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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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At least we know where the crazy zombie frog bear gets his ideas from.....................dreams..............:D


Typical Sevco fan I note, 4 fingers and 4 toes :lol:

Implying Rangers fans are inbred if they're all born with 4 fingers and toes? Coming from a Celtic fan!?

Sevco are lucky bassas buying the worlds most successful football club btw.

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You cheated the rest of the SPL. You finished second in the table.

Craig Whyte cheated Rangers and HMRC. The only way the SPL was cheated was that the league became a no contest as soon as he chose to put us into administration. We still finished second, and the SPL cheated us out of much needed prize money.

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Craig Whyte cheated Rangers and HMRC. The only way the SPL was cheated was that the league became a no contest as soon as he chose to put us into administration. We still finished second, and the SPL cheated us out of much needed prize money.

Blah Blah Blah...Big boys did it & ran away!!

Change the record please girls.

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Yep. You have to be at the madam smile.gif

Nope. I read it with my own eyes. You have nothing save for flowery language and cliche's I'm afraid. This may impress bennett, foreverblue, and more importantly you yourself, but me? Well I just think you're a bit of a dick. Sorry. :)

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Nope. I read it with my own eyes. You have nothing save for flowery language and cliche's I'm afraid. This may impress bennett, foreverblue, and more importantly you yourself, but me? Well I just think you're a bit of a dick. Sorry. :)

Expected to be honest. I think much the same of yourself and those other p***ks - dhense being particularly dull.

Rangers and the plastics not agreeing on anything - there's a surprise for all.

Apart from the diddy clubbers being, well, diddies.

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I really, really, really did, too.

I was expecting so much more after your hype-of-hypes. Then he ran with 'don't listen to them - those nasty Rangers spammers'. Anyone with eyes - well, those with reading skills, too - can see as much.

Did you really mean to say he'll 'Talk Shite'? I could then have called him your big shitter instead. Which is even nicer. smile.gif

Bendarroch old bean, people with eyes can make their own judgements.

I was a tad offended when you said that you'd pish-ripped me so I had a wee look back to see how I could improve in future. Don't want to be forever in your shadow - lessons should be learned etc etc. Funnily enough the lesson learned was that you and I have very different views on when we think we've ripped the pish. I shouldn't have been surprised because you've been making a roaring arse of yourself since you arrived here earlier in the month. Fortunately from your perspective, Forever Blue and more recently Crazy Frog have masked your ineptitude with a staggering level of trolling cuntishness - especially the Frog fellow who must be in line for some sort of award. Good luck with your ongoing crusade - some might say obsession.

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Craig Whyte cheated Rangers and HMRC.

Did Craig Whyte buy Rangers?

Was he responsible for Rangers?

Did he have a board of directors responsible for the corporate governance of Rangers?

Did the Finance Director know what was going on but refused to say anything?

The supporters had no inkling of what was going on inside Rangers but those who were charged with running the club did. They all stayed quiet with the exception of a couple who smelled the rat and left early on.

Those who were responsible for running Rangers on behalf of the supporters caused the death of the club. No different to any other business where corporate governance is clearly understood.

This has all been covered somewhere in the 3000+ pages. You'd be better taking a fortnight off and reading through it to avoid further repetition.

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I like the way you single out those 3 posters from the hundreds who troll here ;)

We all have our own crusades it seems, urs is not hidden

I'm not sure there are hundreds but these 3 deserve special mention in my view (you were quite close ;)). You fire away with your own list if you feel the need.

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Did Craig Whyte buy Rangers?

Was he responsible for Rangers?

Did he have a board of directors responsible for the corporate governance of Rangers?

Did the Finance Director know what was going on but refused to say anything?

The supporters had no inkling of what was going on inside Rangers but those who were charged with running the club did. They all stayed quiet with the exception of a couple who smelled the rat and left early on.

Those who were responsible for running Rangers on behalf of the supporters caused the death of the club. No different to any other business where corporate governance is clearly understood.

This has all been covered somewhere in the 3000+ pages. You'd be better taking a fortnight off and reading through it to avoid further repetition.

Craig Whyte bought Rangers using season ticket money. He sacked the old boardroom and replaced them with guys who were never given the chance to do their jobs as Whyte didn't speak to them or give them access to the important stuff (we know this much with the benefit of hindsight).

I don't even know who our finance director was when Whyte was in charge!

The supporters were kept in the dark. You hear rumours and scaremongering tactics coming from your main rivals and your first thought is it's bullshit. Do you know exactly what's happening behind the scenes at your own club? Not many fans do.

There's no chance I'm scrolling through 3000+ pages of rival clubs fans claiming to be experts in the field of business and accounts. I'm just thankfull we're back to playing football and I'm looking forward to the season ahead.

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There's no chance I'm scrolling through 3000+ pages of rival clubs fans claiming to be experts in the field of business and accounts. I'm just thankfull we're back to playing football and I'm looking forward to the season ahead.

Well its time to learn :Phttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq2m3ggkEX2RdER0WURDZEhOdmxVWGo5aFZEUVdMS1E#gid=0

Have a swatch at that spreadsheet and see why the new club will be dead shortly, all the probable income/expenditure for the future, and unlike the old advert, the future is bright, but it ain't orange.............

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I offer my apologies for entertaining the troll with an attempt at reasoned debate earlier. I thought I'd give it a try but it's either not sinking in or their need to be contrary over-rides all else. You can quote me on that if you like.

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I stopped reading it after 2 things

Season Tickets Average by that £225....bollocks, using the £258 figure is fantasy, most ST are more expensive, so add another 3 million based on 35k season tickets and this counts children and OAP`s

Match day tickets are £18 not £15, even with just 45k crowds for home games this is £3.6m not 1.2M....I could go into the sponsership but I stopped after the matchday income alone

Written by very wishfull thinker with green tinted spectacles, doomed to be ripped apart by anyone with a 99p calculator

Once again I'm on my phone so the link is hard to read but I seem to remember that the 'wishful thinker' did comment that ticket prices were not available on the The Rangers website at the time and that he had used what had been reported in the press - I also seem to remember that expenditure Vs income was kept to an absolute best case scenario (although ticket price info obviously wasn't available at the time)

What I would say is that if there's a profit at all at the end of the season it's going to be a minimal one when a healthy one was well within The Rangers grasp - The Rangers do not need to pay the wages that they are paying, a squad to get them through the leagues could have been achieved at a fraction of the cost (as proven by Gretna)

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