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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Apologies if noted earlier, but while Beattie signing seems up-in-the-air, McCoist expects Bocanegra and Goian to stay. Both are flabergasting, but Bocanegra in particular... he has over 100 USA caps and has still been playing regularly for his country up until now.

What on earth would attract him to playing in Scotland's 4th tier (followed by ~2 more years in the lower levels)?

Bocanegra is pretty old at 33ish, and with Klnsmann in I think his time with the US national team is drawing to an end regardless of where he plays. I am kinda surprised that he didn't head back home immediately to MLS but now 2/3rds of the regular season here is gone so the MLS might not really help his chances on that front and a) he's lived in Europe a long time and may not want to go back quite yet and b) MLS transfer and salary cap rules are rather Byzantine and it may be difficult to shoehorn him in at this late date (I think he counts as an allocation player so certain teams would have priority in signing him). It should be noted that Keanes and Beckhams aside MLS wages are pretty crap.

If he wants to stay in Europe, he's in the same situation as Goian -- both are presumed to be on pretty generous contracts which carry over (at least for a time) since they accepted TUPE. They are going to be balancing the hassle of moving versus the ignominy of getting kicked around on plastic pitches. I would hope some French club comes in for Boca with an offer that makes it an easy decision for him but given his age I'm not sure that's an absolute certainty. Taking an SPL wage in exchange for permanent hero status among the Orcs and family stability may not be crazy.

It's kinda funny to me that both Goian and Bocanegra have been granted loyal soldier of Willam status on RM based on public statements that they would consider staying while not ruling anything out. In Bocanegra's case it's funny because he is reported to have negotiated a free release during the D&P wage reduction so there was absolutely no reason to NOT TUPE over, in Goians case it's funny because his public statements are thinly veiled statements that he is willing to go anywhere but has only received offers from Rumania that didn't meet his wage demands.

I'll be happy if Boca leaves and Goian stays, because the latter's contract will be a heavy burden for TCFKAR and probably represent poor value. Can anyone verify if TUPE protection can terminate prior to the end of existing contracts allowing unilateral downward revision?

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Regan speaks to the Beeb

"Regan stressed that the much-criticised plan to have Rangers play in Division One was not something devised by the SFA but had been agreed with the SPL, SFL and the club itself."

I can believe this. The SFL Board have managed to side step any flak for this and should be drummed out along with Doncaster and Regan himself. They tried to sell out the clubs and got caught out.

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Do any of the Sevco fans on here know what Sandy Jardine actually does to be so vital as to still be on the payroll of a liquidated business that is re-starting as a new one? I know some clubs have 'ambassadors' on matchdays in corporate suites. Ex-legends who swan around and mingle with the guests etc. Maybe they get a wee payment, maybe they just do it for the free meal, to see the games, to feel involved in the club and to get a buzz from still being asked for autographs and photos.

Serious question. WTF does Jardine actually do? Apart from sitting alongside Andy Cameron in Brechin's shoebox wearing a club tie, and marching on Hampden to talk shite that is.

When Norn Iron supporters clubs need someone to turn up at end of season functions, is that the kind of thing Jardine turns out at? Is he a variation on a Las Vegas hooker... One phone call and sexy Sandy will visit your room tonight?

Edited by pozbaird
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He used to turn up at the meetings for clubs commercial/lottery staff.

Cool. Explains why Haudit & Daudit simply couldn't dispense with his services. A vital cog in the Sevco wheel.

Did he bring his megaphone?

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Regan speaks to the Beeb

"Regan stressed that the much-criticised plan to have Rangers play in Division One was not something devised by the SFA but had been agreed with the SPL, SFL and the club itself."

I can believe this. The SFL Board have managed to side step any flak for this and should be drummed out along with Doncaster and Regan himself. They tried to sell out the clubs and got caught out.

Tbh, Regan's citing of Rangers participation in the discussions as a defence is even more astonishing.

In most sports/countries, the guilty party participating in deliberations to devise a "compromise" plan parachuting them in 2 tiers above normal would be bizarre.

From today's Scotsman:

Regan did not go as far as to say he regretted his own comments of four weeks ago when he warned of potential "social unrest" and a "slow, lingering death" for Scottish football in the event of various scenarios which saw Rangers disappear from Scottish football or being their new life in the Third Division.

The latter has become a reality despite Regan's strenuous efforts to persuade SFL club to vote Rangers into the First Division.

A leaked E-mail detailed the plan, including a request for Hibernian chairman and SFA vice-president Rod Petrie to brief Charles Green confidentially on the discussions. But Regan is adamant he did nothing untoward.

"I have been personally vilified for trying to be a marriage broker or a peace keeper" he said. "Let me take you through the timeline from when we put the proposal together. On 18 June, we had a presentation in the boardroom featuring all the key parties - the SPL, the SFL, the SFA and the lawyers.

"That moved on to a conference call on 22 June which was summarised by myself in a set of notes which went out on 23 June. There was nothing in that e-mail which was secret in any way. The fact that it became a leaked e-mail was quite surprising, because there was nothing in there that each of the governing bodies didn't know about.

"Rangers were aware of the discussion. Charles Green and Ally McCoist actually sat in the boardroom and agreed the plan for Rangers to be part of the First Division.

"It was presented as being in the best interests of the game, from both a financial and a sporting sanctions perspective.

