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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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SFL chiefs:

'So Cockwomble, you've known of the possibility of Rangers being flushed since February, what have you done to earn your wages in the last four months with regard to renegotiating sponsorship and TV deals, ensuring that Scottish football has clarity?'

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And people are treating this as true?

I just cannot understand why people on this thread still treat anything this Rangers & Newco propaganda machine say as truth. They are regularly shown up for what they are, peddlers of lies and misinformation, yet as soon as they put anything out it's posted here and discussed as if it's genuine.

The Daily Record and its associated hacks have run the game for years. Thus far in this, all the diddies have accomplished is getting some chairmen to make some press releases. It's going to be another couple of days before any tangible victory can be announced.

Anyone noticed that SSN and BBC are reporting today's SFL meeting as deciding on Newco into 1st only. Not once do they mention the option of them going into division 3.

The only decision to make is whether to break the rules and put them in the First. Otherwise the normal procedure is followed. But bear in mind that the BBC has been fucking terrible throughout this, especially compared to STV and Channel 4 (both of whom have actually conducted some, y'know, investigative journalism, rather than just reprinting whatever they're told).

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Apologies if this is a duplicate but this thread moves so fast

Statement from East Fife

East Fife FC want to make clear our views on the current “Newco” situation as it relates to SFL membership. We have taken into account the views of over 500 of our supporters who responded to our survey.

We retain an open mind on the subject of league reconstruction, and will carefully consider any proposal put to us in this regard. The board of directors of East Fife FC, however, is unanimous in its view that we shall not support any integrated plan that in our view compromises sporting integrity by involving the admission of any ‘Newco’ directly into Division One. Any “Newco” must follow the normal application route into the bottom tier.

Sid Collumbine

Chairman, East Fife FC

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1341298572[/url]' post='6395348']

Apologies if this is a duplicate but this thread moves so fast

Statement from East Fife

. Any "Newco" must follow the normal application route into the bottom tier.

Sid Collumbine

Chairman, East Fife FC

This bit. Tremendous !

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Apologies if this is a duplicate but this thread moves so fast

Statement from East Fife

East Fife FC want to make clear our views on the current "Newco" situation as it relates to SFL membership. We have taken into account the views of over 500 of our supporters who responded to our survey.

We retain an open mind on the subject of league reconstruction, and will carefully consider any proposal put to us in this regard. The board of directors of East Fife FC, however, is unanimous in its view that we shall not support any integrated plan that in our view compromises sporting integrity by involving the admission of any 'Newco' directly into Division One. Any "Newco" must follow the normal application route into the bottom tier.

Sid Collumbine

Chairman, East Fife FC

I remember going to the pub with that guy once. He got so drunk he couldn't stand up, got all violent and started throwing pint glasses at the bar staff. In the end he spend the night in the drunk tank. It was the Sid Collumbine Massacre.

(That's another no - it's division three or bust now).

Edited by Savage Henry
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What an abortion of an article. They should have stuck to hacking phones.

I especially enjoyed the line stating that Newco will "Issue a public apologise (sic) for Gers' past wrongdoing."

Wait a minute, that changes everything! All they have to do is say they're sorry and everything can go back to the way it was.

Do me a favour love.


Maybe a simplistic take on it but if they are willing to apologise at all for past wrongdoings, then we finally have an admission from them.

Because all along, we've had the "EBT's weren't/aren't illegal" line fed to us by desperate bears. Now, as armageddon approaches, they wish to take the 'last rites' (sic) but only if their life-support isn't switched off.

It would be laughable if not a reality.

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I stand alone.......dude. Why don't you stop being a bawbag and buddying up to the diddies. They hate us! They would rather we were out n'all so let's stop palling with them. This lot rip us off with ticket prices and sing songs that the other lot sing and claim it's only "40 of them singing it" and it was for a laugh. Nah I know if they go to the wall it isn't good for anybody

"I'll thcweam and thcweam until I'm thick....."

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I don't think I'll waste my time e-mailing my chairman 8)

I think we are getting a bit hysterical on here. The SPL have already shown their hand in that 7 clubs have confirmed they will vote No, this is unlikely to change. The DR article saying there is a closed door meeting between 3 clubs about a U turn is probably factually correct but big fucking deal, u need at least 8 votes to see this through. Probably Green Lawwell and Johnstone drinking coffee and having a bitch about things!

The SFL meeting today to discuss (or laugh at) the proposal that was leaked last week. All the rhetoric from the SFL has been a resounding "No thanks" and I fully expect that this will be the outcome of the meeting.

