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Erm, no :huh:... it's because of the insufferable round-in-circles singing/identity/denomination/Ulster/Eire stuff.

To be fair, none of this thread ruining would have happened if them in charge had done the right thing and horsed the bastarts out.

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I fucking hate getting into this shite, but correct me if im wrong, but isnt the OO and protestantism in general main purpose is to be pretty much against the Catholic faith?

I'm not much if a church goer, but any time I've been in the proddy church it's usually god bothering as the first agenda then making you give cashpounds to the poor weans in Africa then trying to make you feel guilty enough to go again.

I've never heard the CoS say anything anti catholic in their sermons.

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Guest Kincardine

just since you dont seem aware, regardless of the rights and wrongs of these songs, youre not allowed to sing political songs or make any form of political protest at a football game, within the ground, which ends your lame and disgusting argument right there.

Well when did this happen? When were political songs denied and by whom? Just when were football fans denied make, "make any form of political protest"?

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I'm not much if a church goer, but any time I've been in the proddy church it's usually god bothering as the first agenda then making you give cashpounds to the poor weans in Africa then trying to make you feel guilty enough to go again.

I've never heard the CoS say anything anti catholic in their sermons.

The Court of Session? Are they not part of the papist conspiracy that keeps victimising rangers secvco the rangers oh fuckit I give up?

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I'm not much if a church goer, but any time I've been in the proddy church it's usually god bothering as the first agenda then making you give cashpounds to the poor weans in Africa then trying to make you feel guilty enough to go again.

I've never heard the CoS say anything anti catholic in their sermons.

The Church of Scotland represent the poofy, liberal wing of protestantism. The Free Presbyterian Church and their various offshoots are more hard core, referring to the Pope as the Antichrist. Though I might have got it wrong, and they're affectionately joshing about him being Jesus's auntie.. rolleyes.gif

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The Church of Scotland represent the poofy, liberal wing of protestantism.


The Free Presbyterian Church and their various offshoots are more hard core, referring to the Pope as the Antichrist. Though I might have got it wrong, and they're affectionately joshing about him being Jesus's auntie.. rolleyes.gif


Hmm.. So the free church as like kenco to the CoS mellow birds.

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I agree it's embarrassing - to themselves and their country. The problem is it causes outrage when really, they should be getting mocked for it. If we all broke into a chorus of "HA HA, HA HA, HA HA HA HA HA HA" when they started, they'd soon give it up.

Or maybe wolf whistles...

Edited by KillieJimbo
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I fucking hate getting into this shite, but correct me if im wrong, but isnt the OO and protestantism in general main purpose is to be pretty much against the Catholic faith?

When you see shit like http://www.bbc.co.uk...reland-14920403

So how can you be in the OO and not be a bigot?

Seem more interested in sticking 2 fingers up to Catholics at every opportunity (see the marches through catholic communities etc)

Oh and before anyone askes, if you really want to know my view on religion and "god" please have a look a the God thread, i've made my feeling pretty clear on the subject.

protestantism no, that was a reaction to the abuse of position by church leaders mostly through the sale of indulgences, and also an attempt to leave behind a lot of the ceremony and guilt, apart from that its basically the same as catholicism, its like catholicism-lite.

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Regardless of whether they are banned or not, anyone singing them or condoning the singing of them is an embarrassment. What age are you and what century do you live in?

well they are now specifically banned due to the bill passed last year, but this is from motherwells website fir park rules

11. The use threatening behavior, foul or abusive language is strictly forbidden. Racist, homophobic, discriminatory or sectarian remarks, songs or chants; and the promotion or endorsement of any political or proscribed terrorist organisations is not permitted within the stadium and may result in arrest and a lifetime ban from regulated football matches.

thats always the case at every ground, uefa hand down dictats which they expect national associations to adhere to, one of them and its not a new one is no poitical protests of any form within any ground ever, thats a big no-no, this would naturally include political songs, or any song pledging alleigance to any political organisation.

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No self-delusion but feel welcome to disagree.

It isn't an abuse. I'm happy to uphold The Williamite Revolution as a 'good thing'. I am happy that some of our fans celebrate this. I am aware enough to know that sometimes this descends to abuse and I hate that and apologise for it.

