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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Guest Kincardine

So, you know your crimes. Which you should be found guilty of.

What would you say is a reasonable punishment?

Sorry if you've posted it before, but I can't be fucked going through the last 30 pages of Celtic/the rangers tit for tat.

Don't be an arrogant wee shite. This isn't a Celtic/Rangers thread and many of the guys here have made valuable contributions yet have no interest in either club. Most have no interest in 'tit for tat'.

If you can't be fucked to read through the thread then I can't be fucked to tell you my opinion.

Maybe if you show some grace or better manners next time then you'll get a more fulsome reply.

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It's the sheer number of conspiratorial lunacies you'd have to believe that's so funny, if you wanted argue that the SFA/SPL were conspiring to steal Rangers' titles, .

I mean, what do the SFA want with Rangers' titles? What are they going to do with them, divvy them up? Why would e.g. Neil Doncaster care? What's in it for Hibs/Motherwell/Aberdeen etc. and so on?

Even the most paranoid Bear on the site would surely accept that Rangers' suicide was a massive pain in the a*se for the entire SPL, and not an excuse to make hay out of their demise. To imagine that the top teams not only welcomed Rangers' suicide, but secretly agreed to exploit it to unjustly damage and defraud Rangers in some way, is utterly mental.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Utter deluded crap ... why would they be invited Bendy, other SPL clubs would have no evidence of any substance relating to your crimes and simply add to the cost of the hearing ... don't cry you poor wee fool ... wibble wibble

Get someone to help you understand why your reply to my post appears not to have understood the content in any sense whatsoever laugh.gif

Dhensebhore is regressing. Even DhenserBhore is on its way.

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Wow! Disgusting.

You are correct the SPL and SFA are corrupt as hell. That dossier is little more than a plan for mass deception. A plan to fool the world into thinking Rangers FC are still playing football. Thankfully this is out in the open and Sevco can no longer continue with this deception, this proves beyond doubt that Sevco are not Rangers. All that was transfered was a membership number.

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I've already answered wholly and succinctly on the previous page.

Well, erm, no you didn't. But in any case, if you did, my apologies for my inability to spot it. I'm sure it won't put you out too much to restate your position (which a fellow poster like Kincardine was happy to do unprompted on a fairly similar vein and with a perfectly fair-minded rationale). It can even just be a simple combination of 2 numbers and letters.

1) was "your cause"

a] staying in SPL

b] going to SFL3

2) are 'the baddies'

a] the clubs who wanted to let you transfer your SPL membership and stay in SPL

b] the clubs who wanted to reject the transfer application so you went to SFL

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I don't think Sevco fans really know what they are fighting against anymore...... there are fresh air punches, tears and snotters everywhere!

Out of interest, what do Sevco fans see as a reasonable punishment once the formality of proving they are the biggest cheats in world football is complete? I'd suggest losing the unfairly won titles is just a starting point!

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(Bear with me here - this might take a while, but it's worth imagining how this supposed "Let's Get Rangers" meeting at SPL headquarters would've worked, to understand how insane these conspiracy theories are).


STUART REGAN: Right lads, let's take a vote - are we going to destroy the Rangers Cause by offering The People a chance to admit to their cheating, taking their punishment and then getting back to playing football? Peter, how do you vote?

PETER LAWWELL: I vote yes. I want those titles - those sweet, precious titles.

NEIL DONCASTER: I vote yes, too. But why are you so keen on stealing Rangers' titles, Peter?

PETER LAWWELL: Because I'm the Celtic boss, and this is exactly the type of sneaky, underhand thing us Jungle Jims get up to in our spare time, as part of our conspiracy to undermine Protestantism and Unionism. Plus, I'm Catholic, so I eat babies and I have giant, Satanic horns.

STUART REGAN: But why are you so keen on stealing Rangers' titles, Neil? You're English and you've only been in this job a couple of years. So how did you wind up joining our plot to undermine Rangers, Protestantism and the Union?

NEIL DONCASTER: Because Peter's boaby is so far down my throat I can barely speak. Just ask Ralph Topping! He's the same!

RALPH TOPPING: Mmmmf! Mmmm mmmf!

STUART REGAN: Ha ha, okay. Phil McMadeUpName, citizen journalist extraordinaire, what do you think?


STUART REGAN: And you, Rod Petrie?

ROD PETRIE: Speaking as the representative for Hibs, nothing would make me happier than seeing another team who happen to play in the same colours as mine do getting awarded Rangers' titles. As you can understand, I'm desperate for other teams to be awarded retrospective titles. It gets me hot and aroused, because I'm crazed with anti-Rangers bigotry and hate.

STUART REGAN: Lord Nimmo, how do you vote?

LORD NIMMO: Guilty! I pre-sentence them to be hung by the neck until they are dead, even if they're innocent! Especially if they're innocent!

(Everybody laughs evilly)

STUART REGAN: I guessed you'd say that... Lord Nimmo, if The People somehow squirm out of admitting to cheating, would you be willing to set up a biased and fraudulent panel to strip their titles anyway?

LORD NIMMO: Of course I would! I'm crazed with hatred for Rangers, just like everyone else here. Obviously, if we were that determined to steal Rangers' titles, we could just ignore the issue for now and have a tribunal later on, but that would make far too much sense. I say, let's make them an offer now so that The People get very angry, send us bullets and death threats, and we get lots of horrible headlines calling us crooks.

STUART REGAN: That's the plan, Lord N. I love it when we get lots of death threats from The People and loads of horrible headlines calling us crooks.

