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Auld Heid - you're just not getting it!

Rangers are gone. All the consequences of not having rangers are already here caused by rangers financial cheating.

newco don't bring the same back.

Back to the relative sanity of the Juniors Forum for me!!!

Probably don't get the full picture - but from the outside looking in. There has been a lot of bitterness shown towards Rangers and not the cause (Murray and Whyte) by fans quick to jump on their demise.

The inpropriety of Murray and Whyte surely is something for the authorities to deal with. But this inpropriety has benefitted all in Scottish Football? (inflated transfer fee's to clubs for players) enhanced SKY deal to ensure they get the OLD FIRM Game etc.

Surely going by the Moral Standards now being set - clubs will be queuing up to pay back all monies received from Rangers - so not to associate themselves with taking dirty money and defrauding the British Public by depriving them further of monies due to HMRC.

Even taking money in good faith if found to be dirty should be repaid?

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Tell them it was all Pozbaird's fault. I'm sure he would take one for the cause. He can be our martyr. :lol:

I'm liquidating myself. Starting up as a newco poster on a Morton fan forum. I am therefore not responsible for any posts made by the oldco 'Pozbaird'. :)

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This. The transferring of punishment is the only half-reasonable excuse that any Orc has to claim they still follow the same team and retain their history. Let them start at the bottom with no attachments and they don't have a leg to stand on in the future.

I'd rather they went in to D3 with no immediate sanctions, but were subject to punishments for dual contracts if that is subsequently proven and subsequent to whatever the supposedly independent tribunal assesses as a fitting punishment. They should also be punished for raising the Court of Session action.

Other than that, no punishments.

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This. The transferring of punishment is the only half-reasonable excuse that any Orc has to claim they still follow the same team and retain their history. Let them start at the bottom with no attachments and they don't have a leg to stand on in the future.

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Back to the relative sanity of the Juniors Forum for me!!!

Probably don't get the full picture - but from the outside looking in. There has been a lot of bitterness shown towards Rangers and not the cause (Murray and Whyte) by fans quick to jump on their demise.

The inpropriety of Murray and Whyte surely is something for the authorities to deal with. But this inpropriety has benefitted all in Scottish Football? (inflated transfer fee's to clubs for players) enhanced SKY deal to ensure they get the OLD FIRM Game etc.

Surely going by the Moral Standards now being set - clubs will be queuing up to pay back all monies received from Rangers - so not to associate themselves with taking dirty money and defrauding the British Public by depriving them further of monies due to HMRC.

Even taking money in good faith if found to be dirty should be repaid?

I was meaning financially and not being emotional or taking any moral high ground.

All the consequences of not having rangers are here. The newco no longer brings the same financial benefits no matter what league they are in.

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Ok, seeing as you've bagged the bold option, I'll go with italics, mmkay?

You are the worst type of person that we meet on here - not a rangers supporter, my arse! Maybe you can't afford to go to ibrox, or maybe you think a SKY sub is as good as a ST, but you're fooling nobody except yourself. Season ticket would not be an issue over cost. Yes I have been to Ibrox to watch Rangers, but have watched probably as many Falkirk games over my football viewing career. Yet your team is Linlithgow Rose. And since when has watching football been a career?

BILE, is it? Well, let's have a look at what this "institution" has given us all over the years. The level of bitterness IMO can only be described as Bile.Well, in a lot of peoples' opinions, it could be classed as justified outrage at the dragging of our game, and country, through the gutter.

1. It was made clear to me at an early age that Catholics are second-class citizens. An actual POLICY of the club, not the "regrettable behaviour of a minority". Totally Agree there can be no place for religous intollerance and such a policy in a modern Scottish Society. This policy is rightfully a thing of the past.Has anyone told the fans?

2. Ambassadors in Europe? Barcelona would beg to differ - not just in 1972, but also in recent times. Plus ca change.... Manchester also had a ringside view of rangers' "ambassadors", and English cities throughout the 70's and 80's regularly got trashed by currants coming down for "friendlies" - oh, the irony... These individuals were properly and correctly dealt with by the authorities - again I agree on your view. Although I never raised this point in my post. This isn't your post, though, is it? It's mine, and if i want to raise valid points about what rangers brought to the Scottish game, I will. Their behavioural record kinda stands out, dont'cha think?

