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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"The problems at Rangers have brought no credit to Scottish football and are a tragedy for the Club and for all those connected with it and who support it. They cannot be condoned and it is appropriate that there should be a proportionate penalty for the Club for the events over the last year."

It wiznae me.........

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"The problems at Rangers have brought no credit to Scottish football and are a tragedy for the Club and for all those connected with it and who support it. They cannot be condoned and it is appropriate that there should be a proportionate penalty for the Club for the events over the last year."

It wiznae me.........

Oh wait..................

you mean it really WAS all the fault of the bold Craigy Whyte?


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"The problems at Rangers have brought no credit to Scottish football and are a tragedy for the Club and for all those connected with it and who support it. They cannot be condoned and it is appropriate that there should be a proportionate penalty for the Club for the events over the last year."

It wiznae me.........

It really is breathtaking.

The only reason they ended up with a shyster like Whyte was because he, Murray, decided to sell to him. The only reason he felt he had to, was because of his own suicidal ego-driven running of the club over many years.

Does he really think we're too stupid to see that?

An arrogant shit of a man who's turned out to be much less clever than he'd always thought.

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Minty can't blame Whytey for TCFKARs problems over the last year - Haudit and Daudit have been running the show for the last six months now. I assume Sir Minty of Moonbeams meant Whyte's tenure prior to the dynamic administration duo coming in, and being extremely professional with the highest standards of integrity, as befits the organisation that is Duff & Phelps.

Any word on the investigations into Duff & Phelps handling of the last six months yet?

Edited by pozbaird
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Hi Sir Dave. Hi pal.

Can I just pick you up on a couple of things you said? Thanks.

1. "The problems at Rangers have brought no credit to Scottish football and are a tragedy for the Club and for all those connected with it and who support it. They cannot be condoned and it is appropriate that there should be a proportionate penalty for the Club for the events over the last year."

The last year?????

2." The SPL rules variously required disclosure of all contract of service matters and all payments from a club to a player.It would now appear that these are to be rewritten to incorporate non-contractual loans from independent third parties and other non-contractual matters."

I'm no English expert, but the word "variously" shouldn't actually be in that sentence, as it makes no sense in the context in which you are using it. You state that the rules required disclosure of ALL contract and ALL Payments from a club to a player, but you sneakily (in my humble opinion) are saying "Aye but it wis ok tae gae money tae the players if it disnae come straight outta Ibrox." Is that not a little like my employer paying me for my job but giving me a wee top up to my wages via cash in hand to keep it off the books?

3. "If this is the case then press comment over the past few years would appear to indicate that several clubs other than Rangers may well have fallen foul of the soon to be changed historic laws."

Maybe, but if you didn't do anything wrong then why worry that other clubs may have done the same? If you didn't do anything wrong, then THEY didn't do anything wrong. Savvy?

4. Rangers agreed contracts of employment with its players (and staff). The EBT scheme involved the contribution of funds into an offshore discretionary trust managed by independent trustees.

And where exactly did these contributions come from?

5. The trustees could and did make loans to individuals carrying interest with scheduled repayment dates.

This is my favourite Dave. When are these scheduled repayment dates? Because as far as I am aware, not a single penny has ever been repaid.

So just to clarify what Sir Dave is saying is that yes we used EBTs but they weren't illegal. And if they are illegal, which they aren't, then other clubs are up shit creek too for using them, but they wouldn't be coz they aren't illegal. Money for the EBTs magically appeared in these trusts from sources unknown, and the trustees have agreed that these loans will be repaid as the scheduled repayment dates were written down on the back of a packet of Benny Hedgehogs.

The media (aye right!!!) only have to ask Sir David of Murray two questions for this whole statement to blow up in his face............

When are the loans due to be repaid? And has even 1p went towards repayments?

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You couldn't write it! We're being lectured by Scottish football's foremost financial failure!

Indeed -

In January 2000, Murray International Holdings had debts of £52.7million.

In January 2008 the debts had increased to £773.4million.

