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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Right, we need to keep up the pressure on the clubs.

Quick suggestion - it's just been observed to me that there is no co-ordinated action here, while lots of people have been very active everything is a bit haphazard. Similarly, all the information about where each club stands, who to contact etc etc is either scattered across different threads or lost in the depths of this one which no one can really plough through.

So, the suggestion is that we create a web page - quick paragraph on each club outlining their official positions (or unofficial, if not available), plus details of who to email. And then a general suggestion of what sort of thing to say.

Anyone got any time to spare? I could make a couple of hours this afternoon to gather up some of the relevant info. Be quicker if we can have two or three people maybe do a division each.

And then - does anyone have webspace and the means to put something up on line if we can provide the text?

(I'm about to pop into work for a bit but can reply to PMs in another half hour or so if anyone is interested and able to help.)

Thank you.

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And then - does anyone have webspace and the means to put something up on line if we can provide the text?

Maybe I'm missing something, but don't you write for a popular football blog?

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What magazine was that from ?

One of our supporters took it from the Scotsman newspaper website. Waiting the URL link, if it IS FAKE i will remove it. :lol: still even if it is FAKE, wonder why a striker of that quality left VERY quickly from the mighty sevco5088

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still even if it is FAKE, wonder why a striker of that quality left VERY quickly from the mighty sevco5088

Everyone wonders that. (And he didn't leave quickly: he faded out quickly, and then sat on the bench collecting a huge wage for the duration of his contract. Then failed to ever reproduce that form for the rest of his career.) The difference is that most people aren't stupid enough to pass on as authentic the first piece of nonsense that affirms their own personal prejudices. Congratulations on all your greenies, though.

Edited by Thumper
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The SPL clubs have 'done the right thing' on the understanding that SFL clubs will be blackmailed into doing the wrong thing.

SPL club fans who bought up season tickets after their clubs declared their voting intentions, have been tricked. I don't blame the fans for it at all, but that's what's happened here.


Agree. I suspect this to be the case with the SPL clubs given assurances that it would be 'sorted' with Newco having a place in the SPL after 1-year. After all, is this not what has been said with it being either SFL1 or SPL2 being the only options for Newco?

The SPL clubs have ensured that they satisfied their own fans and passed the difficult decision to the SFL and let them face the consequences of fans boycotting.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but don't you write for a popular football blog?

Good point, I do, but it's not my blog and I don't think it would be appropriate for me to use it directly for such campaigning. I think a dedicated page would be better.

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From my reading of the document - and my brain is very small - the SFL clubs are voting on whether or not to let Sevco into the SFL. If they say "aye" the SFA/SFL blazers will decide which league.

As the French say: "The more things change the more they stay the same."

Well in that case a naw is the only possible vote. I'd rather have the Newco in the SPL than the first division.

I've obviously missed a couple of days of news, but how can that possibly be in keeping with any SFL/SFA rules?

Edited to add; I know it's been a couple of days, but Leggo has reached new levels of insanity. Apparently, everything is working out precisely the way Alastair McCoist planned it.

But it is what he is getting. Thanks, in the main to Alastair McCoist.Even though Charles Green had surrendered to Lawwell and agreed to bend over and take all the punishments Lawwell wants to inflict on Rangers, McCoist showed the old Rangers fighting spirit.Though the morally correct decision, the decision which would have protected the personal integrity of the SPL chairmen, would have been to welcome Rangers back to the top flight with no sanctions.

The last line is just bewildering.

Edited by Savage Henry
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how can that possibly be in keeping with any SFL/SFA rules?

Apparently there's nothing in the statutes to suggest that newly-voted members actually have to start in the third. It's just the convention that, well, every club has used for over a hundred years.

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Not if the SFL clubs elect Rangers into the third. I don't see the first division as a fair accompli at all. Where is the evidence that it's a done deal?

Others have ansewred you, but the invitation to Friday's meeting for SFL clubs says that they'll get to vote on admitting Newco to the SFL. The board will then decide to put them in either the 3rd or the 1st, dependent on whether the SPL meet their conditions re play-offs etc.

It is a fait accompli. The fact that you seem to have missed this doesn't alter it.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Fair enough...sounded like it could be true though. :D

Like these guys. :rolleyes:

The audio sounded as though it was recorded indoors although they're standing outdoors? Just wondering.

But, to be honest, this is pretty tame. I've seen and heard a lot worse when I was a youth at Ibrox. Turned me right off Glasgow football altogether. The obsession with religion and ancient Irish history has no place in Scotland.

If any re-formed Rangers turns out to be a new gathering point for sectarian bigots and uber-British BNP types, it's doomed. It'll never have my support, and I'm guessing many others who traditionally followed the Gers will switch off too. There are plenty of proper Scottish teams outside Glasgow - who are pround of the Saltire and who don't get hung up on colour, religion or race.