3. Some people on here have done convincing calculations as to how much these thieving, lying c***s have cost their fellow Scottish clubs by their cheating. If they had not gained league positions, advancement in cups, and qualification for Europe by using dishonest methods, other teams would have benefitted, and Scottish football would have been stronger and healthier for the resources being shared around. What convincing calculations do you refer. I saw no issue from any Scottish Team your own included in taking the money that was on offer to aid their own survival. Any club selling to either Rangers or Celtic rarely reinvests all the money in new players? But largely use it to survive and pay costs etc And if we're going to get sniffy about points not being in original post, I didn't even get started on the "help" rangers and their business partners gave the diddies with their transfer money. 65k for Smith before selling him for 400k+, 400k for Boyd (paid in instalments) - aye, thanks a lot.

4. The famous travelling support. Oh, I do love this one. Other than when there was a title at stake, neither rangers OR celtic can get the RP gate over 10k (once in the last five years, I believe). Is thirty miles down the M77 really too far to follow, follow? In fact, I'd bet John Brown's house (with or without title deeds) that RP is a shorter travelling distance for the majority of the orcs who do manage to drag themselves off the sofa/out of the pub to actually attend a game. Meanwhile, their vocal espousal of what it is like to be so superior beings ensure that home fans will not attend, and certainly won't bring their children. Killie have shown no adversion to selling their own fans short by allowing both Celtic and Rangers to take over the majority of the ground on ANY occassion. Why would they have to do such a thing if it was not down to the fact their own supporters fail to support their own club by buying tickets and as such Killie put finances first and grab the money on offer. For the benefit of the club and their supporters. So can't see your point on this one. Yes, Killie sold three stands to celtic on ONE occasion. As well as extra income, this avoided a repeat of the rangers' visit the previous season where they bought tickets in areas for home support, creating a serious security risk and exposing the home fans to their entire songbook.As I originally stated, Killie do NOT see a massive away support from either of the Sisters, despite giving them twice the number of tickets any other team get.

5. Oh, yes, the tax. Stealing from every man, woman and child in the country. 140+ million is a drop in the ocean for the treasury, but your club's all about principles, right? Proud to be British, proud to swear allegiance to the Queen, proud of our forces. Now how many of those servicemen and women that rangers comped into games in return for the PR value of "supporting our troops" d'ye think had to buy their own kit on eBay before going to Iraq or Afghanistan - because MoD funding is being reduced year on year, not least because of thieving b*****ds NOT PAYING THEIR TAXES? Other than the money witheld by Craig Whyte the previous indiscretions are still unfounded and will remain so.? Craig Whyte is righly under investigation for these actions. HMRC by refusing a CVA have ended any liability either way from the alleged indiscretions of the "Big Tax Case" so this accusation will never be proved. (Unless I'm mistake the case ended when HMRC refused a CVA??) But any actions rightly or wrongly were taken by Murray/Whyte and not the Fans. Yes, directors acting for and on behalf of the club (thanks, Lord Carloway). Any "fans" campaigning for the return of trophies and European cash gained through the years of cheating? Nah, didn't think so.Look on the bright side - rangers are dead. Now you can have a look round and decide which "big" team you're not going to support next. Oh, and pleas don't make it Killie. We've got one too many currant apologists at the club already....wink.gif

Yes Rangers may well be dead - but where does Scottish Football benefit from this? Increased revenue, increased sponsorship, increased support at Killie because Rangers are no longer there. Your own chairman has intimated openly the financial hardships that this may bring to your own club. Still don't get it, do you? And I thought a follower of a Junior team (wink.gif) would understand. Rugby Park or public park, SPL or div 1, 2, 3 - if Killie are there, so will we. Sure, we'll miss those great occasions against rangers (did I mention that we beat them home and wawy in our last EVER games?laugh.gif), and the regular forays into the latter stages of European competition, but I'm sure we'll cope somehow.

What interest does the SPL have next season when a team is starting 1/50 on to win the league. There's still two cups and Europe to play for, and celtic ain't got the future all their own way without their business partner to block reform.

The future's bright, the future's.... oh, hang on.....laugh.giflaugh.gif

Edit for pisspoor formatting.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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"Auld Heid - you're just not getting it!

Rangers are gone. All the consequences of not having rangers are already here caused by rangers financial cheating.

newco don't bring the same back."

Exactly. Even IF newco had been allowed into the SPL, SKY may well have renegotiated the contract

on the basis that such a weak team would not command the same "global" (ha ha) audience

and who may not have made the top 6, so there would be no '4 OF games'.

The future of newco cannot be predicted.

Newco, new club, new beginning, same as any other.

