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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes. Of course they should have. Any and All individuals / clubs / members of sporting authorities proven to be involved in "fixing" sports results be it by way of fraud & deception, steroids/doping, financial doping, etc they should be banned for life. All trophies/awards that were won by the guilty by way of such cheating should be removed from them and the reason for their removal should be recorded in the record books for all to see as warning.

Fair enough, you're straight edge. I can respect that.

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No8,(nice No8) it must be difficult to support your team (I deliberately don't say 'club')

and at the same time dissociate yourself from a large body of the support.

I genuinely hope that there really exists a "decent" Rangers support, for the future of fitba'.

I have one "rangers" pal, a good friend, who has a similar views to you.

I hope you guys prevail.

Pished, so being honest.

eta he's not my only pal, before any c***s start.

Is that your other pal in your avatar. :lol:

couldn't resist, sorry

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Behave yourself. There was no appetite in Scottish football to completely destroy its most successful team and nor should there have been.

I hate Rangers as much as the next man but it would have been vindictive in the extreme to deliberately bury them forever (as much as we might all have enjoyed that outcome). Their crimes are serious and I'm sure there's more punishment to come but I think we need to retain a little bit of perspective here. The reason we hate them (the bigotry, the arrogance, the bully boy tactics) are not related to the current situation and it would be unfair to punish them for the sin of being generally offensive and obnoxious. The last company folded. This new company are trying to keep the football team alive. They've been granted some special dispensation in order to do that but, equally, they have been told that they must also bear some special sanctions if they want to retain the link with the old club. Personally, I think the outcome is entirely fair and proportionate, certainly far more just than what could have been foisted upon us.

Fvck me this is hard. On one hand I want to agree with you and on the other two hands I want to disagree.

I suppose I want them to survive, but on my terms. What chance of that?

None at all considering their attitude. Not just the fans attitude.

Thankfully, it's not up to me.:huh:

Que sera.

sera, whatever will be, will be, consigned to historee, que sera, sera.

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Yes. Of course they should have. Any and All individuals / clubs / members of sporting authorities proven to be involved in "fixing" sports results be it by way of fraud & deception, steroids/doping, financial doping, etc they should be banned for life.

Assuming running-up debts leading to administration is also financial doping... presumably you'd expel Morton, Dundee, Livingston, Motherwell, Clachnacuddin, etc. from Scottish football too?

What about MadVlad-style debt-for-equity doping?

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From looking at Twitter one thing is certain, Rangers fans HATE the club being referred to as Newco, or Sevco.


Which is why its annoying P+B reverted away from the Celtic v Sevco5088 forum :angry:

I rarely went in but its title was gonna hurt them baaaaaaaaaad.

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Fvck me this is hard. On one hand I want to agree with you and on the other two hands I want to disagree.

I suppose I want them to survive, but on my terms. What chance of that?

None at all considering their attitude. Not just the fans attitude.

Thankfully, it's not up to me.:huh:

Que sera.


sera, whatever will be, will be, consigned to historee, que sera, sera.

Shit, I don't want those horrible kunts to survive. I'm just pointing out that, leaving my emotional baggage aside, it's probably fair.

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Really, Is this what we've become? If you're not part of the lynch mob you must be one of them.

If you're genuinely interested why don't you go back through my previous posts. I don't have anything to hide.

I don't know what you've become, or what you were. You seem a reasonably guy/gal. I hate celtic and rangers and what they stand for. Both were founded for honourable reasons, and have mutated into what they are today. Both clubs and their attitudes embarrass me as a Scot living in a foreign land. They reflect badly upon our society.

Anyway, how do you reckon either

1. rangers, or

2. Whatever Sevco end up becoming,

have been punished accordingly?

In case (1), the point deduction is an automatic sanction for entering admin. The 160K fine was around 1% of what the club stole in ONE YEAR.

In case (2), the new team has been ushered into the SFL ahead of other teams who are arguably more deserving of a place. What is not arguable is that Sevco in no way fit the criteria for league membership, including not even being members of the SFA.

