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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That's a fair point. I wonder if there would have been a more concerted grass roots effort by the orcs if the tabloids employed proper journalists who highlighted the real extent of Rangers' problems rather than useless sycophants that were just toeing the party line.

I think we're giving Traytor and Co too much credit, I don't think for a minute that your Traytors of this world actually knew how bad things really were, and anything they did learn was probably gleaned from social media.

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They were probably believing Jim Traynors exclusive of a £25m warchest if the deal went thru, they never were that bright. Lesson 1 of sports journalism - never ever believe anything Traynor says or writes.

Still remember hearing Traynor trying to explain how his story was correct on sportsound one saturday, 10 minutes of backtracking, contradictions, shouting over others, and just pure pish. Better than Chick's backtracking over the Hearts penalty points story that was pure shite.

(By the way this is one 'exclusive' that should never ever be forgotten.)

read the comments below the article, there are a few Gers fans commenting and actually believing it, so no wonder they are in the merde.

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I think we're giving Traytor and Co too much credit, I don't think for a minute that your Traytors of this world actually knew how bad things really were, and anything they did learn was probably gleaned from social media.

If you read what I wrote you would see that I used the term "employed proper journalists". I don't think Traynor knew, or was particularly interested in finding out, what was going on.

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Because they've always had everything handed to them on a plate (titles, cups etc) to a very large extent, apart from a few years in the wilderness in the 80s and CFC battling for supremacy, the MSM telling them what they want to hear, and the SFA kow-towing to their every wish, whereas us diddies have come to expect the worst and perhaps see our club as a potential basket-case every season, that way we were "Ready" (see what I did there? :lol: ) to do something if the worst came to the worst . RFC's problem is that it became too big for a group of fans to fix, it would need wealth off the radar to put right in the state it was last season. The wee, daft guys who would happily sell their granny to help don't have that amount of money, and the smart businessmen who have enough money are too effin smart to "invest" that amount in a football club where break-even (see Bill Miller) is the best result you'll get (or in RFC's case, be allowed to get, as the Orcs expect every spare penny to be re-invested chasing the Holy Grail, sorry, Orange Grail, of the Champions League), hence the laughably cheap bids forwarded by The Blue Knights and the Cardigan Consortium.

Edit : surely, even if they get to be called Rangers and keep the badge, keeping that word on it would be the biggest hypocrisy of all??? ;)

That was one of the things at the time of the 10 point deduction for going into administration and they had numpties outside the 'big house' going on about chasing the title rolleyes.gif

I couldn't believe their attitude, they seemed total ignorant of the plight they were in despite the evidence. Even going back to the Newsnight panel so many failed to see the level of the financial meltdown.

It has been an interesting case study on the power of the new media in which the old tabloids would have been king twenty years ago have been shown as outdated and irrelevant. Twitter, Blogs and message boards have led the way , ok the downside is the rumour mill but it has been up to the consumer to edit the content.

Ok I don't expect many Zombies would have accessed Alex Thomson's investigation or The rangers tax case website but their blinkered belief in the institution carrying on seems at best bizarre.

The worldwide brand nonsense has actually paralysed the main body of their active support believing the myth about bottomless pocketed mogul would step in. Having been taken in not once but twice by these type of investors in the shape of Murray and Whyte you would think some would want to reclaim their club but no, who have come forward more dubious characters picking over the bones.

Until the majority of their support looks inwardly at their plight and forgets about revenge on SPL clubs, the SFA, Celtic, Neil Lennon or whoever the greater danger in them disintegrating completely. The insular attitude to many on the likes of RM, FF has only created more determination by the diddy's for an end to this mindset.

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read the comments below the article, there are a few Gers fans commenting and actually believing it, so no wonder they are in the merde.



10:33 AM on 19/11/2010

Whyte can buy Rangers from his own back pocket....end of... he does not need Ellis or anyone else for that matter.This is the real deal...whether it will be concluded by Xmas is questionnable.On top of an allocated sum for players contracts and transfers , I think there will be a variable additional sum from Champions League involvement.

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I'd love to see Rangers start again as a Scottish team, without the Irish and sectarian crap. It could be a team to be proud of. But if it's going to be Old Gers Mark II, with all the miserable non-football stuff, then the team will have lost me, and possibly many others, forever.

Great post - particularly this. There will never be a better time to get rid this element. However, with the desperate need to bring in funds (and the rumour persisting about Mark Dingwall getting a place on the board at some point), I have my doubts.

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Seen there was songs for the occasion. I don't know if this song has been posted as I pressed the wrong button and was lost in the deep dark recesess of this thread for a day or two but it would be good for the tannoy guys to play it as a get it up yeah to regan and his ilk.

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I'm heading down Ibrox way just now. Anybody want anything whilst I'm out?

No, but look out for the social unrest. If you see any tabloid journalists hanging around in despair do NOT be a good Samaritan; just point and laugh instead.

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That was one of the things at the time of the 10 point deduction for going into administration and they had numpties outside the 'big house' going on about chasing the title rolleyes.gif

Indeed. A long forgotten LOL aspect to the fat "Big Hoose must Stay Open" Bun's verge of tears rant was that he prefaced it by pointing out that "the title is gone now", as if this was in any way relevant to the matter at hand.

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They were probably believing Jim Traynors exclusive of a £25m warchest if the deal went thru, they never were that bright. Lesson 1 of sports journalism - never ever believe anything Traynor says or writes.

Still remember hearing Traynor trying to explain how his story was correct on sportsound one saturday, 10 minutes of backtracking, contradictions, shouting over others, and just pure pish. Better than Chick's backtracking over the Hearts penalty points story that was pure shite.

(By the way this is one 'exclusive' that should never ever be forgotten.)

This comment taken from below that "exclusive" pretty much sums up the average intellect of the 200,000 of them who were in Manchester back in 2008 -


7:28 AM on 19/11/2010

sniff sniff sniff......can you smell it..? Yes that is Walter & Ally lighting thier hand rolled cuban cigars with £100 pound notes that have fallen out of the pocket of Mr Whyte LOADS A MONEY....!!!! Top of the league still in europe after christmas and that's when we're skint, wait till the big billionaire steps in. I can just imagine old Reid and Lawwell over in Giroville greetin thier wee eyes oot


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If you read what I wrote you would see that I used the term "employed proper journalists". I don't think Traynor knew, or was particularly interested in finding out, what was going on.

It was just the wee toeing the party line I was answering, you are correct about Traytor though, he'll be along shortly with his proclamations as he always covered every base with a wee throwaway as a get out for later.

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