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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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On the subject of sharing gate receipts, I am against it. Celtic spend far more on marketing, and spent to build such a massive stadium, why should they be forced to give away all the money they have earned? Where is the incentive to attract fans, if it doesn't profit them? Different clubs make different efforts to generate revenue, and in my view, sharing the cash does not really reward entrepeneurship

Entrepreneurship and sport shouldn't really mix, IMO.

Even in the USA, the bastion of capitalism, they have the draft system that

helps stop the same rich NFL teams from winning year after year.

We can't do the same as the system is totally different but maybe a small % levy

on all gate receipts could go in a pot to be shared out fairly.

Bit vague, sorry.

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I see the Record is running a Third Lanark story today. Wonder why that is.

Have to say I am disappointed in what Simon Weir (the Hi Hi's current chairman) had to say (granted that Daily Retard journalists are infamous for making up what people are "saying" to them). Third Lanark were not only listed in the SFL fixture lists, they were even drawn for the Scottish League Cup in the summer of 1967, so it's not fair to say they were bundled out quickly.

The real problem was those trying to mount a rescue didn't have the money or organisation to do so, simple as that. It would have been academic anyway, as the club would have been wound up by the Board Of Trade enquiry due to the "who actually owes what of Third Lanark" fiasco caused by Hiddleston & Reilly's share diddling activities anyway. With there being no "oldco to newco" rules back then, they'd have been expelled anyway.

Time he and the rest of the Hi Hi stopped pissing around anyway and did a deal with Queen's Park to be tenents at Nether Hampden until they can get Cathkin sorted, and join the Juniors. Otherwise I can see this being just another false dawn.

Song actually written by Snakefinger which only makes it more apt.

By Badfinger - and their version along with Mariah Carey's was terrible. Only Niellson and Russ Abbot's band The Black Abbots did it right.

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Deary me.

Its only last season that Celtic drove the referees out on strike. Its only last season that Celtic were intimidating referees and match officials. Its only last season that John Reid was claiming their was a Scottosh conspiracy against Celtic. And its only this summer that Celtic fans were voting on whether to boycott other Scottish clubs if they voted Rangers into the league.

And now its become clear that Celtic have been behind the desperate attempts to keep Rangers in the SPL and now get them into the First Division - so that they can keep their sectarian Old Firm cash cow alive.

Its time to kill Rangers off now. Its time to kill off the Old Firm.

The day of reckoning has come for you and your kind.

Captain - PLEASE take off that "RANGERS MUST DIE!" signature of yours. Everything you've backed so far this year you have bloody jinxed (Danny Lennon Must Go, Hibs For The Cup) and I fear for your safety if you manage to pull off the hat trick! :P

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On the subject of sharing gate receipts, I am against it. Celtic spend far more on marketing, and spent to build such a massive stadium, why should they be forced to give away all the money they have earned? Where is the incentive to attract fans, if it doesn't profit them? Different clubs make different efforts to generate revenue, and in my view, sharing the cash does not really reward entrepeneurship

For "entrepreneurship", read "trading off the back of Catholicism".

Edited by GorgieYaBass
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Is it just me, or does the Asian lad centre right, look really embarassed to be there?

Yuck, filthy Sevco fans.

The only burd there isn't even do able.

Realistically how you can be a Asian and a Sevco fan? With the BNP backing, Nazi salutes, the Israeli flags and hatred of everything not protestant.

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Mark Uberbigot Dingwall says in the Paper ' All Football Fans will miss the Old Firm matches '

I willnae.

Hmm, weird. I distinctly remember them being pretty uncomfortable atmosphere's and generally feeling hard done by, with penalties being awarded if we looked at Rangers players within 60 yds of the box, etc.

Nah, I don't think "miss" is quite right.

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You have to remember that BBC were banned from Ibroke after they started printing negative stories aboots Whytey and Sally.

It needs a journalist willing to take the sheise from the buns. Thompson had an attempt but unfortunately couldn't step up to the plate in understanding the Scottish nuances (and he is currently under death threats from the rabid buns).

I think we all admire the man who outed Whiytey then "the men who sold the jerseys" who took the scandalous behaviour of Rangers to a wider audience than just the fitba supporters.

The Scotsman articles/blogs seem quite independant.

But all this sucking up from the Glasgow press only produces a certain kind of football copy. It's full of "mebees he's coming, mebees he's going" crap. That kind of speculation isn't journalism - it doesn't tell you anything. If and when someone does transfer, then everyone knows about it and who cares whether The Daily Retard speculated about it 2 weeks ago? What about the 15 other 'exclusive' speculations that amounted to nothing.

I'm happier with the East Coast press's approach. Less pandering, more information. And fewer pages of shite.

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If all this somehow gets to the point of no return we should just let them set up an SPFL. Let them go ahead with all the cheating, lying and complicit clubs.

In opposition there should be a 'League of Honour' - with all the clubs that showed integrity throughout this.

Chairman Sir Turnbull Hutton KOTD.

