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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just watched it and the orcs just don't get it that their club failed a C.V.A and is bound to die. Which will be Tuesday 11 or the 12 of December this year is when the BDO has made an conclusion of why the company/club failed and gun down previous owners of the club. Now they can sell the assets from CG and that's all folks! wink.gif

Here's a question or 2

1 when are the shares due to be sold (Before 11th or 12th of December)?

2 what happens if after the shares are sold (If before the 11th or 12th of December) the BDO state that the assets shouldnt have gone to Greene? What have folk bought into? As newco or Greene doesnt actually have any assets

Could this be the reason to hurry a share issue when there is no (obvious) need for investment for the usual purposes (Players, stadium upgrades, debt etc)

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Looks like they have no faith in Chucky going with the fan ownership video


"Do you want our club to live up to the best shared values and traditions" That'll be thepolicy back then

"Only those with an appreciation of our history" Onlyprodestants need apply

Chuckys gonna take you's to the cleaners :lol:

At long last we seem to have the start of something positive coming from the supporters.

The video is stronger on emotion and slogans than substance but hell it's a good start. Even if two years too late.

Some concerns though. The video refers to "voices in the boardroom" representing the fans. No!!! You need a voice (singular). Chucky will divide and conquer you if you go with "voices"

Galling to put money into the pockets of Chucky and his fellow travellers, but if you end up with less than 25% forget it. Bide your time.

If you do get a seat on the board don't send anyone from the supporters trust. Get a proper experienced businessman/lawyer who will take what the supporters want to the board room and won't have the wool pulled over hsi eyes. This is grown up stuff we are talking about. Not about drinking out of some big cup or getting free sannies at half time.

The ball is in the court of the supporters. Chucky is desperate to get them on board. All the guff about "Rangeritis", trying to get Walter on the board. So do NOT let him take you for granted. Make him earn it. And a shareholding that is more than a token gesture is a good start.

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Here's a question or 2

1 when are the shares due to be sold (Before 11th or 12th of December)?

2 what happens if after the shares are sold (If before the 11th or 12th of December) the BDO state that the assets shouldnt have gone to Greene? What have folk bought into? As newco or Greene doesnt actually have any assets

Could this be the reason to hurry a share issue when there is no (obvious) need for investment for the usual purposes (Players, stadium upgrades, debt etc)

Are you suggesting that there are dodgy dealings at Dignity F.C.? Surely not!

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We don't claim continuity, it is simply a fact and a fact that is endorsed by the SFL, SFA, BBC, Lord Nimmo, Dermot Desmond amongst many others ;)

^^^ More 5 star bullshite.

"Rangers chief executive Charles Green says he will not challenge the vote by the Scottish Football League to place his new club in Division Three." - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18813407

"The Scottish Football League has voted Rangers into Division Three for the start of next season.

But talks will take place next week to resolve outstanding issues such as prior penalties imposed by the SFA.

The SFA had issued Rangers with a transfer embargo and a £100,000 fine for "bringing the game into disrepute".

The new Rangers company will be involved in the discussions with the governing body." - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18838183

And i suggest that Lord Nimmo and Dermot Desmond among many others are simply indulging in diplomatic public relations in any comments that you have read or heard them making that you think favours or shows your current club as anything other than a new club. The fans of your new club have a very recent history of sending bombs and bullets through the post to many prominent people in Scotland, only the most ignorant and deluded of people in Scotland would not take these facts into consideration when listening to prominent people commenting upon the corrupt affairs of Ibrox.

On a separate point, since you like BDO so much, I am hearing rumours that they are about to pursue the SFA and the SPL for the entire amounts of prize money and player transfer money currently being held by these authorities on behalf of the creditors of the oldco

Do you agree they are entitled to claim these amounts?

How will the SPL pay these amounts?

^^^ More 5 star bullshite, Tedi has nothing left to give now other than malicious "rumours". smile.gif

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Your corrupt tax/creditor dodging cheating club have not been punished yet. And that is a fact. But you can be guaranteed that should The Green Consortium continue to push their 'Rangers continuation agenda', many events that mentally retarded deluded fans such as you may consider to be punishments to the new club for past deeds/actions of the old club are still to come. smile.gif

Wullie away and play with a bus.

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Poor Bennet is feeling picked on.

There is a Hearts thread in the SPL forum, why not ask there? Are you just dragging this thread O/T for deflection purposes?

Well with such a grandiose title as Scottish Football Monitor you'd think they'd have something to say on the crisis surrounding the SPL's 2nd biggest team, wouldn't you?


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List the punishments.

So manly and masterful :wub:

1. It was, as you know, not the same thing at all. It was a craven rabble-rousing episode, asking for information the club already had in order to stir up the hordes. The other two instances were regrettable, yes, and served no real purpose, but Ally's rant was despicable. Again, context is all. This was one of the first shotsa in the "Us against the World" campaign.

2. Transfer ban - overturned, remember? Points deduction - not a punishment. We've been over this ground so many times. What do I want? I want rangers dead, of course. We know that. The other Sisters too, but one thing at a time, eh?

3. He didn't do what we wanted - he did not vote against admission.

4. Yet you feel free to throw snide jibes at me(and others) concerning my "big team"? It comes from both Uglies, Bennett. If we're not one of those, we're one of them. Sorry to disappoint, but life isn't that simple - unlike the average Sisters fan.

"Who are these people I want to know they are" Again he was quite right, what qualifications did they have to sit in judgement of a football teamm transparency was needed, So if i'm reading you correctly Celtic had every right to demand transparency from the SFA but Rangers never and the same with Ch4 guy and the tax tribunal members. Thats skewed even for you Norman.

