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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I have often thought that even if every club in Scotland except the o.f. Just paid 300 / 500 a week for the best local players folk would still turn out to see them.

It's really only when clubs tried to catch up with rangers illegal spending that the whole system clogged up, I'd be happy for Killie to adopt this approach even if it meant relegation and a bit of yoyoing through the leagues till all clubs found their level. I'd still go n watch, there would still be a Killie playing at rugby park.

Would you go and see your club if they adopted a policy of promoting players from the youth set up and an occasional new player who moves into town for wages only ?


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Leggo's blog today is hilarous - Aberdeen, Dundee United and and Hibs fans - did you know your all bigots, the rest of us are just idiots.

I also liked how he said Jardine and McCoist's statements were measured, the only thing measured about anything either of these clowns since the whole scenario started is the drinks that they are obviously both consuming a hell of a lot off.

Getting thoroughly fucked off with every spiteful TRFC fan calling all and sundry bigots now. Lexical empowerment is often a good thing but if I see two fat blue-tops greeting each other with calls of "Yo, my bigot" and giving each other a complex hand-shake there'll be a murder. There was a lassie on Facebook last night who was accused of being a bigot just because she didn't follow football...

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I posted the following last night, late on.

Miners got their money yet?

If only you had worked late into the night for them but then again you wouldn't have had so much spare time on your hands. :rolleyes:

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Because "Glesgaboy" We are discussing a sport. A game in which all teams should be on a level playing field. Sport first, Business second should be the whole ethos of every single team in all football leagues. Unfortunately the people who we've trusted to administer the game have destroyed the integrity, the honesty and the idea of sport within our game. We the fans paid YOUR wages and you expect us to just write off the last 20 odd years of Scottish footballs dishonesty and cheating by Rangers because in effect it was a business like every other business. Every time we buy a season ticket or subscribe to sky sports we are buying our share of Scottish football, so that in itself is our right to speak up and air our grievances when we see cheating and criminality when it happens in OUR game. Im not accusing you of being a rangers apologist etc, but I do accuse you of being very niaeve if you think that football is a business like other businesses and I question your sporting integrity if you feel it was just a job. Tell that to the Olympians in London right now and they'd shake their heads in disbelief. The rules have been broken by one of the largest teams in our leagues and continue to be by the looks of it with the help of the very bodies who should be stopping this happening. We are also sick to the back teeth of hearing on our tv and radio about how Rangers are too big to die, they've been punished enough etc etc. Justice hasnt been done because if it had Rangers in ANY form would simply no longer exist. All that has happened is Charlie Green has been given an open door to sign every mercenary money grabber and satisfy the glory hunting fans with wins for the next 3 seasons. What is happening at Sevco right now is as bad as Murray and his outspending everyone else to buy success - and look what happened there. Something has got to give.

Just because he posted without the use of paragraphs, didn't mean you needed to respond in a similar manner.

Post got a lot of greenies - obviously from people with younger eyes than mine :D

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I have to mention the classic non-story from today's Daily Ranger (in "transfer talk" of all things) ---Bedoya to remain a Ger.

WTF, how in the name of the wee man is that a transfer, surely it's exactly the opposite, it's a non-transfer.

What a shower of shite, just to get another The Rangers story in the paper rag.

You forgot to say you read it at work/glanced at it in the shop, but didn't buy it.

You didn't actually buy it, right?

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You forgot to say you read it at work/glanced at it in the shop, but didn't buy it.

You didn't actually buy it, right?

He might have been getting his haircut.

Of all the boycott talk we had this close season I think the best that all us non OF fans could do is to boycott the MSM. I still for the life of me can't understand wht people still buy newspapers. Especially the biased thought-manipulating rags we have up here.

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I posted the following last night, late on.

To mis-quote Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca - "Of all the Nominated Advisers in all the towns in all the world, you had to walk into mine!"

The article title is - "How Unfortunate – Merchant House Group now advised by Firm Formed by Rangers FC Director".

For those who do not know, Merchant House Group's largest shareholder is Liberty Capital, a company based in the British Virgin Islands and owned 100% by .... (drum roll) .... Craig Whyte!


I do see that this story has been mentioned above, at comment 80855, but I like to think my piece is more comprehensive!

My, my. What a "co-incidence". This particular rollercoaster is still hurtling round the circus, and as usual, the Scottish press are ignoring it.

It's becoming more and more clear that something is not right in the state of Newco, yet there seems to be no real appetite from ordinary Newco fans to demand clarity on it all. If anything, there seems to be 100% support for the current regime. Bomber Broon may be a couple of coconuts short of a palm tree, but he does have something of a point about the intentions of Green and co.