Net income from MIH has averaged 2.3% of sales between 2000 and 2008.

This was during what has been called the 'boom' period which had been the most profitable time for many businesses for many years.

- http://x-economics.b...s-and-lost.html

Murray's £150million bankers bailout: http://www.thescotti...rs-bailout.html

"The bank more than doubled its stake in Murray’s group to stop it going BUST after a debt-fuelled buying spree was followed by the credit crunch and recession."

Sir David Murray to sell core business as debts take toll: http://www.scotsman....-toll-1-2221170

"One commentator said of the Murray metals business that “it has been knackered for years”, adding: “What’s it worth and who would want it?”"

Rangers in crisis: SFA dossier reveals how David Murray was aware of Craig Whyte's record -

David Murray sacrificed Rangers to save his business empire after bankers held a £700million gun to his head, it was revealed yesterday: http://www.dailyreco...-reveals-877727

"The sale of Rangers to Whyte wiped £18million off Murray International Holdings Ltd’s debt to Lloyds – only around 2.5 per cent of their total £700million debt mountain."

Not all of the supporters of the club he bankrupted are fools: http://forum.rangers...howtopic=209572

Posted 02 February 2012 - 01:52 PM

David Murray....Never had any money,he Ran Rangers On borrowed Money like all his other companies. Currently 150- 200 mil in Debt. Gets rid of Rangers because it brings in no income as it is to far in debt...so is a liability...Get rid of... Risky strategy in running a business on large scale debt but can be managed, but all plans fell to bits when you dont factor in a major crash like we had in 2008. This is why a lot of UK companies are going to the wall...To Much Debt !

Craig Whyte.... Similar to David Murray he does not have a lot of of money but probably good with numbers,Craig whyte is balancing the books at Rangers,stripping back the outgoings of the business and trying to put us on a good financial footing in the hope of Making Rangers FC a viable proposition for a new buyer. (providing that we win the Tax case,that is his calculated gamble)

Rangers FC.... If we win the tax case Rangers will be sold on for profit (Craig Whyte's plan). If we lose the tax case we will go into administration as we will be unable to pay off the debt owed unless a payment plan can be arranged with the tax man, which can happen from my experience.If we get a Tax repayment plan we stay alive and are sold on with the the payment plan to the tax man in place. Craig whyte could still make a profit but not as much as winning the tax case.

No payment plan we are sunk without a trace and no one makes hee ho we would need to restart all over again, but im pretty sure this will not happen 99% positive on it,providing the rest of Rangers FC debts are brought down...

So F8ck David Murray and lets support Whyte on getting us in better shape.....Dont moan that he is doing this for profit,at least we will be in better shape for it.

What do you guys think ? hope it makes sense.


Edited by Itwiznaeme
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It really is breathtaking.

The only reason they ended up with a shyster like Whyte was because he, Murray, decided to sell to him. The only reason he felt he had to, was because of his own suicidal ego-driven running of the club over many years.

Does he really think we're too stupid to see that?

An arrogant shit of a man who's turned out to be much less clever than he'd always thought.

What has he been doing these last few months?

Shredding, erasing, eradicating, re-writing, bribing, calling in favours, covering up?

Legs of tin, suit of Teflon.

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5. The trustees could and did make loans to individuals carrying interest with scheduled repayment dates.

This is my favourite Dave. When are these scheduled repayment dates? Because as far as I am aware, not a single penny has ever been repaid.

This also my favourite bit. What is he saying here, seriously?

Is he trying to suggest that all these players have been reneging on payments and getting letters in red ink through the post for years, wondering why they've fallen behind in their loan repayments? Are these guys needing to give Ocean Finance a ring?

It's more of what we keep seeing in this whole saga. If you're vain and arrogant enough and sufficiently used to being fawned over, you really do seem to think you have the right to say black is white and people will accept it.

I also enjoyed the stuff about SPL chairmen not being motivated by sporting integirity OR the concerns of their own clubs' fans. What does that leave?

Years of talking to a succulent press has left him feeling he need justify nothing he says.

God, I hate him.

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