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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What utter pish.

Salary levels wil drop?

You mean we won't be able to pay utter fannies, like Hooper & Loovens & Wilson & Mulgrew?

I cannot fucking wait.

Btw, i cant remember Peter Lawwell lying to any Cetic fan.

If I could refer you to the famous "we don't need rangers" quote of 12th February 2012. You know, before the terrible affliction that robbed Scotland's biggest club's chairman of his voice and affinity for publicity...

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Just a quickie before back to work -

Apologists for Lawell's silence on here have actually made me respect Johnston MORE than another chairman. Johnston? Respect? The world's gone mad!

I feel the same way about Thistle's position in all of this. Sometimes bad leaders make bad decisions but the worst kind of leaders make no decisions at all.

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The rest of us can only sit back in amusement of Celtic torturing themselves . On one hand they want the zombies to get punished but on the other they know they really , really need them to thrive and keep the sectarian cash till ringing . Lawell knows this fine well and will be praying that the living dead are out for a year only while saying very little if anything

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Where can I find the Turnball Hutton BBC stuff, on the BBC site I clicked Sportsound for yesterday and got the bloody Beechgrove potting shed!

Go through to the question in the Beechgrove potting shed about weeds which have taken over everybody's gardens, weeds which been killing off their plants over a number of years. These weeds are dangerous and although they may look ok on the surface, they contaminate your soil. Make it toxic.

The advice is that there is no point in just pulling off their heads or being gentle with them. You need to pull them up by the roots, treat with loads of chemicals so they don't come back again. It will take some time but eventually you will have a garden to be proud of where all types of plants will grow strongly.

Just pulling up a few is no good as they will quickly take over again. mad.gif

So you might have to forget about your blooms this season, but it will be worth it when your garden flourishing next year. biggrin.gif

Hope this helps. Back to football now. wink.gif

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I will happily admit I'm a hypocrite. Why are Celtic completely silent over all this? Celtic should have spoken out and condemned Rangers years of cheating and lying. Celtic had the chance to lead every other club to a new era of Scottish Football.

Instead, Celtic have sat and hoped that everyone would vote yes so they could vote no and appease their own supporters while keeping their business partner in the SPL. Now you are fucked and you know it.

Really, when did this come out? You got a link? or is that just another made up story, you know like the one about Celtic fans boycotting supermarkets because of the Jubilee celebration :lol:

People are just looking for any excuse to have a pop at Celtic right now and making wild accusations, almost as bad as the RM mob

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What a guy, it's good to hear someone in power sounding just like a fan, I wish more SFL board members would come out and give their honest opinion on things, I'm quite sure there are lots of board members who feel the same as Turnbull.

Edited by ayrmad
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Jeez, just when you think you've got rid of one triumphalist mob of succulent lamb spouting weegies who blindly follow follow and never, ever, ever question the right of everything around their wee sectarian franchise , along comes another one.

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Go through to the question in the Beechgrove potting shed about weeds which have taken over everybody's gardens, weeds which been killing off their plants over a number of years. These weeds are dangerous and although they may look ok on the surface, they contaminate your soil. Make it toxic.

The advice is that there is no point in just pulling off their heads or being gentle with them. You need to pull them up by the roots, treat with loads of chemicals so they don't come back again. It will take some time but eventually you will have a garden to be proud of where all types of plants will grow strongly.

Just pulling up a few is no good as they will quickly take over again. mad.gif

So you might have to forget about your blooms this season, but it will be worth it when your garden flourishing next year. biggrin.gif

Hope this helps. Back to football now. wink.gif

Jim McColl gets everywhere. smile.gif

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Is that right?


Currently the second biggest thread on my clubs forum and been going strong for weeks now. I suspect loads of other English clubs are also interested.

I thank you for enlightening me.

Now to squirm a little to try to rescue myself.

I imagine there will be some interest amongst English fans, not a lot,

mostly driven by ex-pat Scots, IMO.

I'd like to know what the GLOBAL football community thinks.

Can anyone else contribute?

I have signed up for the FIFA site and have seen 2 posts concerning TCFKAR,

both supportive, but in a totally clueless way.

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Celtic could justifiably argue they have been robbed of titles with all the shenanigans at Ibrox. If they voted in favour of acceptance of leniency in the new clubs favour the Celtic fans would get rid of them, of that there is no doubt. Celtic would not,could not vote to save the new club.

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Obviously a slow day when people are responding to the Celtic apologist fannies. BTW you don't need to put them on ignore to ignore them. Just ignore them.

Unlike some I don't advocate the complete demise of the OF (cue someone coming on and saying there is no OF) but I do daydream about it sometimes. No bigotry, no mutual contempt/love/need for each other, and, as a big bonus, no c***s like Craig Burley of Billy Doods slobbering their pish all over the Sunday papers.

Only interesting thing for me today is confirmation that the SFL have solicitors working over the weekend to interpret their own rule book. How fucked is that? 'Guys here's the rule book we wrote and agreed, now can you tell us what it means?'

On a more serious note you wonder what brief Longmuir has set the legal advisers

Is it 'What's the majority required to parachute a newco into the First Division?'.

Or is it 'We want to parachute a newco into the First Division on a simple majority, now find us justification for doing this'

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