Accordingly? I think not.

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Assuming running-up debts leading to administration is also financial doping... presumably you'd expel Morton, Dundee, Livingston, Motherwell, Clachnacuddin, etc. from Scottish football too?

Including Livingston in there with the other clubs is a bit harsh as they shouldn't have been expelled for their repeated ventures into administration. Rather they should never have been allowed to exist in the first place.

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Shit, I don't want those horrible kunts to survive. I'm just pointing out that, leaving my emotional baggage aside, it's probably fair.


My interpretation of 'fair' would include ripping apart Ibrox brick by brick and crushing them to dust, ripping up the turf after copious amounts of weedkiller had killed it so that nobody could regrow it, then salting the earth below so that nothing would grow there for a thousand years. This would stop the neo-orc pilgramages yet allow for daily visits by busloads of Scottish schoolkids to see our countries shame. A ploughed field.

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Presumably the dual-contract findings will see them expelled regardless of the appellate decision. Won't it? WON'T IT?!?!

I'm looking forward to seeing the titles and cups that the cheating b*****ds cheated to win being removed from them, and the record/history books recording the reasons why those titles and cups were removed. I'm looking forward to the results of the fraud squad's criminal investigation into the running of the cheating b*****ds club/business. I'm looking forward to the results of BDO's forensic investigation of the mismanagement of the business/club.

There is much more karma to come for them but that big treble is what i am looking forward to most in regards to those cheating b*****ds. wink.gif

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Actually; we don't get on, I have the wounds to prove it.

My wife's cat.:)

But he is quite handsome.

Denis, named after the great man.

Similarities abound.....


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That particular bit is complete nonsense.

Why, pray? Who are the "fit and proper" people behind the club? Have the club presented figures to satisfy the league they can complete their fixtures? Have they (á la Livvy) lodged a bond against the eventuality of their folding?

ARE THEY MEMBERS OF THE SFA? (answer's no, btw)

I know they're being eased in, but Sevco are not yet SFA members*. And I don't believe the SFL (or SFA) are asking too many questions as to the structure or viability.

I respect you, HJ, as a normally infallible source of info on here, but I disagree this time. Happy to accept repudiation, mind, but I think "complete nonsense" is harsh.

*ETA: I know they don't have to be SFA members to join, but they have to be within a fortnight of admittance to the SFL.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Calm down son. Pretty sure that's what I said. The company committed the sins and the team benefitted. The company is now dead (formal process pendiing) and the team is carrying over related sanctions). It's silly however to suggest that the team should have been killed entirely. Should Juve have been killed following their match-fixing shenanigans? Marseille? etc (it's a long list I'm sure).

The company name problem story is more than a month old and is nonsense. There are some prohibitions on re-using trading names but there are exceptions and one of those exceptions is where the business is sold as a going concern by administrators. I explained all this about 1500 pages back if you can be arsed looking (including a link to the relevant statutory provisions, I believe).

Greenie in honour of your last few posts. I hope 'they' die, but they'll do it all by themselves, we don't need to go out of our way, just apply the rules of the country and the sport.

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So, the feckers are getting to keep their history. Well, let the history books remember they were caught bang to rights as cheating b******s and that they were denied a CVA by Her Majesties Revenue and Customs (aye, God Save The Queen, eh!) and that they were humiliated by starting again in Scottish Football's bottom tier.

Even after all that the unwashed Orc's will be delighted.

Seething isn't the word.

Edited to correct mispelling due to my seethingness!

Cheer up if have their history they are effectivly a pheonix company and HMRC get very shirty with these, so expect the newco (with the history and honours to get a visit from Hector) Bonanza for lawyers, laffs for us and torment for the orcs.

Edited for clarity- there are exceptions in company law to a phoenix situation but as the oldco are not a going concern, I don't think it applies to the newco. Can any company lawyers out there confirm?

Edited by Heidthebaw
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