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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I wonder if this idea might now get a bit of life, cos I'm sure Mr Regan reads this forum. I suspect he got his "financial armageddon" idea from one of my posts way back, when I compared this clusterf*ck to the asteroid's destruction of the dinosaurs, and in "Armageddon" it was an asteroid playing the baddie. :rolleyes: (jokin', like)

It was as simple as asking the largest team(Dundee) how much they made of a match day, £40k times 18 to get £720k, Sevco won't even be asked for a quarter of that, if anything,which is more likely as Livi put up no bond in the 3rd, obviously nobody in power gives a shit wether the 3rd division clubs lose money.

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I think they were genuinely shitting themselves to be honest. I

Very possibly. But it shows the problems in having clubs that have no concept of PR, when issuing statements.

For no one to be able to say to Gilmour and Cameron - "look, you can't say that" is a problem.

This will be a stain on St Mirren and ICT for a long time to come. It won't be forgotten. Some Falkirk fans still hate Gilmour for his comments about Falkirk 10 years ago. Personally, those didn't bother me, as I thought he was in the right.

I despise him and Cameron now though. I'm not sure whether I'll end up goign back to watch Scottish football in the future, but I certainly won't give a penny to either club whilst Cameron and Gilmour are still there.

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Very possibly. But it shows the problems in having clubs that have no concept of PR, when issuing statements.

For no one to be able to say to Gilmour and Cameron - "look, you can't say that" is a problem.

This will be a stain on St Mirren and ICT for a long time to come. It won't be forgotten. Some Falkirk fans still hate Gilmour for his comments about Falkirk 10 years ago. Personally, those didn't bother me, as I thought he was in the right.

I despise him and Cameron now though. I'm not sure whether I'll end up goign back to watch Scottish football in the future, but I certainly won't give a penny to either club whilst Cameron and Gilmour are still there.

Why did they say it though? It's been plain as day that division one was the least likely of all options. I'd go so far as to say it was ever even a possibility. These guys aren't morons. Just spectacularly misguided. Why not just declare your vote and move on?

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Do you mean all those humpings I've been giving my secretary for working late could land me in the pokey?

She says your performance wouldn't give the minimum wage a fright.

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Why did they say it though?

I have no idea. As I said before, the Aberdeen statement was really the template for what had to be said by these clubs, if anything.

A rallying call to the fans now that the final situation was now known, following the SFL vote. A recognition that the D3 decision now meant that any potential D1 safety net which might have appeared was now no longer a possibility.

They could have said everything they did say, without their unwarranted and absolutely shameful attack on the SFL clubs. That's the baffling element to it. I suspect it is explainable by concluding that, as men, they are a pair of utter wanks. Egotistical, spiteful and ragefaced.

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Well each to their own, but I'm afraid I see it as a flimsly dilute sop - perhaps caused by internal SPL indecisiveness - that they thought SFL would fall for.

It offerred nothing bar cash they might've earnt anyway and some loose generalisms. All else relied on trusting SPL clubs benevolent attitude in future, and given how Doncaster & Co had gone about "persuading" SFL clubs to accept, it's no surprise that trust extended about as far as they could throw 'em. It included rigged voting and board structures thrown-in for good measure.

Personally, such watery vagaries weren't even approaching being worth circumventing sporting integrity for.

Well any changes now still rely on the benevolent attitude of the SPL clubs and surely you have to agree that any negotiation is now tainted by a lack of co-operation from the SFL over the Rangers affair.

My point is for anyone to say reconstruction has been swept under the carpet is availing themselves of a few facts. Reconstruction can only happen if compromises can be found, a compromise was offered to the SFL and they turned down the biggest bargaining chip. If I remember correctly no details were set in stone either, the SFL were merely asked if the board could negotiate a settlement for reconstruction with the SPL. I doubt the SFL and SPL will meet on such an equal footing again.

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I have no idea. As I said before, the Aberdeen statement was really the template for what had to be said by these clubs, if anything.

A rallying call to the fans now that the final situation was now known, following the SFL vote. A recognition that the D3 decision now meant that any potential D1 safety net which might have appeared was now no longer a possibility.

They could have said everything they did say, without their unwarranted and absolutely shameful attack on the SFL clubs. That's the baffling element to it. I suspect it is explainable by concluding that, as men, they are a pair of utter wanks. Egotistical, spiteful and ragefaced.

Possibly, Gilmour may have seen the loss of a million quid, personally, staring him in the face. We had almost agreed a Clyde-type CIC buyout, but Friday's decision could have affected income, therefore share value, reducing the price which could reasonably have been asked of the fans consortium. Maybe it'll setle down now and we can get on with getting the club into our supporters' trust.

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Well any changes now still rely on the benevolent attitude of the SPL clubs and surely you have to agree that any negotiation is now tainted by a lack of co-operation from the SFL over the Rangers affair.

My point is for anyone to say reconstruction has been swept under the carpet is availing themselves of a few facts. Reconstruction can only happen if compromises can be found, a compromise was offered to the SFL and they turned down the biggest bargaining chip. If I remember correctly no details were set in stone either, the SFL were merely asked if the board could negotiate a settlement for reconstruction with the SPL. I doubt the SFL and SPL will meet on such an equal footing again.

Look, the SPL baw is burst, you can continue to kick it around all you like, eventually someone else will trip over it, if it's admin they'll be fine, liquidation and they'll be scrambling around trying to purchase a diddy.

Only a fool doesn't fork out for a shiny new baw.

Edited by ayrmad
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In the 80's (I think) Rangers got to the league cup final with ALL of their games played at a neutral venue. Cant remember all of the teams that they were drawn away to but pretty sure Meadowbank was one of them.

I'll amend that. they did have a couple of home draws but games against Cowdenbeath and Meadowbank were moved.

We played them at Central Park that season their game v Meadowbank got moved.

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and they turned down the biggest bargaining chip.

Again, what?

Allowing Sevco into D1 was surrendering the SFL's biggest bargaining chip, for nothing but empty promises and hot air.

Had the SFL clubs voted to gerrymander Sevco into D! they were fucked completely. The SPL clubs would have had everything they wanted and would have no further use for the SFL.

Kindof like telling a bird that if she lets you into her pants you'll consider proposing marriage and getting a house together *nothing in this statement is legally binding, and sexual intercourse in no way implies a binding agreement to do anything at all*

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So the SFA were desperate for Sevco Rangers to go into the 1st Division or even the SPL relatively unscathed... and now that they are in the 3rd they won't grant them SFA membership unless they accept the transfer embargo/football debts of the OldCo?

Why the change in tact? :huh:

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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