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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And here we see a perfect example of the diddy clubber mind-set.

When the wet dreams produce nothing more than premature ejaculations it (diddy clubber) resorts to type and spews forth pish and angst in equal measure.

As the Sky deal remains deliciously unsigned and the veto-vote battle with the plastics ahead - I can say with much sincerity that I hope your particularly nasty diddy club is wrecked in the carnage to come.


A perfect example of the Rangers/Sevco mindset. :huh:

We cheat and are fraudulent on every front to be successful. When we are successful we will treat everyone else with contempt. :D

When we are unsuccessful we will treat everyone else with contempt because we were once successful. :(

When are totally screwed and forced out of business we will make sure those we had such contempt for will go down with us. :o

Not sure what words best describe this attitude? Sick, perverted, evil, corrupt, egotistical, fantasist? :angry:

Or just kamikaze? :rolleyes:

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About Green,i really couldn't say either way and tbh i'm not that interested. Whatever the reasons i'm not party to them whatsoever.

See, there's the old head-in-the-sand again. "it doesn't fit in with my version of fact, so I'll ignore it." It is relevant, because it illustrates Charlie Bhoy's attitude to your team's supporters, i.e. "They're scum, but providing I keep telling 'em what they want to hear, I'll get a few quid from 'em before I leave."

Plus ca change, le plus la meme chose.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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every time theres a fritzl moment for rangers/sevco/therangers/zombie rangers (delete as per preference) i get this song stuck in my head:


And it feels right this time

On his crash course with the big time

Paid no mind to the distant thunder

Today filled his head with wonder... boy

Says it feels right this time

Turn around and found the light lime

Good day to be alive... sir

Good day to be alive he said

Then it comes to be that the soothing light

At the end of your tunnel

It's just a freight train comin your way

Then it comes to be that the soothing light

At the end of your tunnel

It's just a freight train comin your way

Don't it feel right like this

All the pieces fall to his wish

Sucker for that quick reward... boy

Sucker for that quick reward they said

Then it comes to be that the soothing light

At the end of your tunnel

It's just a freight train comin your way

Then it comes to be that the soothing light

At the end of your tunnel

It's just a freight train comin your way

It's comin' your way

It's comin your way

It comes!

Then it comes to be that the soothing light

At the end of your tunnel

Was just a freight train comin your way

Then it comes to be... yeah

edit to replace one vid for another, and kill the link mid lyrics

Edited by weirdcal
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A perfect example of the Rangers/Sevco mindset. :huh:

We cheat and are fraudulent on every front to be successful. When we are successful we will treat everyone else with contempt. :D

When we are unsuccessful we will treat everyone else with contempt because we were once successful. :(

When are totally screwed and forced out of business we will make sure those we had such contempt for will go down with us. :o

Not sure what words best describe this attitude? Sick, perverted, evil, corrupt, egotistical, fantasist? :angry:

Or just kamikaze? :rolleyes:

Spot on, but the best word for it is simply "childish".

They've never learned to share.

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Stolen from another forum: smile.gif


Great this is going to go on all f**king season, every single game. The poor FOI person wont know whats hit them.

I wonder what will be the next target for the tit for tattery bampots?

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.... and as an add-on to hellboy's post, there were zero compulsory staff redundancies or playing redundancies made. At a business needing to save a million a month? Tell that one to the employees of JJB Sports, Clinton Cards, or the Game chain of stores.

The seemingly endless discussions at which first team players went away to mull over the options? Fcuk sake, they should never have been allowed to mull anything over. If any other administrators had been appointed, they WOULD have done their job properly. They would have assessed the gravity of the situation, looked at staffing levels, probably sat down with Ally for a bit... but then, him, him, him and him - out the door. Cuts would have been made in non playing staff too - starting with a fcuking 'club ambassador'. JobCentre Plus before the cnut's arse had hit the street.

There should have been no going back and forward, stringing things out, first team players were in no position to dictate anything to anybody. Worst/best administration ever... it was all said on here in the days and weeks following Feb 14!

We had Duff & Phelps card marked from day one... But hey, we're just internet keyboard hard men, right Jabba?

I'm sure that plenty of Ranger fans got shot down on here by the hordes for suggesting that D&P were a bit iffy. It seems we were right all along.

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I'm sure that plenty of Ranger fans got shot down on here by the hordes for suggesting that D&P were a bit iffy. It seems we were right all along.

Will you follow follow your club back to RFC 2012 PLC when the sale is voided Benny?

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Ah, the wit of the Sevconian Guardian of Truth and Defender of the Oppressed. Hey, Bennett, want to know a secret?

