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An old pro-Rangers thread on skyscrapercity.com from 2008: Smoke & Mirrors

If you feel like a laugh and haven't read it before i highly recommend it !!!

Two of the many funny (deluded) comments that were posted by orcs on the thread that i have linked above:

Sir David Murray wants to leave an ever lasting reminder of his time as Rangers Chairman off the pitch as well as on it, and this is how he plans to do it.

He wants to create the best stadium in the world, along with a 'Rangers Village', which will contain hundreds of new homes and entertainment complexes all owned by the club to generate a yearly income.

I am not sure how this is going to be funded but Sir David's steel companies are making huge profits every year and is expected to be a billionaire within the next three years according to the annual rich list.

If this new 70,000 seater stadium is built then it raises two quite debatable issues:

1.How can Hampden Park survive as a national stadium with a more modern stadium a couple of miles away with 20,000 more seats and a far easier to get to.

2.Will Parkhead still be used as the venue for the Commenwealth games when there could be a bigger genuine world class stadium in Glasgow which is second to none.

This was a media ploy by the club 'leaking' it to the press to create anticipation as they do have grand plans up those sleeves.

The future's bright, the future's orange.

























Edited by Itwiznaeme
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What level of idiocy is this? If you want a list of the songs I heard being sung then simply ask me and I'll happily tell you what I heard.

How can you possibly say, in one post, "Can you tell me? No I didn't think so."

I heard the following songs:

Follow Follow - your version of this is offensive.

The Sash - your version is offensive

Rule Britannia - but you always try and trash england when you play there. your psyches a mess!

GSTQ - ironic bearing in mind she fuckin hates your mob

The Bluebells are Blue - inoffensive, unless you stick in a pope related lyric somewhere

Ally McCoist's Blue Army - he's welcome to them

Super Ally - factually incorrect as he is a fat w**k

4 Men had a Dream - sounds like a lot of dewy eyed push

A Father's Advice - should have been pay your taxes and stop being a bigoted twat.

The Bouncy - stolen from st mirren

Can you tell me which of those are in the slightest bit offensive? No, I didn't think so.


looks like the list of songs you've mentioned emphasise what a bunch of cockends your supporters really are.

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Anyone any idea how many season tickets the orcs have sold so far?

The hotline of late has been unmissable with some right nuggets phoning in, they seem to have taken to trolling on there now. At least i hope they are trolling.

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That's about the only thing you've said that makes sense and it's something that all fans should be up in arms about.

Between 2006-2009 the SFA received somewhere in the region of £12m from the Scottish Government for the development of the youth game and to distribute to football teams who had 'pro youth' set-ups.

The amounts paid since 2009 are harder to get a hold of since the Scottish Government called the SFA to parliament in Edinburgh in 2011 to explain the youth football set-up and what has happened to the money.

If any club uses the current financial uncertainties to scrap their youth set-ups, they are severely taking the pish.mad.gif

Is it not the case that a lot of youth set-ups are funded by grants etc which are ring-fenced?

I think the suggestion that investment in youth will vanish is along similar lines to the ones about social unrest and deaths which take their time.

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Anyone any idea how many season tickets the orcs have sold so far?

The hotline of late has been unmissable with some right nuggets phoning in, they seem to have taken to trolling on there now. At least i hope they are trolling.

900 odd. They're waiting on Bomber Brown giving the nod.

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That's about the only thing you've said that makes sense and it's something that all fans should be up in arms about.

Between 2006-2009 the SFA received somewhere in the region of £12m from the Scottish Government for the development of the youth game and to distribute to football teams who had 'pro youth' set-ups.

The amounts paid since 2009 are harder to get a hold of since the Scottish Government called the SFA to parliament in Edinburgh in 2011 to explain the youth football set-up and what has happened to the money.

If any club uses the current financial uncertainties to scrap their youth set-ups, they are severely taking the pish.mad.gif

THANK YOU.................... Someone who can seperate themselves from the utter shite thats currently doing the rounds on here and look at the potential for disaster for the game as a whole if the clubs follow through with cost cutting that starts with their youth set ups. Unfortunately clubs will use the current financial position as a reason for scrapping youth teams and youth development because in the main it`s an unseen overhead and it`s relatively easy to get rid off without anyone making too much of a fuss about it. If anyone on this or any other forum really do want to be seen as making a difference then you should all be lobbying/emailing your own clubs asking for detaisl and reassurances that the development of young players at your respective clubs will not be sacrificed.................

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Is it not the case that a lot of youth set-ups are funded by grants etc which are ring-fenced?

I think the suggestion that investment in youth will vanish is along similar lines to the ones about social unrest and deaths which take their time.

I'm not saying that the investment will completely vanish, but it's not the first time youth set-ups have been scrapped when finances get a bit tight.

The real problem is that a lot of government money has been spent on the pro-youth set up in this country and continues to be spent - if any team does consider scrapping their youth set up then there's something seriously wrong.

Edited by 1FC1894
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That's about the only thing you've said that makes sense and it's something that all fans should be up in arms about.

