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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Irn Bru Division Three outfit will seek admission to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange in the hope of raising up to £20million.

It is hoped their admission into the AIM can be completed by the end of the year, as they continue re-ordering their finances following the liquidation of the 'oldco' club and the acquisition of its assets by Charles Green's consortium in the summer.

"I'm excited because this has been the most dramatic six months for the club and its support," McCoist said. "I don't believe for a minute that we're out of the woods yet, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and we're nearly there."

"I'm really, really excited by the prospect of the club getting back to where it was. It's not going to be an overnight fix. We have to take a real, hard look at where we are and what's actually happened.

"I don't think the vast majority of our support know exactly what's happened to the club. We've lost 28 players in six months"

"We're not going to get back to where we were overnight, there has to be a realistic approach to it."

"At least now we can see where we want to go and there's a path to it."

"I'm very confident that we'll get back to where we were. In fact, I'm really looking forward to the challenge."

Rangers are hoping to raise £20million through an institutional investor placing and limited public offering."

Chief executive Charles Green revealed the club will be undertaking an institutional investor roadshow, claiming that to date there has been "strong interest".

The funds will be used to strengthen the squad, improve and develop the club's properties and facilities and provide additional working capital.

"From the time we acquired the business and assets of Rangers FC, we indicated our intention to list the company and provide our fans with the opportunity to invest in their club. I am delighted that our plans are coming to fruition," Green said.

"Rangers is debt-free and a huge club with enormous support and a 140-year track record of success on the domestic and international arenas."

"Our aim is to return the club to its glory days whilst ensuring it is run efficiently and profitably."

Green accepted that football has endured a chequered past concerning flotations on the stock exchange, but is confident Rangers will be a success.

"Historically when a club has floated it hasn't been very good, but we've got the ability to generate huge revenues from merchandise," he said.

"Our stadium and training facilities are first-class. Look at Chelsea, they have a crap stadium and a reasonable training ground, but neither compare to what we have."

"We're at the late stage over a kit deal with adidas or Puma and the moment we were knocked out of the SPL we took control of our image rights. And we have no debt."

"There is a real business there, but unfortunately it's a business that's been run badly in the past."

Green stated that Rangers' favourable odds of securing Champions League football and a place in any European super league also makes them an attractive investment.

"There will be a European league because big clubs can't keep subsidising small clubs like Southampton for the next 10 years because they will go stale," he said.

"Arsenal don't want to play Southampton or Swansea, but ask them if they want to play Celtic or Rangers. It's what the fans want to see."

"Fans across the world want to see Manchester United play Barcelona, not just once every few years but every season."

"If there are two divisions of 18 clubs, how could Rangers not be a part of that?"

Financial director Brian Stockbridge insisted that Rangers are able to continue without the £20million, but the money would bring their plans forward.



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1349982958[/url]' post='6704882']

"I'm excited because this has been the most dramatic six months for the club and its support," McCoist said. "I don't believe for a minute that we're out of the woods yet, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and we're nearly there."

Dear Sally, Thats the same light Fritzls daughters used to see when he opened the door to the cellar, and its no pleasant !

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Financial director Brian Stockbridge insisted that Rangers are able to continue without the £20million, but the money would bring their plans forward.

Well he ought to know...........remember this?

Just the other day I suggested that all the drama about investors from Lebanon, Monaco, Pakistan, Dubai and Malaysia could be deflecting from the key facts in the Sevco story. The core of the story, I concluded, could lay closer to home. Namely with Ticketus and Whyte.

Closer to home? Like Bearsden perhaps? e14534.gif

Let me introduce you to Mr Brian Stockbridge, Financial Director of The Rangers Football Club Ltd, formerly known as Sevco Scotland Limited.

The quiet man of a takeover saga that began in late February of this year when Duff & Phelps announced they were accepting takeover bids for the soon-to-be-liquidated RFC PLC.