However, it should be OK to sing some 'Orange' songs without being called a bigot.

No I'm not,

Be honest, how many football supporters, not just The Rangers, can tell you what the implications of the 'Glorious Revolution' are/were to the UK. Clue- it's sod all to do with religion. Those of The Rangers support who 'celebrate' this are doing it on automatic, as someone posted before it's a pack mentality. For some .like my stepdad, it was like a job for them hating the papes , singing the songs etc never a thought as to why even though his best friends were catholics (and polish ones at that). But once you get past the that and read up on the period, what the words reflect there is a disjoin between the actual historical reality and the perceived 'reality'. Sorry to ramble but you seem a intelligent chap but I think you're forgetting that a IQ of a crowd gets lower exponentially to it's size and maybe you give too much credit for their understanding of the songs they sing. By all means celebrate a folk tradition but in the proper context without spoiling the football with words designed merely to wind the other side up.

Just saying likeswink.gif

Edited by Heidthebaw
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I've never heard the CoS say anything anti catholic in their sermons.

And you never will. The Church of Scotland is linked to the Christian faith. People fail to understand that Protestant and Roman Catholic are not religions. They are merely denominations. Moreover they are denominations of the same faith. That faith is Christianity. A lot of the Old Firm antagonism is not caused by religion as is often stated. It is done in the name of religion. Mind you I wouldn't step into the middle of an Old Firm punch-up to try to explain that it is all a big misunderstanding and that the different denominations come under the same religion. It confuses a lot of people. Some people even state Church of Scotland when asked their religion!

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Pretty simple really. Northern Ireland's history has nothing to do with "a Ramsdens Cup first round tie". You know this of course.

What you want to ask, really, is why Gers fans sing loyalist songs. The answer is simple. Many of us see ourselves as Protestant and Unionist. Many like to celebrate the revolution of 1688/1690. We also despise IRA supporters/sympathisers. Both are reflected in some of our songs.

I think it's perfectly ok for people to reflect political views through football clubs/songs/chants. Trying to deny that because it has nothing to do with a pawn shop is idiotic.

How much of a gloss was that?

Why ?

I hated the IRA but also detested the paramilitaries of the UDA and all the others, these people murdered innocent civilians and brought fear to the population. Hated the actions of the UK forces in Bloody Sunday , Hated the b*****ds who bombed Enniskillen, hated the double dealings both were involved in, arms deals, extortion you name it they were in bed together for it. Northern Ireland or the majority want to move on forget the past , Ian Paisley , Martin McGuiness the queen have all moved on .

If you think the actions of Rangers supporters and all these other marches to celebrate 1690 or the Easter uprising or whatever will not produce a better society. I think you and a lot of others need to ask themselves is this a productive pursuit , what is it achieving.

Your life is run by fear, fear of change, you can continue to follow your traditions as this is a free country ,which allows you all to participate in these pageants of intolerance, but again what has that to do with Scottish society , do you protest at the visiting German tourists ? Or the French why are you fixated with this side of history .

We now have a nation that is tolerant of all religions so why are you still marching for something that occurred over 300 years ago.

If all that weighs heavy on your psyche it is no wonder your all up in arms about taking a few football trophies from you for cheating.

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Guest Kincardine

Be honest, how many football supporters, not just The Rangers, can tell you what the implications of the 'Glorious Revolution' are/were to the UK. Clue- it's sod all to do with religion. Those of The Rangers support who 'celebrate' this are doing it on automatic, as someone posted before it's a pack mentality. For some .like my stepdad, it was like a job for them hating the papes , singing the songs etc never a thought as to why even though his best friends were catholics (and polish ones at that). But once you get past the that and read up on the period, what the words reflect there is a disjoin between the actual historical reality and the perceived 'reality'. Sorry to ramble but you seem a intelligent chap but I think you're forgetting that a IQ of a crowd gets lower exponentially to it's size and maybe you give too much credit for their understanding of the songs they sing. By all means celebrate a folk tradition but in the proper context without spoiling the football with words designed merely to wind the other side up.