Between 2006-2009 the SFA received somewhere in the region of £12m from the Scottish Government for the development of the youth game and to distribute to football teams who had 'pro youth' set-ups.

The amounts paid since 2009 are harder to get a hold of since the Scottish Government called the SFA to parliament in Edinburgh in 2011 to explain the youth football set-up and what has happened to the money.

If any club uses the current financial uncertainties to scrap their youth set-ups, they are severely taking the pish.mad.gif

I have often thought that even if every club in Scotland except the o.f. Just paid 300 / 500 a week for the best local players folk would still turn out to see them.

It's really only when clubs tried to catch up with rangers illegal spending that the whole system clogged up, I'd be happy for Killie to adopt this approach even if it meant relegation and a bit of yoyoing through the leagues till all clubs found their level. I'd still go n watch, there would still be a Killie playing at rugby park.

Would you go and see your club if they adopted a policy of promoting players from the youth set up and an occasional new player who moves into town for wages only ?

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THANK YOU.................... Someone who can seperate themselves from the utter shite thats currently doing the rounds on here and look at the potential for disaster for the game as a whole if the clubs follow through with cost cutting that starts with their youth set ups. Unfortunately clubs will use the current financial position as a reason for scrapping youth teams and youth development because in the main it`s an unseen overhead and it`s relatively easy to get rid off without anyone making too much of a fuss about it. If anyone on this or any other forum really do want to be seen as making a difference then you should all be lobbying/emailing your own clubs asking for detaisl and reassurances that the development of young players at your respective clubs will not be sacrificed.................

Yeah you really should stop posting.

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...Would you go and see your club if they adopted a policy of promoting players from the youth set up and an occasional new player who moves into town for wages only ?

I would, but then I've been watching the Albion too long to be anything but a realist.

And unfortunately, one of the main problems with teams like Celtic, Rangers, Hearts and Hibs etc. is as much to with the supporters as it is to do with how the clubs bring their youths on. Their supporters (like everyone who follows a football team) want success, and while they're willing to have maybe one or two young guys in the team who make the occasional mistake as they learn the ropes, they just won't tolerate their team getting humped every week.

Bah, for me, not getting humped every week is a success.

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I have often thought that even if every club in Scotland except the o.f. Just paid 300 / 500 a week for the best local players folk would still turn out to see them.

It's really only when clubs tried to catch up with rangers illegal spending that the whole system clogged up, I'd be happy for Killie to adopt this approach even if it meant relegation and a bit of yoyoing through the leagues till all clubs found their level. I'd still go n watch, there would still be a Killie playing at rugby park.

Would you go and see your club if they adopted a policy of promoting players from the youth set up and an occasional new player who moves into town for wages only ?

If the SFA Board were worth their wages, one of the rules of Scottish football would be - A minimum of 6 players of the starting 11 players on the pitch in each and every senior league match must have attended school within a 30 mile radius of the home ground of the club - for all Scottish League matches with no exceptions (including the SPL).

Such a rule would force all Scottish Senior clubs to focus upon developing youths from areas around their clubs.

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<br>Thank you one and all for your level headed and balanced approach to your responses. You haven`t disappointed me with your levels of crass stupidity and ignorance. I see that you have all managed to grasp the stupid end of the stick again and took the easy option of spouting a lot of irrelevant shite. In answer to the only notable exception who asked what my solution to the "problem" would have been. I honestly don`t know what the right/best answer would have been.<br><br> As for the rest of you, I not that not one of you had any meaningful comment or view on the youth set ups at SPL clubs being the first area that clubs are looking at to trim overheads. Any of you care to comment on this??<br><br>And yes, as an ex-player I don`t get it and if you lot have got it then I`m glad I don`t get it!! Players in the main have a healthy level of contempt for the mainstream supporter and wether you like it or not thats the way it is. As for your mob rule,WATP, call yourselves what you will...the reality is that you have little or no say when it actually comes down to it. So you may all be Turnbull Hutton or whoever you choose to be today,the facts are that the clock is ticking on his and all the other Turnbull Huttons 15 minutes of fame...............<br><br>If clubs truly want to live within their means then let them do of their own volition and not because they are depending on a handout from a television deal to determine the level of their expenditure for the next 6/12 months. You wouldnt run any other type of business this way why should a football club be any different.........<br>

The biggest out going for clubs are players wages for years numerous accountancy firms have been sounding warnings about this problem and now it needs to be reduced. What about a wage cap ?

My own club we were paying stupid money but that was not the fans that was the chairman, when he readjusted the wage structure not one supporter decried that decision.

You say you don't know how to fix the problem, clubs simply spend a level of their income on wages that is affordable the problem we had was one nugget went splashing money on players and the others followed suit believing if they didn't they would pack up and leave. Now we all know and laugh at anyone who mentions their club moving to England or wherever, it ain't happening.

Look there is one club who has just pissed over a lot of their creditors , are unsure of their revenue streams but are offering 5,000 per week to play in the seaside leagues , now who is being irresponsible?

