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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Who really gives a f**k whether it is 139 or 140 (except the fools clinging to the last scraps of their old club)?

You counted the steps to the top of the helter skelter (was it 139 or 140?).

You've slid all the way to the bottom and have now got to start counting the steps again to get to the top.

Tough Shit!!! Welcome to the real world.

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You've got to be kidding Bhairn, i can't believe that Naismith and Whittaker have left :(


Sarcastic post.

Well this myth that Rangers Football club is still going is a lie, these players have stated that they are angry and disappointed that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in it's current form.

So thats the proof of Rangers is dead you have now Sevco FC, shyster Green new club. :lol:

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:lol: This should be brillant, can't wait for him to tell everyone how Peter Lawwell runs the SFA, SPL & Daily Record

The man will not string a coherent sentence together. Probably pre recorded and edited heavily. Hope not, the nation needs to hear Leggo's thoughts on The Quality Street Gang, Drug Cartels, and for all we know People Trafficking, as well as Peter Lawell's bid for World Domination.

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Sarcastic post.

Well this myth that Rangers Football club is still going is a lie, these players have stated that they are angry and disappointed that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in it's current form.

So thats the proof of Rangers is dead you have now Sevco FC, shyster Green new club. :lol:

Not seeing any sarcasm in your post Bhairn, you do yourself a disservice.

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Rangers: Steven Naismith & Steven Whittaker oppose newco transfer

Steven Whittaker;"I am extremely proud of the actions we took but I am disappointed and angry that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in its original form."


A pheonix club deserves a pheonix badge.......do you think?


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Not seeing any sarcasm in your post Bhairn, you do yourself a disservice.

I thought you were making a sarcastic post but i was wrong, and again always with the letter h bendy....

A pheonix club deserves a pheonix badge.......do you think?


Why yes they should, to celebrating dodging the taxman and shafting creditors money for 140 years/days.

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You've got to be kidding Bhairn, i can't believe that Naismith and Whittaker have left :(


:lol: they didn't. Like the captain of a ship, they stayed until that ship went down and refused to TUPE across with a lifeboat to a new ship.

Hero's in many folks eyes......

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So, liquidation doesn't exist any more then? It's just a brilliant way to dodge debt? You get liquidated but you don't......... not really. Why not go for it every few years? Overspend, go into admin, get liquidated then carry on debt free.

God love you people and your heightened sense of utter delusion.


Like i said, those who continue to peddle the bullshit that Rangers FC (R.I.P.) is still alive with all history intact but not debt are deranged, especially those among them who actually believe the bullshit that they are posting while attempting to convince others to believe in the lie.


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Just heard that on the news :D



Sixty-seven players are involved in legal action against Rangers over the handling of their contracts.

PFA Scotland has raised an employment tribunal claim, which Rangers say is on behalf of 67 unnamed players, relating to a failure "to inform and consult".

The action relates to the transfer of player contracts between the oldco and newco Rangers following the sale of the club's assets to Charles Green's consortium.

In addition, three former players Sone Aluko, Kyle Lafferty and Jamie Ness are taking Rangers to a separate employment tribunal over the circumstances that led to them leaving the club, citing "constructive dismissal".

STV understands both claims have been lodged with HM Courts and Tribunal Service in Glasgow, though no dates for hearings have yet been set.

A consortium of businessmen led by Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers old company while it was in the hands of administrators. Player contracts were transferred to the new company under TUPE legislation when Mr Green’s consortium took control of the club.

However, several first team players refused to transfer their contracts and left for other clubs, a matter which has been taken to the Scottish Football Association for arbitration and will be heard next year.

Details of the claims being raised were detailed in a share prospectus issued by Rangers ahead of their stock market flotation.

In the prospectus, the Ibrox club challenged PFA Scotland’s right to bring a claim on behalf of 67 players and said it wants a pre-tribunal hearing to dismiss their claim.

Rangers also said that they will defend the separate claim by Aluko, Lafferty and Ness.

The share proposal also states: "They claim constructive dismissal. [Rangers Football Club Ltd] has challenged the right of these players to bring such claims for a number of separate jurisdictional reasons, but in any event these are low value claims."

Rangers believe the claims have been made "for tactical purposes" relating to the dispute over the transfer of their registration which the Scottish FA arbitration is to settle.

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Is Peter Lawell behind this?

Almost certainly - this is just the kind of underhand, anti-Rangers behaviour us Jungle Jims are always getting up to.

Rangers have nothing to fear, though - all Charlie has to do to dodge this lawsuit is stand up in court and say that New Rangers are an entirely new team; that it's never employed these guys, because it's less than a year old, and that it has no connection whatsoever to the team once known as "Rangers FC".

Get the popcorn in, boys and girls...

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Is Peter Lawell behind this?

There have been no posts on this thread from any of the deranged orcs during the past couple of hours. I'm sure one or a few of the most deranged among them will be along soon to tell us that everyone else other than those at Ayebroke Stadium are to blame. wink.gif

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