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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's really good to see you guys still considering things based on the Sporting Integrity Basis.

The alternative viewpoint might be that the SPL/SFA are victimising a victim of crime -which is what I believe Rangers are . Let me explain........

The Crown Office has instructed Strathclyde Police to carry out a Criminal Investigation into the Fraudulent purchase and subsquent criminal Corporate Management of Rangers by the previous owner. This is 'force majeur' and means that what Craig Whyte did to Rangers was in fact beyond the control of the club becuase it was a criminal act on his part which the club was powerless to stop.

There was not a single Board Meeting nor were there any Statement of Accounts published and, in fact, there is a strong possibility that the SPL/SFA and HMRC were told, and therefore were aware that Craig Whyte was not paying PAYE/NIC contributions for several months before Administration happened, but chose to do nothing. (James Traynor / Keith Jackson Daily Record Podcast 28.06.2012)

Now, if the Criminal Investigation becomes Criminal Charges and a subsequent Criminal Trial results in it being proved that, in fact, fraud had occured, it would in then add Rangers to the list of victims in this affair, and if there have been punishments added to those already administered , Rangers could then seek recompense from those who applied further sanctions to what is essentially a victim of a criminal act thus causing the victim further losses in both finance and status.............. Something to think about.

There is a rush in these forums to see Rangers punished ad infinitum , or maybe that should be ad nauseum.

It is clearly not enough for most of you that Rangers were penalised by a 10 point deduction together with the loss of the SPL tItle and with the owning company being liquidated together with an automatic European ban for 3 years with huge loss of potential income. (Rangers have no option but to accept these sanctions).

(I will not include EBT and Double Contacts in my argument as these are still awaiting judgement - unlike some on these forums I still believe in innocence until guilt is proved.)

No ,the lust to inflct punishment and humiliation on Rangers still goes on,even to the extent of dreaming up a few from thin air - where would this lust come from?

The SPL clubs will tell you that it is a matter of 'Sporting Integrity' and the sanctions imposed will be in line with this ethos. After all the punishment must fit the crime.

But hold on a minute....they are not seeking the penalty already provided in the rules i.e. starting over in SFL3.. no ,they want to change the rules so that only a one year banishment would be applied - why should this be?. I think i might have an idea why.

1. Minimise loss of TV Revenue , Sponsorship Revenue , Loss of gate money etc.etc. (1 year is ok but 3 years is a disaster.)

2. It will allow the SPL clubs to change the voting structure.. thus emasculating Celtic and causing a redistributing of monies. LOL good luck with that one

NONE OF THE ABOVE INVOLVES SPORTING INTEGRITY .... So dont give us any more of the mock outrage about Sportsmanship. This is just a grubby exercise in making money by equally grubby clubs. You have a nerve to castigate Rangers about morality ,you are all tainted by hypocrisy.

Remember all glory is fleeting so make the most of it. Reality bites eventually and ,when it does, whose fault will it be? Be careful what you wish for.............

As for you, the fans of these clubs, with your- 'I wont buy my Season Ticket if you allow Rangers to stay in the SPL' blackmail.

Your hatred of Rangers is greater than the love of your Club and that indicates something much deeper than football rivalry. It is a malice as deep and vicious as you could ever find in life. At least with Celtic we can see where it comes from and that ,in a way has a kind of honesty but with the rest of you it is something different.

If we as Rangers fans have learned anything in this process it is that Scottish football has no time for us in a sporting sense and I would imagine in other senses. Maybe we are not considered Scottish enough for some - maybe a bit too British eh? You have never had the courage to attack Rangers before and even now , on our knees and after all the mob beatings we are still alive. You perhaps think that we will perish never to be seen again. That will never happen- the club will always be there in whatever form- but I'm not so sure about some of the other SPL Clubs though.

I noticed with some amusement that the SFL Clubs have also seen through the Sporting Integrity argument used by the SPL Clubs.

They can see that they are being used to protect the SPL clubs revenue streams. and will oppose anything other than a Rangers competing in SFL3 next season. Well done to them.

