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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Realistically how you can be a Asian and a Sevco fan? With the BNP backing, Nazi salutes, the Israeli flags and hatred of everything not protestant.

Mate goes to Rangers Celtic game couple of years ago (at the Rangers end).

Bunch of half a dozen Asian guys in front of him singing at full blast "I'd rather be a Paki than a Tim". :o

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Some guy on Twitter asking if the Newco is affected by the European ban...

I see he has a good grasp on the facts facing his club.

He follows it up with a WATP, NS, RTID and GSTQ so he must be a good Sevco man.

I'm kinda lost in all this again, are/will Newco be affected by a european ban ?

I hope they aren't, then there can be absolutely no argument as to whether 'newco' can claim a right to the oldco history

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Fired off yet another email to Thistle. I'm aware they are at best skimmed over before quick deletion and never thought of again, but I find it cathartic to fire off my thoughts to the club nonetheless. And post them on here so they are preserved for posterity.


Hi there,

Simple enough, and fair enough, question; here is the statement released from the DAFC board recently:


A fairly resounding "no", correct?

Here's a snippet I am desperate for the current Thistle board to consider;

"The revised proposals we have reviewed contain a number of suggestions that are entirely credible in isolation, and everyone agrees that the structure of Scottish Football must change, but it must be done for the right reasons and not used as some form of bargaining tool. The proposal document makes little or no mention of fans or their views, as was the case with the league reconstruction debate, and all these issues must now be put on the table to deliver a credible, equitable and viable solution. The document strongly implies that if the proposals are not accepted, then we will have financial meltdown in Scottish Football, but if the loyal fans across the country desert the game then commercial sponsors or TV companies will have no one to promote or broadcast to."

This has hit the nail firmly on the head.

Our statement can best be described as "non-commital". I am curious as to why a fellow First Division club are in a position to take such a firm, uncompromising stance on this, yet we are still dragging our feet in the ground over what seems a fairly clear cut issue to me, and many of my fellow Thistle fans?? And that's before we take into comments already made from Morton, Raith Rovers and others!

Regards, TDN

I was aiming for "slightly pissed off but still maintaining a veneer of calmness". The way things are going, I may well end up going the Rangers route of "thinking I am being calm, dignified and classy when in reality I'm just trying intimidation, bullying and threats to get what I want".

I was pissed and pissed off fairly late last night and having read my email to Beattie have to admit to a wee bit of a `reddie` this morning.

Without going into detail I did say "....as Glasgow`s oldest professional club we have a duty to the wider Scottish game and as such have to be seen to be doing the right thing. We should be a shining light in these difficult times. Remember, doing the wrong thing for the right reason is still doing the wrong thing "ph34r.gif

On the upside I did say that if he voted the wrong way and sided with the forces of darkness he`d lost the club a ST and a Gold Centenary membership.smile.gif

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I've no doubt it would help our game, it ain't going to happen in 2012 though.

If someone wanted a chunk of my hard earned because my business was larger than theirs they'd be told to jog on in no uncertain terms.

We're either going to look for sensible and workable solutions or we're going to do as we always do and fcuk it all up due to self interest.

It takes two sides to make a game of football, so the fans are being entertained by both sides. Why should only one club get the money from it? It doesn't really make sense. Boxers can go to other countries and get paid more than the natives they are up against.

The size of the OF would still mean they are getting paid a lot more than every other club, by virtue of the fact that they would be getting half (or 60-40 which is my preference for a gate receipt split) every other game, while the other clubs only get the OF's home gate cash once or twice a year.

This is exactly what is needed to level the playing field. If it's good enough for the NFL it should be good enough for us.

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I'm kinda lost in all this again, are/will Newco be affected by a european ban ?

I hope they aren't, then there can be absolutely no argument as to whether 'newco' can claim a right to the oldco history

Unless Uefa take it up the downpipe, then 4 seasons without them...........................and stop saying 'ban' Mr. Traynor, it isn't.

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I think now that with the way Thistle have handled this, they will NOT be trusted by the fans from now on. David Beattie was actually respected and liked by the Thistle support, as a whole, as he seemed to be doing and saying the right things.

This board have financially turned us from a basket case to profit, Admittedly, the Warriors cash was a massive help and now we have lost it. I am a bit confused then, if finanaces are tight how we are constantly giving out two year contracts and have signed a couple of players??.

Yes, we have moved players on, but we were under the impression that things would be even tighter this season.