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Some guy on Twitter asking if the Newco is affected by the European ban...

I see he has a good grasp on the facts facing his club.

He follows it up with a WATP, NS, RTID and GSTQ so he must be a good Sevco man.

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You have to remember that BBC were banned from Ibroke after they started printing negative stories aboots Whytey and Sally.

It needs a journalist willing to take the sheise from the buns. Thompson had an attempt but unfortunately couldn't step up to the plate in understanding the Scottish nuances (and he is currently under death threats from the rabid buns).

I think we all admire the man who outed Whiytey then "the men who sold the jerseys" who took the scandalous behaviour of Rangers to a wider audience than just the fitba supporters.

The Scotsman articles/blogs seem quite independant.

I hear you Claymores and I'm not saying all sports journalists are bad. I'm pointing the finger firmly at those who have allowed themselves to get too cosy, becoming lazy and increasingly irrelevant as a result. Rangers banning the BBC proves my point that if you don't play the game you will be excluded. Pathetic really. There are several sports journalists that are certainly not part of this game and I applauded them for that.

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Alex Thompson of channel 4?

He has the ability, and maybe the knowledge to blow Scottish football apart, should he so deem ;)

The reality is that Thompson (Channel 4) has a real job, which means the rangers coverage can only be a small part. But he can get access to key players whether administrators, SFA, FIFA, EUFA etc. And he has an audience way beyond the incestuous world of the Scottish game and media.

There is no doubt if he has time (and if given good information) can keep the pressure on by exposing the cunning devious game we currently have.

The other key one is Mark Daly at the BBC, who obviously has more to come. He too has the audience.

The other significant ones are RTC and Paul McConville who add a hell of a lot. Significantly they are never referred to in the mainstream media. And of course being websites you need to know where to go to and have enough interest to have a look.

If the P&B were to create a fighting fund, we could do worse than to buy advertising space in the Scotsman and Herald, even the Sun and Record with details of their sites. That way would allow people to get reality checks on the rubbish that is spouted in some of these awful newspapers.

And as for Jabba and Chic, they should just be driven out from the BBC. License payers unite. :D

Just a comment on Partick Thistle. Would guess they would vote yes. They are desperate for money. Glasgow Rugby which was a major income source for them (far more income generated than from the football side!) will be playing at Scotstoun this season coming. So that with associated advertising, bar receipts etc will all disappear. Games like the Heiniken cup vs Toulose was a massive money spinner. They also have been incapable of running their own facility which is outsourced. A board with little flair or initiative, so the chance of getting a load of bears in would appear to be attractive to them.

Regarding Celtic. I don't know the figures but the fact is they are a global brand. Part of their reason for signing Japanese etc players is to create markets there. All they need from Scotland is a team that wins the league in a full stadium, qualifies for Europe and do half decently there. And is broadcast on TV worldwide. That gives them the exposure they need.

The loss of a couple of rankerous games against Sevco would make little significant difference to the business. Would upset a few fans who would unable to gloat. No bad thing. :)

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I think now that with the way Thistle have handled this, they will NOT be trusted by the fans from now on. David Beattie was actually respected and liked by the Thistle support, as a whole, as he seemed to be doing and saying the right things.

This board have financially turned us from a basket case to profit, Admittedly, the Warriors cash was a massive help and now we have lost it. I am a bit confused then, if finanaces are tight how we are constantly giving out two year contracts and have signed a couple of players??.

Yes, we have moved players on, but we were under the impression that things would be even tighter this season.

The risible £33k that we would recieve for this stitch up, only completely makes a mockery of us saying we are "The Great Glasgow Alternative".

Clearly we have confirmed that we are WEE Bun lover (At board level) and they are seemingly willing to lube up ready for the Newco shafting.

To distort a wekk known phrase from our Newco fanbase, Thistle fans WILL DO WALKING AWAY.

The damage has been done by the boards procrastinations over this and it makes me sick that they quote that they are looking after the interests of PTFC,Scottish football and THE SUPPORTERS??? What utter tosh!!

Even if they suddenly say that they have to vote NO to save face, its too late. They have holed the club below the water line and we are sinking slowly, with no lift rafts on offer.

This may sound poor, but as a Jags fan for 43 years my heart is breaking.:(

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Mark Uberbigot Dingwall says in the Paper ' All Football Fans will miss the Old Firm matches '

I willnae.

Neither will I they're usual shit and result in weeks of pre and post match hysterical bigotry sectarianism and paranoia.

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Last year gers attempted to enter the Indian market by taking 2 players from the country on trial. We never heard anything about these 2 boys cause the troubles were beginning. Tbh I can't imagine many Indian players would be that good to play in the spl (even though its terrible). I can't name 1 single good Indian footballer ever. However with us Likly to be in div 1 their must be 1 or 2 players that could do a job there. Hopefully this would lead to gaining an Indian audience. I'm no marketer (even though I do have a marketing degree) but makes sence in paper to me. Take a few ok Indian player coach and train could have some kerkar like guys attracting a large audience

Absolutely no danger.

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