We as Rangers fans generally wouldn't mind the SFL3 ,because we see it as an opportunity to be cleansed of the corrupt/biased SPL and in due course we will move up to whatever form the SPL will exist in (if at all)

Lets be clear - none of Rangers' enemies exist in Elgin , Dumfries,Peterhead, Stirling etc. and as a support during our time with them, we will treat all clubs in the SFL with respect ,attending away fixtures etc. , I should say that this is more than we would do for any Clubs in the SPL.

We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional.

God Bless the Rangers.

BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care.

Do you happen to have any connection with a certain Mr Leggate ? You sure sound like him and you are equally well informed.

You don't appear to be too amused by the current situation and this may be a bad time to ask for a favour but here goes...........

..........you know how you hate all those naughty SPL clubs and you love all the SFL clubs ?

Well, can I ask if my club could be included in your boycott of away grounds ?

Just in case you really did care what people were replying................thanks for considering my request.

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It's really good to see you guys still considering things based on the Sporting Integrity Basis.

The alternative viewpoint might be that the SPL/SFA are victimising a victim of crime -which is what I believe Rangers are . Let me explain........

The Crown Office has instructed Strathclyde Police to carry out a Criminal Investigation into the Fraudulent purchase and subsquent criminal Corporate Management of Rangers by the previous owner. This is 'force majeur' and means that what Craig Whyte did to Rangers was in fact beyond the control of the club becuase it was a criminal act on his part which the club was powerless to stop.

There was not a single Board Meeting nor were there any Statement of Accounts published and, in fact, there is a strong possibility that the SPL/SFA and HMRC were told, and therefore were aware that Craig Whyte was not paying PAYE/NIC contributions for several months before Administration happened, but chose to do nothing. (James Traynor / Keith Jackson Daily Record Podcast 28.06.2012)

Now, if the Criminal Investigation becomes Criminal Charges and a subsequent Criminal Trial results in it being proved that, in fact, fraud had occured, it would in then add Rangers to the list of victims in this affair, and if there have been punishments added to those already administered , Rangers could then seek recompense from those who applied further sanctions to what is essentially a victim of a criminal act thus causing the victim further losses in both finance and status.............. Something to think about.

There is a rush in these forums to see Rangers punished ad infinitum , or maybe that should be ad nauseum.

It is clearly not enough for most of you that Rangers were penalised by a 10 point deduction together with the loss of the SPL tItle and with the owning company being liquidated together with an automatic European ban for 3 years with huge loss of potential income. (Rangers have no option but to accept these sanctions).

(I will not include EBT and Double Contacts in my argument as these are still awaiting judgement - unlike some on these forums I still believe in innocence until guilt is proved.)

No ,the lust to inflct punishment and humiliation on Rangers still goes on,even to the extent of dreaming up a few from thin air - where would this lust come from?

The SPL clubs will tell you that it is a matter of 'Sporting Integrity' and the sanctions imposed will be in line with this ethos. After all the punishment must fit the crime.

But hold on a minute....they are not seeking the penalty already provided in the rules i.e. starting over in SFL3.. no ,they want to change the rules so that only a one year banishment would be applied - why should this be?. I think i might have an idea why.

1. Minimise loss of TV Revenue , Sponsorship Revenue , Loss of gate money etc.etc. (1 year is ok but 3 years is a disaster.)

2. It will allow the SPL clubs to change the voting structure.. thus emasculating Celtic and causing a redistributing of monies. LOL good luck with that one

NONE OF THE ABOVE INVOLVES SPORTING INTEGRITY .... So dont give us any more of the mock outrage about Sportsmanship. This is just a grubby exercise in making money by equally grubby clubs. You have a nerve to castigate Rangers about morality ,you are all tainted by hypocrisy.

Remember all glory is fleeting so make the most of it. Reality bites eventually and ,when it does, whose fault will it be? Be careful what you wish for.............

As for you, the fans of these clubs, with your- 'I wont buy my Season Ticket if you allow Rangers to stay in the SPL' blackmail.

Your hatred of Rangers is greater than the love of your Club and that indicates something much deeper than football rivalry. It is a malice as deep and vicious as you could ever find in life. At least with Celtic we can see where it comes from and that ,in a way has a kind of honesty but with the rest of you it is something different.