Just saying likeswink.gif

I think that's an excellent post and a point well made.

I agree with you. It is thoroughly bad to hate 'the papes'. I denegrate that side of our support - and I'm very aware that it exists and I feel shamed by it.

However, I am very happy to support a team whose fans are, generally, Protestant and Unionist, though not exclusively so.

I am very happy to sing The Sash, No Surrender or, my favourite, Build My Gallows. They may well be pish but it doesn't make me a bigot.

Sure get rid of the 'hate' songs but there is legitimacy and health in affirming Loyalist Protestantism.

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I am very happy to sing The Sash, No Surrender or, my favourite, Build My Gallows. They may well be pish but it doesn't make me a bigot.

Sure get rid of the 'hate' songs but there is legitimacy and health in affirming Loyalist Protestantism.

Those songs you mentioned are "hate" songs. You might be naive enough :rolleyes: to not realise it but that's exactly what they mean to the vast majority of your choir.

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The Scottish Football Association has written to Sevco Scotland Ltd's chief executive, Charles Green, demanding an explanation for his comments prior to the kick-off of Sunday's Ramsdens Cup tie against Brechin City.

meh meh meh :P

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Mork calling Orson, come in Orson.....

Am I still on Pie and Bovril? What I thought was generally a football forum?

Religious racism bigotry fuckwttery forum for all this pish. Can we just get back to laughing at the Sevco football misdemeanours and stop giving page upon page to outdated superstitious hokus pokus that has no relevance to educated informed and rational humans living in the real 21st century.

That is all.

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well they are now specifically banned due to the bill passed last year, but this is from motherwells website fir park rules

11. The use threatening behavior, foul or abusive language is strictly forbidden. Racist, homophobic, discriminatory or sectarian remarks, songs or chants; and the promotion or endorsement of any political or proscribed terrorist organisations is not permitted within the stadium and may result in arrest and a lifetime ban from regulated football matches.

thats always the case at every ground, uefa hand down dictats which they expect national associations to adhere to, one of them and its not a new one is no poitical protests of any form within any ground ever, thats a big no-no, this would naturally include political songs, or any song pledging alleigance to any political organisation.

I'm really in favour of "cleaning up" football but we seem to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

The above rules would appear to ban the "Jimmy Hill" tribute and also ban any whistling of a national anthem.

Or letting a female prime minister know she was unwelcome.

So much for free speech. Or free whistling.

As someone said somewhere else on this site, going to a football match will be like going to the cinema.

These b*****ds have spoiled it for everyone.

eta I see the RTC blog has finished. I thought he had some revelation to make.

Looks like he will be keeping it to himself.

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I found this tonight and I thought I should share it with you.

Bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

So, the rangers support say ... WE ARE THE PEOPLE...

These are PEOPLE who where shouting about how 'Big Jock Knew' yesterday, a man who pulled THE PEOPLE from the stands in the ibrox disaster. That's how they choose to honour others who try to help them and theirs....

These are PEOPLE who scream about child abuse, Catholics or sheep shaggers because they have nothing else less disgusting or more witty to say....

These are PEOPLE whose war cry is 'WE are the people' and everyone else therefore is dirt on their shoes by that definition...

Nobody likes them and guess what? They don't care.Why? Because THEY are the PEOPLE so why should they and so the arrogance continues......

These are PEOPLE that can't go away from home without being manhandled by police.

PEOPLE who piss all over holy statues which lead one newspaper in Barcelona to write a full article demanding they never come back and stressing Celtic fans should get an award just for putting up with them.

These are people who can't win or lose European games without causing riots or getting themselves banned....

They are PEOPLE who the head of the Manchester police stated were like, 'a pack of baying wolves'...

That's the type of PEOPLE they are.

They should seek to remember that before they stand there and scream about all of Scottish football being bigoted against them, like they are innocent victims in everything.

They should seek to remember that before they point their finger accusingly at anyone else.

Many of us have our own demons in our football clubs but I can safely say that most clubs have nowhere near the psychological problems that some of this lot clearly have....

The worrying thing is they have successfully managed to transfer that attitude, just like their assets, to SEVCO....

God help the SFL!!!!!

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