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Dumping Gers in Div 3 was fools' goal!


SCOTTISH football history


With internet Bolsheviks threatening boycotts, Petrie was soon joined by Stephen Thompson, Stewart Milne and Vladimir Romanov. Only Kilmarnock's Michael Johnston could find the balls to stand his ground.

There's not a lot you can say about that - another who thinks that a new team starting in Division 3 is a 'punishment' - he does seem aware that Scottish football is shit though, just doesn't seem to realise why !

Course judging by the comments at the bottom it's being lapped up by those clear thinking, well-informed Sevco fans.

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Same ill-judged shite that the rest of the OF dependants have spewed up then. Completely missing the point and the big picture. Regurgitated bollocks.

It's just ridiculous. These ex-OF tubes are starting to sound like parodies of themselves.

£20m disappearing is simply a lie.

Laughable nonsenes.

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Let's all make up complete bollocks with absolutely nothing to back up our claims and state it as fact on Twitter. Use the tag #davieprovanfacts

Apparently the SFL chairman are all idiots, despite many being successful businessmen, and washed up former footballers are the men who really know the score :rolleyes:

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One point about Provans article, the SFL chairmen have done nothing wrong in refusing to be bullied by the SPL sides and their greed.

One thing about a legal verdict in Scotland is that it can be 'Not Provan', which the whole world regards as a good thing, probably with him in mind........

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Bloody hell, Div goes on holiday to Turkey for two weeks, then soon as he's back, the big thread gets shoved to fizzy pop land, he appears on the radio, rips the pish out of Andy Cameron, and cracks a risque 'gobble' gag live on air...

Good work, baldy webmeister extrodinaire. This week, any chance you could turn your attention to sorting out the St Mirren sale!?

I had trouble finding the Division 3 forum. Took a left turn at Cappielow, skirted past the Brechin hedge, set my sat' nav' for Annan and here I am...

Sevco Country...

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I see Hugh Keevins is the subject of ire over on Orc-Central today :D

You can't rewrite history Ally

by Hugh Keevins

THERE would be something wrong with Ally McCoist as a person if he wasn't hurting over Rangers.

The thing he loves most outside of his own family has been held up to public criticism and official reproach for the past six months.

But is the strain now showing 
through in his statement accusing the 
game's governing bodies of lacking 
moral integrity?

Rangers will today begin the first day of the rest of their lives with a new 
name, a different owner and years of 
rehabilitation ahead of them.

Ally has had to be the spokesman for the cause because he is the only credible custodian of the club in the eyes of the fans who have yet to accept that Charles Green is the man rightfully at the helm inside Ibrox.

But the Ibrox manager needs to retain a sense of balance when it concerns the issue of how Rangers have been treated by the SFA and the SPL.

McCoist says that Rangers have 
been badly mismanaged for the last 10 months.

Yet he omits to mention former 
owner Craig Whyte by name and 
conveniently airbrushes his predecessor Sir David Murray from the oldco's 
history at the same time.

That will be the same Sir David who said he would only pass Rangers on to someone with the club's best interests at heart - then claimed to have been duped by Whyte after it emerged he'd sold the club into disgrace.

This refusal to implicate Murray 
overlooks debts of £134million that 
were run up before the road to liquidation was undertaken.

And it fails to take EBTs and problems arising from alleged dual contracts into account at the same time.

The scatter-gun statement accuses the ruling bodies of lacking moral 
integrity - but they allowed Ally to 
sit in on the business meetings at 
Rangers' request.

And that showed they were trying to be just by taking into account his unique situation as a football boss required to immerse himself in business matters.

Ally also got it wrong when he asks why the club has had the prize money 
for finishing second in the SPL last 
season withheld by the beaks.

That betrays a failure to take into account the fact they owed other 
clubs money for players bought to 
strengthen Rangers.

And, incidentally, it dismisses Rangers' failure to hold on to a 15-point lead in the title race that was eventually won by a resurgent Celtic.

Hibs' chairman Rod Petrie also 
gets it in the neck from Ally for being 
part of an SFA hierarchy that has 
apparently lacked leadership.

But Petrie, for all his faults, was only involved in Rangers' case because SFA president Campbell Ogilvie was unable to compromise discussions, having been Ibrox secretary during a period when the club are accused of wrongdoing relating to players' contracts.

I expect Stewart Regan, the SFA's chief executive, will let the dust settle on 
Ally's outburst then explain matters 
from his perspective.

The last thing the game needs today is a slanging match to kick off The Rangers' introduction to Scottish football via 
Brechin City and the Ramsdens Cup.

Where Ally struck a chord was when he suggested the late SFA secretary Ernie Walker would have relished the prospect of immersing himself in all that's 
happened in recent months and brought a down-to-earth man's interpretation of the rules to bear.

This was the man I remember 
becoming embroiled in an argument over which anthem best suited the national team.

Ernie closed the debate by saying: 
"They can play She'll Be Coming Round The F*****g Mountain for all I care, so long as we win."

But would Ally have accepted a 
similarly-robust judgement from Ernie on Rangers any more than anybody else's if it didn't suit him? Only if there was an admission of fault in the first place. The manager's statement appears to 
pander to the fans while overlooking inconvenient truths.

The manager should also understand one great irony of his club's situation.

If Green does his job properly the 
Rangers newco will one day emerge in the SPL in a debt-free state.

Their greatest rivals, Celtic, will in all probability have accumulated greater debt in the meantime.

That's why Hoops chief executive Peter Lawwell was reduced to sending out what amounted to a begging letter to fans, asking them to buy season tickets in 
sufficient number to compensate for the loss of Rangers from the SPL.

Celtic did what they felt was right 
for the game by refusing to vote for the newco's admittance to the SPL, but the 
certainty is principle will cost them in the end.

Rangers should go to Brechin today intent on rebuilding the club's image.

The job of rebranding would be best served by accepting the consequences of previous mismanagement.

McCoist remains one of my favourite people in the game.

But if you can't tell a friend when he's wrong then you're not much of a pal.

Edited by Claymores
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I can usually listen to the whole show, by Sunday morning on the iplayer, not this week. Something suspicious happening.

Aye a right balls up and still no reply to my e-mail asking when it'll be put up on the websitemad.gif

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Its a case of journalism by numbers - what will i do for my column this week? Ill regurgitate old shit other people have said, ignoring more current information and spend the rest of the week at the bookies.

Gilmour backtracked on his comments, saying actually it wasnt as bad as it first looked (surprise surprise), so the column isnt even meaningful when the main basis for it is his quote.

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