NEIL DONCASTER: Don't we all! I hope The People send me a parcel bomb or two. If I was horribly mutilated by an improvised explosive device, that would make The People look terrible, which would make it all the easier to steal their titles. Those lovely, lovely titles are all I care about.

ROD PETRIE: Exactly. I'm sure every one of us here would gladly put our families at risk of death and/or injury at the hands of The People, if it helps Celtic. Hell, even if it doesn't help Celtic.

STUART REGAN: Alright lads, we've decided - We're going to steal Rangers titles, purely because we're corrupt and bigoted. All we need now is permission from a higher power. Do we have your permission, Holy Father?

POPE BENEDICT XVI: Ja! Schtrippen der titles, schnell, schnell!

STUART REGAN: Excellent... Well, that's everything gentlemen. Would one of you send in Charles Green on your way out?

(Everyone troops out. Enter CHARLES GREEN, wearing a bowler hat and an orange sash).

STUART REGAN: Hi there, Charles. I'm afraid we've decided to declare war on The People and strip your titles, because we hate you and because Peter Lawwell is controlling our fragile minds. Do you have anything to say in your defence?

CHARLES GREEN: Big Jock knew.

STUART REGAN: Thank you, that will be all.

(I exaggerate, but you get the idea. It's lunacy and idiocy).

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And so it begins. Guts spilled. The best plaid plans of mice and men oft gang awry laugh.gif

That's an ugly document. Hell mend its creators.

Just one piece of that document tells more than any other if you look at the definitions section at the start you can see that the definition of "FC" has been removed.


It looks from that image as though it has been removed deliberately, possibly in the same way us old timers used to photocopy our birth certificates, typex out the DoB and then recopy it with our own version. Only nobody has bothered to put in their own version.

Why would anyone remove the definition of "FC"? I am guessing that if this was leaked from the SFL then they would have no reason to do so. If it was leaked by Sevco, that might be a different matter.

I'd like to see how "FC" was defined in the document, it could tell us a lot.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Well, erm, no you didn't. But in any case, if you did, my apologies for my inability to spot it. I'm sure it won't put you out too much to restate your position (which a fellow poster like Kincardine was happy to do unprompted on a fairly similar vein and with a perfectly fair-minded rationale). It can even just be a simple combination of 2 numbers and letters.

1) was "your cause"

a] staying in SPL

b] going to SFL3

2) are 'the baddies'

a] the clubs who wanted to let you transfer your SPL membership and stay in SPL

b] the clubs who wanted to reject the transfer application so you went to SFL

1. Our cause, in part, was seeking fair and reasonable treatment. Ending in the SPL or SFL 3 makes no difference to me.

2. The clubs who conspired, bullied, coerced and demanded a verdict of guilt and sanctions before any trial. Or else.

Will you need the answer a third time?

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FC could mean Fucking Cheats!

I can't believe I never saw it before, I was assuming it was the standard UEFA definition of a football club ie "Legal entity fully and solely responsible for the football team" I think your idea is more plausible.

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It's the sheer number of conspiratorial lunacies you'd have to believe that's so funny, if you wanted argue that the SFA/SPL were conspiring to steal Rangers' titles, .


It's written into the document they tried to deny laugh.gif

The question remains - who demanded the sanctions were included? We'll know soon enough smile.gif

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It's written into the document they tried to deny laugh.gif

The question remains - who demanded the sanctions were included? We'll know soon enough smile.gif

The only people who care about the dual contract issue are Sevconians, anyone to do with Celtic and the odd St Mirren or Falkirk fan who might pick up a trophy by default.

The big noise about all of this is just more misdirection aimed at shifting the focus from the fact that there is no continuation with Sevco and Rangers. This document was probably leaked deliberately by all parties. The one thing that is constant in all of this is that all the controlling parties have wanted one thing, a continuation which does not exist.

Otherwise why publish the document with one key paragraph missing?

IMHO Sevco are a new club and should not have had to face any sanctions relating to the dead club. The sanctions which were put before Sevco and in most part agreed to were the price of transferring a membership number from one legal identity to another. A cost Green was willing to pay because otherwise he would have a near impossible task of trying to get money from the former Rangers fans. It seems now though that Sevco are doing a U turn to pander to their newly acquired, from Rangers, fans.

Without your money Sevco are nothing, without those titles for your old club Sevco will lose a number of you. Obviously Sevco agreed to begin with, they are as involved in the conspiracy as the rest of them. The conspiracy is not about the titles though, it's about raising the dead.

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What's left here is the usual Orc propaganda, bullshit and lies. Nobody has demanded that the tribunal return a guilty verdict. Utter Walter Mitty fantasy as per from Bendy .. Nor has anyone demanded any sanctions be applied. They only sought to clarify the sanctions that wil be available to the tribunal.

:lol::lol::lol: You can only laugh at this wee fool ... !!

The kid comes across as being aboots 15 or 16 - or having a mental maturity in that range (which in itself is perhaps a big leap in Orc evolution!).

Dunno why you continue to engege with the sprog TBH.

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2. The clubs who conspired, bullied, coerced and demanded a verdict of guilt and sanctions before any trial. Or else.

Ok, so why would the clubs conspire against Rangers to find them guilty?

I'm assuming you've already decided Rangers are innocent?

Because it makes no sense, considering all summer we kept hearing from various people and chairman that no Rangers in the SPL would be a financial disaster

So please, explain why clubs & the SFA would do this?

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