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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yeah, that'll be it - everyone craves the OF dough and their knuckle-dragging fans.

It's the irony that got me. We spent outwith our means (thanks to that alcoholic c**t John Brown) - we took the financial hit and went down the leagues and restructured the club accordingly. We'll be debt free by 2015, that plan was set two years ago. I'd rather they fucked off completely rather than speed the process up by a couple of months.

What did they do - send the entire sport in this country into free fall and still have a cheek to be considered going into the First Division :lol:

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Will the real truth ever see the light of day?



Published on 12-07-2012 15:59

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Trying to come to terms with the everyday goings on in the Rangers FC public trials is like watching an episode of your favourite soap opera.

Everyone has an opinion who said what,who did what, who stole the money, who knew everything and who is to blame for everything that has dragged a once proud Clubs name through the mud. If this turns out to be a stitch up job it should be the basis for a Jason Bourne like novel as no one would believe that someone could pull of a master plan like the taking down of a giant, a Sporting instituition.

We have had a press pack go into baying wolf pack frenzy and full "siege mentality" at the mere thought of taking Rangers down and,it should be added, that some of the sheer lies and conjecture that has been printed in the media and spouted on radio and TV, all in the name of getting the scoop, has been nothing short of scandalous and tantamount to scaremongering of the highest order.

The whole of Scottish Football is in a catastrophic mess. This very public assassination of Scotland's biggest Football Club has been a total embarrassment to everyone concerned and none more so than the men who are currently at the head of Scottish Football Stewart Regan,albeit abetted by his sidekick or Boss Peter Lawwell, and Neil Doncaster are, if you believe the nonsense written in the papers, ably culpable in destroying the face of the game in Scotland.

That the game in Scotland needed a massive overhaul goes without saying. The National team,no matter how you look at it, has been a total embarrassment for years and will continue to be for years until a drastic overhaul in how the game is taught,coached and scouted at the grassroots level is adopted.

Do these men see that Can you say "Show me the Money".

Let's take Peter Lawwell out of the equation for a second as his agenda in all this is as plain to see as the nose on your face.

Regan and Doncaster are trying their best to keep their heads above the excrement that they have created by lying,cheating and bullying the smaller Clubs into deciding the fate of a Club they could'nt,to use the old Sporting vernacular,hold the jock strap of the whole time screaming "do not make waves". The way these two men have been performing has hardened my stance against the agenda driven heirarchy that runs the game in Scotland at the moment and it will be a long time before i cheer for a Scotland team again such is the anger i feel at this current time.

And what of Rangers FC? What are they guilty of? As a fan of the team i find it rather puzzling that although no hard evidence of any crime has been produced no one from the Club has stood up to the accusations,and there are plenty floating around,and threatened libel suits against the accusers. It is something that has been bothering me for a while now. Why won't someone step up and defend the Club against all this agenda driven stuff?

Is there a skeleton in the closet? For the sake of a good many Rangers Legends i would hope not. The fan base of this team has been as Loyal as any support of any team could ever be and to have that loyalty tarnished by men who have no right calling themselves 'Rangers Men" would be the worst scandal imaginable.

Will the real truth ever emerge about what really went on or has it been told but twisted around to suit the agenda of the Rangers hating public? That the Club will survive is a given but at what cost or on whose terms? In Regan and Doncaster's little "Sporting Integrity game? If the Club's fate is left up to these two morons then the game is in a bigger mess than we even know.

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And what of Rangers FC? What are they guilty of? As a fan of the team i find it rather puzzling that although no hard evidence of any crime has been produced no one from the Club has stood up to the accusations,and there are plenty floating around,and threatened libel suits against the accusers. It is something that has been bothering me for a while now. Why won't someone step up and defend the Club against all this agenda driven stuff?

Really. they need to ask.

I had to check the date on the article just to see that it was actually recent.

Edited by strichener
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Why are people buying this pish about the SFA imposing a new structure. The SFA can do nothing without the support and agreement of the clubs. Regan may be deluded enough to believe he actually has this power, but let's not humour the daft little prick by taking him seriously.

BTW message for Peter Houston - shut you're baldy pus and get on with the job that you're paid to do, namely managing the team at United.

Granny you are quite right. Once Houston gets his MBA like you and me ( and Cockwomble) he can run Scottish Football!

I am sure he is only speaking as a Rangers fan, not the manager of your lot. And of course he couldn't be speaking as another over earning Scottish football personality who doesnt want to have his earnings reduced on a new contract to levels consistent with any new financial reality that United have to embrace. Could he?

We'll just give him a decent boo and some offensive insults from the main stand at Dens on Saturday!

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Granny you are quite right. Once Houston gets his MBA like you and me ( and Cockwomble) he can run Scottish Football!

I am sure he is only speaking as a Rangers fan, not the manager of your lot. And of course he couldn't be speaking as another over earning Scottish football personality who doesnt want to have his earnings reduced on a new contract to levels consistent with any new financial reality that United have to embrace. Could he?

We'll just give him a decent boo and some offensive insults from the main stand at Dens on Saturday!

Led to believe he was a Celtic man growing up.

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I fucking love Clyde FC :wub:

If Accies don't grow a pair, I will be forgoing the Lanarkshire derby against Airdrie Utd and taking in the Clyde game at Alloa. I doubt it will be my only Clyde game this coming season. Wish I could be proud of my club atm, their weasel words make me fear the worst.

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Beeb: majority say no to newco in SFL1

A surprisingly good piece considering that most of the BBC's un-bylined stuff so far has been pure stenography. Even mentions Clyde's homework (for a whole sentence).

"Promoted Dumbarton, who previously announced that a poll of members and supporters showed a majority in favour of Rangers joining them in Division One, now say they will not necessarily be bound by that."

wtf?? ohmy.gifohmy.gif

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If Cockwomble and his pals had just followed the accepted rules then this could all have been sorted weeks ago. New club sevco could easily have applied and been accepted into div 3 long ago. And I think most fans would have accepted that.

Now, thanks to all of his bawbaggery, there's a reasonable chance that they wont be playing anywhere next season. The man that may have finally killed off senior football in Govan is Cockwomble himself.

That would be such a fitting epitaph to his career.

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Are you hinting with your 8) that Brown is placing himself firmly in the "f**k Sevco" corner?

secretly he admires themcool.gif

but i was pointing out the journos habits of making htings up as they go along.

all he said in the article, was that he sees united as strong challengers to cellick and St Johnstone have a strong squad as well, never actuall said the saintees were title contenders laugh.gif

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I've seen a few places saying Queen's Park are a definite no... Have I missed a statement? I've not seen anything about their intentions at all?

I was wondering this too, is there any source for this?

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"Promoted Dumbarton, who previously announced that a poll of members and supporters showed a majority in favour of Rangers joining them in Division One, now say they will not necessarily be bound by that."

wtf?? ohmy.gifohmy.gif

It was based on a poll at an open meeting, however the big scary argument presented to the meeting (SPL can withold Settlement) was then debunked, and a poll of the Trust members was against?

However, they're not "No's", either.

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