Weeks earlier Mr Stockbridge had transferred from Allenby Capital -- where he had been involved in some deals for Ticketus owners Octopus Investments -- to join Zeus Capital, who are backed by Octopus.

There is nothing online to suggest that Mr Stockbridge had previously lived or worked in the Glasgow area.

Indeed, late last year he was working in London with Allenby as nominated adviser to Tembusu Investments -- a firm owned by convicted bank fraudster Rafat Rizvi which then changed its name to Nova Resources and hired Charles Green as Chairman.

On February 29 Ticketus met with Duff and Phelps and told them they intended to "protect their investment" at Rangers by being willing to "hold talks with any potential new owners".

On March 5 Brian Stockbridge registered a Change of Name for his own firm, Stockbridge Capital Investments Limited, which had been incorporated on February 20.

The address given was a residential property in - you guessed it - Bearsden.

A house that had been put on the market only weeks earlier by a gentleman of Asian descent who had previously registered a now-dissolved beauty business to the same address.

And it is that Bearsden address that also now appears on Mr Stockbridge's registration with the Financial Services Authority.

One possible explanation for this (and I do accept there is a fair bit of supposition involved here) is that Mr Stockbridge's new bosses had sent him up to Jocko-land to pursue a special project. And had even arranged for him to settle down in a new house. So it wasn't going to be a quick fix.

March 5, I hasten to add, was before even the first deadline had expired for the first bids for the carcass of RFC PLC RIP.

We had Bill Ng, Bill Miller, the Blue Knights and that choob Kennedy e5032456.gif Uncle Walter and so on still to appear, then disappear. Many of them complaining of the unstatisfactory nature of their consultations with "representatives" from Ticketus.

Did any of them, I wonder, have talks with a certain Mr Stockbridge at around that time?

Then along came Sevco 5088 Limited, which was incorporated on March 29.

Charles Green was not made a director until May 4, and news of a bid by his Sevco consortium was not made public until May 11.

So what do I conclude?

Revelling once again in conspiratorial mania, I suggest that the plan to send Brian Stockbridge north to mastermind a takeover bid was hatched by Zeus Capital -- and whoever they were working on behalf of -- within DAYS of Duff & Phelps beginning the RFC PLC RIP administration process.

Stockbridge was in Glasgow throughout the whole of the takeover pantomime.

Now he's working quietly behind the scenes on behalf of his paymasters while Chuckie Green creates a noisy distraction.

And if I had to put odds on who was giving Stockbridge his orders, I'd have very short odds on Ticketus.

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@ 4:35ish - "We'll have two lots of ST sales in one financial year." Eh? Am I being thick here, but wtf?

First proper accounts is June??? remember folk thought it was dodgy when it was announced last week about the change in date but it bbrings them into line with other football clubs.

So they have this season and nexts both before 1st reporting date for accounts...............I think.

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First proper accounts is June??? remember folk thought it was dodgy when it was announced last week about the change in date but it bbrings them into line with other football clubs.

So they have this season and nexts both before 1st reporting date for accounts...............I think.

So the IPO is to pay for next year's running costs when they attempt to better their play-off defeat in 2012-13?blink.gif

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So the IPO is to pay for next year's running costs when they attempt to better their play-off defeat in 2012-13?blink.gif

And next years players purchases :D, he is desperate now.

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Just realised - where's the Amigos? All posting merrily away earlier today, and now gone. Maybe Charlie and the Nodding Dog's performance on Jeff Randall is making them think that, after all, Chuckie IS going to get away with it. That short interview contained more bollox than a dozen Nigerian e-mails, and I must commend Mr Randall on his professionalism in not simply laughing in Charlie Boy's face. You could see he was impressed, mind, with Charlie's ability to find such a pool of gullible fools who, after buying STs to "save the club" are now being asked to pay twice that amount for.... what, exactly? Why now, exactly? to spend on what, exactly? And who are this "consortium", exactly? And what happens when that cash is gone, exactly?