I couldn't see the fans of any other club just putting up and shutting up with this type of situation, and I've got to admit, I'm really surprised that Newco fans aren't kicking off about these "alleged" links back to Whyte.

It looks like this carnival isn't over yet.

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Guest Pampered Adolescent

<br> Players in the main have a healthy level of contempt for the mainstream supporter and wether you like it or not thats the way it is. <br>

As someone who works with numbers every day, it hasn't escaped me that (a) you appear to strive for the greatest ratio of negative rep per posts, and (b) I am the one that has planted your hundredth Ever Ready..... Resisting the urge to post the 'Don't know if trolling.....or just stupid' jpeg, I carry on.

I admit I did chuckle at a few of the professions people offered, however, I really do think, Jim, you are an ex-footballer. Think back to the days in the 1970s, when the only live TV games of football were the Cup Final and Home Internationals (maybe when you played, Jim, maybe not), and you will find the major source of revenue for a professional footballer was from the fans. Yes, there would be, dare I say, revenue from Pies and Bovril, and, maybe some merchandise, as well, however in the big picture, even at the 'big hoose', this would be trivial.

So, most players have a healthy contempt for the very people who directly pay their wages? Nice one Cryril Jim, nice one, son.

I think, in terms of this thread, I'm maybe going to do a Peter Jones/Deborah Meaden/Duncan Bannatyne and state : "I'm out".



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...I still for the life of me can't understand wht people still buy newspapers. Especially the biased thought-manipulating rags we have up here.

If you think the shite they've been putting in the papers is bad just now, wait until the independence 'debate' kicks off in earnest sad.gif

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Jim Duffy giving it to Cockwomble in the sun. about "Armageddon" turns out Neily boy was scaremongering, who knew?

Maybe Stein,

Colin that is, of course





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My, my. What a "co-incidence". This particular rollercoaster is still hurtling round the circus, and as usual, the Scottish press are ignoring it.

It's becoming more and more clear that something is not right in the state of Newco, yet there seems to be no real appetite from ordinary Newco fans to demand clarity on it all. If anything, there seems to be 100% support for the current regime. Bomber Broon may be a couple of coconuts short of a palm tree, but he does have something of a point about the intentions of Green and co.

I couldn't see the fans of any other club just putting up and shutting up with this type of situation, and I've got to admit, I'm really surprised that Newco fans aren't kicking off about these "alleged" links back to Whyte.

It looks like this carnival isn't over yet.

latest text going about;

New Rangers book coming out called '50 shades of Whyte'. Not much of a story but in the end everyone gets fucked.

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As someone who works with numbers every day, it hasn't escaped me that (a) you appear to strive for the greatest ratio of negative rep per posts, and (b) I am the one that has planted your hundredth Ever Ready..... Resisting the urge to post the 'Don't know if trolling.....or just stupid' jpeg, I carry on.

I admit I did chuckle at a few of the professions people offered, however, I really do think, Jim, you are an ex-footballer. Think back to the days in the 1970s, when the only live TV games of football were the Cup Final and Home Internationals (maybe when you played, Jim, maybe not), and you will find the major source of revenue for a professional footballer was from the fans. Yes, there would be, dare I say, revenue from Pies and Bovril, and, maybe some merchandise, as well, however in the big picture, even at the 'big hoose', this would be trivial.

So, most players have a healthy contempt for the very people who directly pay their wages? Nice one Cryril Jim, nice one, son.

I think, in terms of this thread, I'm maybe going to do a Peter Jones/Deborah Meaden/Duncan Bannatyne and state : "I'm out".



You're just suffering post CL depression (barring a miracle).

Pour yourself a glass of shaojiu and chill out.:)

Take a break from this forum for a week or two and when you

come back it will have moved on a hundred or so pages and

there will have been more twists and turns.

How are the locals taking the doping allegations against their

young female swimmer, Ye Shiwen ?

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Guest Pampered Adolescent

You're just suffering post CL depression (barring a miracle).

Pour yourself a glass of shaojiu and chill out.:)

Take a break from this forum for a week or two and when you

come back it will have moved on a hundred or so pages and

there will have been more twists and turns.

How are the locals taking the doping allegations against their

young female swimmer, Ye Shiwen ?

To be honest, I think they are more embarrassed about the badminton. And to take this even more off-topic, look out for the Chinese ladies volleyball team, especially the number 10.....to use a phrase from the board......pleasing. 8)

But you can see my frustration, can't you? In the era of unmanned drone aircraft, 350 km/h trains (okay, maybe only here), Airbus A380s, etc.....can't we at least have some intelligent trolls?



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