We are currently serving a year long transfer/registration ban as well as various fines which is actually over the punishment limits for the offense's committed. Don't believe you on wanting Celtic dead ;)

He never voted in favour of Rangers remaining in the league and that is what the Kilmarnock fans wanted. He showed a lot more integrity than the likes Stewart Gilmour did.

I believe point 4 was about your claim that Rangers and Killie had a link and i told you that the Ayrshire h*ns tag was nonsense only believed by the celticminded, i stand by that.

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Your corrupt tax/creditor dodging cheating club have not been punished yet. And that is a fact. But you can be guaranteed that should The Green Consortium continue to push their 'Rangers continuation agenda', many events that mentally retarded deluded fans such as you may consider to be punishments to the new club for past deeds/actions of the old club are still to come. smile.gif

Wullie away and play with a bus.

^^^ Benny is shitting his pants at the truths that i have posted today, IMHO. smile.gif

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Money owed to the oldco that Green may have wrongly signed over to them and thats as much as i know of it just now so don't expect a reply to this.

I may be wrong but i don't believe BDO chase liquidators creditors, they look to get the maximum value out the assets left, and if Greene signed it I'm sure he done it with a lawyer present which would make it binding

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So you don`t believe that BDO should pursue the SPL for money due to the Oldco`s creditors?

Your old corrupt tax/creditor dodging club cheated for over a decade in the SPL, it fielded ineligible players (EBT's = Dual Contracts) to win prize money. Your old corrupt club owes the SPL 10s of £millions due to your old corrupt club cheating Tedi 5 stars. BDO pursuing SPL!!!...laugh.gif You really are a deluded knobend Tedi 5 stars if you believe the bullshit that your deluded friends tell you and post it on here.

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Rangers have been found guilty of nothing as well you know it, the commision will deliver its verdict soon enough, speaking of which, you once said that the SPL commision was funded by UEFA, do you have any proof on this yet?

Tedi, a straight up question if I may...

Do they need to be ''found guilty'' before you could admit they cheated ?

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Rangers have been found guilty of nothing as well you know it, the commision will deliver its verdict soon enough, speaking of which, you once said that the SPL commision was funded by UEFA, do you have any proof on this yet?

Do you believe that Jimmy Savile was innocent Tedi?! There has been more credible evidence shown of your old corrupt club's cheating than there has been for the cases against Savile. wink.gif

Your comment about SPL commissions funding, you are getting confused if you think i've ever said such a thing although it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. Personally i don't believe that who is funding the commission matters in regards to the outcome of the commission. If you think that it matters, why?

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So manly and masterful :wub:

"Who are these people I want to know they are" Again he was quite right, what qualifications did they have to sit in judgement of a football teamm transparency was needed, So if i'm reading you correctly Celtic had every right to demand transparency from the SFA but Rangers never and the same with Ch4 guy and the tax tribunal members. Thats skewed even for you Norman.

We are currently serving a year long transfer/registration ban as well as various fines which is actually over the punishment limits for the offense's committed. Don't believe you on wanting Celtic dead ;)

He never voted in favour of Rangers remaining in the league and that is what the Kilmarnock fans wanted. He showed a lot more integrity than the likes Stewart Gilmour did.

I believe point 4 was about your claim that Rangers and Killie had a link and i told you that the Ayrshire h*ns tag was nonsense only believed by the celticminded, i stand by that.

1. He already had what he wanted - the identities were never a secret. I already agreed the other instances were regrettable, so obviously you're not (or choosing not to) read correctly.

2. Who is "we"? The registration embargo applies to the Tribute Act, not rangers. Any other conditions were part of the conditions for Chuckie getting his licence. Dear God, if it was my team I'd be paying a bit more attention. As for celtic - one cheek at a time, as I've posted repeatedly. Don't you think you and the rest of the Sevconians have got enough on your plates ATM, without worrying about them?

3. MJ did not vote against admission. The fans wanted him to vote against admission. He did not do what the fans wanted.

4. Dear Lord Above, you do have some comprehension issues, or a compulsion to twist plain English. I stated that there was a perceived link in others' minds, not mine. I retract what I said about the average Sisters fan, as you have shown in this one post just how wilfully thick they can be.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Most clubs in Scotland have had a sectarian element in their history, but we are all trying to move on

Nobody's denying that, but at Ibrox it was official club policy. Enshrined in their history and "traditions".

I find it difficult to understand how anyone can support an organisation like that.

I get mightily embarrassed, as every decent Motherwell fan does, when the small minded morons in our support dish out racial abuse at some players, although it does seem to have disappeared recently, and I hope it stays away. At the end of the day though, I can safely say that's not what my club is about.

You cant.

My main hope for Rangers when they went belly up, was that whatever emerged from the ruins would, during their time in the wilderness, ditch the embarrassing bigoted past and establish itself as a decent, respectable club valued in the community at large and a credit to the country. Of course, the minute the season ticket sales started to dry up, Green played the bigot card. At that point, I understood, as Green does, that Rangers wouldn't survive if it wasn't for the bigotry. So, I hope your club dies.

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I am not confused, you made this statement ;) LIAR

A 5 star liar calling me a liar, now that is funny. laugh.gif Now answer the question, do you believe that Jimmy Savile is innocent? More credible evidence has been shown for the cases against 'Rangers' than has been shown in regards to Savile.

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I may be wrong but i don't believe BDO chase liquidators creditors, they look to get the maximum value out the assets left, and if Greene signed it I'm sure he done it with a lawyer present which would make it binding

You're wrong.

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