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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's ridiculous that he's still clinging to the pretence of a being Killie fan. We know what he is, the Killie fans know what he is and so does everyone else.

Bennett, ask yourself something.

Why would anyone pretend to be a Killie fan? Man U, celtic, rangers, Liverpool, even Barca or Real, I can see. But Killie?

If you're going to carry on with the frankly fucking ridiculous fantasy of my allegiance, just ask yourself, WHY? And do share.

Because you and your orclets are beginning to look really fucking stupid now that all you can come up with is "he's no' a Killie fan", "Oh, another alias", "Discredited lawyer", and other piss-poor deflection.

Frankly, the lot of you are pure pish. Kincardine, No.8, KnightswoodBear, have reasonable points and will defend them. You and the other Amigos are just pathetic. As representatives of rangers' support, you show exactly why the Shysters have been able to f**k your club over twice already, and are lubing up to come at them again.

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“I’m not surprised he came out and spoke again but everyone is taking it with a pinch of salt.

:lol: :lol:

Are they really ?

Aye.....We're taking it with a pinch of salt, but don't dare come back here...or else!! :lol:

Brilliant ally.

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I didn't create the subject yesterday, it was previously mentioned by one of your own. Well, I say one of your own, but there's reasonable doubt about that.

I was repeating the point - inspired if you like by another poster who's tongue isn't deeply rooted in the plastics arse.

And the context? He was rattling into a plastic - the post content indicates it very clearly. Curiously, it was the Dhensebhore getting it in the neck.


And I'm repeating the point - where is this post? If it was in the last day or so, I would accept that Craig may have brought it up. I would have to see the context of the conversation, tthough. Any further back than that, then you can't realistically claim continuity.

You were NOT repeating a point - you brought the poppy affair into a conversation unbidden. It was in a reply to a CELTIC fan(flying rodent), who in turn was replying to your post, and I quote (in full):

"From the club with a huge support for IRA terrorists? No sense of irony at all - your and yours frequently cite Phil Mac Goebbels the IRA writer and still have the neck to pass judgement on elements in anyone else's support."

Shovel down. Step back. There's a good wee bigot.

Edit: formatting

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Bennett, ask yourself something.

Why would anyone pretend to be a Killie fan? Man U, celtic, rangers, Liverpool, even Barca or Real, I can see. But Killie?

If you're going to carry on with the frankly fucking ridiculous fantasy of my allegiance, just ask yourself, WHY? And do share.

Because you and your orclets are beginning to look really fucking stupid now that all you can come up with is "he's no' a Killie fan", "Oh, another alias", "Discredited lawyer", and other piss-poor deflection.

Frankly, the lot of you are pure pish. Kincardine, No.8, KnightswoodBear, have reasonable points and will defend them. You and the other Amigos are just pathetic. As representatives of rangers' support, you show exactly why the Shysters have been able to f**k your club over twice already, and are lubing up to come at them again.

Serious question wrk, why the f**k are you arguing with retards ? :unsure:

These "arguments" have done f**k all except ruin this thread, it's the same old shite over & over without going anywhere.

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Bennett, ask yourself something.

Why would anyone pretend to be a Killie fan? Man U, celtic, rangers, Liverpool, even Barca or Real, I can see. But Killie?

If you're going to carry on with the frankly fucking ridiculous fantasy of my allegiance, just ask yourself, WHY? And do share.

Because you and your orclets are beginning to look really fucking stupid now that all you can come up with is "he's no' a Killie fan", "Oh, another alias", "Discredited lawyer", and other piss-poor deflection.

Frankly, the lot of you are pure pish. Kincardine, No.8, KnightswoodBear, have reasonable points and will defend them. You and the other Amigos are just pathetic. As representatives of rangers' support, you show exactly why the Shysters have been able to f**k your club over twice already, and are lubing up to come at them again.

we are only at the beginning?

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McCoist isn't on the list of beneficiaries of EBTs that was provided by the BBC. Try again.

:D so are you catagoricaly stating the FPLG did not receive any payments by EBT. Just for the record.