If we as Rangers fans have learned anything in this process it is that Scottish football has no time for us in a sporting sense and I would imagine in other senses. Maybe we are not considered Scottish enough for some - maybe a bit too British eh? You have never had the courage to attack Rangers before and even now , on our knees and after all the mob beatings we are still alive. You perhaps think that we will perish never to be seen again. That will never happen- the club will always be there in whatever form- but I'm not so sure about some of the other SPL Clubs though.

I noticed with some amusement that the SFL Clubs have also seen through the Sporting Integrity argument used by the SPL Clubs.

They can see that they are being used to protect the SPL clubs revenue streams. and will oppose anything other than a Rangers competing in SFL3 next season. Well done to them.

We as Rangers fans generally wouldn't mind the SFL3 ,because we see it as an opportunity to be cleansed of the corrupt/biased SPL and in due course we will move up to whatever form the SPL will exist in (if at all)

Lets be clear - none of Rangers' enemies exist in Elgin , Dumfries,Peterhead, Stirling etc. and as a support during our time with them, we will treat all clubs in the SFL with respect ,attending away fixtures etc. , I should say that this is more than we would do for any Clubs in the SPL.

We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional.

God Bless the Rangers.

BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care.

Apologies for quoting the whole of this but it really is a thing of beauty. They still don't get it and that just makes it all the sweeter

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Apologies for quoting the whole of this but it really is a thing of beauty. They still don't get it and that just makes it all the sweeter

Many of them never will.

Financial Doping, Cheating, Bankers favoring them with unlimited overdrafts, their club's EBT Tax Avoidance - over 60 of their players on Dual Contracts, their club bumping around a dozen other football clubs for £millions in transfer fees, their club not paying £millions to over 300 creditors, their club not paying over £20 million in tax and National Insurance during the last 18 months, Rangers fans rioting and shaming themselves and the whole of Scotland in Manchester 2008 as well as here, there and everywhere both before and since then.

Too many of them just don't have the mental capacity to understand and some just don't want to understand. wink.gif

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"We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional.

God Bless the Rangers.

BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care."

That's just the point isn't it? You will support your team regardless of their cheating, conniving or trading on religious bigotry. That's why you're referred to as orcs; simple, unquestioning and barbaric when you get the chance to visit another city.

Edited by Bob Roth
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It's really good to see you guys still considering things based on the Sporting Integrity Basis.

The alternative viewpoint might be that the SPL/SFA are victimising a victim of crime -which is what I believe Rangers are . Let me explain........

The Crown Office has instructed Strathclyde Police to carry out a Criminal Investigation into the Fraudulent purchase and subsquent criminal Corporate Management of Rangers by the previous owner. This is 'force majeur' and means that what Craig Whyte did to Rangers was in fact beyond the control of the club becuase it was a criminal act on his part which the club was powerless to stop.

There was not a single Board Meeting nor were there any Statement of Accounts published and, in fact, there is a strong possibility that the SPL/SFA and HMRC were told, and therefore were aware that Craig Whyte was not paying PAYE/NIC contributions for several months before Administration happened, but chose to do nothing. (James Traynor / Keith Jackson Daily Record Podcast 28.06.2012)

Now, if the Criminal Investigation becomes Criminal Charges and a subsequent Criminal Trial results in it being proved that, in fact, fraud had occured, it would in then add Rangers to the list of victims in this affair, and if there have been punishments added to those already administered , Rangers could then seek recompense from those who applied further sanctions to what is essentially a victim of a criminal act thus causing the victim further losses in both finance and status.............. Something to think about.

There is a rush in these forums to see Rangers punished ad infinitum , or maybe that should be ad nauseum.

It is clearly not enough for most of you that Rangers were penalised by a 10 point deduction together with the loss of the SPL tItle and with the owning company being liquidated together with an automatic European ban for 3 years with huge loss of potential income. (Rangers have no option but to accept these sanctions).

(I will not include EBT and Double Contacts in my argument as these are still awaiting judgement - unlike some on these forums I still believe in innocence until guilt is proved.)

No ,the lust to inflct punishment and humiliation on Rangers still goes on,even to the extent of dreaming up a few from thin air - where would this lust come from?

