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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Which is a gag that may have been funny when you were at school. Doubtful, but nevertheless possible. Weakest attempt for a while.

I reckon bed's calling you, Bennett. You haven't really got the chops, have you, without the other Amigos cheering your every mis-spelt insult and fact-free retort? Maybe you should have fucked off a long time ago.

You know, like you said you were going to?

A bit forward, aren't you?

As long as the Gers are still going Norman, then i'll still be here.

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A bit forward, aren't you?

As long as the Gers are still going Norman, then i'll still be here.

a) Getting a bit fed up telling you you're not my type. In so many ways.....

b) They're not, you are. Why is that?

Explanation of b) for the hard of thinking. D&P are about to hand rangers' corpse over to BDO for the coup de grace. They haven't had a team for months. The team that you, Bennett, and your deluded fellow-Sevconians are cheering on from terraces and roadside vantage points, are nothing more than the shopfront display Charlie is using to transfer funds directly from the DWP to his arse pocket. Again, we all know this, but for some it's hard to get past the Denial stage.

Meanwhile, SPL clubs dead = 0

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Startling figures...

... if Big Tax Case goes for HMRC (who'd be due £95M overall) then total debts will be £128M + debentures (previously estimate £8M) + employee debts.

... D&P have run Rangers at a £4.4M loss.

... D&P have accrued £3.5M in fees.

This is one of the SEETHE things, they have been allowed so much fecking leeway over the months whilst trading whilst being insolvent :angry:

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a) Getting a bit fed up telling you you're not my type. In so many ways.....

b) They're not, you are. Why is that?

Explanation of b) for the hard of thinking. D&P are about to hand rangers' corpse over to BDO for the coup de grace. They haven't had a team for months. The team that you, Bennett, and your deluded fellow-Sevconians are cheering on from terraces and roadside vantage points, are nothing more than the shopfront display Charlie is using to transfer funds directly from the DWP to his arse pocket. Again, we all know this, but for some it's hard to get past the Denial stage.

Meanwhile, SPL clubs dead = 1

Sorted ;)

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Not that I like to make a habit of sticking up for Rangers and its fans, but I wouldn't class Bennett as a bigot

Misguided at times

But not a bigot

He supports, financially or otherwise, bigoted organisation. Guilty by association. A bit like,,, oh hang on, I see why you're confused.wink.gif

ETA: In fairness, Enrico, you're one of the more stable celtic posters on here, but as such I'm sure you wouldn't deny that your club has its unsavoury elements as well. Your advantage is you haven't got Charlie cementing the Lowest Common Denominator as your core support. Oh, and your mob haven't been caught with their hands in the Queen's purse.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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As long as the Gers are still going Norman, then i'll still be here.

Benny I think the Queen wants her £95 million with no drama attached to it ;) and Green will have to proclaim your club is a completely brand new club to escape the next installment of fun coming soon ! EBT sanctions & punishments.I think he has done his best to convince quite a few of the support to follow his new club,how many will still follow when all the history has to be forfeited and possibly having to change the name of the club !.

Govan Utd or The South-side Tax Evaders which one do you like best ? :)

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Not that I like to make a habit of sticking up for Rangers and its fans, but I wouldn't class Bennett as a bigot

Misguided at times

But not a bigot

I kind of agree with you there ^,but when he insists that Rangers players won them trophies fair and square on the field :angry: he couldn't be further from the truth.

How many Rangers players feigned injury to get another player booked or sent off ? eg Kyle Lafferty ?.

How many Rangers players have dived in the box ? eg take your pick there :lol:

How many Rangers players deliberately brought a man down so they couldn't score a goal in FAIR-PLAY ? eg again take your pick there ?.

How many Rangers players held onto a man or jersey limiting the players movements ? eg take your pick again ?.

How many Rangers players deliberately injured another player so they could have him stretchered off ? eg take your pick again ?.

