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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You do realise that every person on this planet can be said to be bigoted against something, so to tar all "orcs" as you so crudely put it is somewhat idiotic, yes? As you yourself could be said to be bigoted, due to the literal definition of the word "bigot"?

^^^Agree. though wish I could dig out the post I made months ago re what an orcs views were on the word, it was hilarious ''bi god'' or something ie it was the Papists who made them 'bigots' :lol:

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^^^Agree. though wish I could dig out the post I made months ago re what an orcs views were on the word, it was hilarious ''bi god'' or something ie it was the Papists who made them 'bigots' :lol:

Sounds like as if he was a very smart guy...


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Hughie Keevans may have pointed out that many folks won't be happy at Chucky's boasting about having money after they lost out on the **** going bust. But he didn't mention all those debenture holders from the Club Deck that lost their "investment" too. Chucky stiffed some **** as well as Hector and the rest. smile.gif

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Hughie Keevans may have pointed out that many folks won't be happy at Chucky's boasting about having money after they lost out on the **** going bust. But he didn't mention all those debenture holders from the Club Deck that lost their "investment" too. Chucky stiffed some **** as well as Hector and the rest. smile.gif

There was a meeting with all of the shareholders, where they were asked if they wanted to transfer the shares, and as I recall it, the mast majority (if not all) didn't want to transfer the share, to help the club out. So he's hardly stiffed them when they were asked.

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There was a meeting with all of the shareholders, where they were asked if they wanted to transfer the shares, and as I recall it, the mast majority (if not all) didn't want to transfer the share, to help the club out. So he's hardly stiffed them when they were asked.


Rangers chief Charles Green needs reminding of how his club became 'debt free'

GREEN has been a little insensitive to the feelings of those people who lost out financially through Rangers' liquidation when he asked how many club's could say they are 'debt free'.

IT'S the season of goodwill to all men but the message hasn't yet got through to Charles Green.

The Rangers owner does seem to be on the abrasive side of self absorbed – and insensitive to the feelings of others at the same time.

His pronouncements after Rangers' share flotation had been completed suggested as much.

He asked how many clubs in Europe were sitting with no debt, no borrowings and £25m in cash.

But he omitted to detail how the Ibrox side had got to the point where he could pick up the pieces and start their renewal.

The trail of financial devastation, non payment of taxes and personal losses incurred by people who had provided services for the club.

Green boasted that, as a Yorkshireman, God had seen to it that he was born with big hands so that he could grab a lot of money.

Rangers' unpaid creditors might have listened to that statement and wished they'd been allowed to use their mitts to pick up the money they thought was coming to them before the club went out of business.

But it was when Green had a cheap shot at Celtic – and chief executive Peter Lawwell in particular – that I began to wish he understood conciliation as well as he does confrontation.

When his club's separation from the other half of the Old Firm ends, as it will one day, Green might have to take stock of what he has to do to fix things before it runs the risk of becoming a marriage of inconvenience.

He said he didn't know where Celtic Park was and the last time he met Lawwell was the day Rangers were thrown out of the SPL.

Thrown out?

They were denied entry after a vote taken in a democratic fashion by the 11 surviving members of an autonomous business concern said they couldn't accept a newco.

Nobody, Lawwell included, threw anybody anywhere.

Mind you, it would be great to be a fly on the wall the next time Lawwell and Green are thrown together in a loveless relationship inside one or other's boardroom.

They have magnificent potential for mutual loathing on an industrial scale.

Lawwell made a marvellous job of talking up Celtic's Champions League pairing with Juventus.

He made it sound as if the club's name had been pulled out the hat to the accompaniment of celestial harps while the Vienna Boys Choir sang in the background and UEFA president Michel Platini wiped a tear from his eye in a show of emotion.

But Lawwell can boast that Celtic are reigning champions of their own country, last 16 in the Champions League – and have already made more money out of Europe this term than Rangers raised in their share issue.

Bridging the gap between Celtic and Rangers will take a lot more dough than the Ibrox owner has at the moment.

And Green has to build from a position of debatable strength.

Rangers are out of the Ramsdens Cup and the Scottish Communities League Cup without making an appreciable dent in either of those competitions.

Ally McCoist will need to be sure the promises of a multi-million pound transfer pot are nailed on.

The cost of making his side competitive on a domestic and European basis will be substantial.

But even in the west of Scotland's world of distorted values it has to be recognised that Rangers fans raising over £5m during a recession is a strong show of support.

Especially when they're still

reeling from the shock of watching an opportunist take the club to the brink before Green came in.

You wonder if football fans would rally in such a spectacular fashion if a local hospital or school desperately needed cash to survive.

But money appears to be no object when an ailing football club croaks loudly enough in public after failing to do their own sums correctly.

Green might have to return to that well of good faith one day before Celtic and Rangers are reunited in unholy matrimony. He'll know he's cracked it when Sir Alex Ferguson turns up to take part in a training session the way he did with Celtic at Lennoxtown.

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Guest Kincardine

the mast majority (if not all) didn't want to transfer the share, to help the club out. So he's hardly stiffed them when they were asked.

I bet it was these two fuckers:


Looks like a mast majority to me.

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Well I read that over twice, and I'm not really sure as to where that takes your argument. If you'd be more specific that might actually help! Not ripping the piss or anything.

That is what sent your little acquaintances on a hissy fit earlier, they ran away from it like the good little sheeple that they are and went into deflect mode. smile.gif

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That is what sent your little acquaintances on a hissy fit earlier, they ran away from it like the good little sheeple that they are and went into deflect mode. smile.gif

I don't really see how it would, it mentions that Green was being, well, Green, and that in Keevins' opinion, he should give it a by. Then talks about how the fans have been loyal with a share issue and gave a few million quid, how controversial eh?

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I don't really see how it would, it mentions that Green was being, well, Green, and that in Keevins' opinion, he should give it a by. Then talks about how the fans have been loyal with a share issue and gave a few million quid, how controversial eh?

It mentions much more than that. Rangers International FC will forever be a tribute club in comparison to its cheating deceased parent.

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Sounds like as if he was a very smart guy...


Found the thread on RM that it was from lol.....

In the days when Protestants were burnt alive by Roman Catholic priests, the reformer would say: "By God's grace we will not give in to false religion. By God's grace we will stand for Jesus and contend for the faith'," he explained. "Papists started to call them bi-Godites". Over time it became bigot. "This is not a badge of shame."

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In all honesty, this thread is an anti rangers thread, this cannot really be denied, however reading back it has been the source of some decent debate.

As I a Rangers fans I am happy to see it reduced to what it has become, Rangers fans (myself included) may share some of the blame but I would congratulate them on this, this is an anti Rangers thread.

I would be quite happy if it closed tonight, lets move on I say ;)

It's very unlike you to be honest Tedi! smile.gif

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Rumours over Malcolm Murray passing on the reigns of chairman to Walter, anyone read anything substantial on this?

Can't say I've heard anything about that, got any links to anything about it yourself?

I've always found it odd that Green sits at one end of the directors box and Murray sits at the opposite end. You never really hear of him in the media or anything, he seems to keep very quiet and lets Green do all the talking.

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