the move here???

I expect you're right about Thistle.

The Thistle board's previous statements in the Evening Times a few days before this whole SPL2 thing came around were nothing short of Sevco cock sucking for a few sheckles.

I can understand if the chairman is a Rangers fan but to agree to this to put them in a false position is unforgivable.

Simply put if Sevco are stuck in at the SFL1 I won't be back. If thistle are part of the SPL2 abomination which includes Sevco I won't be back.

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Expected to play in the First Division? That is worrying and I don't mean through fear that it might happen. It is worrying that a Glasgow-based national newspaper does not have its finger on the pulse. If you were a Rangers supporter who relied only on the Record you'd hardly have a care in the world.


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http://leggoland2.blogspot. fr/

Leggy's on the ball today

And if none of you aren't not asking me what it doesn't not mean then I don't not have a clue neither. :D

Yes, he must have missed his meds.

If Glenmuir is JUST a brand name, than surely rangers is just.......

Pity the financial company involved was Fastpay and not another well known company.

He could have said it was a PayPal conspiracy.

Coat's off the hook.

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On the subject of sharing gate receipts, I am against it. Celtic spend far more on marketing, and spent to build such a massive stadium, why should they be forced to give away all the money they have earned? Where is the incentive to attract fans, if it doesn't profit them? Different clubs make different efforts to generate revenue, and in my view, sharing the cash does not really reward entrepeneurship

Given servco are not going to be in the SPL next season I'd hope that Celtic would be at the forefront of suggesting a more equitable share of available monies rather than getting dragged screaming to it. IF servco are elected to division 3 then I'd honestly like to see some form of payment to the visiting league team to Celtic park. We'll all have to cut our cloth, we have much more cloth than the rest.

I honestly hope that Celtic can build better relationships with other clubs, as the song says it's now or never

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On the subject of sharing gate receipts, I am against it. Celtic spend far more on marketing, and spent to build such a massive stadium, why should they be forced to give away all the money they have earned? Where is the incentive to attract fans, if it doesn't profit them? Different clubs make different efforts to generate revenue, and in my view, sharing the cash does not really reward entrepeneurship


Is that what you call the exploitation of sectarianism and hatred?

Without opposition to play, all the marketing and "entrepreneurship" in the world won't generate any money. The other clubs provide the opposition, they provide the competition, they provide the league. Without the other clubs, Celtic are nothing.

Indeed, without Celtic and the Old Firm, the pie will grow bigger and bigger for the rest of the clubs until they get to the stage that they have it all to themselves.

THAT is the reason why gates should be shared if Celtic want to remain playing with the diddies. Otherwise its goodnight Vienna.

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I'm not a journalist but I am a cynic. My take on what happens with some (not all) of the sports writers is that they play a game where the rules are never discussed but are clearly understood with the clubs and, in particular, the OF (as was). It's really just a case of, "You print a good story about my club and I'll give you more access to our people and I'll feed you exclusives."

It boils down to basic survival and self-interest for both parties. If these sports writers were to start digging and print a truly balanced view then they won't get anything more from the club and there sources will dry up.

What we're seeing now with Facebook, Twitter, blogs and forums like P&B is that it provides a platform for information to circulate far quicker and, more importantly, before it's gone through some sort of 'cleansing' or filtering process. The down side is that there can be a fair amount of rubbish posted but, as this forum proves, us 'non-journalistic' types are perfectly capable of separating fact from fiction and forming sensible, well-thought through opinions about what's best for Scottish Football.

The sports writers who have allowed themselves to be part of the charade that passes for journalism now find the rules have suddenly changed. They are not experts; they are simply paid punters with an opinion. An opinion that is increasingly being shown to be ill informed, out of touch and in some cases, simply acting a mouth piece for the powers that be.

You have to remember that BBC were banned from Ibroke after they started printing negative stories aboots Whytey and Sally.

It needs a journalist willing to take the sheise from the buns. Thompson had an attempt but unfortunately couldn't step up to the plate in understanding the Scottish nuances (and he is currently under death threats from the rabid buns).

I think we all admire the man who outed Whiytey then "the men who sold the jerseys" who took the scandalous behaviour of Rangers to a wider audience than just the fitba supporters.

The Scotsman articles/blogs seem quite independant.

Edited by Claymores
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On the subject of sharing gate receipts, I am against it. Celtic spend far more on marketing, and spent to build such a massive stadium, why should they be forced to give away all the money they have earned? Where is the incentive to attract fans, if it doesn't profit them? Different clubs make different efforts to generate revenue, and in my view, sharing the cash does not really reward entrepeneurship

But what is the point of a big stadium if you have no one to play against

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Given servco are not going to be in the SPL next season I'd hope that Celtic would be at the forefront of suggesting a more equitable share of available monies rather than getting dragged screaming to it. IF servco are elected to division 3 then I'd honestly like to see some form of payment to the visiting league team to Celtic park. We'll all have to cut our cloth, we have much more cloth than the rest.

I honestly hope that Celtic can build better relationships with other clubs, as the song says it's now or never

Deary me.

Its only last season that Celtic drove the referees out on strike. Its only last season that Celtic were intimidating referees and match officials. Its only last season that John Reid was claiming their was a Scottosh conspiracy against Celtic. And its only this summer that Celtic fans were voting on whether to boycott other Scottish clubs if they voted Rangers into the league.

And now its become clear that Celtic have been behind the desperate attempts to keep Rangers in the SPL and now get them into the First Division - so that they can keep their sectarian Old Firm cash cow alive.

Its time to kill Rangers off now. Its time to kill off the Old Firm.

The day of reckoning has come for you and your kind.

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You have to remember that BBC were banned from Ibroke after they started printing negative stories aboots Whitey and Sally.

It needs a journalist willing to take the sheise from the buns. Thompson had an attempt but unfortunately couldn't step up to the plate in understanding the Scottish nuances

I think we all admire the man who outed Whitey then "the men who sold the jerseys" who took the scandalous behaviour of Rangers to a wider audience than just the fitba supporters.

Alex Thompson of channel 4?

He has the ability, and maybe the knowledge to blow Scottish football apart, should he so deem ;)

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