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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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After the performance of Andy Camoron in OTB yesterday with the 'I'm only a football supporter defence' can I ask other supporters of whichever team you support if your club was accused of a crime that threatened its existence as you knew it , would you not try and understand the issues ? Would you not view every shred of material to get an informed opinion.

Of course we'd have to find out the all information for ourselves anyhoo given that if any of our clubs had gone to the wall it would only have merited a two paragraph 'other news' entry in the Daily Record.

Old Firm fans buy a paper safe in the knowledge that there will be more in it about ex-Old Firm players plying their trade in England or even f'kin Australia than there will be of current SFL ones - they are used to being spoon fed information about their club and are therefore programmed to lap up all the shite that's been printed in the last 6 months.

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Why do papers pay bampots like Provan for their ill informed bullshit?

I'm confident that I could pick at least ten 'Internet Bolsheviks' from P&B alone who could write better balanced and more accurate views on football's current affairs.

The answer of course is that these papers have absolutely no interest in providing balanced, accurate coverage.

They have an interest in selling copies. Red-tops are not intended for the more educated types and OF fans tend not be very smart.

It all makes perfect sense really - it's just a bit dispiriting.

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The answer of course is that these papers have absolutely no interest in providing balanced, accurate coverage.

They have an interest in selling copies. Red-tops are not intended for the more educated types and OF fans tend not be very smart.

It all makes perfect sense really - it's just a bit dispiriting.

To which we should add, that they also have an interest in trying to (or thinking they can) influence or mis-represent opinion... Daily Record's frequent proclamations about what "must", "will", or "needs to be" done being obvious examples, also their frequent hook-line-n-sinker acceptance of dubious "facts" from Doncaster etc.

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Not for the first time: Can we please stop giving the DR the oxygen of publicity. There is a wealth of alternatives out there.

We've all worked out what it is, what it does, and for whom - now let's leave it to its self-destroying spiral into ever more putrefying, bigot-sating, bilge.

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After the performance of Andy Camoron in OTB yesterday with the 'I'm only a football supporter defence' can I ask other supporters of whichever team you support if your club was accused of a crime that threatened its existence as you knew it , would you not try and understand the issues ? Would you not view every shred of material to get an informed opinion.

I haven't met a former Rangers supporter who admits to viewing any of the expose into the financial dealings of their club. Not that I believe them but they have chosen the ostrich defence.

McCoist is all too typical he knows the situation yet despite being involved in the everyday running of the club is trying to portray a level of ignorance that would question whether he is capable of a successful resurgence.

If Big Jock Knew would the counter argument not also be that ALLY KNOWS

Totally agree with this and said as much in my defence after my wife and daughter tried to get me sectioned under the Pie & Bovril Act 2012 yesterday. It's what's causing me to involuntarily twitch when I hear phrases like "already punished enough".

If it had been Aberdeen that were in the same shoes as RFC (IA) then there would be a few marked differences. Number one is that the whole thing would have been done and dusted months ago, Aberdeen would have been liquidated, renamed, had all assets sold and would be piecing together local talent to play on the beach with a hopeful view to turning professional in about 5 years time. There would be little or no talk of revenge against those who had stuck the knife in. We would not have been the subject of discussions in parliament or articles in the Wall St Journal.

The other truth would be that every other Dons' supporter I know would have quickly gone through the Kubler-Ross model and arrived at acceptance in order to move on. There would be lots of hand-wringing and some finger-pointing but most would realise that if it had come to such a disastrous state of affairs then we were all complicit to a degree. We would see it as a failure on our part to have let villains gain such autonomy that they could sink our history.

Rangers (newco, oldco, sevco, whatever) are locked in denial and this has been fuelled by their "leaders" like McCoist with his deliberate sabre-rattling. It speaks volumes for the emotional intelligence of the average RFC (IA) fan that they swallow this shite and haven't turned their ire against the likes of McCoist who was obviously more than aware of the perilous position they were in and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO STOP IT.

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Notice that Falkirk put this statement out around about Friday evening (handily enough).

Given most clubs have, infact, publically declared how they voted, the last line seems the closest we'll get to an admittance that Falkirk (as deduction had already concluded) were 1 of the 5 Quislings.

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I see sky Chanel 0116 BBC radio Scotland says on screen,

coverage of

Brechin city v rangers

Not the rangers

Not sevco 5088

But rangers

So that's the bbc nailed their colours to the mast then :-0

Edited by Leepylee
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Totally agree with this and said as much in my defence after my wife and daughter tried to get me sectioned under the Pie & Bovril Act 2012 yesterday. It's what's causing me to involuntarily twitch when I hear phrases like "already punished enough".

If it had been Aberdeen that were in the same shoes as RFC (IA) then there would be a few marked differences. Number one is that the whole thing would have been done and dusted months ago, Aberdeen would have been liquidated, renamed, had all assets sold and would be piecing together local talent to play on the beach with a hopeful view to turning professional in about 5 years time. There would be little or no talk of revenge against those who had stuck the knife in. We would not have been the subject of discussions in parliament or articles in the Wall St Journal.

The other truth would be that every other Dons' supporter I know would have quickly gone through the Kubler-Ross model and arrived at acceptance in order to move on. There would be lots of hand-wringing and some finger-pointing but most would realise that if it had come to such a disastrous state of affairs then we were all complicit to a degree. We would see it as a failure on our part to have let villains gain such autonomy that they could sink our history.

Rangers (newco, oldco, sevco, whatever) are locked in denial and this has been fuelled by their "leaders" like McCoist with his deliberate sabre-rattling. It speaks volumes for the emotional intelligence of the average RFC (IA) fan that they swallow this shite and haven't turned their ire against the likes of McCoist who was obviously more than aware of the perilous position they were in and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO STOP IT.

Or in relation of selling the club to whyte who seemed desperate to flush the club down the kermit I'd say


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Notice that Falkirk put this statement out around about Friday evening (handily enough).

Given most clubs have, infact, publically declared how they voted, the last line seems the closest we'll get to an admittance that Falkirk (as deduction had already concluded) were 1 of the 5 Quislings.

Yes, that's clearly exactly what it means.

I honestly don't know what's worse - cowardice of the Falkirk type, or the absolute brainlessness evident in the statement the Queens board issued.

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http://leggoland2.blogspot. co.uk/ The daily ramblings of the mentally unstable blogger

Boring. Could he not miss a day now and then?

Or just put "see yesterday's rant "?

I never did receive a reply to my email to Lego

concerning bringing their brand into disrepute.

They have loftier ideals than I do.

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Rangers FC Official@RFC_Official[PIC] Rangers take to the the pitch to a rapturous welcome from the#BearsOnTour! New season. Same Rangers. #BCFCvRFChttp://pic.twitter.com/t8kCDtXJ

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2:21 PM - 29 Jul 12 via web · Details

I'm sure I read something about it being OK to retain a similar name for a liquidated company as long they didn't try to pass themselves off as a ongoing concern?

Edited by Bob Roth
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With Sevco's recent signings/signing targets, with wages way above lower SFL levels, is the ghost of Brooks Mileson part of Green's consortium? Is this the reason for the secrecy? Does this explain the "floating" charge? I'll get my llama wool coat.


Murray Park, yesterday.


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