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An old pro-Rangers thread on skyscrapercity.com from 2008: Smoke & Mirrors

If you feel like a laugh and haven't read it before i highly recommend it !!!

The Orcs seem to really love the facade of the big hoose.

I am not saying this just to be anti-Ibrox, honest, but it reminds me of old Glasgow tram depots,

or a 19th century factory. Drab , regimented, unimaginative.

I really don't find it architecturally inspiring.

Anyone else got an opinion?

Edited by cyderspaceman
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<br>Thank you one and all for your level headed and balanced approach to your responses. You haven`t disappointed me with your levels of crass stupidity and ignorance. I see that you have all managed to grasp the stupid end of the stick again and took the easy option of spouting a lot of irrelevant shite. In answer to the only notable exception who asked what my solution to the "problem" would have been. I honestly don`t know what the right/best answer would have been.<br><br> As for the rest of you, I not that not one of you had any meaningful comment or view on the youth set ups at SPL clubs being the first area that clubs are looking at to trim overheads. Any of you care to comment on this??<br><br>And yes, as an ex-player I don`t get it and if you lot have got it then I`m glad I don`t get it!! Players in the main have a healthy level of contempt for the mainstream supporter and wether you like it or not thats the way it is. As for your mob rule,WATP, call yourselves what you will...the reality is that you have little or no say when it actually comes down to it. So you may all be Turnbull Hutton or whoever you choose to be today,the facts are that the clock is ticking on his and all the other Turnbull Huttons 15 minutes of fame...............<br><br>If clubs truly want to live within their means then let them do of their own volition and not because they are depending on a handout from a television deal to determine the level of their expenditure for the next 6/12 months. You wouldnt run any other type of business this way why should a football club be any different.........<br>

Answer yer phone ffs, Billy (credit to vikingTON)

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<br>Thank you one and all for your level headed and balanced approach to your responses. You haven`t disappointed me with your levels of crass stupidity and ignorance. I see that you have all managed to grasp the stupid end of the stick again and took the easy option of spouting a lot of irrelevant shite. In answer to the only notable exception who asked what my solution to the "problem" would have been. I honestly don`t know what the right/best answer would have been.<br><br> As for the rest of you, I not that not one of you had any meaningful comment or view on the youth set ups at SPL clubs being the first area that clubs are looking at to trim overheads. Any of you care to comment on this??<br><br>And yes, as an ex-player I don`t get it and if you lot have got it then I`m glad I don`t get it!! Players in the main have a healthy level of contempt for the mainstream supporter and wether you like it or not thats the way it is. As for your mob rule,WATP, call yourselves what you will...the reality is that you have little or no say when it actually comes down to it. So you may all be Turnbull Hutton or whoever you choose to be today,the facts are that the clock is ticking on his and all the other Turnbull Huttons 15 minutes of fame...............<br><br>If clubs truly want to live within their means then let them do of their own volition and not because they are depending on a handout from a television deal to determine the level of their expenditure for the next 6/12 months. You wouldnt run any other type of business this way why should a football club be any different.........<br>

Billy Dodds IMO.

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The Orcs seem to really love the facade of the big hoose.

I am not saying this just to be anti-Ibrox, honest, but it reminds me of old Glasgow tram depots,

or a 19th century factory. Drab , regimented, unimaginative.

I really don't find it architecturally inspiring.

Anyone else got an opinion?

They only idolise that because their leaders over a period of many years have brainwashed them into doing that. You have to keep in mind that they "Follow Follow" and as followers they are very easily misled, manipulated and taken for a ride by the type of leaders that they choose to follow. wink.gif

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So anyone care to answer my original question as to what their clubs actual net spend is within this transfer window compared to the last 5 years???


St Johnstone - Our net spend is on a par with last year and up on our time in First Division. But not sure what that is a measure of I'd prefer to see us reduce wages by 20% and on balance think that SPL clubs were spending way to much on squad wages - cut backs of 25% would be rational irrespective of SPL TV deals or who is in the league.

My club have barely spent a farthing for years, pretty typical of most SPL clubs apart from two.

Killie's net transfer spend:

06/07: £30k

07/08: -£2.04m

08/09: £20k

09/10: £0

10/11: -£528k

11/12: £0

Our average net transfer spend per season in the last 5 seasons was -£503k per season.

Our net transfer spend this season has been £0.

That must mean that we are £500k better off this season, since we have spent £500k more this season that we did over the last 5. Brilliant news.


Dundee United's net spend this transfer window is £0.

We can compare that to the net transfer spend of the previous 5 years, which is £0.

and your response ....

<br>Thank you one and all for your level headed and balanced approach to your responses. You haven`t disappointed me with your levels of crass stupidity and ignorance.


You could probably get a decent discussion going if you started a dedicated thread in the SPL board (don't start it off by having a go at people though) I bet you get a reasonable response. And what's with all the "<br>" shite ?

The SFL is full to the brim with yoofs, it's also full to the brim with solvent clubs (with one exception of course) And the club I support has produced a fair few of it's own players in recent years.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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