Edited by Danish Pastry
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Apologies for posting a Daily Heil link, but I think this article sums up the situation very well.


No room for cheats

article-0-0C4BB759000005DC-882_233x423.jpg Deluded: Stewart Regan

At the risk of intruding upon private grief, it would seem that demotion to the Scottish Third Division is the very least of the penalties which Rangers should expect for their sustained exercise in financial doping. However, Stewart Regan, the chief executive of the Scottish FA, is trenchantly opposed to such a punishment.

He pleads for the softer option of relegation to the Scottish First Division, apparently on the grounds that Rangers are too big to fail. Indeed, he has issued preposterous warnings of 'Armageddon' and 'social unrest' if the club should get what they truly deserve. Rangers in the Third Division, warns Mr Regan, would 'kill the game' in Scotland.

I suspect he is mistaken, for civilised sanctions will not kill the Scottish game. That task can safely be left to systematic cheats like Rangers. And deluded prattlers like Stewart Regan.

Edited by Sherrif John Bunnell
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There's greater precedence in the SPL period for a club getting to stay up rather than there is for 2 up.

The get Dundee up campaign isn't dignified either.

Dunfermline can have the SPL place as far as I'm concerned. I'd feel better about it that way rather than getting the usual barbs thrown at us. Honestly, i mean that. Too little time to prepare for it all now. And, dare I say it, life in the First ain't all bad.

And where's the campaign to get Dundee up?

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If there is an expansion of the SPL and a total restructuring of the game to be gained and fairer distribution of the money in the game that could be a starting point for the future, however, that should happen as a matter of course, not as some last ditch attempt to buy Sevco's presence in the top tier of the SFL.

This paragraph essentially hits the nail on the head regarding the issue of restructuring. Let's say for instance that Rangers DO end up in SFL 3, we will then be able to see whether restructuring is a serious offer, or whether it was shamelessly used as a bribe to corrupt our game. If restructuring is taken off the table in this scenario then this whole charade goes beyond secret whispers and allegations, it should become a full on investigation into the corruption at the top of our game by UEFA, the police, whoever.

On the subject of a boycott, I have been torn between two viewpoints for months. I fluctuate between not wanting to watch my team in a corrupt league system which no longer constitutes as sport, and then my heart kicks in and it dawns on me I could never abandon my club. I know it's not for the greater good, but for me it would be biting off my nose to spite my face. I would be severing ties with a huge part of my life, purely to prove a point to a bunch of corrupt suits. Higher powers will get them in the end, but my club will exist long beyond that.

What a fucking sorry state of affairs.

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The 'true fans' of Scottish football who are saying they will buy season tickets and attend matches whatever happens are the people who are allowing Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir to destroy our game.

The only weapon we have is to withhold our support and our finance. I, for one, will not be complicit in destroying the integrity of Scottish football.

If the SFA are such villains in this (and that's certainly how I see it) why is the idea of targeting games involving the SFA's representative team being ignored?

Boycott talk can be cheap and overused, but I would see a boycott of Scotland fixtures as entirely legitimate here. What a visible and finacially powerful weapon this could be. We all know that the Scotland support depends a lot on diddy fans.

I think this could be very effective if coordinated. Rather than get people from all over to show up at Hampden as fizzled out last week, get them to stay away when they wouldn't usually.

A Morton fan suggested such a thing on the TA board on here, but was roundly shouted down. I think it's a great idea.

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There's greater precedence in the SPL period for a club getting to stay up rather than there is for 2 up.

The get Dundee up campaign isn't dignified either.

What are you talking about?

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Apologies for posting a Daily Heil link, but I think this article sums up the situation very well.



Another "journalist" who doesn't get the difference between relegation and election.

I've looked back a few pages and came across this, sourced to Alex Thomson.

(ii) That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the "Board") to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13.<br style="color: rgb(93, 93, 93); font-family: tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif; line-height: 20px; background-color: rgb(243, 249, 246); "><br style="color: rgb(93, 93, 93); font-family: tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif; line-height: 20px; background-color: rgb(243, 249, 246); ">(iii) That the Scottish Football League Members in terms of Rule 12 approve the resignation of either Dundee F.C. or Dunfermline Athletic F.C., whichever shall be admitted to join the Scottish Premier League for Season 2012/13, such resignation to take effect as at the date of admission of such club to the Scottish Premier League, notwithstanding that the requisite notice under Rule 12 shall not have been given.Details of the series of measures referred to at (ii) above shall be made available to the Members in advance of the meeting and an opportunity for full discussion of those measures will be given prior to the proposals being put to the meeting.

That is indeed a stitch up, and every club chairman who votes for that ought to suffer the consequences of empty stadiums every home game. They'd be putting the money of Rangers fans above the money of every other club in the league, which would be a scandal.

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