Aye, we've been complaining for weeks that this thread was dying on its arse. Well, wake up, chaps and chapesses, we're off for another go round. Strap in, it could get bumpy! biggrin.gif

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If the business is now worth 25-30 million having lost the majority of their playing staff and are now in the bottom tier of senior football so would it be reasonable to assume that the 5.5 million Sevco purchased the assets seen as being sold off too cheaply ?

All the stuff about European leagues laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif fucking hell is minty back .

He picks out Southampton who have sold plenty of talent to balance their books but they are in the EPL on merit. Now there were no clamour for this when original Rangers had some success in Europe but they are a sideshow. Sevconians might not want to hear this but they bring absolutely nothing to a major league.

Come on this is minty moonbeam territory surely no one believes this nonsense.

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Just realised - where's the Amigos? All posting merrily away earlier today, and now gone. Maybe Charlie and the Nodding Dog's performance on Jeff Randall is making them think that, after all, Chuckie IS going to get away with it. That short interview contained more bollox than a dozen Nigerian e-mails, and I must commend Mr Randall on his professionalism in not simply laughing in Charlie Boy's face.

You could see he was impressed, mind, with Charlie's ability to find such a pool of gullible fools who, after buying STs to "save the club" are now being asked to pay twice that amount for....what, exactly? Why now, exactly? to spend on what, exactly? And who are this "consortium", exactly? And what happens when that cash is gone, exactly?

Aye, we've been complaining for weeks that this thread was dying on its arse. Well, wake up, chaps and chapesses, we're off for another go round. Strap in, it could get bumpy! biggrin.gif

The chance to buy a season ticket 'next season' to watch the most corrupt football club in the world. wink.gif

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I think it was Ally - have a look at his face as Charlie tries to sell Randall the Eiffel Tower for Half-price if he'll take Tower Bridge at the same time.....

Haven't watched it yet Norm, couldn't miss Emmardale farm then Swamp people, then red dwarf, might watch it later but if i'd to take a guess i'd go for bluff yorkshire chit chat and some cliches from Ally.

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The Financial Times were a bit cheeky, but far more on the ball than Chuckles Green, when they referred to "a football backwater". Southampton and Swansea are thriving clubs and no, Arsenal fans would not rather play TRFC and Celtic. The man is a proper charmer. But what a great laugh!

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Haven't watched it yet Norm, couldn't miss Emmardale farm then Swamp people, then red dwarf, might watch it later but if i'd to take a guess i'd go for bluff yorkshire chit chat and some cliches from Ally.

Seriously Bennett, have a swatch at it. You've been pretty cynical about Charlie, and I think this little gem may reinforce your fears. It might be an idea to PM Tedi and Bendarroch as well, before they make complete twats of themselves...

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Now that it looks as if another Highwayman is robbing Rangers will their fans finally wake up and show some balls and ask questions? I believe not! Even some of their fans on P&B, who I thought reasonable have pulled down the WATP blind and don't WANT to see the truth.

They are watching through open fingers trying to convince themselves that it is all going to go away and nanny(Mr Green) will make the bad things disappear.

Although I have a deep loathing for Rangers, I actually thought that there might be a sea change at the club,with some contrition and humility emanating from them,and a rebuilding of Scottish football!.

How deluded was I?.They have got progressively worse,have deliberately tried to drag the rest of Scottish football with.them,with their scorched earth policy!

Well now its been shown that Scottish football candy and WILL survive without them,they las out even more.

The only favour we got out of them was the confirmation that,as suspected by us DIDDY club fans for years,is that Scottish football is CORRUPT to the core!.

Thankfully we have reasoned and insightful posters on here who have opened our eyes as to how deep that corruption runs.

If Rangers survive it.will be on a level of a DIDDY club. Your fan base will melt away as you won't.have the.elixir of success that you were weaned on.Personally, I hope you die.It will of great service to football and society as a whole.

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