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You'd have thought Regan would've seen the outcry against Doncaster and realised he had to watch his comments huh.gif

Anyway I think we are seeing the power the fans have once again, been a long long time since the clubs and major footballing organisations of this country took notice of what we wanted, and now it seems like the majority of them are getting the point. I think this is what scares the Regans, Doncasters and Traynors of the world more than anything. The simple fact is Rangers are gone, while Celtic are now vulnerable and could realistically end up trying to vote against the other clubs of the league with no chance of winning. The dynasty which has run the game for so long is now broken and they're terrified of change. I think the way clubs have voted and commented on fan pressure, combined with certain journalists being on our side and the media changing Rangers to Newco, SevCo or The New Rangers to appease us diddy fans shows we are making strides, lets keep it up lads biggrin.gif

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Get real and stop wearing out your knuckles on your keyboards. What real fan would want his club, innocents in all of this, to shut because of a desire to get at the real culprits? Rangers did this and they are suffering. But this need to put them down further will endanger other innocent clubs. So-called fans who dominate their message boards appear to be running the show and are now pressing SFL clubs into doing the right thing, which is actually the wrong thing for the game in general. But is it really the will of the people or the ignorant views of semi-literate gangs of keyboard clatterers?

Entertaining though it is to listen to your rants Turnbull, just think. That's it, just think, and if enough of us do we just might not blow our brains out.

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Surely going by the Moral Standards now being set - clubs will be queuing up to pay back all monies received from Rangers - so not to associate themselves with taking dirty money and defrauding the British Public by depriving them further of monies due to HMRC.

Even taking money in good faith if found to be dirty should be repaid?

If HMRC believe they are due money from other clubs (who *have* paid their tax on all money received - including that from Rangers) I doubt they'll be slow in mentioning it

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So there's nothing to stop them putting a pub team together a day or two before the start of the season?

Presumably they'll need to have players registered before the SFA application then and if so, there's surely a deadline for that?

As mentioned they can sign players right up to 31st August.

However, for Cup matches, all players have to be registered with the SFA beforehand, you can't play trialists in cup matches. So Sevco have three weeks and a day to get themselves sorted (assuming they enter the Ramsdens Cup).

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I'd rather they went in to D3 with no immediate sanctions, but were subject to punishments for dual contracts if that is subsequently proven and subsequent to whatever the supposedly independent tribunal assesses as a fitting punishment. They should also be punished for raising the Court of Session action.

Other than that, no punishments.

Hedgecutter is correct IMHO because Sevco are not Rangers and should not be punished for Rangers crimes. I had a fleeting thought that you may have been correct on the CoS action but no, I see that as a failed attempt to keep Rangers alive all they have left are the stadium and training facilities, they will acquire some fans from the old club and have transferred some of the old club's players across but they are not Rangers.

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Get real and stop wearing out your knuckles on your keyboards. What real fan would want his club, innocents in all of this, to shut because of a desire to get at the real culprits? Rangers did this and they are suffering. But this need to put them down further will endanger other innocent clubs. So-called fans who dominate their message boards appear to be running the show and are now pressing SFL clubs into doing the right thing, which is actually the wrong thing for the game in general. But is it really the will of the people or the ignorant views of semi-literate gangs of keyboard clatterers?

Entertaining though it is to listen to your rants Turnbull, just think. That's it, just think, and if enough of us do we just might not blow our brains out.

Why would putting this NewCo intothe Third damage their finances? Surely having 4 full houses every season (since Rangers fans will Follow Follow) would help?

And considering they've survived for decades without Rangers in the same league means they'll continue to do so?


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Probably don't get the full picture - but from the outside looking in. There has been a lot of bitterness shown towards Rangers and not the cause (Murray and Whyte) by fans quick to jump on their demise.

There undoubtably has been bitterness and schadenfreude towards Rangers as an entity but that is understandable to me. To anyone like me that grew up supporting a diddy team in an area crawling with Rangers fans, it wasn't the Rangers BoD that was in your face every day with a misplaced arrogance and inflated self-worth - it was their fans and I'll admit to taking some petty satisfaction that the worst of social inadequates that latch on to Rangers, yet have been to Ibrox less than I have, are having a bad time of it now. The fact is that there is still an utter lack of humility or contrition from these roasters even now that the extent of Ranger's cheating has been made clear - so hell mend them as far as I'm concerned.

It is possible to support a course of action in a logical, sober way - to see the newco in Div 3 in the knowledge of the consequences - and at the same time enjoying seeing some of the dregs of society worrying about what to do on a Saturday outside of marching season biggrin.gif

Edited by Swello
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