The risible £33k that we would recieve for this stitch up, only completely makes a mockery of us saying we are "The Great Glasgow Alternative".

Clearly we have confirmed that we are WEE Bun lover (At board level) and they are seemingly willing to lube up ready for the Newco shafting.

To distort a wekk known phrase from our Newco fanbase, Thistle fans WILL DO WALKING AWAY.

The damage has been done by the boards procrastinations over this and it makes me sick that they quote that they are looking after the interests of PTFC,Scottish football and THE SUPPORTERS??? What utter tosh!!

Even if they suddenly say that they have to vote NO to save face, its too late. They have holed the club below the water line and we are sinking slowly, with no lift rafts on offer.

This may sound poor, but as a Jags fan for 43 years my heart is breaking.:(

Fully agree.

The fact that we have been twice in the 2nd division fairly recently shows that it is possible to budget for low crowds. As it would be for Motherwell and Kilmarnock.

If PT are struggling for cash then they should let it be known. I'm sure all the fans would put extra money together to help them out.

If not then the club needs to find its natural level even if it's the 2nd division.

All this pish about bringing in Sevco for the club is total nonsense. All it has done in my case is sour my love for the club.

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I'm kinda lost in all this again, are/will Newco be affected by a european ban ?

I hope they aren't, then there can be absolutely no argument as to whether 'newco' can claim a right to the oldco history

The ban isn't a ban, that's the media talking. You can't get a European license without having three years accounts. Sort of like the sfl, but UEFA couldn't give a toss about "ra gers", so won't be bending any rules for them.

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I'm kinda lost in all this again, are/will Newco be affected by a european ban ?

I hope they aren't, then there can be absolutely no argument as to whether 'newco' can claim a right to the oldco history

It's because they are a Newco they cannot play in Europe for 4 seasons now.

It's not a ban as such they are not permitted to be entered into the competitions.

The Newco aren't the Oldco, no matter what Wallace or Buckfast Broon says. Green has applied for a new SFA memebership.

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Just a comment on Partick Thistle. Would guess they would vote yes. They are desperate for money. Glasgow Rugby which was a major income source for them (far more income generated than from the football side!) will be playing at Scotstoun this season coming. So that with associated advertising, bar receipts etc will all disappear. Games like the Heiniken cup vs Toulose was a massive money spinner. They also have been incapable of running their own facility which is outsourced. A board with little flair or initiative, so the chance of getting a load of bears in would appear to be attractive to them.

Point one - incorrect. Rent of £100k per annum compared to PTFC ticket sales of £220k -ish. It's a big hole, granted but if it had been generating more income than the football then Thistle would have become a rugby team by now.

Point two - the stadium, stewarding etc is outsourced to a facilities management company wholly owned by one of the director's companies. It's rumoured that this work is undertaken at a zero profit level.

What's true is that Thistle are desperate for change that could bring more income. The stadium (thanks to the SPL) is far bigger than it needs to be and there are fewer punters around than there used to be. The board consist of two entrepreneurial businessmen plus two senior employees of one of their businesses, not the local lawyer or accountant who is also a diehard fan. It's only natural that this type of people will want to look at the whole matter in detail and in particular the perceived opportunity to make more money. It's also hardly surprising that they have failed to understand what the fans have been saying to them about Newco and its position in the SFL. They are as much fans as Lawell, Gilmour, Petrie etc are.

They have handled this affair badly and continue to do so, but they will eventually see that the risk to what they currently have, is greater than the reward of the SPL bribe.

If this causes Thistle to die, then so be it. I know who I will blame if that turns out to be the case and it won't be the current PTFC board. I suspect that many St Mirren, Motherwell and Kilmarnock fans feel the same way.

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I think we all need to chill the f**k out. 8)

It's the Sevco fans job to throw the toys out the pram. As a non old scum fan, I feel we should continue to point, laugh and make it clear that we will not accept TheRangers™ into our 1st division.

If they are let in, we never attend another SPL/SFL match and the junior clubs benefit from a huge increase in attendances. Until the SPL/SFL sort this mess out properly, possibly with the help of FIFA.

Relegating a club that doesn't exist is not a valid option. 3rd division, or Rangers die.

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Emergency room staff up and down the land will really be gutted.

Aye, and I imagine the wives who get battered when their filthy scumbag husband's team loses are really going to miss the old firm games too eh?


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