The SPL clubs will tell you that it is a matter of 'Sporting Integrity' and the sanctions imposed will be in line with this ethos. After all the punishment must fit the crime.

But hold on a minute....they are not seeking the penalty already provided in the rules i.e. starting over in SFL3.. no ,they want to change the rules so that only a one year banishment would be applied - why should this be?. I think i might have an idea why.

1. Minimise loss of TV Revenue , Sponsorship Revenue , Loss of gate money etc.etc. (1 year is ok but 3 years is a disaster.)

2. It will allow the SPL clubs to change the voting structure.. thus emasculating Celtic and causing a redistributing of monies. LOL good luck with that one

NONE OF THE ABOVE INVOLVES SPORTING INTEGRITY .... So dont give us any more of the mock outrage about Sportsmanship. This is just a grubby exercise in making money by equally grubby clubs. You have a nerve to castigate Rangers about morality ,you are all tainted by hypocrisy.

Remember all glory is fleeting so make the most of it. Reality bites eventually and ,when it does, whose fault will it be? Be careful what you wish for.............

As for you, the fans of these clubs, with your- 'I wont buy my Season Ticket if you allow Rangers to stay in the SPL' blackmail.

Your hatred of Rangers is greater than the love of your Club and that indicates something much deeper than football rivalry. It is a malice as deep and vicious as you could ever find in life. At least with Celtic we can see where it comes from and that ,in a way has a kind of honesty but with the rest of you it is something different.

If we as Rangers fans have learned anything in this process it is that Scottish football has no time for us in a sporting sense and I would imagine in other senses. Maybe we are not considered Scottish enough for some - maybe a bit too British eh? You have never had the courage to attack Rangers before and even now , on our knees and after all the mob beatings we are still alive. You perhaps think that we will perish never to be seen again. That will never happen- the club will always be there in whatever form- but I'm not so sure about some of the other SPL Clubs though.

I noticed with some amusement that the SFL Clubs have also seen through the Sporting Integrity argument used by the SPL Clubs.

They can see that they are being used to protect the SPL clubs revenue streams. and will oppose anything other than a Rangers competing in SFL3 next season. Well done to them.

We as Rangers fans generally wouldn't mind the SFL3 ,because we see it as an opportunity to be cleansed of the corrupt/biased SPL and in due course we will move up to whatever form the SPL will exist in (if at all)

Lets be clear - none of Rangers' enemies exist in Elgin , Dumfries,Peterhead, Stirling etc. and as a support during our time with them, we will treat all clubs in the SFL with respect ,attending away fixtures etc. , I should say that this is more than we would do for any Clubs in the SPL.

We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional.

God Bless the Rangers.

BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care.

You cannot be that naive surely. Do you think Mr Murray was duped by Craig Whyte or do you think he was hand picked as he was a serial bankruptee , everything he touched went to shite, yet your support heard billionaire and went all gooey eyed treating him like a messiah. You are desperate to hold onto this notion of being able to buy anything and anyone.

Why pay the debt to Lloyds ? but nothing else ? Murray knew the noose was tightening with the EBT's and was desperate to off load your club to anyone he could, obviously the £1 was in the understanding the debt to Lloyds was paid . Now I don't believe Murray wanted a liquidation but knew that the club would go into administration and exit through a CVA killing off the taxman's claim , leaving him with a position of well I thought it was legal and I took the necessary legal advice.

Whyte having gotten the Ticketus money and knew that payments would be due and the scale of his duplicity would have gotten out. Don't forget the Taxman was actively speaking to Rangers about payments and had settled on a deal for one of the disputed amounts that Whyte failed to pay thats what initiated the administration.

To ignore the EBT's insults the complexity and scale of this whole affair.

Your support is unconditional again another who thinks we have just started shaving, I remember your apathetic support before Murray and so can many others.

Don't treat us diddy teams with respect have some for yourselves and the rules of the game .

Comeback as a club not built on religious intolerance enjoy your successes but let the We Are the Peepul nonsense go with liquidation.

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It's really good to see you guys still considering things based on the Sporting Integrity Basis.

BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care.