How many Rangers players have had a handball to stop a dead cert goal ? eg Davie Weir

The above is CHEATING and Rangers and all the other clubs are guilty and that's the truth.When it's in your favour it's OKish but when it's not then it's ban the BBC :P

RANGERS CHEATED on the park to win titles Benny and you can't spin this one around to appear whiter than whyte :lol:

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I've shamelessly copied this from Scottish football monitor, but its worth reading.

Here’s What You Could Have Bought

Recently, Duff and Phelps released their final report to the creditors of Rangers Football Club. In amongst several other eye watering amounts, D&P revealed that the total amount HMRC are pursuing Rangers for is £94,426,217.22 (don’t forget the 22p). Now, to put that into context, I calculated that to be the equivalent value of five Tore Andre Flo’s (at £12m each), three Paul Gascoigne’s (at £4.3m each), two Giovanni Van Bronckhorst’s (at £5m each), one Artur Numan (at £4.5m) and still over £7m cash (perhaps for a partridge in a pear tree). For the record, these figures are those Rangers paid when purchasing the players.

Now, let me give you a few examples which I feel highlight the true cost of Rangers’ tax evasion and financial doping.

The highest figure Celtic have ever paid for a player is £6 million for Chris Sutton. With the money Rangers stole from the taxpayer over the years, Celtic could have bought fifteen Chris Sutton’s, and still have had enough left over for a few Henrik Larsson’s.

The highest fee Aberdeen have ever paid for a player is £1m (for Paul Bernard). With the amount of money Rangers saved, Aberdeen could have bought thirty four Paul Bernard’s, and Fernando Torres.

In 1995, Dundee United signed Steven Pressley for £750,000. With an extra £94m, they could have signed Cristiano Ronaldo and nineteen Steven Pressley’s.

In 2006, Hearts paid £850,000 for Mirsad Beslija from Racing Genk. If they’d stolen an equivalent sum of money as Rangers, this could have attracted Kaka as well as several others to Tynecastle (theoretically speaking).

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Moved here from less-suited thread.

Noticed this on another forum. Alex Rae on Clyde FM presumably last night. He welcomes Sir David Murray's recent EBT-related chat with Green, but his explanation of his EBT is puzzling.

He's not the best-spoken of people, but he says he would sign for (at another point he says apply for) an EBT loan at the end of a season - sometimes the end of a year. Of course the contention at the heart of the whole case is whether this really was discretionary, i.e. not guaranteed payment the players were expecting. Anyway, he says that 'in theory it's the case' that the loans were never to be paid back. They were tax-free.

Not sure if that muddies or clear the waters, tbh.

I have lifted this from the SPL 2 other EBT thread as it is related to this thread on EBT's

Firstly Alex Rae just dances around how the EBT pension fund scam was implemented and also quotes often the infamous they are legal pish ! I'd also like to add why players on tens of thousands of pounds a week feel the need to apply for a loan ? aren't they being paid enough already ?.

I've mentioned this before and will mention it again just to highlight how cheaply and easily Murray could have won the EBT case against HMRC if he wasn't so fucking cocky about abusing a pension fund and thought he'd never get caught out !.

I do not know how many loans were handed out and when but if someone knows then please do the proper math for me and put in total how cheaply could have saved Rangers PLC from liquidation.

If Murray had just paid back in one solitary £1 each year ! for each loan ! after the loan was handed out he could have easily quashed any investigation :o The loan would be classed as a loan and was being serviced and being paid back,no matter by how much and would have been thrown out of court on a technicality because the loan was being repaid even at a minute level of £1 a year minimum.

Say for instance if there was 365 loans paid out so that's a measly £365 a year to be paid into all the EBT loans ! then possibly multiply it by 10 at minimum ! and you get £3,650 ! and if my math was correct then this is the paltry amount of money that would have saved The Rangers Football Club PLC from liquidation.