Bottom line is that the inclusion of Sevco 5088 in Scottish football is not as important as the inclusion of the supporters of the Diddies. Once we get this week out of the way, I will be looking forward to the bright new dawn of football in this country.

Keep the faith, the Chairmen have a bit more integrity and baws than many of you think.

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OK Guys, today and tomorrow are potentially two days which can change Scotlands' football future for the better.

Don't just sit back and hope your chairmen will do the "right" thing, keep the pressure on them.

I have emailed my club stating if Newco are anywhere near the SPL or Division 1 next year then I will be asking for a full refund.

The lies, mis-information, and downright corruption throughout the Scottish game is staggering. And, after this whole sorry saga is over I hope the attention is then turned on our so called guardians of our game at the SFA, SPL etc. Not to mention the disgraceful so called jornalism from the likes of the Daily Record.

Don't believe the scare tactics, get phoning and emailing today and tell your mates to do the same.

Lets make it happen.

I agree, one last push lads.

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OK Guys, today and tomorrow are potentially two days which can change Scotlands' football future for the better.

Don't just sit back and hope your chairmen will do the "right" thing, keep the pressure on them.

I have emailed my club stating if Newco are anywhere near the SPL or Division 1 next year then I will be asking for a full refund.

The lies, mis-information, and downright corruption throughout the Scottish game is staggering. And, after this whole sorry saga is over I hope the attention is then turned on our so called guardians of our game at the SFA, SPL etc. Not to mention the disgraceful so called jornalism from the likes of the Daily Record.

Don't believe the scare tactics, get phoning and emailing today and tell your mates to do the same.

Lets make it happen.

Should be interesting meetings of SFL clubs with Doncaster there 'to help'

This profile is from Bristol Uni web site. No doubt all text (and photograph) provided by Mr Doncaster.

Neil Doncaster (LLB 1992)Chief Executive, Scottish Premier League


After graduating from Bristol's School of Law in 1992, Neil passed his LPC examinations at the University of the West of England before joining a large commercial law firm in the region and qualifying as a solicitor. After working on deals involving Bristol City and Bolton Wanderers Football Clubs, he went on to become Company Secretary and in-house solicitor at Norwich City Football Club plc in 1997, before being rapidly promoted, first to Head of Operations and then, in 2001, to Chief Executive. Under his leadership, the club achieved promotion to the Premier League for the 2004–5 season, and in 2007 it was named Championship Family Club of the Year.

Neil has also been active in football's governing bodies. He was elected onto the board of the Football League in 2006 and became a member of the Football Association Council the same year. In 2008, Neil was appointed to the FA's main board.

In 2009 Neil stepped down from his roles at Norwich City, the Football League and the FA and became Chief Executive of the Scottish Premier League. In his new role, Neil is focused on improving the league for the benefit of Scotland's premier 12 clubs, increasing attendances across the league and creating commercial partnerships that will drive more money into Scottish football.

So he is focused on

1. improving the league for the benefit of Scotland's premier 12 clubs,

2. increasing attendances across the league and

3. creating commercial partnerships that will drive more money into Scottish football (well not Scottish Football, what he means is the SPL).

He will have bonus incentives if he achieves targets in these areas. Who needs bankers when we have the SPL? Looking at these targets and where the SPL will be over the next couple of years, his job must be on a shoogly peg.

Going to today's meeting his objective will be the above first and foremost. That is after all what he is paid to do. He won't go today to help SFL clubs, only insofar as they can help him personally and the SPL.

They say don't shit on people on the way up, you might meet them on the way down. http://www.telegraph...FLs-demise.html

He seems to have 2 main options.

1. He gets Sevco into the SPL or SFL1. Supporters will revolt which will include non attendance, they will campaign with public bodies and challenge all sponsors about their role and engagement. The supporters will be able to take the moral high ground against a body that is showing few ethics or any honesty. Through public blogs and social media there will be no place for the guilty to hide, and transparency demanded. Also the brand of the SPL he is there to promote becomes tainted if not toxic.

2. If Sevco go to the bottom, then income will reduce and it will be tougher for him to achieve his targets and his personal bonuses may disappear. (hence the SPL2 nonsense)

Option 1 is better for him personally but kills the SPL as the campaign to close the SPL, an organisation created for selective greed, will come from all directions.

Option 2 preserves the SPL but kills his pay packet.

If any SFL clubs were to collude with option 1, there is no doubt they would be putting their clubs at increased risk. Worse than any shortfall in income and despite any bribes (which will probably be increased today!)

If Doncaster can't convince the SFL to take the option 1, I can see the SPL board taking a view that it is better to dump Doncaster in the hope he takes the blame with him, as they try to protect themselves.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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