Couldn't read this through your tears TBH

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What do you mean by that!?

No evidence whatsoever. Blind prejudice speaking, loony assumption that Celtic are controlling everything with their incredible, mind-controlling bigot-beams.

Celtic's money men are certainly enough of a bunch of dicks to back all of this. No evidence, tho. All of this is farts and bullshit.

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The easiest solution to this one would be for Dundee and Dunfermline to have a game of shuv ha'penny lasting 5 mins each way (extra time and penalties if required). Then .... and wait for it, depending on the result, we could just say that Rangers won the match fair and square so Rangers stay in the SPL and NEWCO get promoted from non-league nowhere into the SPL too. Then everyone would see that justice had been done.

And if you cant accept that then there is no hope for Scottish Football.

Nah, 'Quizball' - I loved that.

Think Dunfermline had brainy guys though, Dundee might be at a disadvantage.

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Pretty mild, compared with some of the glorification going on in celtic's "traditional" song book, TBF. You lads are really gonna have to better than this when your business partners aren't around anymore, ye know!

Go along to the 'barras' in Glasgow.

You can buy both books, h*** and t***, at the same stall and have a right good laugh at the utter p*** that is in them

Edited by Wokcomble
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Rangers are being liquidated, a new club is applying for the vacancy. Everything else is irrelevant. There is no justifiable reason why this new club should leapfrog 20 existing clubs into the first division, or indeed 30 clubs into the SPL.


Its really not that hard to understand. I can't believe there is even a discussion about letting them join at a higher level.

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And, if you're looking for a SPL club who have sucked up Newco's hole throughout this whole farrago, it certainly isn't Celtic, I think we all know which club has, though.

Actually our sadly out-of-touch chairman is hardly the whole club, and btw he's also been one of the few SPL chairman who said he believes the newco Division 1 place is a non-starter.

Celtic have said what? From the beginning of this whole saga we've had what commentary from Celtic FC?



*** crickets ***

Edited by KillieJimbo
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We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional.

Yep, not even conditional on them being the same club you supported a month ago. Now that is unconditional support. :lol:

Sevco's distant ancestors did insist on only supporting the club when they were winning. Perhaps you could inherit that? You've got to keep they tradishuns min (see hating Catholics and all elasticated clothing).


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Celtic have said what? From the beginning of this whole saga we've had what commentary from Celtic FC?

You must have missed that statement from us about not needing Rangers to survive.

If only every other club came out and followed our example at the very start, I doubt we'd be having this discussion about letting them into the SPL / 1st Division

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Actually our sadly out-of-touch chairman is hardly the whole club, and btw he's also been one of the few SPL chairman who said he believes the newco Division 1 place is a non-starter.

Celtic have said what?

*** crickets ***

To be fair to Celtic, they are damned by the media more if they do say anything publicly and damned slightly less by the media by saying nothing. There are too many shit-stirring trouble-makers working within the media who would spin whatever Celtic say to try and cause trouble on the streets. The media's use of words such as "warchest" when printing stories related to Rangers owners and their finances to buy players during the past few years tells us all we need to know. biggrin.gif If i were on the Celtic board of Directors i too would say nothing or very little to the Media about what has been going on with Rangers.

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Well one cracking idea would be to run a competition that wasn't rigged so blatantly for the benefit of two clubs - y'know, one with a bit more of a sporting set-up, rather than one where "the rest" exist as cannon fodder and should know their place. The already uncovered malfeasance of your business partners is being dealt with shamefully by the authorities. One of the most shameful aspects of the whole affair - even more so than Johnston's blatant arslikhan - is the deafening silence from parkhead as Lawell desperately burns the phone lines and leans on his contacts in order to get his chums back to the top table before those meddling diddies alter voting structures to something like democracy.

Captain S is mental, fair enough, but make no mistake, the Ugly Sisters' halcyon days are over. Killie and others may have problems in the months and years ahead, but celtic are going to be affected more than any other club in Scotland. Enjoy the ride, muthafuckas!

There really is no end to the amount of utter shite you post... thankfully apart from a few arse lickers on here you are generally ignored and are an utter irrelevance outside internet world... :lol:

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