While you come on here with your rapier ripostes and scintillating barbs of razor-sharp sarcasm,

Yer club's in the shite again. So is the Company. So are the Administrators. So is the old Company. Although, I feel that oldco/newco may be one of the first lies thrown out by BDO. Happy days, eh?

Sensible comment or defence of your mob? Nah, didn't think so. Ostrich time again.

GIRUY. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Just showing concern Norman, there was a rumour (pm) going around that you had kicked the bucket.

Also did anyone else get PM's about Magee being Jeremy Kyle material (putting it nicely)?

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I'm sure that plenty of Ranger fans got shot down on here by the hordes for suggesting that D&P were a bit iffy. It seems we were right all along.

Have you any links to those posts which were shot down?

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Will you follow follow your club back to RFC 2012 PLC when the sale is voided Benny?

Was talking about that earlier Stoney, if enough evidence is found to back up the (valid in my eyes) claims about D&P then you'd think that the sale would be null and voided.

Though that would take years and be almost impossible to sort out for a whole host of reasons, the best bet would be to refuse D&P their fee and stick it in the creditors pot.

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See, there's the old head-in-the-sand again. "it doesn't fit in with my version of fact, so I'll ignore it." It is relevant, because it illustrates Charlie Bhoy's attitude to your team's supporters, i.e. "They're scum, but providing I keep telling 'em what they want to hear, I'll get a few quid from 'em before I leave."

Plus ca change, le plus la meme chose.

I think you've missed what i've said, in that i'm really not interested in Greens apology or the reasons behind it,nothing to do with anyones' version of fact or fitting in with anything or "head in the sand"as you put it.. When the time comes to decide whether to invest a few quid or not i'll decide on whether the information provided in the prospectus is strong enough and viable enough to part with any money. At this moment in time though,after Whytes interviews, that is looking doubtful but as i say i'll decide at the relevant time.

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Have you any links to those posts which were shot down?

Go back and search through this thread for one, i got shot down by sheer weight of numbers by the usual suspects (as did other gers) when i dared suggest the spotlight should be turned on D&P.

Red dots galore and numerous bandwagon jumping etc.

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I'm sure that plenty of Ranger fans got shot down on here by the hordes for suggesting that D&P were a bit iffy. It seems we were right all along.

Wasn't there a complete paucity of Rangers fans in here during D and P's tenure? I thought most of them came out the woodwork once the season kicked off no?

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Wasn't there a complete paucity of Rangers fans in here during D and P's tenure? I thought most of them came out the woodwork once the season kicked off no?

Most of the regular posting bears have been on here well before administration, a few joined after and have been posting regularly ever since.

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I might be being a bit thick here, but would there be any chance of the following happening after this evidence has been found -

Sale to Green overturned, so assets (Ibrox etc) still belong to Whyte.

Rangers still belong to Whyte, Sevco belongs to Green.

Because Whyte owns Rangers and Ibrox, Sevco will no longer be allowed to play there and have no ground.

But most importantly, that money grabbing p***k Sandaza is made redundant!

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Was talking about that earlier Stoney, if enough evidence is found to back up the (valid in my eyes) claims about D&P then you'd think that the sale would be null and voided.

Though that would take years and be almost impossible to sort out for a whole host of reasons, the best bet would be to refuse D&P their fee and stick it in the creditors pot.

I admire your optimism but I think our managing director has killed Sevco 5088, trying to save your toxic club by taking them over has been the ruination of us. If only he'd have just bought the assets we could have handed those back but now that we are pretending to be Rangers I think we're fcuked.

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I'm sure that plenty of Ranger fans got shot down on here by the hordes for suggesting that D&P were a bit iffy. It seems we were right all along.

Without trawling through the entire thread for confirmation I am still very sure of one thing though - many, many diddy (but honest tax-paying) fans who posted in the early days of this saga took one look at Duff & Phelps elastic deadlines, no redundancies policy, endless 'discussions' with the first team squad, and we immediately raised a flag. The very fact that Duff & Phelps seemed to be shoe-horned in as administrators as they appeared to be Whyte's choice also saw many 'WTF? comments on here.

My first assertion then is that right from the off, a big majority of P&B posters were pointing the finger at Haudit & Daudit. Would you argue against that?

Again, without trawling through the entire thread, I can't say for sure, but I don't remember non-Sevco posters coming down hard on Sevconians on this issue. It would seem strange that if we thought they were dodgy, we would then gang up on Sevco fans who agreed with that view. What was the reaction from non-Sevco posters? I find it hard to believe we defended Haudit & Daudit if a scunnered Sevconian also hammered into their well-dodgy looking administration technique.

Still, I'm happy to admit it is possible, a weird reaction if it did happen though.

Edited by pozbaird
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