This is how cheaply Murray could have avoided this HMRC and EBT fiasco if he hadn't been so cocky and just paid at least £1 a year in each account,and if someone can do the math then we can find out how much Murray only needed to put back actually and have a right old giggle that this amount of money could have saved the club from oblivion.

It's astonishing that even such a small amount of money like £3,650 could have saved Rangers :blink:

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Let's face it, Murray and Rangers DOWNFALL was always going to be Murray's big fat mouth that he could never keep shut when he should have kept it shut. He is still mouthing off today making statements that are only going to come back and haunt him until the day he dies. He is a slow learner in everything other than in The Art of Being a Shyster.

Edited by Junhinho Polyester
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The red hand flag is a symbol of Protestantism when flown in association with Rangers - you and I both know this. Appealing to this aspect of what Rangers are about in this direct way, is therefore sectarian.

That's some amount of pish to pour into couple of sentences.

Green visits supporters in Ulster. Supporters display their flag. QOTS fan concludes it is therefore sectarian.


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Let's face it, Murray and Rangers DOWNFALL was always going to be Murray's big fat mouth that he could never keep shut when he should have kept it shut. He is still mouthing off today making statements that are only going to come back and haunt him until the day he dies. He is a slow learner in everything other the Art of Being a Shyster.

It was a loan that does not have to be paid back unsure.gifunsure.gif I might be way off the mark but can we all get one of those loans.

What Rae said doesn't make sense , what business can give away that sort of money as a loan that isin't going to be paid back on top of the wages those guys were earning. Its fairy tale land

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Startling figures...

... if Big Tax Case goes for HMRC (who'd be due £95M overall) then total debts will be £128M + debentures (previously estimate £8M) + employee debts.

... D&P have run Rangers at a £4.4M loss.

... D&P have accrued £3.5M in fees.

About a thousand pages back I posted about the 150m quid robbery and got laughed at by TCFKAR fans for exaggerating :P

Utterly shameless 'institution' :angry:

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http://www.rangers.c. ..o_Creditors.pdf

Here we go, just released from D+P, time for a bit of reading.

BDO soon methinks. :)


This is the end

Beautiful friend

This is the end

My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end

Of everything that stands, the end

No safety or surprise, the end

I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be

So limitless and free

Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand

In a...desperate land

Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain

And all the children are insane

All the children are insane

Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There's danger on the edge of town

Ride the King's highway, baby

Weird scenes inside the gold mine

Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake

To the lake, the ancient lake, baby

The snake is long, seven miles

Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold

The west is the best

The west is the best

Get here, and we'll do the rest

The blue bus is callin' us

The blue bus is callin' us

Driver, where you taken' us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on

He took a face from the ancient gallery

And he walked on down the hall

He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he

Paid a visit to his brother, and then he

He walked on down the hall, and

And he came to a door...and he looked inside

Father, yes son, I want to kill you

Mother...I want to...WAAAAAA

C'mon baby,--------- No "take a chance with us"

C'mon baby, take a chance with us

C'mon baby, take a chance with us

And meet me at the back of the blue bus

Doin' a blue rock

On a blue bus

Doin' a blue rock

C'mon, yeah

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end

Beautiful friend

This is the end

My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free

But you'll never follow me

The end of laughter and soft lies

The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfre...d_20042686.html ]

A prophesy from the grave(Jim Morrison RIP). Soz about the link, it's the apocalypse now version. Enjoy

Edited by K Dodd
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Alasdair Lamont@BBCAlLamont SFA president Campbell Ogilvie says he hopes to speak to Rangers chief exec Charles Green to try to resolve a variety of issues.

Good news! I'm sure that a man who signed off on his own club's fraud to the authorities; who received tens of thousands of pounds in bonuses from their tax evasion and then refused to resign when caught, is the perfect person to clear this situation up.

God knows how The People are going to incorporate this into their anti-Rangers conspiracy. However they manage it, I strongly doubt it will make any kind of sense to anyone sane.

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