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Bennett, ask yourself something.

Why would anyone pretend to be a Killie fan? Man U, celtic, rangers, Liverpool, even Barca or Real, I can see. But Killie?

If you're going to carry on with the frankly fucking ridiculous fantasy of my allegiance, just ask yourself, WHY? And do share.

Because you and your orclets are beginning to look really fucking stupid now that all you can come up with is "he's no' a Killie fan", "Oh, another alias", "Discredited lawyer", and other piss-poor deflection.

Frankly, the lot of you are pure pish. Kincardine, No.8, KnightswoodBear, have reasonable points and will defend them. You and the other Amigos are just pathetic. As representatives of rangers' support, you show exactly why the Shysters have been able to f**k your club over twice already, and are lubing up to come at them again.

Norm you're not a Killie fan, it's boring now so come out the closet and support your true team. Don' you find the use of multi accounts (from your jakey friend and others) to be annoying?

Whats the poiint in trying to debate anymore when every post a Rangers fan makes gets pounced on by atleast 20 posters who back each other up with sheer weight of numbers and shout down any points made by Rangers fans. When this along with the alias problem stops then the debating can start again

Maybe you can back up the highlighted part and show where i've been pro any of the shysters?

Edited by bennett
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Norm you're not a Killie fan, it's boring now so come out the closet and support your true team. Don' yout find the use of multi accounts (from your jakey friend and others) to be annoying?

Whats the poiint in trying to debate anymore when every post a Rangers fan makes gets pounced on by atleast 20 posters who back each other up with sheer weight of numbers and shout down any points made by Rangers fans. When this along with the alias problem stops then the debating can start again

Maybe you can back up the highlighted part and show where i've been pro any of the shysters?

we were looking forward to you actually engaging in debate at some point.

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I'd agree - you have to hand it to McCoist for displaying his concern for Whyte's welfare given all the corrupt swine brought to the Rangers.

I wouldn't go as far a calling McCoist a "corrupt swine"...... but you're welcome to your opinion!

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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So, you'll be able to point us towards this post of Craig's will you?

Why would I "banter" with celtic fans on here? Is it compulsory? I've just spent the night ripping the pish out of two of them IN REAL LIFE - remember that?

Strange considering you offered to meet Craig for a few pints to show him your credentials as a Kilmarnock fan.

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Top debating skills Ken, that razor sharp wit of yours is wasted on here.

Someone is touchy.

Not been having your kidneys bashed recently dear?

Edited by stonedsailor
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Here is the list from the BBC.


Are you saying that the BBC got it wrong?

Oh I remember the list :) , but the question originaly wasn't 'was FPLG on the BBC list or not', it was whether he had benefited from an EBT. Wattie aint on it either ;)

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Oh I remember the list :) , but the question originaly wasn't 'was FPLG on the BBC list or not', it was whether he had benefited from an EBT. Wattie aint on it either ;)

Its not a definitive list.

The total of the payments to the names on that list is less than the total paid out by Rangers (now in administration).

After a flurry of activity from Bennett, we have a wee interlude whilst he consults Orc Central for the Party Line on the best way to deflect this one.......

Edit for.......best guess is ''show me proof''.

Bennett on a Party Line......who would've thought ninja.gif

Edited by wunfellaff
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Norm you're not a Killie fan, it's boring now so come out the closet and support your true team. Don' you find the use of multi accounts (from your jakey friend and others) to be annoying?

Whats the poiint in trying to debate anymore when every post a Rangers fan makes gets pounced on by atleast 20 posters who back each other up with sheer weight of numbers and shout down any points made by Rangers fans. When this along with the alias problem stops then the debating can start again

Maybe you can back up the highlighted part and show where i've been pro any of the shysters?

The fact is your not trying to debate but merely trying to deflect anytime someone says something you don't like about your club, the evidence is there hence the reason you have been placed in admin and soon to be liquidated but oh no its a conspiracy by the diddies and plastics etc Take your head out the sand for a minute

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