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I`ve been watching this unravel since the start of February and I`ve passed a few comments on the manic utterings and diatribe thats been spouted across the forums. The usual responses lack any sort of coherent answer so I`m not holding out any hope this time either but I can`t help but get the feeling that all the armchair stockbrokers,IFA`s, accountants,bankers and lawyers are refusing to see the financial reality of what`s sitting in front of them. Stop spouting shite for 2 minutes and have a look at the actual net spend of each of the SPL clubs during this transfer window and compare against the last 5 years. I also posted previously that clubs would start to look for savings at youth level first which is always first under review and sure as fate at least 2 SPL clubs have started looking at cutting back on the amounts they spend on youth development etc with more to follow..... Can any of the clubs say with certainty or to paraphrase "confidently predict we`re gonna be fine!"

Not without kids you`re not. Oh and save me the Orc sympathiser,Sevco apologist, Jim Traynor,etc,etc pish. I was fortunate enough to have made a living from the game, thats where my interest lies and its the same for most players even today. Their first loyalty is to earning a wage to support their families and they are not remotely interested in the bollocks that gets thrown around on internet forums or radio phone ins....

So anyone care to answer my original question as to what their clubs actual net spend is within this transfer window compared to the last 5 years???

Killie's net transfer spend:

06/07: £30k

07/08: -£2.04m

08/09: £20k

09/10: £0

10/11: -£528k

11/12: £0

Our average net transfer spend per season in the last 5 seasons was -£503k per season.

Our net transfer spend this season has been £0.

That must mean that we are £500k better off this season, since we have spent £500k more this season that we did over the last 5. Brilliant news.

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I`ve been watching this unravel since the start of February and I`ve passed a few comments on the manic utterings and diatribe thats been spouted across the forums. The usual responses lack any sort of coherent answer so I`m not holding out any hope this time either but I can`t help but get the feeling that all the armchair stockbrokers,IFA`s, accountants,bankers and lawyers are refusing to see the financial reality of what`s sitting in front of them. Stop spouting shite for 2 minutes and have a look at the actual net spend of each of the SPL clubs during this transfer window and compare against the last 5 years. I also posted previously that clubs would start to look for savings at youth level first which is always first under review and sure as fate at least 2 SPL clubs have started looking at cutting back on the amounts they spend on youth development etc with more to follow..... Can any of the clubs say with certainty or to paraphrase "confidently predict we`re gonna be fine!"

Not without kids you`re not. Oh and save me the Orc sympathiser,Sevco apologist, Jim Traynor,etc,etc pish. I was fortunate enough to have made a living from the game, thats where my interest lies and its the same for most players even today. Their first loyalty is to earning a wage to support their families and they are not remotely interested in the bollocks that gets thrown around on internet forums or radio phone ins....

So anyone care to answer my original question as to what their clubs actual net spend is within this transfer window compared to the last 5 years???

What would your solution to the "problem" have been then?

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So anyone care to answer my original question as to what their clubs actual net spend is within this transfer window compared to the last 5 years???


Dundee United's net spend this transfer window is £0.

We can compare that to the net transfer spend of the previous 5 years, which is £0.

Not sure what your point is!

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Dundee United's net spend this transfer window is £0.

We can compare that to the net transfer spend of the previous 5 years, which is £0.

Not sure what your point is!

In fact the last real money we spent on any player was Jon Daly (about £150k) which has proved a bargain given we've had 6 seasons out of him so far.

If, as you claim, to have made a living out of the game, you will know that SPL clubs don't need to spend transfer fees on players as there are so many players kicking about these days for free.

We have consistently brought down the wage bill over the last few seasons, with very little detriment to results, and our debt is coming down. We expect to reduce it further still with the sale of players such as Johnny Russell and Gary Mackay-Steven over the coming season or two.

And as for our youth system? We're ploughing in more money than ever before, and you'll see that with the next crop of kids that are breaking into the first team now.

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I was fortunate enough to have made a living from the game,

So anyone care to answer my original question as to what their clubs actual net spend is within this transfer window compared to the last 5 years???

My God - an ex-player who doesn't get it! We are in unfamiliar territory here everyone.

I'm guessing most clubs will have spent the same as in just about every window since we've had them - zero.

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"John Johnstone" should take-up soundbyting professionally, such was his prolific performance in those 6 sentences.

A quick glance at the picture and I thought it said "Orangers Ticket Centre"! smile.gif

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So anyone care to answer my original question as to what their clubs actual net spend is within this transfer window compared to the last 5 years???

I'm not sure what this has to do with anything. Wasn't the big transfer story in January this year (before the financial armaggedon of Scottish football) Dougie Imrie going for 25k?

How is Sevco's actual net spend going compared to the spend of Rangers during their last 5 years of existence? I stopped counting at £33 million btw. You know, the kind of money that could have been used to prevent Rangers going out of existence.

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I'd find this chat a bit offensive, if I was a Jambo. One of the reasons why Hearts aren't spending is because Rangers intentionally stole the best part of a million quid off them, pleaded poverty when asked to repay, and then started signing exSPL players on SPL wages.

But i'm sure that doesn't count, for some reason.

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In fact, all of this "Our theft and fraud has badly damaged the Scottish game & endangered the very existence of some clubs, ha ha GIRUY WATP" attitude is pretty offensive to all, even to folk who don't follow football. Which is probably why nobody has any sympathy and why more or less everyone hopes the Buns get stuck in the lower divisions forever.

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